michael jantzen

michael jantzen

Santa Fe, NM, US


The Spiny Arches Pavilion

The Spiny Arches Pavilion

The Spiny Arches Pavilion is a conceptual design proposal for a large public art installation. It was designed to be placed into a public park and function as a public gathering place. It will be made of painted steel mounted onto a concrete base. The structure consists of three large tube shaped arches covered with a series of bent spines. The arches are mounted onto six cubes that are pierced with a series of blue tubes that are capped off at their ends with eight black disks. A red colored ramp runs under and through the center of the pavilion.

The aesthetic on which the Spiny Arches Pavilion was based, attempts to suggest that it has some kind of special purpose or function. The definition of that purpose or function is left up to the people who encounter it. The hope is that those visitors will be inspired to create stories in their own minds about what the pavilion is and why it is there.

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Status: Unbuilt