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I'm in my pajamas and plan on staying that way until I have to go to school later today. :-D

Sep 4, 08 12:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Switched from the school marm look (vado I predicted that video before I even clicked the link...) to painting clothes as I have to paint up some cabinet color samples - I needed a job to do today that involved me NOT sitting at the computer sucking down Palin news.

snook: dude, wear the bolo!!! Bolos are so cool, and out east you'd be seen as a maverick in the best sense of that word, a fashion maverick!

Sep 4, 08 1:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Didnt ralph lauren wear bolos? I gave one to a friend once, as a Texan gift.

Oh, yeah, speaking of, LB, thanks for the Texan compliment on the SP thread. I wish I was like that, though; I'm too much of a pleaser.

And, Tuna, more importantly, what did TunaCrush say about your attire?

Sep 4, 08 1:24 pm  · 

i wore ties from 5 grade on. to me they are no big deal. i don't have to think about them if i am wearing one. we wouldn't be allowed to go to classes w/o a tie. so, always a tie in the jacket pocket. that was a public school mind you...

Sep 4, 08 1:32 pm  · 

Ok, so as usual I need 2nd opinions. This one's about my thesis though, and I would really appreciate all of your input! See here.

Sep 4, 08 1:34 pm  · 

Wow page 236 already. Impressive.

I never really understood the reason they call themselves "23/6". Oh well.

Now go check my link above! :-D

Sep 4, 08 1:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I was thinking about it this morning and I've only ever met* one Texan I didn't like, and though he lived in Texas he was from Boston.

* I mean met in person - I can name plenty of famous Texans who rub me the wrong way, as well as many I like.

Sep 4, 08 1:41 pm  · 

i think it's 23/6 as opposed to 24/7?

Sep 4, 08 1:43 pm  · 

use your vision of what sorts of project you wish to pursue in the future to guide your thesis.
good luck!

Sep 4, 08 2:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dubbers, I also replied, but apparently you have to approve my message.

But, I like your idea.

And, LB, we Texans are very picky about what qualifies one as a Texan. Namely, birth, but a few can be naturalized, assuming theyre attitude is in tune with the Texan mindset. So, fortunaly, the Bostonian is NOT Texan.

You know, some women have actually gone as far as to have a jar of Texas dirt under the delivery table when birthing out of state!

Sep 4, 08 2:18 pm  · 
transmission loss

is more then energy used...

Sep 4, 08 2:40 pm  · 

Yay, thanks for your comments! Very helpful and I replied to each...keep it coming.

TK that graphic is rather stunning...

On a side note, my anger has subsided a bit. I accidentally unloaded on an unlikely acquaintance - a school friend of mine who spent countless hours driving me around for our photography class last semester. He gave me a ride home last night and got an earful! Luckily he had some venting to do as well so it wasn't all one-sided. Funny though.

Sep 4, 08 3:20 pm  · 

Hey all just got out of a almost 2hr meeting.

I give thee the award best sentence in recent TC history,
"some day. some day. we will ALL drink old toilet water. and like it. i have a dream...."

Also, anyone interested in doing an EP or Op-Ed in the next few weeks or months?
LB didn't you say you might have had an idea or two?

I am off to meet my birthday chemistry girl for drinks and possibly frisbee golf.

Sep 4, 08 5:03 pm  · 

Oh and thanks Vado, I think that might be my first dedication. I'm humbled. WK I read your snippet on your thesis...I could see it being useful and alot of fun.

Sep 4, 08 5:18 pm  · 

... i'm actually in the architecture phd program... so i'm kinda all over the place in terms of the classes that i'm taking... with my interests i'll probably take more larp classes than arch classes...

JDH is still here... he's teaching larp theory 1 and an elective on sculpture gardens this semester...

i haven't heard any rumblings about JC stepping down... that would be kinda rough to have turnover on the dean, arch chair, and larp chair in one year... right now braham is interim arch chair and marilyn taylor takes over as dean in october...

Sep 4, 08 5:32 pm  · 

I am the worst interior designer ever. In designing the office layout, I forgot to take into consideration panel width (for the cubes) and now it looks as though their new cubicles aren't going to fit. I think I am going to cry. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 4, 08 5:48 pm  · 

In my defense who the hell waits until the very end of the project to purhcase cubicle furniture anyway.

Still the worst interior designer though. DOUBLE FUCK!!!!!!

Sep 4, 08 5:52 pm  · 

I doubt you are tuna - don't beat yourself up. From you mentioned it being a rush job and all, its expected to forget a step or two when you are running.

Sep 4, 08 6:26 pm  · 

architphil- good luck with your phd=. I had the pleasure of taking the PhD theory with Kazys Vernelis as an elective. meeting in the rare book room to talk about network urbanism while reading original editions of palladio was one of my great penn experiences

tuna- [shoulder to cry on/punch]

Sep 4, 08 6:31 pm  · 

Easier said than done Atechno. I'm one of those people who ruminates and over analyzes everything, to a fault. Fortunately we deisgned it so the walkways are bigger than they had to be for ADA. There are only two places where there may be issues, and one place for sure is NOT going to fit. (I wonder how much it costs to move a half height wall over 4") Unfortunately the cubicles and walls aren't going to line up perfectly (WAHHHHHHH!!!!!) but no one other than architects and designers are going to notice, right? RIGHT?!?!?

