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vado retro

sadly, john and bob and marvin were enemies of the state...

Sep 13, 08 9:47 am  · 

rationalista thanks for your perspective, it helps to know that. But I haven't and choose not to offer any closure - its been almost 4 months.

this is insane. By Monday it could be on top of tunamelt. It severly worries me when hurricanes go that far inland potential affecting environments that have appreciation of the danger that they can ensue. Keep safe all. My regards to those that have been affected.

Liberty I am glad that our views are aligned regarding, it shows if not proves that potential lies to unite globally on the issues that affect us all

Sep 13, 08 10:25 am  · 

Hi TC,
Holz that is a moment of beauty. Can only imagine how he must have felt.
LB and Archi, couldn't agree more.

Sep 13, 08 10:46 am  · 

i love bashing the USofA like any redblooded American, but i will stick up for us in certain respects. racism, ethnic violence and theocratic institutions are things that for the most part are not only anathemas, but are relegated to the uneducated masses in this grand ole country.

europe, africa and asia have a long way to go before they can "seriously" consider what it means to be a responsible democracy. now, that does not mean we are major fuck-ups, but could you ever imagine in 200fucking8 the kind of fighting that existed, and still does in Ireland? i mean Catholics and Protestants still fucking hate and the violence simmers below, dare i say - Surface. Sunnis and Shia blow each other up, Muslims and Christians in Africa, Sikhs, Hindus and Muslim? all of the ethnic cleansing that europe turned it's back on in the 90's? Israel, Iran, where do these places get the world?

back to the USofA though, we are letting Africa slip away, that will be the largest mistake this country will ever regret - EVER.

Sep 13, 08 12:21 pm  · 

everyone in LA okay from the train crash, i mean, i don't think anyone here takes the train right?

Amy Winehouse kicking the crap out of Sarah Palin has me busting a gut.

listening to Buckley and Kate Bush at work.

fun times.

Sep 13, 08 1:07 pm  · 
vado retro

hey a catholic cannot be the king or queen of england. but a catholic could be the king or queen of america!

Sep 13, 08 2:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, so far, we just have annoying fall drizzle, but the winds are suppose to kick up tonight from Ike. My hometown got a direct hit this morning, and they are about 4 hours from the coast! My Dad says that so far Ike has only topped off about 40 feet of a dead tree, and taken the power. I said 'It sounds like Ike is helping you out!' They are currently in the eye of the storm, and my dad made my brother go out an clean out the gutters while it was still raining. HaHa.

Sep 13, 08 2:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh crap, I forgot to say...

Vado, I love that song. And Abram did too. Sang along!

Sep 13, 08 2:38 pm  · 

Sarah glad to see that your family is okay despite the hurricane, however and not to be the angel of death or anything the worse usually follows the eye. And how cruel is your dad? I would of love to be a fly on the wall (safely inside mind you) listening his convincing argument to clean the gutter.

Beta country for country we are all different, and have our highs and lows, some have amazing civil infrastructures in place others would sooner kill based on their religion, race, or electorate choice. But I don't think that is the argument in this case. The US is an amazing place and as you said the majority of the populus is smart enough to see the errors in such actions and thoughts.

Sep 13, 08 4:30 pm  · 

i have been watching the ike coverage live from all nght. my sister made it out of sugar land which was hit. she left a message she is alright staying in dallas. she doesn't know when she can be back to her house and what condition she'll find things.
i am so glad she is safe and made it through.

Sep 13, 08 4:35 pm  · 
vado retro

did the campaigning politicians and the present administration take time off from campaigning and watching college football and go to command central to keep apraised of the ike situaiton or was all that attention to gustav just post katrina guilt in action???

Sep 13, 08 5:04 pm  · 

What a crazy weekend. First a horrific train crash and then a GIGANTIC storm charges the coast and goes ballistic on the Midwest. And now, under perfectly sunny skies in Los Angeles, we have a ... football game. It's days like this where I have to remind myself how big our country really is.

...Which then leads me to think "what if McCain wins? Maybe California can secede...along with Oregon, Washington, etc." Maybe this great experiment of the last 232 years is actually a failure...

Sep 13, 08 8:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, glad you're OK, and your dad sounds hilarious. A good friend from grad school was from Houston, his family had an old van they hated and couldn't sell - whenever a hurricane came through, they'd park it on the street under a tree and hope for the (worst) best....

