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liberty bell

rationalist, I had to send one of those emails to an ex once, too, just flat-out saying "Don't contact me again, I have no interest in being friends with you" It felt good to say it, and I never heard form him again.

Now if only I could write the same letter to Indianapolis!

Sep 11, 08 12:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK: it's probably allergies. Try Zyrtec.

Sep 11, 08 12:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

holy shit...ike is a monster storm

Sep 11, 08 12:52 pm  · 

DubK - I miss you too. Use your neti pot to flush the crap out of your sinuses. It works for me every time.

Sep 11, 08 12:57 pm  · 

i've used that pot for your nose, its a little addictive I must admit even though its just salt water going through your nose. For people with seasonal allergies or sinus problems they've actually recommended against using it due to irritation of the sinus cavity.

Wonder K, yeah I'm okay. How are you? Keeping happy?

Okay I have a tech question for anyone using mozilla 3.0. Lately its been slowing down because it sync's with delicious like every 5 minutes. Literally it stops everything on my browser. Shit just did it again. How do I fix it?

Sep 11, 08 1:07 pm  · 

I thought this was timing with my pending trip in a week or so.

Sep 11, 08 1:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Actually techno you may be right, neti pots are great but they *may* be addictive - I know my sister the doctor has told me to try hard not to use saline nasal sprays because they are really easy to get addicted to!

Things are bad, bad, bad in Naptown today. I mean really things are OK, but I am, and those around me are, in a bad frame of mind today. I wish Burn After Reading had opened today instead of tomorrow, I'd play hooky to go see it!

Sep 11, 08 1:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Brad pit looks so Val Kilmer in the flick.

And Ike is suppose to hit Dallas during my Martini Partini! Should switch the menu to hurricanes, huh.

Sep 11, 08 1:18 pm  · 

Wow, I just used my neti pot for the first time and it was super fun! Like going swimming in Miami Beach, except without the sunburn and the sand in my bag, LOL.

So, yeah I promise I won't use it again until my next sinus problems come on. Addictive, huh? Maybe because it's fun!

Puddles is right about Ike, it's huge....go to and look at the satellite. They say it's bigger than Katrina.

Sep 11, 08 1:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

houston is lucky it's not 10 feet below sea level like new orleans or we could probably say good bye to it too

and speaking of dancing...i recently saw this video and thought the dancer looked a bit like abracadbra (but with a buzz haircut)...especially in the close of facial photos

Sep 11, 08 2:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, I'd say Houston wasn't lucky, just Smart.

Sep 11, 08 2:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...and i was going to point out that i was probably the only archinector to have visited sverre fehn's glacier museum, except, of course, i should have know that larlarson also would have seen it

Sep 11, 08 2:11 pm  · 

Sarah, I fly back through Dallas in October. My layover is minimal but you may get a call if I'm delayed (which seems like a high possibility). Hopefully Ike won't cause too much damage. This has been the most active season for a long time (not since 88). Everyone batten down.

Sep 11, 08 2:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

and for some reason my first thought anytime i hear a reference to roche-dinkeloo is that steve christer & margrét hardardóttir once mentioned what an inspiration the roche-dinkeloo (especially john deere headquarters in illinois) had been to them as students and, of course, j'adore studio granda!

Sep 11, 08 2:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

October's good for me, heck, anytime is good for me!

I think I'm taking Abe to his first Art exhibit on Sunday, and his first Architectural outing. The Kimbell is having a special exhibition of The Impressionists. Hows that for culture.

Sep 11, 08 2:43 pm  · 

puddles that guy actually reminds me of the SNL character Sprockets. And though I've never met abra in person I so think he could pull it off. Thunderstorms rolling outside, its Ike's tail touching or better still covering us. But we haven't dried out since Gustav...

Sep 11, 08 2:45 pm  · 

Wow, been gone for a few hours and look at all the chatter.
Rationalist and LB. You are right of course. I haven't done that yet, as it is occasionally and at least she is not "pursuing" me anymore she is just keeping me uptodate on her life.
Luckily I have never had to take hard line before on post-breakup contact and in fact have generally made a real effort to keep in contact with ex's at least when i have been with them for awhile. Not if it's a fling but otherwise I figure if the person meant alot to me even if romantically i don't care for them anymore i generally want to have some sort of relationship with them still.
Although i have been informed that i am sort of an odd ball in that regards, or maybe just lucky?

Yes Ike looks huge. I was shocked when i saw it earlier today.

As for Neti pot, never heard of it before. Although seems simple enough...

