PLANT Architect Inc.

PLANT Architect Inc.

Toronto, ON, CA


Liberty Village Parkettes

Recognizing the former industrial character of this district and the current creative dynamism of Liberty Village, two new parkettes provide public space that is steeped in history. Replacing asphalt expanses, the parkettes flank Liberty Street at the Fueling Station and Zoomerplex buildings, providing linear public space with new seating, planting, and a ‘timeline’ concept. The timeline recognizes and celebrates specific historic events recalling the rich cultural, industrial, and penal history of the area: Liberty Street – the central spine of the neighbourhood lined with prominent historic buildings and sites – was the first street encountered by people being released from the two prisons once located here. At just 3m and 4m wide, these new parkettes provide an extended sidewalk of amenities and encourage exploration – walking the timeline – and many places to pause and enjoy the activity on the street. These two spaces are intended as a model for replication that can extend throughout the BIA.

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Status: Built
Location: Toronto, ON, CA
Firm Role: Landscape Architect
Additional Credits: Photo Credits: Steven Evans Photography

East parkette seating
East parkette seating
Planting alternating with seating
Planting alternating with seating
Benches alternate with existing and new trees
Benches alternate with existing and new trees
Corner seat
Corner seat
Bike racks throughout
Bike racks throughout
Corner seating
Corner seating
Timeline paver insert
Timeline paver insert
East parkette
East parkette
East parkette at entry
East parkette at entry
Planting at west parkette
Planting at west parkette