Sep 13, 08 8:36 pm  · 
vado retro

why would california secede? they elected a movie star governor on the pretense of recall because of all of enron's bullshit...sounds very american to me...are those football games sustainable???

Sep 13, 08 9:01 pm  · 

vado, when the big one comes, the state might literally "break away" from the rest of the country anyway. Oh that was a bad attempt at earthquake humor. Sorry.

So a few things:

1) I confess. I used the neti pot a couple more times in the past 2 days. But my sinuses were still acting up! I had to.

2) What is WITH all of these crazies on the forum the past few days? Do you think a bunch of douchebags Googled "Sarah Palin" and found us that way?

3) Um, my school just gave a thrashing to OSU. Final score, 35-3. It was actually kind of boring. Yay.

Sep 13, 08 11:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, my experience is that if it actually truly is a sinus infection, you gotta do the antibiotics. Within 18 hours of taking them you'll feel better, I promise.

Just watched a cute, really lovely little movie called Cashback. A bit too young for me, a little trite, but still very sweet, and definitely pretty to look at.

Sep 14, 08 12:05 am  · 
vado retro

yay lb got to watch a movie!!!

Sep 14, 08 12:18 am  · 

i watched No Country For Old Men for the first time last night, and i loved it.

Sep 14, 08 9:25 am  · 

i took sunday off and we all went to see yokohama triennale today. an old friend was one of the artists this year ( we used his studio to make my daughter's table featured a few pages back for those who follow the TC timeline...), and he was lucky to be given the FOA designed yokohama ferry-terminal as his site. amazing building to be asked to play with.

the artwork my friend does is meant to be experienced directly by peoples, and this time round he made a kind of place that feels more like a "happening" than he has been able to do so far. very nice "beach under the asphalt vibe" even.

anyway, some quick shots. his work was 50 white bubble machines set out in the landscape. which sounds silly, but was actually really a lot of fun.

bubble machines sleeping....

and turned on....

Sep 14, 08 10:25 am  · 
vado retro

hey friendo i suggest you do your hair that way as well...

Sep 14, 08 10:25 am  · 
vado retro

...for jump!

Sep 14, 08 10:32 am  · 

I'm still alive. Thought I'd stop by TC really quick to see how all is going. Good thing I did, looks like it's been busy.

Sarah/Orhan - glad to hear your families are safe.

Techno - looks like LB and vado will be seeing more of Ike than I will, although it's been hot and humid since Friday evening. It is however slightly windy but nothing really to write home about.

LB/Nam/Atechno - I personally wish the US would work little more on the diplomacy front. But then again, I'm just a pacifist/hippie at heart that studied diplomacy as well her first time around in school. *Sigh

jump - love the bubbles

I've gotten sucked into a book and haven't been able to put it down. It's actually a series, and after ripping through the first one I'm now onto the second. Bought it last night and am already halfway through the 563 pages. Better run, I can hear the book calling me.

Sep 14, 08 11:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow, I love when a book has a hold on me like that, it happens too infrequently! Enjoy, tuna!

Sep 14, 08 12:12 pm  · 
vado retro

tuna i thought maybe you were hungover from that osu debacle. i read a book onetime...

Sep 14, 08 12:16 pm  · 

Jump, I love love love LOOOOOVE the bubbles!!!!!!!!!! I would so love to be there for that. What a magical way to experience a space. EVERY building should have bubbles!!!!!

Is that the same artist that's been doing the string exhibits?? If so, he is my favorite artist of all time at this point. Thanks for posting pics!!!

Tuna, what book is it? I've been dying for something good to read.

I did just finish a book that I bet many people on here would really enjoy: it's called Crashing Through, about a blind man who gets brand new surgery and begins to see after a lifetime of total blindness. It raises questions of perception and all kinds of fascinating aspects of vision that you never think about, and is a very well written book (by a local author!). I HIGHLY recommend it.

Sep 14, 08 1:48 pm  · 

bubbles may be the key to world peace.

beta et al, no architect would live in in the libertarian suburban waste land that is semi valley. so i doubt that any democrats/intellectuals/creative types were on that train. it is almost as backwards as orange county.

Goooo Buckeyes!!!!! oh, they lost.

yesterday was a road trip to introduce the sapling to his 96-year-old great granny - and was the first rainy day we've had in a while. just rain, no thunder or lightning. it feels like the minneaple is now seattle without the mountains or puget sound.