What is really weird is after thinking about it, I could have sworn that way back when we began I did add extra space to my cube blocks, so WTF? Granted two of us were working on dualing layouts but I swear he did too. MEH!!!!! I need to stop. There is nothing I can do.

Thanks TK for the shoulder.

Sep 4, 08 7:13 pm  · 

thanks tk... david leatherbarrow is teaching the phd seminar this semester... the class doesn't meet until tuesday, so i don't know what the theme is going to be yet... i'm definitely looking forward to meeting in the rare books room...

it looks like i'm going to be a research assistant for helene furjan this year... although i haven't met her yet, so it's not official... any input that you might have on her would be appreciated... :)

Sep 4, 08 7:43 pm  · 

tuna, whatever happened with the gifts for your crush? did you follow up with a request for a book review rendezvous at the local coffeehaus?

Sep 4, 08 9:45 pm  · 

hello tc! school starts tomorrow for me.

tk, kazys is at mit for this semester, teaching a theory class required for m.arch.'s- i may take it as an elective, i'm not sure.

Sep 4, 08 9:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I may have mentioned this already, but I f*cked up recently in a really bad way, the way that, like you said, makes me feel like I'm the worst architect ever and shouldn't be allowed to even be one. I spec'd windows for a bedroom, and honestly when spec'ing windows for a sleeping room there is only one critical thing to consider, and that is egress width. Of course I botched it, and I now own (though I haven't paid for them yet) $1,500 worth of wrong windows.

Don't be too hard on yourself, and keep in mind that this is one mistake you will absolutely never, ever, EVER make again. That's how we learn - by f*cking up!

Sep 4, 08 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

don't cry you are all great wonderful and fantastic. and i am not kidding nor have i been drinking that much, you people are special.

Sep 4, 08 11:14 pm  · 

Woo-hoo aml!!!! How exciting.

LB - thanks so much. You are indeed corect. I will never again f*ck up in that way agsin.

manta - we (the office) are giving him his "care package" Monday. My books will be in it. I'm planning to srite something in the one book, I just haven't figured out what yet.

Awwww vado - we heart you too.

Sep 4, 08 11:22 pm  · 

...write something along the lines of "with great loss, comes great opportunities. Let this be the start..." So are you going to put it on the top of the pile?

Sep 5, 08 12:49 am  · 

i thought it was "with great powers comes great responsibility..."

lucky guy to be in such kind office (more lucky to only lose property).

i just dropped off official hardcover bound black book (contents: a few hunderd pages of apparent research) to the university office. apart from ceremony and laying on of paper in just 3 weeks am finished phd. i never thought much of this whole process outside of the intellectual exercise it provided,but just for a minute or two this morning i gotta admit i was kinda impressed with myself. ;-)

also saw palin on tv finally. her politics are terrible, but she is pretty impressive.

Sep 5, 08 1:24 am  · 

jump, we're all impressed with you, congratulations!

i agree with vado- although i don't show up often, you guys are pretty great.

have this feeling that school is about to swallow me. off to first class!

Sep 5, 08 7:48 am  · 


Sep 5, 08 8:28 am  · 

Good morning all,
Tuna, i too have had one of those teaching moments that will staay with you for the rest of your life. Although in my personal life.
Sucks but i am sure it will make you a better designer or in my case person at least over the long term. I wish you lots of luck in getting the problem fixed quickly....Maybe you already have???

Jump, that is the same way i felt about my finishing my MA. Still kind of do, that it was more valuable for whatever intellectual processing i went through than anything else, even above whatever professional advancement might come out of it. Although seeing the final document did make me go damm! I imagine the length of your's (document) is even more impressive. I am sure you are looking forward to getting back into the work of your firm with all your attention.

Finally lady news. I saw her again yesterday. And we had a great time. I think the most exciting (and i will admit 'scary') thing for me is that after my recent string of older women, single moms and other non ideal (with regards to the long term) relationships over the last 2 or more years this is the first gal i have been into in a long while that (is my age, has it together professional and personally etc) i could actually see a future with...Although it is way to early to even be talking like that.

Sep 5, 08 8:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, jump! You definitely should feel proud - savor it. I am glad Cranbrook required us to get hardcover bound copies of out thesis - I still feel impressed with myself when I look at that book, and since I never keep models and whatnot, it's a nice concrete object to remind me of the accomplishment. Not that the scholarship in my thesis is worth anything of value! But the effort and drawings were good.

On the verge of ordering the kitchen tile this morning, the client called late last night and said her husband has changed his mind, he thinks what we picked looks "dirty". Sigh. Back to the tile shop today.

Sep 5, 08 8:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah NAM!!!! (Consequently, is it nam or nahm?)

And although I never dated, so I am far from expert, I don't see the point of spending any sort of time with someone you can't picture forever with.

Oh, and guess what! Today, I am a full Quarter Century. Weird to think about in those terms, huh. Even stranger, just yesterday I was wishing I had the freedom of a Seventeen year old. Damn Stevie Nicks.

