destilat Design Studio GmbH

destilat Design Studio GmbH

Wien, AT | Linz, AT


House M

The clients deliberately chose their vacation home not far from the historic town center so that they could experience the local culture and take part in local events. The narrow turn-of-the-century sandstone building documents the old inheritance laws on Menorca, in which the property in the densely built-up ensemble of houses was repeatedly divided and thus increasingly built upwards and downwards.

On three floors, each with an area of 60 m2, adjoining patio and roof terrace, destilat uses typical local materials to create the lifestyle that the family has made the motto of their vacation: Reduction to the essentials. Only as much as necessary is new, as the architects also wanted to capture the historic charm of the property. Two rooms with bathrooms are grouped around the central staircase in an open floor plan. The solid banister was replaced by a plain white metal railing - manufactured by a local craftsman. 

As you enter the house, you traditionally stand directly in the dining area, whose minimalist kitchen functions like a free-standing sideboard. Through the looping partition walls, the view leads past the living room to the inner courtyard beyond. The open beams, light sandstone - exposed in the bathroom or classically white and breathable plastered, gray fine stone tiles, striking natural materials and sparse furnishings create the airy atmosphere that ensures a relaxed lightness both visually and climatically.

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Status: Built
Location: Minorca, AR, US
Firm Role: Interior Designers