michael jantzen

michael jantzen

Santa Fe, NM, US


The Curved Shadows Pavilion

The Curved Shadows Pavilion

The Curved Shadows Pavilion is a project that merges sculpture, architecture, and sustainable design. It is a public functional art structure made from a series of sustainably grown wood components painted with eco-friendly paints that can be assembled into many different kinds of configurations and sizes. The same components can also be disassembled, relocated, and reassembled into different sizes and shapes in order to accommodate many different functions.

The basic components consist of two different curved slotted panels with two different radiuses and two different lengths and widths. These panels can be bolted together end to end or side to side in order to create an endless number of formations.  The formations are used as public shade pavilions that can be installed almost anywhere, but are especially appropriate for installation in public parks. They are also equipped with many places to sit under the curved shaded canopies that cast many ever-changing complex shadow patterns onto the visitors and terrain below.

The Curved Shadows Pavilions were created in a response to an increased need for shelter from the heat of the sun due to global climate change, and to demonstrate ways in which public art can used in beneficial ways in order to reduce the negative effects of global warming.

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Status: Unbuilt