destilat Design Studio GmbH

destilat Design Studio GmbH

Wien, AT | Linz, AT


Hotel John & Will

With the Überseeinsel, the city of Bremen is developing a new district of forward-looking educational and leisure facilities, residential and working quarters. Roads are being consistently replaced by green spaces, and the energy self-sufficient peninsula between the Europahafen and the Weser is being declared a (virtually) car-free zone. On board is the food giant Kellog's, which used the area for decades as a production area for its famous breakfast cereals - a factory history that confidently remains visible in the new use.

The past is most visible in the former grain silo, which rises 50 meters into the sky. For the unusual structure, destilat in cooperation with Delugan Meissl Associated Architects (structural engineering) continue the forward-looking urban development project in a radical hotel design.

Both in the public areas and the two room categories, modern lifestyle meets industrial set pieces. Hip, stylish and reduced to the essentials, the 120 rooms - with circular or semi-circular floor plans depending on the category - rely on breathtaking views, smart technology and striking stylistic elements.
The level indicator plays with the dimensions of the 14 floors, where up to 5,000 tons of rice, wheat or oats used to be stored. Also with the lighting of the public areas destilat orientate themselves in form and content to the industrial past and the complex "pipe system", which ran through former silo.

Flexibility and looseness can be found everywhere as overriding qualities. Consequently, the interior design of the entreé is interpreted just as straightforwardly as a meeting zone with self check-in and bar service, just as the minibar is interpreted as a mini-bag with which you can take your sundowner to your room. Only the fresh breeze is stiff here; otherwise, casualness clearly reigns in Bremen's new urban quarter.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Bremen, DE
Firm Role: Interior Designers