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Dancing and singing with the kids sounds like fun. I usually hum whatever song is stuck in my head that day. I just borrowed Brandi Carlile's The Story from the library yesterday and have been humming like a mad (wo)man all day long. I saw her play on Austin City Limits about a month and a half back and fell in love with her voice.

I'll never foget the one day I got caught getting my groove on while doing a site survey one day. I was field measuring a hotel restaurant which closed daily between lunch and dinner. I thought the place was empty and just completely started jamming out to my iPod; utterly into what I was doing and the music. All the sudden I turned around to take my next measurement and low and behold there was one of the server's trying to get by, staring at me and chuckling. Oops.

Sep 9, 08 10:02 pm  · 

Oh and nam I too am totally blown away by the fact you have all this architectural knowledge and you don't even work in the field. Makes me kinda feel like a big slacker. Another person with a History Degree. YAY!!!!! :o)

Sep 9, 08 10:05 pm  · 

Speaking of jamming to the ole ipod... is anyone else digging eno + byrne's new collaboration as much as i am?

Sep 9, 08 10:35 pm  · 

Steven: would that be:

Sverre Fehn - Architekt (by either Regina Hanisch or Georg Lilienthal, depending on which Amazon link you follow)


Sverre Fehn (by Norberg-Shulz)


They are all either unavailable or around $150 it looks like, but just in case, I'd love to add the correct one to my listy.

Also sounding fascinating are:

"on the Thought of Construction" by Sverre Fehn
"the skin, the cut, and the bandage" by Sverre Fehn

...hmm! He seems to be not very well-known / well-documented for a Pritzker winner! Intriguing.

Sep 9, 08 10:41 pm  · 

Speaking of wasting time....

tk, I've been LEED AP for 3 years now, but I just changed the name in LinkedIn, if that's what you're talking about?

I really have to get some work done. Urgh...

Sep 9, 08 11:13 pm  · 

Tuna and manta thanks.
I try my best. It mostly has to do with being much more passionate and interested in all topics archi and urban compared to my day job than anything else..

Also, the book "The Skin the Cut and the bandage" by Fehn sounds interesting.
I had previously heard about the Eno-Byrne collabo but clicking on that link was the first i had heard any of it.
I definitely like it though.

And Jump and others, doesn't matter if it is with daughters, yourself or whatever in my book dancing is dancing. Good for the soul and body.

Also, anyone seen archi in the last two days? Maybe Hurricane Ike took out some power?

Sep 9, 08 11:16 pm  · 

nam, "strange overtones" is by far my fave song on there so far, but there are others that i can tell i'm going to slowly warm up to and start to love even more for the time it takes me to get into them. if that makes any sense. the first song is great so far too.

it's not like BEST ALBUM EVAR but it's solid and very enjoyable.

Sep 9, 08 11:36 pm  · 

fehn is my baby's daddy.

half my studio projects were blatant fehn-worshipping

Sep 9, 08 11:38 pm  · 

this is the fehn book you want to ger yer paws on.

works, projects writing - 1949-1996

Sep 9, 08 11:44 pm  · 

yep, that's the one, manta. it's about the most complete. it was scheduled for publication before he got the pritzker but then delayed when he got it so that they could tweak it a little. i had pre-ordered and it took FOREVER to get it.

they've been playing the byrne/eno on the radio here and i like everything i've heard. 'strange overtones' has been getting the most play, by far. byrne has a show here in oct and i hope i can go!

Sep 10, 08 7:27 am  · 
vado retro

brian eno starring in "TooMuchCheesecakeTooSoon!

Sep 10, 08 8:27 am  · 

that totally counts, jump. I'm sure they're far superior company to the dance partners I've had lately!

I've only got a week left in Roma. This makes me sad in part, but then the following week in London really has me pumped, so it's bittersweet. I mean, I've finally accepted cappuccino as part of a normal morning, found the perfect Roman sandle, and perfected the no-way-in-hell-are-you-getting-any-of-this look, and now I have to leave? W.T.F.

Sep 10, 08 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The songs sung around my house of late are tweaks of various kids songs; i.e. "Someone's in the Kitchen with Mama," "Let's go take a Nap," and then a completly original "Hey little Kid, I love you." The first two are variations of Someones in the Kitchen with Dinah" and "Lets go fly a kite." Oh, and of course both versions of "I've been working on the railroad" - my Mom went to UT.

