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liberty bell

I spent today up at Ball State for a symposium and saw my wonderful friend and co-teacher Jeff speak about his own work, what a treat (if only I could see my other wonderful friend and co-teacher, Steven, speak about his own work I'd be very happy). There was also a guy who spoke about his work doing tilt-up concrete buildings. Very banal warehouse boxes. But he was hilarious to listen to and made fun of himself for being "not too smart" and the "marginally competent" contractors with whom he works. The funniest thing he said, and maybe it was one of those you-had-to-be-there moments but it left me percolating silently in my chair for five minutes, was when he said "The only reason this building looks like this is the client was too stupid to understand perspective..." well I lost it and giggled through the rest of the seminar!

That said, my clients are really all nice people and I would never call a one of them stupid - but I loved hearing another architect do so!

But he also brought up some very relevant issues facing the integration of the architecture and construction worlds today regarding BIM and the sophistication of most contractors (not high), as well as the result of our internet-based shopping habits being acres and acres of warehouses built in the world....

Oh well, off to Zappos!

Sep 19, 08 10:13 pm  · 

ooooh Zappos techno needs a couple new pairs of shoes.

Leaving on a jet plane... next post via USA

Sep 19, 08 11:00 pm  · 

haha, LB, great post.

Sep 20, 08 11:59 am  · 

I think it's time once again to announce to all how much I love and am grateful for archinect. My archi-life has improved dramatically since I started reading.

Sep 20, 08 12:00 pm  · 

safe travels techno!

Sep 20, 08 1:12 pm  · 

It's hard to see but the "240" is under the word "Sport" on the back of the car.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. Mine has been utterly boring as nearly every other weekend has since I started my thesis.

Sep 21, 08 2:01 pm  · 

Crap! I forgot to do the "width" thing. Sorry.

Sep 21, 08 2:02 pm  · 
vado retro

so i just ran up to the suburbs (hi Liberty Bell) to the barnes and nobles to buy this book called the 12 million dollar stuffed shark. it is about economics and the contemporary art world...anywhooo, whatever happened to cute girls working in bookstores??? everyone who worked there was at least pushing 60 probably wtf? when i worked in bookstores there were always cute intellectual artsy girls who worked there. as bob zimmerman said, i used to care, but things have changed...

Sep 21, 08 3:25 pm  · 
vado retro

oh and then i stopped by the new nordstrom which isn't any different than the one downtown except all the baby boomer yuppies were there having their unfashionable non fashion forward wives helping them decide things. and no i didnt whip out my nordstrom card and buy anything...take that revolving credit!!!!

Sep 21, 08 3:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Where you went was the ex-urbs, vado. The historic suburbs walkable where I live are home to Big Hat Books, an independent store whose owner is over 50 but vivacious and whip-smart. And next door is Monon Coffee, an independent cafe no doubt staffed by cute young boys and girls. If you drive to B&N or Borders you get what you deserve if you ask me.

Sep 21, 08 5:46 pm  · 

Happy Sunday TC-
I've had another busy four days. Thursday evening was at a wine tasting with my awesome groups of girl friends, Friday I met up with some German speaking people (mmm I lovbe Goulash) and yesterday I went down to the Oktoberfest. Did you know the Queen City is home to the second largest Oktoberfest? Who would have thunk it. Today I woke up late and have been reading pretty much non-stop. Am finally on the fourth and final book of the series I've been reading for the past 10 days. I'm also trying to figure out if my allergies are just really bad at the moment or if I'm getting a cold. My throat is bugging me a little and I don't feel completely all there. I just hope it's a mixture of allergies and not enough sleep. Keep your fingers crossed. Alright, back to the book. Ciao.

Sep 21, 08 6:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i don't go to broad ripple anymore. i only went to barnes and nobles cuz i needed to go to target...actually all of indy is a suburb and i am frankly over it...

i wish i had an awesome group of girlfrenz to go drinking with, sigh...

Sep 21, 08 6:20 pm  · 
vado retro

plus broad ripple has become really just a butler university bar crawl scene ie the wild beaver saloon, wtf???

Sep 21, 08 6:25 pm  · 

Hey all,
I had a relaxing almost do nothing weekend. I did lounge by (and in, on a float) a pool today. Other than that I didn't do much.

I am still seeing the girl. For a variety of reasons i am taking it slow, but not too slow. The chemistry is there but scheduling time together hasn't been super easy because of her being in grad school and my job and other commitments.. I figure one to two times a week if even just for a couple of hours is pretty good though....

