michael jantzen

michael jantzen

Santa Fe, NM, US


Space-Time Warping

Space-Time Warping

Space-Time Warping is a series of photomontages inspired by the use of an image-warping tool in my computer that allows me to alter images by warping their forms in many different and unexpected ways. A grid of lines that is directly connected to various places on the images is placed over the top. When the grid is distorted by me in any way, it in turn distorts the image in a corresponding manner.

In some cases images such as photos of landscapes have been warped, and in others, specific objects have been isolated from their backgrounds and warped in various ways. In all cases, the grid lines, some of which have become distorted as a result of my manipulations, have been left to become an integral part of the final photomontage. These distorted grid lines graphically symbolize a kind of force field that has reformed the photo images in space and time, a force field that may or may not exist in the world that we are normally aware of.

I have used this spontaneous method of creating photomontages in order to generate totally unexpected and original final images that I hope will inspire those who encounter them, to think more creatively about the known and unknown world around us.

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Status: Unbuilt