Bryan Chow

Bryan Chow

Shanghai, CN

Tourist Centre
Tourist Centre
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Zhangjiabang Phase 3 Landscape Buildings

Located in Shanghai Pudong, Zhangjiabang Phase 3 Park is a vibrant ecological and recreational hub within the masterplan. Situated around a large lake, the park offers breathtaking views and a perfect opportunity to incorporate F&B buildings and amenity structures for public use. I was assigned to collaborate with the landscape team in designing various buildings, including a tourist center, family-oriented activity centers, restaurants, restrooms, a sports and canoeing center, as well as an education and research facility.

The overarching concept for these buildings was to minimize their environmental impact by utilizing natural, locally sourced materials. Our goal was to seamlessly integrate them with the surrounding landscape, while ensuring they remain visually appealing. By carefully considering the architecture and design, we aimed to strike a balance between sustainability and aesthetics.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Shanghai, China
My Role: Lead Designer

Restaurant and bookstore
Restaurant and bookstore
View of restaurant from park
View of restaurant from park
F&B and exhibition centre
F&B and exhibition centre
Pavilion and storage
Pavilion and storage
Pavilion and storage
Pavilion and storage
Kids Education and Science Centre
Kids Education and Science Centre
Restroom amenity
Restroom amenity