Sep 14, 08 2:56 pm  · 

ha ha ha, semi valley... i haven't heard that yet. and watch what you say about the old oc, there are some (few) good pockets...

Sep 14, 08 2:58 pm  · 

I saw Burn after Reading.
Not as good as No country for Old Men, but i found a surprising number of similarities. Plus funny!!!!

Sep 14, 08 2:59 pm  · 

simi/semi valley was home to the OJ trial and to neverland ranch.

Sep 14, 08 3:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Hi, all I survived Ike. My roof didn't but I did. Living in the 'burbs does have a little advantage.

Sep 14, 08 5:32 pm  · 

So power is out in Cincinnati to about 700,000 people right now, including tunamelt, who called me a bit ago, and is fine. Apparently they have several fires going on there because of the winds. Also Chicago had a one-day rain record, I guess? manta are you still in Chicago? I hope no one got washed away....

What a monster storm. Dapper Napper, where are you?

Sep 14, 08 6:08 pm  · 

nahh, it's just been steady drizzle here. and thank goodness, it dropped the temps! yesterday was sticky and hot, bad day to have a party, but we managed! :)

Sep 14, 08 7:04 pm  · 

manta, yes same guy who does the strings.

thanks for buubles vado. of course lawrence welk was a regular part of our lives growing up so i probably even saw that one before.

only have seen a bit of the destruction from hurricane on the news here. i guess it is a bit like watching the destruction in kobe 10 years back from the usa. it is impossible to understand what it means unless you are in it. still easy to see that lots of bad stuff happened. so am glad to read the archinecteurs so far seem to be not too badly affected.

Sep 14, 08 7:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, its suspected that maybe my brother was told to clean out the gutters before hand, but just didn't. The storm was bad, but they were 4 hours from the coast, and my dad is smart, so I'm sure he only let me brother on the roof when it was just a yucky miserable drizzle.

Sep 14, 08 9:28 pm  · 

thanks Sarah, I was wondering. Hurricanes are some of the best weather to sleep through - I stayed up all night before Gilbert in 88, the next day when it reached landfall I was knackered and woke up around 4pm when the eye was overhead and the rain/wind ceased. Probably a good thing I woke up too we lost our roof after the eye passed. And slept similarly well when Gustav recently blew through

Sep 14, 08 9:57 pm  · 

Hey Liberty B, I just saw this video and had to share it with you (and dubK as well) enjoy.

Sep 14, 08 10:30 pm  · 
vado retro

there are many downed trees here as some nasty winds blew threw this afternoon. none fell on me. literally anyway.

Sep 14, 08 10:39 pm  · 

Hey all ended up working 7 days this week. Just got home and took a bath.
Also, Vado i was reading your comment on Daniel Wallace thread. Do i take it that your and the future-wife/doctor are no more?
That was the impression i got. Hopefully, i am not bringing up something you were trying to forget?
Either way all the best. If your life is a train wreck can only imagine what mine is...

Sep 15, 08 12:04 am  · 

my wife slept through one of the four storms that crisscrossed florida about 5 years back... meanwhile, i was in the backyard trying to keep stuff from flying away... unfortunately earlier that week i had demolished our rusted out old shed and all of the sheet metal was laying in one corner of the yard... as fate would have it, the storm blew over a few fence panels in that very corner and some of the metal was threatening to blow around the 'hood... so i was out in the middle of the storm with a hammer nailing the fence panels back into place...

i'm glad to be in philly now where i don't have to constantly worry about every hurricane in the atlantic... of course, the third week that we were here that storm managed to come up the east coast and give us a bit of rain/wind... i can't wait until this friday when we close on the sale of our house in st. pete and i no longer have to worry about hurricanes...

also, love the bubbles...

Sep 15, 08 8:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, I went to the Kimbell yesterday (Abe likes sculpture more than painting, and seems to prefer the dynamic sculptures of yesteryear - like his mom) to see the Impressionist exhibit. I discovered something very sad.

Maybe its just me, but walking through the galleries, I discovered that the impact of what I was really seeing was lost. In this day and age, everything is so readily available. There wasn't a painting in there that I hadn't already seen somewhere. And since you can't very well touch the art, how was I to know that I wasn't again just seeing a copy? We walked through pretty quickly. It was more of an 'Oh, thats nice, huh.' sort of feeling, than a 'Wow! Thats amazing!' kind of experience.

