PLANT Architect Inc.

PLANT Architect Inc.

Toronto, ON, CA


Swift Medical Offices

When a rapidly expanding medical technology company asked PLANT to design their new downtown office, they had one overriding request: make this space feel more ‘loft-like’ and less corporate. Their L-shaped suite wraps around a conventional mid-rise office building’s corner. We made this glazed, highly visible corner the hub of the office, with lounge-style meeting areas, harvest tables, and a stand-up brainstorming area, all clustered around a kitchen. To reference Swift Medical’s leadership in developing wound analytics software for smartphones, we designed floor patterns that intensify toward the hub like antibodies converging around a wound.

Placing low-rise workstations along the perimeter on either side of the hub maximizes natural light penetration while reducing noise between areas. Glass-walled meeting rooms, a lab prominently situated to display its going-on to visitors, and support areas are clustered inboard. Existing doors in the pre-renovated space were repurposed as tables. Kitchen counters and other millwork are reclaimed wood.

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Status: Built
Location: Toronto, ON, CA
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Photo Credits: Steven Evans Photography

Lobby meeting area
Lobby meeting area
Hub meeting and demo area
Hub meeting and demo area
The Lab
The Lab
Leading to the Hub
Leading to the Hub
Large and small meeting rooms
Large and small meeting rooms
Kitchen meeting area
Kitchen meeting area
Kitchen meeting area
Kitchen meeting area