Stephanie Anne Lopez

Stephanie Anne Lopez

Denver, CO, US

8.01 | Institutional Design
8.01 | Institutional Design

Institutional Design First Floor - Furniture Floor Plan

 Within my research I discovered that Graphic

Designers work in very populated cities because it is

a fast pace and flowing industry. My design intent is to

engage a City Nightlife into the Graphic Design learning

department. To experience this, cafes, galleries, lounges,

libraries, conference rooms, classrooms and resources

must reflect city atmosphere without distraction to

the students and teachers, but also offering inspiration

with architectural elements, corridors, way finding,

materials, images, color palette and overall design.

Galleries, modular walls, space planning, materials and

spaces combine to create an urban environment for the

graphic design students of The Art Institute; as most

graphic artist work in populated areas. Stimulation of city

environments costumed for graphic design students allow

for students to be inspired as professionals within the city

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Status: School Project
My Role: Space Planning, Furniture and Material Selections.