good idea! I look forward to it. Also, I completely, totally sympathize as I am terrible at writing (& it is excruciating for me) but highly enjoy verbal communication.
i just spent most of two weeks over christmas in the hampton/newport news/norfolk/portsmouth/va beach [...williamsburg/jamestown/smithfield, surry...] area. amazing the way the whole area nests together, both the urban environments and the interweaving of rural here and there, all centered around the water and the need to GET AROUND/OVER the water to get anywhere.
hope to see more out-in-the-urban-environment projects like you guys have taken on before.
thanks for the encouraging words. Sprawl is steadily rising and the locals are starting to feel it with the declining housing market. suburbua spread but most of the area works in Norfolk or one of the many military bases. This is a car dependent place.
I don't mind. It's an experiment and I hope to continue to grow from the experiences. It's fun making videos.
Mark - the video blog format has amazing potential. It would be awesome to see footage of pin-ups, reviews, desk crits, late night studio sessions, parties, etc...
The School Blog project has provided an inside view into architecture school like nothing else in history... but a video blog has even more potential to put people into the environment of an architecture student. Good luck with the experiment!
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This is a good format-experiment - good luck with the semester and looking forward to your next post!
great idea! looking forward to it.
great idea!
good idea! I look forward to it. Also, I completely, totally sympathize as I am terrible at writing (& it is excruciating for me) but highly enjoy verbal communication.
Good luck!
Rock N Roll Dude!
also looking forward to it.
i just spent most of two weeks over christmas in the hampton/newport news/norfolk/portsmouth/va beach [...williamsburg/jamestown/smithfield, surry...] area. amazing the way the whole area nests together, both the urban environments and the interweaving of rural here and there, all centered around the water and the need to GET AROUND/OVER the water to get anywhere.
hope to see more out-in-the-urban-environment projects like you guys have taken on before.
Wow, I'm excited to watch this unfold Mark! Do you mind if we give your video blog a little added exposure on Archinect?
Thanks everyone
thanks for the encouraging words. Sprawl is steadily rising and the locals are starting to feel it with the declining housing market. suburbua spread but most of the area works in Norfolk or one of the many military bases. This is a car dependent place.
I don't mind. It's an experiment and I hope to continue to grow from the experiences. It's fun making videos.
Mark - the video blog format has amazing potential. It would be awesome to see footage of pin-ups, reviews, desk crits, late night studio sessions, parties, etc...
The School Blog project has provided an inside view into architecture school like nothing else in history... but a video blog has even more potential to put people into the environment of an architecture student. Good luck with the experiment!
I hear the sound of freedom in the background.
A Wolf
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