Sep 11, 08 2:59 pm  · 

Interesting Atechno, I've heard the exact opposite about them, concerning allergies. I must have the least addictive personality b/c I rarely use my neti pot. Takes too long to mix the saline. So I only use it when I've been mucking around in a dusty environment, when my sinuses are horribly clogged or if my sinuses are really dry.

nam - you are a much better person than I. Once the romantic relationship is over, I rarely remain friends. Hurts too much, I guess.

Sep 11, 08 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro

tuna this is why i have no friends...or maybe its another reason???

Sep 11, 08 4:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Man, Ike does look scary.

But i have to laugh - one of weather dot com's "hurricane maps" is football games that will be effected by the storm?!? That's hilarious. I guess I don't take my football seriously enough!

Sep 11, 08 4:25 pm  · 
vado retro

lb whats bad in indy today more than any other day???

Sep 11, 08 4:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, you crossed my mind yesterday. Strange as it sounds, and I hope its not an insult, cause it isn't meant to be, but while listening to Mesquite public School Radio (yeah, I know its lame) the song "Help me, I think I'm falling in love again" came on. Sure, it might be called something else, but I don't really know the song. Anyway, I've rambled all that to say that for some reason, I felt that Liberty Bell would sing that song, or that whoever does would look like her, or be her. Something like that. Maybe I just picture you grooving out to it. God I hope that song isn't the lamest song in the world that only lame people would listen to - cause LB, I don't think you're lame.

Sep 11, 08 5:10 pm  · 

Nam my friends, my dear friends have said that the more intense the relationship I am in the less likely we'll remain friends. The most recent is shot to hell in a handbasket. The ex's email go from rants, accusations, to why won't you talk to me because she needs closure. Anyhow enough of that crap...unfortunately this is actually taking a toll on me and affecting my sleep.

Has anyone seen the AFH video on Metropolis online? That Cameron is quite a you think he has groupies?

Sep 11, 08 5:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i don't know if lb is into joni. i however was a free man in paris...

Sep 11, 08 5:35 pm  · 

I'm a cameron groupie/fan....

Sep 11, 08 6:16 pm  · 

I looked for the video but couldn't find it.
Where is it Archi...

Sep 11, 08 6:57 pm  · 

could anyone ever be offended by being associated with a joni mitchell song?!

Sep 11, 08 7:39 pm  · 

i am trying to call my sister in houston;
"all circuits are busy now please try your call later."

Sep 11, 08 7:47 pm  · 

I had an interesting call today from a lady with one of those rich Boston Accents. She was looking for an architect to do an kitchen addition on here 1795 Colonial House out in the Country. I'm busy as heck and well I was going to pass on the job because of the time
constraints I'm currently under. I tryed to pass her off to a Kitchen Consultant I have done work for and I thought it might be a good project for their firm. Well the lady tells me she doesn't want a kitchen consultant as she has the kitchen layout all complete what she needs is an Architect to design the addition to accomodate her

It happens I have to drop off some paper work for another project
in the same town she is located in so I told her I would stop by late in the day after my other meeting. She seems to be very pleased that I can actually stop by on the day she calls. So I have Mrs. b
google her address and I have a general idea as to which curvey little back road her house is located on. So I go drop off the other
paper work and drive over to where her house is to be located and
there is no fricking numbers on the mail boxes in the immediate
area so it is hunt and fish.....the first place i stop at is certainly not the place and it is a giant Connecticut Rambler...which one would never need to add yet another addition. So I'm back out on the street and I drive past their place again turn around an come back saying this has to be the place. Well it is was a grand ole farm house in its day, a little for the worse on this day. There is a single story additon off the back which is the existing kitchen and a wood shed attached to the end of the house which is all but part of the earth.

The round lady with flowing gray hair standing in the door introduces herself and I as well. I notice she is not one for cleaning her glasses as they are covered in fingerprints. I come into the house and it has the patina of an age gone by. Wall papers from the turn of the century and chestnut floors, yet modern glass tables and other curious touches.

We sit at the glass dining room table with very modern metal chairs of a stark design. She starts to tell me about her ideas and reveals a hand drawn plan of her kitchen. It is minimal at best. Then she brings out a computer download of Italian Cabinets and counter tops.
Something I would never have expected. We talk alittle and before long she is describing her desire to have a very modern additon attached to her 1795 Colonial....My heart dances and so the conversation carries on which I'm enjoying more by the minute.
She however tells me she would like to be her own general contractor, and that we can take up the attic Chestnut boards and use them in the kitchen and replace the attic floor with plywood. So she is serious about saving money. She ask me what it would cost to design such an addition for her. I tell her I have to think about it.
so I get around to asking her if she has a budget in mind for the cost of the project and she tells me $40,000.00 for everything. I looked at her and in told her in all honesty her project could not be done for anywhere near that amount of money. I told her the minimum would be $120,000.00 , an it would likely exceed that dollar amount.

