Stephanie Anne Lopez

Stephanie Anne Lopez

Denver, CO, US

10.01 | Healthcare
10.01 | Healthcare

Visions & Vue Optical Furniture Floor Plan

The design of the ophthalmology center is based on

my senior design class for health care. My group and I

had chosen to research ophthalmolgy and with our

research, we had developed Visions & Vue Optical.

Tropical elements are flushed into the space and with

flowy curves and “Islands” the development of the exam

rooms had become the heart of the center.Corridors

indicate direction with way finding and add seperation

of spaces from open to patient spacesto private offices.

Curved seating arranged with architecture and

furniture placement create a blooming flower upon

entry into the waiting area. Following through down the

corridor becomes a chain of small “islands” with the

technician station as the key walk through.

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Status: School Project
My Role: Space Panning