Most my student projects were focused on housing of one sort or another. Temporary housing, Retreat Housing, Co-Housing and Single Family. Any place were people need to take comfort for a few days, a few years or a life time has intrigued me since I was started playing with my Barbie Dolls got board, moved on to twig forts for my Brother's GI Joe and Haciendas for his Johny West. I discovered graph paper and templates about ten and I was off as far as my imagination would take me.
For my Thesis project I designed a Thesis Community for a group of people who were just organizing a group of people near Chapel Hill for a CoHousing Community. They wanted to self determine from scratch the type of neighborhood were owners were able to determine every aspect of their homes, landscape and community. Part of the joys for me was working with a real site and letting a careful analysis of the site to help determine the organization of the homes. I fell in love with landscape design as a result.
Status: School Project
Location: Various