This was a project in a very prime site at a commercial junction in Wuhan. Originally it was designed by Woods Bagot Architects and for some reasons was switched to a scheme done by the local LDI. The client asked us to review the existing scheme and to give comments for improvement and refinement. Our design team identified many problems and issues with the current design which did not maximize value for the client in the prime site. Since the podium and part of the tower superstructure is already constructed, we are limited to what can be done. However we still managed to improved the entire retail mall layout dramatically, and refined the vertical transport, improving waiting times. The elevation was changed dramatically to form an iconic presence at the important junction.
卓尔国际中心坐落于汉口建设大道金融街黄金十字轴心,是一栋集商业、商务于一体的国际5A甲级写字楼,也是华中首座取得美国LEED-EB V4铂金预认证的绿色建筑。原方案是个双子塔,后来变成了两个地块两个项目,原设计也被设计院调整了。后来业主委托我司负责平立面改造。我们设计中充分利用场地优势,在街角位置创造标志性立面,同时确保景观面的最大化。 我司在原方案中发现平面存在很多问题和不足,未充分挖掘场地的优势。由于地下室、裙房和局部塔楼已经施工,我们只能在现有框架内进行优化。我领导的团队对超高层的各个标准层进行了调整,使其更加经济合理。同时,对竖向交通进行了优化,以减少电梯等候时间。在商业方面,重新梳理内部流线,调整了疏散楼梯位置,竖向交通体系,以提升整体价值。
Status: Built
Location: Wuhan, China
My Role: Senior Associate
Additional Credits: Client - 钰龙集团
DP Architects -Ti Lian Seng, Neo Chen