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brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Sep 5, 08 1:45 pm  · 

one media type with big camera gear bag
a few preppy folks in the 'design for the other 90%' huts

no red white and blue ensembles as featured on tv...

Sep 5, 08 2:01 pm  · 

congratulations jump, happy birthday sh, good job tuna, have a long life to puddles, nam that sounds like love's in the air!
and, best of everything else to others.

did you know, it only takes 1.25hour to fly from venice, italy to my home town izmir, turkey?

Sep 5, 08 2:09 pm  · 


Older as in gnerally anywhere from 5-10 years older (which is my parent's age difference but when it is 40-50 it isn't as big of a deal as when 27 and 37 etc) and as i said it wasn't just the older but also single mom/MILF and just generally more complicated relationships than i really needed to be getting into to.

Sep 5, 08 2:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I did not know that, Orhan, but it sounds nice. I'm envious. The only things I have from Turkey (my dad was there with the Air force) is a T-shirt that say "The Big Lick - Incerlik Turkey" across the front, but because I'm a girl, the shirt folds to say 'The Big Turkey." I wear it anyway. And we have two lanterns.

Sep 5, 08 2:14 pm  · 

my dad was a pilot in turkish airforce. he flew saber jets (f-86) from korean war era. he was a hunter pilot (dog fighter) and had a lot of american airforce pilot friends from incirlik afb. in fact my first dog was a pointsetter, who was given to my dad by his american friend who didn't want to relocate the dog to america. dog's name was mike... circa early 60's...
perhaps my father is an older generation from your dad but small world nevertheless.

Sep 5, 08 2:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, my Dad is only 55, or 56. I cant remember.

Sep 5, 08 2:54 pm  · 

Pretty sweet, Orhan. Does that mean you're headed home to visit mama Ayyuce again soon?

Some day I would like you to take me on a tour of Turkey. I would LOVE to understand the culture of my roots in a positive, non-judgmental way and I think you'd be perfect for that. Can you pencil me in for 20 or 30 years from now?

Nam + Techno : my love life actually turned around for the better when i gave up and started choosing older s.o.'s...

Sep 5, 08 6:22 pm  · 

thanks all.

sounds nice nam. hope it works out for you.

LB, thesis in harcover would have been awesome for MArch. sucha great idea.

tuna, yup all defended and then re-defended after one of the jury thought i shouldn't be studying suburbia at all. my thesis asked what role suburbs have in compact city in japan - he thought the answer was obviously NONE. other professor said my research was perfectly executed - the others were somewhere in between. how to respond to that? i guess they were finally satisfied as i got the go ahead after some hasty revisions to answer why suburbia is valid as a field of study at all. luckily that debate has been done to death in the west so i didn't have to think too hard to make argument, but was a shock to have to deal with it.

anyway, 10 proper copies were made. they look quite good i must say, completely independent of the content. gold embossed ink, etc etc.

also am glad you got the furnitures figured out, tuna. lb is totally right that sometimes we only learn by mistakes. learning from other people's mistakes is even better. def less painful...

Sep 5, 08 8:17 pm  · 

I'm alive! Currently listening to an MArch student and professor across the way from me discussing all sorts of things, including the election...kinda funny and I had to bite my tongue to not jump in.

Sarah, happy birthday! Today I went into work and my office manager said "happy birthday!" and I said, "it's not for another month!". They had gotten me a cake and everything. It's good to have people around you who like you so much they throw you a birthday party a month early.

Sep 5, 08 8:30 pm  · 

congrats jump... the re-defense deal sounds a bit traumatic... glad that it all worked out in the end though... is your dissertation available online anywhere?

Sep 5, 08 8:42 pm  · 
vado retro

happy birthday sarah when you are my age your son will be your age... so this may be more for me than YOU!

Sep 5, 08 9:35 pm  · 

lol @ Wonder K - what kind of cake was it? Jump my MArch dessertation had to be hard bound as well with gold embossed...but my was really weird because the title included symbols in it as well, and invariably people had to take it out and read it horizontally. Tuna you should so totally put your own card in there - or better still spend the weekend and make him a personalised bookmark with your own personal message about how you'd like a little one-one getting to you know wink wink time and if I haven't totally made you blush with that last statement I'm not trying hard enough. Anyway here's a cool link how make one. Hi puddles - I'm barely alive. Manatary I'm glad that you had more success with the significant age gap, I wonder if the gender difference is the right ingredient. Oh and have a great, late night birthday girl Sarah

I'm turning in early tonight, still not used to the 4 hours of studio time...being on point, available, remembering everying - its tiring but more enjoyable that I could express. The students are amazing and left me godsmacked a few times at their efforts, committment and talents. I'll expound/explain more here

Sep 5, 08 9:58 pm  · 

you must visit your fatherland. you don't need me. go by yourself or take your parents with you.
on a very positive note, turkish president is going to be in yeravan tomorrow as the guest of sarkisian, the armenian president, to watch the soccer game between turkey and armenia. this is a huge step toward a possible re-conciliation and turkey lifting the border restrictions with armenia.