Has anyone had a chance to meet up with Techno yet?

Sep 21, 08 8:34 pm  · 

I am studying for a quiz in a class of which I am struggling to understand the relevance.*

*I tried really hard to make that grammatically correct but I may have screwed up. In any case, this class is not even half done but I am already over it.

Is it time for ice cream yet?

Sep 21, 08 10:36 pm  · 

To expand on my last post, and not that you all care, but this class is interesting in that it is simultaneously 1) a waste of my time and 2) teaching us material that I find to be questionable and/or irrelevant. Historically speaking, I tend to do worse in classes that I find unchallenging so I'm trying really hard to stay engaged. There's a project that I'm sure will be fine but I'm studying for this quiz and thinking "who cares?". Sheesh.

Anyway, yay for aliases. And ice cream.

Sep 21, 08 10:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


My mom is finally gone!!! I like her alright, but 2+ weeks is too much. Boy am I glad I'm grown up, and live in my own house, with my own life. Although, not having any bills would be nice.....

Anyway, Techno, I hope you have a good, and safe trip. I'm sad that we can't also meet up, but I'm sure there will be other times.

Vado, you always make me laugh. Its taking me ages to figure out who you remind me of, and I think maybe its alan rickman - but I could be confused.

I have to stay home today cause the Sitter has a stress test, but I think I will make home made, Roman pizza - yum...

Sep 22, 08 9:21 am  · 
vado retro

thanks sarah i hope you don't mean the AlanRickman in this flick where he plays a dead guy...although this is a great film!

Sep 22, 08 9:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Alan Rickman is totally hot, especially in that film...vado, take that as you will.

I've been thinking about this thread about architecture students being somehow more "special" than other students and I think I'll go ahead and respond with my thoughts. The short answer is yes. we are. I mean, don't you guys think we are all pretty awesome?!

Sep 22, 08 11:18 am  · 
vado retro

lb i will take that as you like alan rickman's performance in truly madly deeply, which was written and directed by anthony minghella who unexpectedly died a few months back and was responsible for your all time favorite love story the english patient...i think i'm a bit more like this in LooKsandAttituDe...

Sep 22, 08 12:31 pm  · 

Alan Rickman is truly awesome. I'm having a hard time not visualizing him as Severus Snape though.

Have I mentioned that I don't like this class? I'm honestly thinking about starting to write my evaluation comments right now and then printing them out and turning them in at the end when they give us the forms. There's too much to say.

The Emmys last night were pretty fun, except for the hosts. I was laughing out loud at the Steve Carell - Ricky Gervais bit, it was hilarious. When you put Jon Stewart, Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert together, I don't think there's any smarter or funnier comedy trio in the country today.

Sep 22, 08 12:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I understand the creator of TC is soon to have a birthday.

In his honor, I'm going to pose a question straight from his initial post on this thread.

*i am thinking about starting a discussion about ------------- ---- ---- will you guys in Thread Central post in it and say wow it a great thread?.

In place of the ------- dashes put "what are your plans to survive if the next Great Depression starts this week as many are predicting it will"?

Is that too depressing for a topic?

And, how come no one else is watching Architecture Studio?!

Sep 22, 08 1:10 pm  · 

thank you lb. it is nice to be remembered.

we might be going to lawry's to eat heaps of roast beef tomorrow and see rest of the people who are born the same day...
however, this year, i feel like making a nice vegetarian eggplant and other dishes at home and make a wish to cut down my cholesterol heavy diet and have a face to 'face' animals.

Sep 22, 08 1:28 pm  · 

happy birthday Abra!

Sep 22, 08 2:02 pm  · 
vado retro

happy birthday orhan i am right behind ya!!!

lb you could go to china or dubai. you need an adventure!!!

Sep 22, 08 2:17 pm  · 

Yay for Libras! We have entered Libra territory, haven't we? Happy birthday abra, whenever it is....

Sep 22, 08 3:32 pm  · 

Yay me. It wasn't allergies :o(

Happy birthday abra!!!

Sep 22, 08 3:33 pm  · 

Hello Cleveland

I have safely arrived and if things work out I will get a chance to meet more than one 'nector/TC'r before the week is out. And Sarah I fly back through Dallas on the 6th, I'm not sure of the time but if I have time maybe.

Hi tuna...

Sep 22, 08 5:27 pm  · 

Hi Atechno :o)

Sep 22, 08 6:01 pm  · 
vado retro

why are you or anyone for that matter in cleveland???

