Sep '06 - Dec '09
I have been fighting for this time piece thing for four weeks now. Its due on the 16th and I cant wait to get this project over with. This project has pushed and pulled me. My proffesors consistently challenge my every move. Why is this there? Why did you take that away? Is that what your trying to convey? Man they got tons of questions and leave me with the duty to hunt for the answers. Well I knew this was coming. So I guess I have no reason to whine. I tried to tell my peers its not you they dont like. They are just trying to get you think. I've have seen some of my peers collapse already when we put up our process work. One more week and I will have photos to post up some of our work.
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hang in there mark. sounds like you've got the right attitude and are supporting others as well. venting here is good, as long as you keep pushing forward. excited to see what you've done.
hey you guys are playin in the circle city classic today!!!
Hang in there! For what it's worth, they are probably quizzing you so much because they see potential and want to challenge you. So even though it sucks to be under fire... know that it's most likely because they know you can produce quality thinking and quality work. :)
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