Jan '05 - Jan '07
If there was one word which I could forever delete from the dictionary, it would definitely be architecture. Whithout a blink.
Because there is nothing more annoying then the question ‘ but is that really architecture?’. Because it doesn’t stand for nothing that it actually could stand for. Because architects use it as an excuse for whatever they don’t have an answer for. Because it’s a word that shouldn’t be in any discussion regarding a project. And mostly because architects use it to define what they do.
I would actually start with banning it from school names.
favourite picture in a long time
and when are you going to the mall? i've been waiting for you near the food court...
perhaps it could be replaced with "bleep" the way god was replaced during the inflight movie??? good to hear from you oanagurl...meet puddles and me at the chic-fillet at the food court!
that's been done vado. on the video that came with Michael Meredith's Notes for those beginning the discipline of architecture
I'm currently working on what the origins of architecture are, since the meaning of the word has been debated quite hotly on designcommunity.com in the past. Interestingly for me, preliminary research indicates that architecture was about locating meaning prior to it being about building shelter...
Funnily enough, this is all aimed at a theme for a workshop in Timisoara in April.
great argument, however removal of the word doesn't help the problem - because then you'll have every design school & business college offrering degrees in *bleep*itecture and quite frankly that scares me even more.
e o alegere deja facuta... eu una sper in mai bine..to young to resign
:) salutari si sa stii ca blog-urile tare sunt foarte inspirate.. reusesc sa puna pe hartie toate dezamagirile pe care le simtim noi acum... bine de stiut ca mai sunt altii ca noi!
...cuvintele care nu pot primi o definitie exacta se multumesc cu o explicatie care la o prima atentie pare a fi usor de acceptat,inteles,uzuala chiar, dar fac totodata referire la un domeniu complex,ambiguu,interpretabil,lucru ce se intampla si cu 'controversatul' cuvant 'ARHITECTURA'...deci..intrebare...ce semnifica arhitectura pt tine ? sau pentru mine? sau pentru fiecare individ in parte?fiecare vom da raspunsuri mai mult sau mai putin asemanatoare intre ele...concluzia...poate fi ORICE...chiar si o scuza....
citesc blogurile tale de ceva vreme si dincolo de impresia fantastica pe care mi-au creat-o(i am addicted:P )..ramane un blog de suflet pe care il am si anume acesta....ma tot intreb daca arhitectura este doar a simple word..sau un mod de a constientiza forta resemnarii..caci pt mine asta e arhitectura o resemnare...un drum pe care pleci si cand iti dai seama ...how deep the shit is...esti prea bagat in el ca sa mai iesi...ce am invatat in 3 ani de facultate (ma rog aproape 3)..ca arhitectura este scuza pentru orice...orice poate fi arhitectural daca e prezentat cum trebe..sau poate de cine trebe?...si ca oricat de ironic ar suna arhitectura in loc sa CONSTRUIASCA relatii(de orice fel spatiale,umane..)le distruge...'PT CA NU REPREZINTA NIMIC DIN CE AR PUTEA SA REPREZINTE CU ADEVARAT' AI SPUS...da pt ca nu reprezinta visul pe care noi l-am visat,pt ca nu reprezinta iamginea pe care noi ne am creat-o,pentu ca dincolo de cuvantul acesta..ARHITECTURA..nu ramane nimic decat ..decat o tentativa de revolta resimtita adanc in noi ...
P.S.ai sesizat ca numai romania se revolta?:P de ce oare???
what's with all the romanian talk all of a sudden?
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