The technical aspect of my design is represented
on this board through the Title 24 Calculations with
supporting lamp images. Luminairs/Lamps chosen
for this project feature Halogens, LED Fiber Optic
Cables, Incandescents, Fluorescents and Compact
Fluorescents. Upon viewing the floor plan and RCP,
lighting graphics are presented with an orange
symbol to easily read and differentiate from the plan.
Also presented are the Electrical/Ceiling symbols
the Lighting Fixture Symbols and the Spectral
Distribution Curves for Incandescent and Halo-
Phosphor Fluorescent Colors which allows for
comparison of each lamp type and where it varies in
both wavelength and Radiant Power.
Status: School Project
My Role: Title 24 Calculation, Lighting Selections, RCP and Furniture Floor Plan.