The most memorable time I was caught grooving - In the morning before work, in a shirt and underwear, not even realizing how much I was into the song, and Husband came out of the bathroom to see me jammin', back turned to him, for about 3-4 mintues. Whoops! I'm sure I turned about 3 shades of red.

And I was just wondering where Techno was too. Yeah!! Huricane Ike is headed our way! We may get some rain.

Sep 10, 08 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

This is my powder room, finished (almost) last January. Still need to paint the trim and fix the historic roll-up screen. I posted this here to share my framed Architecture Sucks by Susan Surface print! The adjacent wall has a small painting on wood with a floral pattern in pink/brown/black. The two pieces work together.

Sep 10, 08 9:16 am  · 

that's very cool lb...havin the pleasure of havin met ss it makes this whole archinect world even smaller...

sw et al
i feel a certain irrational pride regarding all this talk about sverre fehn...
my mom is i've been aware of his work for years...i've visited several of his buildings...including the glacier museum posted above by's in the middle of nowhere...i really like his museum in hamar...and he has a new building there as well which i think is also nice...i also was there this summer and saw his addition to the architecture well as an exhibit of his houses.

anyway..i'm a fan of well as norwegian architecture in general...
understated, well detailed work that stands up over time...makes the drywall castles we build over here mildly depressing...

Sep 10, 08 10:37 am  · 

only mildly?

my girls like hannah montanah, so i can sing most her songs now...but i only mention this cuz once we started watching the tv show i just had to show the girls who the da was when he was young. youtube gave us achey breaky heart and my 3 yr old daughter so totally loves line dancing...she revels in the absurdity of it all.

let me tell ya there is nothing more cute than a 3 yr old holding an imaginary buckle and dancing round the house singing achey breaky heart. i think she may become a pro performer like her uncle. ;-)

Sep 10, 08 11:25 am  · 

so I think that the starter on my car is dead....only has about 52,000 miles...just enough that the 50,000 mile warrenty is over

Sep 10, 08 11:41 am  · 

mdler- LOLROTF for your post on the BiWT thread.

Sep 10, 08 11:57 am  · 
vado retro

well look who i got to hang out with for oh toooo short of time today...
thanks for the pep talk lb! i'm sure i'll need more!!!

Sep 10, 08 2:10 pm  · 

nice glasses (and shirts)!

Sep 10, 08 2:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Eek, I think there's lipstick on my teeth. Can we reduce the size of that image by half, please? Or at least the right side of the picture?

I've had a very good day, nothing makes me happier then hearing a client say "I have loved working with you and will call you again!" Let's hope she still feels that way when she gets my bill.

Sep 10, 08 3:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, that is a slick shirt. Few men can pull that off.

Are you carrying a purse?

Sep 10, 08 3:36 pm  · 

Very 'architecty' couple.

Are you pair married?

Sep 10, 08 3:51 pm  · 
vado retro

its my bag of tricks sarah!

Sep 10, 08 3:53 pm  · 

Vado - is it a murse?

Sep 10, 08 4:19 pm  · 

He prefers the term Man Bag ;o)

Sep 10, 08 4:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, I don't doubt it. You know, I often wonder if your persona on here, at least as it comes across to me, is how you really are in real life. You remind me of a character I saw on TV once. Or maybe it was a movie. In a book?

Sep 10, 08 4:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado is larger than life.

Sep 10, 08 6:56 pm  · 

you guys WERE looking pretty stylin today. there are some pretty people in naptown!

Sep 10, 08 6:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

We didn't even call each other this morning to coordinate outfits or anything!

Sep 10, 08 7:02 pm  · 
vado retro

...and yes lb was wearing boots. very foxy boots!!!

Sep 10, 08 7:10 pm  · 

did you have pizza?

Sep 10, 08 7:13 pm  · 
vado retro

pizza pizza...actually no we were just standin outside a pizza place. we just ate cavier right outta the jar...

Sep 10, 08 7:39 pm  · 

did you guys hose each other down with Cristal afterwards?

Sep 10, 08 8:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ridiculous, I's the most fashionable commercial corner in Naptown, 49/Penn, and we happen to be standing in front of the one freakin' chain restaurant awning.

We did not eat there.

Sep 10, 08 8:52 pm  · 

i can see the classiness reflected in your glasses.

Sep 10, 08 8:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

One more, Steven, and we'll get all those ALL CAPS OBAMA threads off the top...