Sep 5, 08 10:14 pm  · 

It was as tasty as it looks. :o)

Sep 5, 08 10:30 pm  · 

Happy B-Day Emily!!

Sep 5, 08 10:47 pm  · 

state preservation conference thursday, today, and tomorrow.

tonight we had a party in bloomfield ky in a building on the 19thC main street that linda and jerry bruckheimer have completely renovated since they bought a place in town. the party was in the bloomfield meeting house, a storefront with a bar, a roller rink, a bowling alley, pool, etc. very fun.

i'm sure it was a poking-fun gift, but there was a big lit sign in the pool bar that said 'csi: bloomfield'.

Sep 5, 08 10:50 pm  · 

happy happy wk!

in the louisville paper yesterday it was announced that a new 'birthday pavilion' will be built at our waterfront in honor of the louisville sisters who wrote the ubiquitous birthday song. pretty slick design proposal by a local firm...

Sep 5, 08 10:51 pm  · 

But that's just it, it's not really my birthday!

Thanks though! :o)

Sep 6, 08 3:28 am  · 

well then, happy virtual birthday WK! (and a real one to SH)

those raspberries got me so nostalgifying...

when a kid we had bushes and bushes of raspberries out our backdoor. made jam with gramma and all that stuff every summer. oh, and preserves too. good god but was that stuff good with ice cream.

but here i am now in japan where raspberries are all but non-existent, at the supermarket, in the form of jam, frozen whatever. no one here knows about em somehow. just about enough to quit this country and head for home (i have a thing for raspberries).

architphil, no i haven't posted online, really. there is a roughshod version of a paper i presented in liverpool a few months ago here. the one by galloway. its a bit vague as i want to submit a few articles to proper journals this year - which is a bit of a shame as the items i presented are not entirely satisfactory. i did get to meet sir peter hall though (sat on bus together), and director of town and country planning asked me to write an article based on the presentation. so was actually a great trip.

the re-defence, btw was totally relaxed. the prof was trapped in dogma and was easy to counter his objections with mountains of research. my own prof felt my work was worthwhile and in the end that was the main point.

Sep 6, 08 5:07 am  · 

thanks for the link jump... i'll take a look at it...

how did you enjoy the ifhp conference in liverpool... i presented a paper at their world congress in copenhagen last year... i was really impressed by the quality of everything (speakers, lunches, tours, graphic presentation, handout materials, etc) and was wondering if all ifhp events were so nice or if it was just copenhagen... the aia could definitely learn a few things...

Sep 6, 08 9:56 am  · 

no worries, architphil. just fluff really.

as for the conference, it was quite good. there were a lot of developers there, surprisingly, but that was a nice bonus in my mind.

the presentations were all good as was the venue the events and the organisation in general. no complaints i can think of. i did find that the practicing planners were far better at presenting than the academics. some of the academics maybe should not be allowed to speak in public - listening was slightly painful. ;-)

Sep 6, 08 7:32 pm  · 

its confirmed. I have booked/paid for my ticket to Cleveland. My flying times unfortunately don't allow me much time to layover in Chicago nor Dallas where I have stops in between both going and returning. I am trying to make an itinary your suggestions are welcome. And more importantly I will attempt to meet at least 3 archinectors (tuna included). Email me for dates...pun excluded or is it!

techno on a tin budgy

Sep 6, 08 10:34 pm  · 

LOL Atechno!!!!!! Very exciting indeed.

Sep 6, 08 11:19 pm  · 
vado retro

for FuN! its all the rage in cleveland...

Sep 6, 08 11:38 pm  · 

Happy Sunday TC- Hope all is well. I've been battling a lingering headache most of the day but did get around to mulching my front flower bed and cleaning up the backyard a bit. Hopefully within the next two weeks I'll be able to mulch the back bed I created this spring and be done with it until nest year.

For those who are interested the one book finally has a personalized note in it, but I'm still debating what to do with the other two. Leave them blank or at least write the date and sign my name. Tomorrow we give HIM with his care package. I'm quite excited. There is nothing better than seeing the look on people's faces when they get presents.

Sep 7, 08 7:47 pm  · 
vado retro

i need some mulching in my bed...

Sep 7, 08 8:21 pm  · 

at - how'd ike treat you?

Sep 7, 08 8:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

For those of you who follow The Sartorialist: One of my best buddies from undergrad was just featured on it. He looks fantastic, and I suddenly feel like a loser.

I've got Apollo 13 on across the room tonight - that movie makes me want to go back to school and become and engineer! I love it when there are answers.

Sep 7, 08 10:43 pm  · 

Good evening all.
Had a fantastic weekend with the new lady.
I am more in more into her as time goes by.

Which recent photo? I am a regular Sat reader...

Sep 7, 08 11:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nam: Coat over the shoulders, yes or no?

Ask your new lady if she thinks you can pull off that look! (Very excited to hear how well it's going...)

Sep 7, 08 11:16 pm  · 

I think yes...
Was he the guy with the blue jacket or cardigan?
I think the two key points are the relaxed nature of the look and the functionality.
I think it is great if you are trying to layer or just keep it cool (temp wise).
Not sure if i would do it otherwise. It might come across as being to affected?