Does anybody else feel this way? It saddens me.

Sep 15, 08 9:25 am  · 
brian buchalski

so a couple more financial institutions collapsed this weekend. lehman bros & merrill lynch join the ranks of bear stearns, freddie and fannie...wall street is falling. look out below.

how much longer before usa is exposed as the bankrupt backwater country that it really is?

Sep 15, 08 10:02 am  · 


Sep 15, 08 10:27 am  · 

Does anyone know if the US dollar is still gold based? Just a segway

Anyway Sarah, I understand that feeling but there are still some pieces of a art that manage to surpass that played out feeling. Also I find it better to look and experience new workds rather than those of the masters, and it also doesn't help if you in such an architectural powerful location as the Kimbell, it would make most art pale in comparison (by scale mostly).

But that said, when things return to normalcy go to the de Menil the art seems so much better there. As if it has a bit of magic to it.

Anyway happy monday, hope its better for you. I had a client wake up (okay yes it was 9am but I'm on a sabbatical damnit).

Also I need some help regarding. WWTCD? Its a restaurant renovation she wants to break it up into phases for financial reasons and asked me to do the proposal for the entry as the first phase before I go on off to CLE on Saturday. Also doing the entry will determine if she wants to use me for the rest of the project. Should I just her a draft of what the other phases will look like to snare her in and the additional phases or just what she asked for?

Sep 15, 08 10:43 am  · 

I had a call over the weekend to proceed with a project for one of the people I know in the Wall Street World. It was sunday morning
when I recieved the call. I'm wondering if they might have changed there mind between then and now.

On a second note, that thread which talks about NYC being a hot spot for architecture. The events of the weekend will most likely make London the New Hot Spot, from what I have been reading.
NYC is loosing its grip on being the Financial Market Place of the World, so expect alot of those Wall Street Guys moving with the Market. When that happens NYC might be in for a tail spin.

Sep 15, 08 10:44 am  · 
Living in Gin

Still alive... Good thing I don't work anywhere near Wall Street, or else I'd have to look out for people jumping out of windows above as I walk to work.

We may get a few remnants of Ike, but I think most of it is supposed to bypass us. Sounds like Chicago and Cincy really got nailed, though.

Speaking of Cincy, it looks like I'll be taking a short weekend trip back home on the weekend of October 17th, which is when UC is having their M.Arch. open house. I'm looking forward to getting back there... It's been almost a year since I've taken an overnight trip away from NYC, and this city will make your head explode if you don't get out and decompress once in a while. Besides, I've been craving Skyline Chili in a huge way lately.

Sep 15, 08 10:59 am  · 

I believed it stopped being so about 3-4 decades ago....

Sep 15, 08 11:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

us dollar based on gold...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's has got to be the funniest thing i've heard in ages

Sep 15, 08 12:13 pm  · 

New York has been largely insulated from the disasterous collapse of the housing market that has overtaken the rest of the country, but it stands to reason that this collapse would finally reverberate into the largest financial institutions on Wall Street. I would be curious to see what political leanings are had by the many multi-millionaire executives whose companies are now either being bought or liquidated.

I feel incredibly lucky to be thus far untouched by most of the afflictions this country has right now. There are so many...

Sep 15, 08 12:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

NYC is pretty much its own universe when it comes to real estate... The foreclosure crisis hasn't hit as bad here (especially Manhattan) for two main reasons:

1) As always, housing demand in NYC still far outstrips supply. Prices have leveled off a bit, but they haven't gone into a free-fall as they have elsewhere. Part of this is also fueled by foreigners who are taking advantage of the weak dollar to gobble up NYC real estate at (comparatively) bargain-basement prices.

2) Most homeowners in NYC belong to co-ops, which are far more strict about creditworthiness than the mortgage lenders. While the banks were handing out subprime mortgages to anybody with a pulse, the co-op boards were still requiring 20% down payments and impeccable credit ratings. As such, there are far fewer subprime loans in NYC (and far fewer homeowners, for that matter). I think foreclosures are much more common in the outer boroughs and suburbs, though.

I'm not sure what impact the Wall Street meltdown will have on the rest of the city... Hopefully we have a diverse enough economy that we're not directly tied to the fortunes of Wall Street, but who knows. Luckily, my firm doesn't do much corporate work.

Sep 15, 08 12:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Richard Wright, RIP
Sep 15, 08 12:58 pm  · 

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