Sep 10, 08 9:04 pm  · 

i am alive.....five meetings today and five different projects and somehow i managed to still get some drawing done. the day was completed and my greek friends blessed me with a nice dinner at there restaurant along with three foster i'm a happy to go to sleep guy. keep thinking the world is going to get better, because we all need to and damn it don't pray for pipelines...pray for solar collectors, wind turbines, and passive solar houses...and it will get better.

Sep 10, 08 11:10 pm  · 
vado retro

hang in there snook!

Sep 10, 08 11:33 pm  · 

hi all I'm alive. Holz thanks for the regards...luckily Ike skipped past us here in Jamaica but Cuba wasn't so lucky. They have advised that we should be getting the tail end rains for about 2 days in a row.

Also my absence has been technical versus environmental. Our ISP has been deliquent to say the least - no service since Saturday. Anyway I'm doing to catch up on my page and a half of reading. Oh and thanks for the train blog link Liberty (love that photo of you and vado...very fetching)

Sep 10, 08 11:47 pm  · 
did you guys hose each other down with Cristal afterwards?

LOL mdler! Damn it mdler, why'd you leave. I'm having a birthday party in a month if you want to come back down.

Man, I miss you guys. As in, I miss just being able to hop in my car and drive 90 minutes in some direction and get one of you. But I'm living the dream out here, right? :o(

Sep 11, 08 12:18 am  · 

PS. Techno, I'm glad you're OK! And what went on in the forum today? Some trolls get emboldened and come back for a roll in the mud? Somebody needs to put some lipstick on that pig :o)

Sep 11, 08 12:23 am  · 

Nam and Sarah thanks for the kind regards I'm alive as Puddles would say. Brother I swear all this time that you were an architectural journalist, and only proves my point that some are born into this field whilst others choose it. Believe me you are in the former...

We had a fairly diverse faculty in school, and we were exposed to the plans of Sverre Fehn. Very articulated and inspiring. He should always be mentioned in the same breath as Aalto or Siza...always.

Oh I'm still being email stalked by my ex...but whatever

Sep 11, 08 12:32 am  · 

Well I'm a big jerkwad because here I was today, talkin' to the boss in his office, idly looking around at the digs, and... what did I see over his shoulder but the very same Sverre Fehn monograph I'm supposed to be checking out?! And here I've managed to completely miss Sverre Fehn in my own readings. And to think of all the times I've combed those very bookshelves!

Sep 11, 08 1:47 am  · 

its amazing when your eyelids have been peeled back to show you what is really there. So did you borrow the book, and in so doing have a rousing conversation about Sverre? His name draws passion like how people talk about Zumthor now...

Sep 11, 08 2:49 am  · 

Good morning all,

Archi glad to hear you are fine, except for the ex. As another point of similarity between us. I too still get occasional emails from my last ex 6 months out even though she is living across the continent from me.

Manta as for the Sverre monograph well at least you don't have to buy it now?
I definetely got a Zumthor like vibe from his work regarding the level of craftsmenship and the "rabidness/dedicatedness" of his fans..

Funny connection,,

WonderK I am sure all TC feels the same way. But I miss you and hope you are living the dream....

Sep 11, 08 8:16 am  · 

mornin TC!

another day of classes, today its engineering materials, physics, and drafting, and pe

miss you too wonderk

Sep 11, 08 8:46 am  · 

glad to hear you made it through the storms archi. the news from cuba is quite bad.

we get lots of typhoons running through tokyo but luckily only a few times have they been really bad. would hate to go through one like that. must be horrible.

Sep 11, 08 8:56 am  · 

nam, have you told the ex that these are by no means welcome? Because unless you come out and say it, we're all a little difficult to interpret sometimes. What you think is just being minimally polite could be interpreted by her as a continued interest in friendship. A bunch of years ago I had to outright tell an ex (again, despite the majority of the country worth of distance between us) that he needed to never contact me again as it was harming a relationship that I was pursuing at the time. He got all, "if that's what you want, you'll never hear from me again" (imagine tone of wounded puppy) and I had to just say "That would be great actually."

I have lots of good news this week, so hopefully my alter ego can manage another blog entry to tell everyone about it. But I'm supposed to be doing art history research, so I'll stop procrastinating. Or maybe I'll make some pasta instead.

Sep 11, 08 12:43 pm  · 

Aw thanks Philarct! ;o)

I think my nose is trying to give me a sinus infection. The weather is changing and I'm probably not sleeping as much as I should be. I don't have time for that so I'm taking a bunch of vitamins, I think it will be OK.

Congrats, rationalist, on your week! Yay.

Sep 11, 08 12:49 pm  · 

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