Sep 7, 08 11:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

The handsome blonde with the light jacket and nifty-looking sketch book in his hand. He's a two-time Tony winner for set design.

I just grumped on Reed Kroloff in the Architecture School thread. Guess next time I visit Cranbrook I'll just keep quiet about it!

Sep 7, 08 11:51 pm  · 

lb, i wear my jacket like that all the time. it is a turkish thing also. you should carry a switch blade as well, not a sketch book.;.)

Sep 8, 08 1:56 am  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I have no doubt YOU carry it off beautifully. You could also do a cape, if you wanted, I'll bet.

I'm just happy weather is cooling down so I can put on my cowboy boots again soon.

Sep 8, 08 7:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Update! That's not my buddy on Sartorialist, that's his identical twin brother. Though it might as well be him as he is equally (identically, in fact) stylish and handsome - those two could wreak havoc if they felt like it.

Sep 8, 08 9:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


We get cake today!! Oh, and I only made it to 12am. Husbands elbow was sore, and Dave and Busters sucked - we shouldve stayed at the Martini Ranch, except that I was pretty buzzed from my large Shiner, 2 martinis, and whatever the free drink the bartender gave us. Damn if pregnancy didnt take away my Alcohol tolerance.

Oh, and Vado, That song was really pretty - but thanks for making me feel old. Do I have any milestones left, aside from the senior citizen discount?

Sep 8, 08 9:34 am  · 

lb- a tony award or two doesn't mean that the guy is happy or that he is contributing to making the world a better place. (plus they are rigged to award the $$, not the quality). there is only so far a theater designer can go - then what? Architecture has much more potential. in a nutshell, that is why I returned from the darkside.

happy monday ya'll! (that was inspired by SH - or don't they talk like that in dallas?)

Sep 8, 08 10:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, that is a proper contraction, so yes, we say y'all. Though, I have noticed I say it less as I've gotten older.

Sep 8, 08 10:23 am  · 

Good morning all,

SH when you say Shiner i assume you are referring to that king of beers Shiner Bock? We also say y'all down here in Northern Central Florida.

Also Vado et al, although it has been around a bit this is my favorite Electric Six song. It is just catchy...
In fact when me and friends occasionally do Karaoke someone invariably ends up doing that song.

Sep 8, 08 10:55 am  · 

Good morning all,

SH when you say Shiner i assume you are referring to that king of beers Shiner Bock? We also say y'all down here in Northern Central Florida.

Also Vado et al, although it has been around a bit this is my favorite Electric Six song. It is just catchy...
In fact when me and friends occasionally do Karaoke someone invariably ends up doing that song.

Sep 8, 08 10:55 am  · 

Woopsie daisy.
I thought that might happen.

Sep 8, 08 10:56 am  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, tk I know. I mean in this case, my friend IS happy and LOVES his work and has achieved enormous success in it and signs off every one of his emails with "I'm grateful every day" - I'm so happy for him.

I have another friend whose wedding this weekend is apparently about to be featured in NYTimes too. God, if NY matters so much to me, why didn't I move there when I graduated?!?

What's funny to me, I've said this before, is looking at my male friends from college. When I picture their faces I still see their young boy-faces in my head - we met when we were all 19. Now when I see them - my partner included - I get excited at how they have all "grown up" into very handsome men. I guess our visual tastes change as we grow older, which is good.

Which reminds me, Sarah: yes there are more milestones. Thirty is huge, because the damned 20s - the worst decade - are finally over. Forty is huge, for women at least, because in your 40s is when you decide to either be graceful or in denial about your age. (I'm trying for the former, but hit the latter pretty frequently despite my firm grasp of logic.) I'm glad to be in my forties. I can only imagine 50 is a big one too.

Plus, you still need to get registered, and that's a huge milestone to be proud of!

Sep 8, 08 10:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Registered for what?

I hate registering for gifts. I hate registering my car. Registering to vote was easy, and I have two registration cards; do I need both? And why are air vents called Registers?

Sep 8, 08 11:08 am  · 

we say "all of you" up in canucksville. very proper, your average canadian.

knife as accessory....those were the days. have't carried a knife fr years, but up til junior high we all had knives in pockets. nothing sinister usually.

Sep 8, 08 11:10 am  · 
liberty bell

Registered = licensed architect.

Sep 8, 08 11:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh yeah. Duh. Forgot that one completely.

Sep 8, 08 11:38 am  · 

i've been trying to limit my use of y'all since moving to philadelphia... it's really my only southern trait to speak of... when i was touring that urban farm our tour guide said y'all so i asked her where she was from... she was from boston... wtf...

Sep 8, 08 11:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil, just dont adopt 'Yous' - it should be reserved for female sheep.

y'ones (you ones) sounds funny, but at least is logical.

Sep 8, 08 12:13 pm  · 

Architphil - you can always start using "yins".

May I say say that trying to create a metal accent wall is a lot more challenging when you have to take scrap into consideration. I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure it out. So far I have a roughly a whole sheet of waste that I need to figure out how to use without it looking like we just used the excess in random areas. ARGH!!!!

Sep 8, 08 12:22 pm  · 

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