Sep 22, 08 7:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado: I told you about this today. I'll be there and I'm trying to get techno to be too!

Sep 22, 08 7:29 pm  · 
vado retro

yes i sent you an email about it! i'll go if you want!!!

Sep 22, 08 7:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Make sure there are still tickets....

Sep 22, 08 8:11 pm  · 

if techno comes to ideafestival, i'll get to meet him too!

Sep 22, 08 9:16 pm  · 


I'm applying for teaching gigs in another city for next fall. Do I need a reference from the current job or not?

(I disclosed to one person that I was planning on bailing before he joined the office - I'll call him Bruce). I already got 5 juicy references (4 needed) without asking Bruce (or my friends at archinect).

Sep 22, 08 9:36 pm  · 
vado retro

you mean you need tickets???

Sep 22, 08 9:41 pm  · 

If you say you need tickets, doesn't that actually mean you have tickets? Or am I dreaming of ticket scalpers?

I'm in a bit of a haze today....time for more ice cream...

Sep 23, 08 2:11 am  · 

you do need tickets. you can get them online or you can just get them there if the event you want to attend isn't sold out. probably a good idea to call and query about expected full house before you show up.

tomorrow, prior to the official start of ideafestival, i'll be at ideakentucky with a variety of self-nominated idea people, including our governor. thursday i'll attend the conveyance of the first ever 'curry stone prize' for architecture. friday, before bjarke ingels, i'll see artist arne quinze. and saturday (i hope) i'll get to see a dance troupe called diavolo which works architectural installations into their performances.

Sep 23, 08 8:04 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm really disappointed I can't make it Thursday for the Curry Stone prize, as my friend and all-around "true dude" the awesome Wes Janz is one of the finalists. Steven say hi to Wes for me if you see him! And I'll see YOU on Friday.

Sep 23, 08 8:45 am  · 
vado retro

online registration is closed...guess i can call em. you know i've never been to louisville...

Sep 23, 08 8:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Do you have to have a unique name to be a prize winning artist? Should I change mine?

And, the first few times I read that, I thought it said Curry Stone Pizza.

Sep 23, 08 9:05 am  · 

curry stone pizza, eh? that sounds good, i'll have that.

Sep 23, 08 9:09 am  · 
vado retro

i had a thai chicken pizza the other day. yum...i have been thinking about legally changing my name...tabula rasa baby.

Sep 23, 08 9:28 am  · 

you will most definately need a reference from your most current teaching assignment. Vado consider Cleveland, the first step in meeting you all. Steven you better make sure you are there. Wait its not curry stone pizza? Hmmm there could be a market for that though, Sarah. OKay checking to make sure I can get tickets for far the only option to gets me there 15 minutes before BIG talks

Sep 23, 08 10:10 am  · 

I'm not teaching yet, I've only made an occasional appearance as a critic and guest lecturer. while that was enough to get offered a seminar in the spring, it's not a done deal. So do I ask the U?

curry stone pizza seems very japanese ie, a pizza made with that browngreen 'curry' they pour over chicken cutlets and spaghetti.

Sep 23, 08 10:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

And I thought it sounded very Indian/Pakistani. I can see it now...

Curry Stone Pizza written on the sign, and within, a Nan-type bread, slathered with a curry sauce, chicken, and a bit of white cheese. Maybe even some beans.....

I don't even like Curry, and that doesnt sound bad to me. Now, nobody steal my idea!

Sep 23, 08 12:11 pm  · 

Curry stone pizza. Sounds appealing but not appetizing at the moment. Stupid horrible head cold. Stayed home from work today b/c the NyQuil from last evening was still in my system when I woke up this morning. Slept until noon. Jeez. I'll be glad when I can actually hear clearly in my left ear again :o/

The ideafestival sounds really cool. Wish I could go.

TK/Atechno - what about a recommendation from the person you guest crit for? Would that suffice? I don't see why not. But than again, I know nothing about the academia world.

Sep 23, 08 2:27 pm  · 

tuna- good idea, I'll ask cowerd.

Sep 23, 08 4:26 pm  · 

Special Delivery for LB, StevenWard, Vado, and pretty much all the rest of us too:

The Craftsman.

Anyone read it?

Sep 23, 08 8:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i am the worst craftsman ever. i have no facility for doing things.i destroy anything i touch. i am good for sitting in coffee shops checking out women's asses. i am good at it. it's my talent. of course, coffeeshops are where the revolutions begin...

Sep 23, 08 8:17 pm  · 

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