PLANT Architect Inc.

PLANT Architect Inc.

Toronto, ON, CA


Alcina Garden

A young family had recently completed a major home renovation that opened up expansive views to their rear garden. They asked us to redesign this landscape as a series of zones that would optimize views and support multiple uses. Closest to the house, we inserted a multi-level dining/entertaining zone: its ipe wood deck with planter-integrated bench seating steps down to a flagstone patio. A pathway that combines existing irregular flagstones with new rectilinear pavers extends to the back of the yard, passing through a permeable screen of birch trees and ferns as it steps down to the kids’ play area at the rear.

Sculptures by the previous owner were repositioned and a mature crabapple tree was retained; in combination with lush woodland plantings on one side and a perennial ‘meadow’ on the other, these older elements lend a well-established look to a largely new landscape. Subtle colour variation in the play area’s artificial turf creates a natural look while providing low-maintenance durability. A hybrid shed/play structure will be constructed at a later date on a concrete pad already installed in the play area.

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Status: Built
Location: Toronto, ON, CA
Firm Role: Landscape Architect
Additional Credits: Photo Credits: Jeff McNeill – McNeill Photography

Approach to the patio through the carpet of grasses and perennials
Approach to the patio through the carpet of grasses and perennials
Patios and decks are surrounded by and interlaced with planting
Patios and decks are surrounded by and interlaced with planting
Patio areas nest into the house form
Patio areas nest into the house form
Birch tree and fern garden separates patio areas from kids’ play area. Path wends its way through this mini forest
Birch tree and fern garden separates patio areas from kids’ play area. Path wends its way through this mini forest
Multi-level patio with reused stone and decks cascade down from the house
Multi-level patio with reused stone and decks cascade down from the house
Approach to the patio through the carpet of grasses and perennials
Approach to the patio through the carpet of grasses and perennials
Evening view
Evening view