destilat Design Studio GmbH

destilat Design Studio GmbH

Wien, AT | Linz, AT


Wine manufactory Clemens Strobl

The economic core of the complex around the former Meierhof of Winklberg Castle in Mitterstockstall am Wagram from the 19th century is the Clemens Strobl wine manufactory, which combines a wine cellar with original vaults, a new tasting room with kitchen and the office premises. This facility is composed of two elongated gabled houses that meet at an obtuse angle - one original and elaborately restored and gutted, and the second as a successor building to a barn that could no longer be "saved". The connecting element of the two structures is a steel construction that tapers towards the inner courtyard and whose rungs refer to the industrial architecture of bygone days. Below it, the cubically inserted tasting room links the two buildings inside.

The clients wanted "as little design as possible" in their premises - to which destilat responded with an extremely reduced language of colour and form and an equally purist world of materials: subtly oriented towards the existing building and yet self-confidently recognisable as something new. Polished screed on the floor and white Heraklith on the ceiling, which also has a sound-absorbing effect, alternate in light shades of mist. The kitchen block also appears in grey glazed old wood spruce, while the cut-outs of the solid "building block" reveal a white interior made of untreated Multi Force building boards. The stringent colour concept also continues on the outside - the old brickwork has been exposed and slathered to blend harmoniously into the ensemble. Among many other antique finds for the interior, destilat tracked down an old village fountain in Upper Austria that marks the centre of the square and the entire estate.

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Status: Built
Location: Wagram, AT
Firm Role: Interior Designers