I told her I could be only honest in my evaluation because it was not my desire to lead anyone down a path on a project such as this and
not have money to build the project. I told her my exposure to this has always been an unhappy client and an unpaid architect.

She continued to press me so we went outside and I noticed a portion of the addition had been sided with Asbestos Siding which is generally a pain in the ass when it comes to removal and disposal. I made it know to her that this alone was more than a minor expense on such a project and in the end you really see nothing for you expenditure. You only life with the satisfaction that it is gone.

I talked to her a little about Hugh Newell Jacobson and how I could envision an additon that spoke of the existing house yet wanted to be part of the pasture behind the house and distant rolling tree covered New England Berkshire Hills of the distance.

I told her I would have to give the project some consideration because I can't just toss something out there for a number for an Architectual Fee. I told her I would mull it over and get back to her tomorrow. Of course she told me she would like to know how soon I could start on her job and I told her I was at least a month away from starting anything on it do to current commitments. She didn't seem to mind and she told me the most important aspect of this project was that it was a beautiful room and she really didn't care if the Kitchen functioned properly.

So here I be: did she miss understand me as to $40,000 and really was thinking $400,000.00 for a budget.

I think I will give her a worthy proposal which will reflect the real cost of designing and developing construction documents for her project.
I'm sure it is going to eat up a good portion of her budget, or it will set a president for the fact that $40,000. is no where near enough
money to carry out such a task. Then again maybe she will just go ahead and be her own architect. God only knows....watching all those reality home shows does train one up right to be a contractor and heck architecture is just a side step from being a contractor.

Sep 11, 08 8:38 pm  · 

Nam try this

Snook I do hate projects like that, they suck you in with great possibilities and good clients to boot. Be ethical let her see the real cost on paper, and who knows maybe when you lift those boards up from in the attic you'll find some cash her husband left her that will pay for the project (or at least pay for a round the world cruise for you and dr/mrs b)

Sep 12, 08 12:39 am  · 
Sep 12, 08 4:39 am  · 

Good morning all,
That is a striking couple...

Sep 12, 08 8:35 am  · 

...i just hope that Tina stays far away from Texas this weekend.

Sep 12, 08 8:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Sep 12, 08 10:54 am  · 

Funny that lady (isn't really Tina Turner) looks like my mum, especially in the 60s and they are about the same height too

Sep 12, 08 11:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I havent thought of anything worth while to say this morning, so I will just say Mornin'!

Sep 12, 08 11:25 am  · 
vado retro

life sometimes really sucks however...

Sep 12, 08 2:05 pm  · 

g' afternoon folks! Just had a dilicious lunch with the misuss and sapling. nice warm September day (finally). Now its back to the grind.

Sep 12, 08 2:39 pm  · 
vado retro

ive been doing this a lot LaTeLy!

Sep 12, 08 3:39 pm  · 

Texas has Ike....what the heck do we have....nasty wet weather this
evening....and cold...but I don't want to fire up the furnace....not when I paid $4.00 plus for oil last month.....We be cuddling under a blanket and watching TV.

Sep 12, 08 6:34 pm  · 

snook be appreciative that you have someone beautiful to cuddle under said blanket with.

I hope Houston is managing the effects of Ike.

enjoy your weekend everyone

Sep 12, 08 8:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno and all you other TCers who are not American: I apologize for how the forum lately has been so taken over by politics. Fifty-two more days to the election, then the aftermath. Hopefully the tone of a lot of it will calm down between now and then, though that's probably overly-optimistic of me.

vado and I had a long talk today about America no longer being "the world superpower". With the attention span/depth of our citizenry it seems we're headed that way! I'm curious what it's like to be a citizen of a country that does NOT have that sense of entitlement. I mean, I look at my life and worldview and know that I have an innate sense of being the "big man on campus". I've lived abroad, and visited other countries, and have the feeling that not playing that world police role would be, honestly, a better frame of mind for a country's citizenry. But I realize that I really have no idea, even though that reality may be imminent. With the way we've been acting lately, we certainly deserve it.