*I hope that song is now stuck in your head, cause I can't get it out of mine!

Sep 5, 08 9:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Magic School Bus theme song in my head, which is better than yesterday when it was (giggles mischievously) Van Hagar's "Dreams".

Sep 5, 08 9:20 am  · 
vado retro

congrats jump!!! take the rest of the week off!!!

Sep 5, 08 9:22 am  · 

Happy B-Day, (you are also a Virgo i take it?)

My full name is actually Namananda D Henderson (and yes i am of caucasian not Indian decent) , my parents are just believers/followers of yoga and other Indian philosophies plus being children of the 60s....

Sep 5, 08 9:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, not anymore! *wink

And I take it it is pronounced Nahm. Thats a crazy name - I like it.

Sep 5, 08 9:55 am  · 

You got it...

Sep 5, 08 10:42 am  · 

Nam, many times you've said things that I swear could easily have come out of my mouth and I was floored with this last statement "after my recent string of older women, single moms and other non ideal" - the same has been true for me recently. Granted it took me over 4 years to get a clue. It is amazing how in hindsight you can what was I thinking with a smile on your face. I hope things with the new chica work themselves out for the long term.

Sarah...its your birthday, go Sarah its your birthday have a fabulous time today...did you decide to play hookie from work? You should cause well...its your birthday. And you're 25, and look like 21 - hope those youthful looks stay with you for life.

And soon I'm sure Thread Central is going to have to be re-named into Phd Central...or maybe that will be a new thread, whatever. My throat hurts

Sep 5, 08 10:43 am  · 

I was looking through google news and came upon this, would I want my daughter to marry a landscape architect? - of course I couldn't help but think of Treekiller.

Sep 5, 08 11:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, the guy didnt answer the question....

And thank you. I did not play hookie. I've actually been working through lunch for the past 3-4 weeks desperatly trying to make up time, but finally gave up and took all those helmet appointments out of my personal time. Damn.

Sep 5, 08 11:33 am  · 

Archi too true..

I am glad i seem to have put all that behind me...
Hopefully, and depending on how things work out with the new lady, for good.

I am not sure about a Phd, i definetely want to go back to schoolf or another graduate degree at some point, sooner than later.

Sep 5, 08 11:57 am  · 
liberty bell

My brian is slow like it's stuck in a tar pit these days. Sarah, I missed that you turniong a quarter-century TODAY means that your birthday is TODAY:


Sorry. Hope you have fun tonight sans child, preferably.

Sep 5, 08 12:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Urk, make that brain not brian.

Sep 5, 08 12:06 pm  · 

slow day today - ahhhhh.

so happy birthday SH!

Sep 5, 08 12:08 pm  · 

We did mrs b birthday yesterday....oh was it hard to crawl out of bed this morning and get ready for a 9:00 am meeting. So as you can guess we missed the Maveric want a be speach.

Sep 5, 08 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, Husband and I are going to try Dave and Busters tomorow night. We've never been, and often times when we just go to dinner, we just stare at one another. I'm hoping to stay out until 2am - early for some, but as someone that goes to bed at 9pm, I'm really steppin' out! Heck, we may even get rowdy!

Sep 5, 08 12:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I dont know if platipus ever visits TC, but I definately prefer the new Positive version. Much funnier.

Sep 5, 08 12:39 pm  · 

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Cubicle disaster averted. THANK GOD!!! The whole team mulled it over, rearranged some of the layouts, shifted others and everything looks good. I'm still concerned with one area, but all in all I think it'll be fine.

This whole process has made me realize that my one co-worker and I make a great team. We butt heads from time to time, but we are still able to come to decisions quickly. Our visions for the design (at least on this project) have melded into one cohesive scheme. And if there is something we disagree on, we can listen to each other and come to a compromise. It's great. At the end of the meeting today we high fived each other b/c we felt we did that great of a job. Just hope there are other projects the two of us can work on in the future. There's nothing better than when you know you and a co-worker work well together.

jump - So does this mean you have defended? I am so excited and proud of you. What an awesome accomplishment and to have your thesis complete and to have it hardcover bound no less. WOO-HOO!!!!!

Sarah - Happy Quarter Century. Damn to be 25 again. Have fun tonight. I'd be happy to make it to 12pm, esp. on a Friday.

nam - define older. Older than you or older than a certain age? I agree with you though on the whole dating/relationship thing. I think that's why I've been perpetually single these past few year. That and I've gotten quite picky. I want a man who is as intellignet as me or aomewhat more. Don't know why.

Atechno - HAHAHAHA!!!! There was a card everyone signed and that's pretty much spot on what I wrote inside of it. Now I have to think of something else. Hopefully it'll come over the weekend.

Anyway, better run. Have lots of follow-up stuff I must get started on. Hurray for project progress.

Sep 5, 08 1:24 pm  · 

lunch! a sandwich, cherry tomatoes from the TK farm, and some chili covered dried mangoes. Now that that has been taken care of, I'm off to the sculpture park to see if any RNC refugees are ogling the spoonbridge.

Sep 5, 08 1:28 pm  · 

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