Anyway, in a non-combative way, I'm curious for opinions on how we yanks are viewed, and what it's like to be a citizen of a nation that looks at ANOTHER nation as being the big guys.

I looked at some images of Galveston today and nearly cried. I can't handle another Katrina, on top of everything else, I can't bear it.

Hang in there, everyone.

Sep 12, 08 9:37 pm  · 

I am alive, and fretting.

lb, I've been stressed out today for a number of reasons, and every time I come back to my computer to try to manage things, I'm drawn into those satellite images of Ike like I'm being hypnotized. It's massive, bigger than Katrina was. I had a sinus headache all day and I wondered if maybe there was a pressure anomaly that might actually have to do with Ike. The temperature today was 9 degrees lower in Los Angeles than they predicted. Climate change? We haven't seen anything yet.

And people wonder why I worry so much. Have a good weekend all. I need dinner and a nap.

Sep 12, 08 9:49 pm  · 
vado retro

in september 1900 the worst natural disaster in american history occurred in galveston texas. a hurricane killed between 6 and 12 thousand people...and i like this SoNg!

Sep 12, 08 10:54 pm  · 

WK, my family has a history of sinus infections that in every case are tied to weather changes. In fact we've actually had to move 400 miles for that sole reason before (we were in the bay area... lots of weather flux & pressure flux between dampness and dryness will do it...) so, you're not imagining things. luckily sinus infections can be treated really easily with a very short course of antibiotics if caught early. on the other hand you don't want to do the anti-biotics too often...

on the subject of ex- emails : my boyfriend got emails from one of his exes -- whom he had dated for maybe half a year -- for years on the date of her birthday, chastising him viciously for not having sent her a birthday card. How bizarre! She sounds like a wacko however.

Sep 12, 08 11:12 pm  · 

worry less Wonder K, just keep working on the solution.

Liberty wow thanks for the loaded gun you just handed me. I'd love to tackle that one - but perhaps now isn't the best time for it. I do however think the world never wanted you to be the world police, rather to utilise the media (which you really do control and police) to hold a fair mirror up to the world to say these are the attrocities that are unfolding. The rest I believe is no fault of the citizens but of the government over the years and their approach at foriegn policy and under the guise of keeping its people safe, and I say this with trepidation due to the invasive nature "freedom of speech" - that the rules that apply and are enforced not apply to them. That if their actions were for the greater good (transcending creed, nationalities, religion, race, etc) that there would be global solidarity on the things (policies and enforcement) affecting poverty, starvation, genocide, disease, ecological destruction, climate change etc. Kyoto anyone...

I must be a bleeding heart hippy/rasta caught soaking my feet at the beach away from it all, but I just believe that the notion of World Peace is not only about war and violence about how we work together to deal with the issues that affect humanity. I was going to ad lib and repeat an often quoted line from Haile Selassie, popularised by music, but perhaps that might be too much.

please no one beat me down this, I've spent the last 15 minutes re-reading this wondering if I should send it. It reminds me of the old addage that all is well as long as you talk religion or politics. Seems in one failed swoop I've done both.

Sep 12, 08 11:31 pm  · 
vado retro

yes techno we must emancipate ourselves from mental slavery!

Sep 12, 08 11:54 pm  · 

a gem from my dad, somehow i missed this last april...

stephen hawking does zero gravity


i find moments of absolute beauty to be quite rare. this experience for him must have been something he dreamed of almost his whole life. gravity is an even crueler reality for stephen. to be free of its bond for just a moment, must have been very liberating.

anyway, i figured you nerds would enjoy.

Sep 13, 08 2:55 am  · 

The whole Ike thing seems really surreal to me. I'm sure it won't once I touch down in the states again, but right now it's a little wierd.

techno- I've been the sender of emails like that too (wow, are all my relationships fucked up? possibly), and all I can say is that she's feeling better when she sends the email, regardless of whether or not you reply. So feel free to hit the delete button, provided that you actually have provided closure at some point.

Sep 13, 08 4:20 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm in total agreement, techno: I can't understand how it is we can't figure out how to work globally on poverty, hunger, environment, etc. I guess I'm a hippie too, and when I hear lyrics like Bob Marley and John Lennon and Marvin Gaye I think "Duh - why aren't the people who run things around here listening to this?!" I mean, love CAN conquer all, don't they see that?

I'm worried about this train crash in LA and ahve to assume from your post time, DubK, that you were not on the train. hopefully no other 'nector's were either. And I'm worried about Ike, too - too much to worry about this weekend!

That is a lovely image, holz.

Sep 13, 08 9:42 am  · 

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