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the last time I went to a Doger's game I almost got my ass kicked by a crazy guy

May 27, 07 10:11 pm  · 

stop fuck'n beating yourself up park'r..

May 27, 07 10:44 pm  · 

He wanted people to throw peanuts at I threw peanuts at him

May 27, 07 11:06 pm  · 

speaking of peanuts, if anyone here goes to see Pirates 3, don't leave before the credits are finished.

May 27, 07 11:10 pm  · 

yes, and I love the music

May 28, 07 2:25 am  · 
vado retro

The music is good cuz they steal a steely dan riff. the "idea" has already been used countless times in comedy sketches and in a bill forsyth film that i cannot remember the name of. also, the 1963 film "The Wheeler Dealers" takes several effective shots on "modern art."
That said, art is whatever you want it to be but that doesn't mean that its good art. The clever idea that these folks had to place artist and title boards next to actual water fountains in a museum and to record it, should have been abandoned the morning after they awoke from the alcohol induced "brainstorming session about art".

As already stated their "idea" is a dead horse and had they done any research would have found countless examples that would have explained to them that their idea was passe'. so in effect, they have plagiarized without even knowing it. Secondly, they miss the entire idea behind Duchamp's readymade, which was that the conception, the discovery was what made the art; not the object's uniqueness. of course, it could be argued that the "discovery" is that by labelling a utilitarian object as a piece of art without taking it out of the existing context therefore makes it art, or the idea is art or the act of taping up the labels is art. well, perhaps except the "idea" is so tired and worn out as to not even be bothered with. Of course, these what i suppose are, art students couldn't be bothered with thinking beyond the initial superficiality of their big idea.

May 28, 07 9:10 am  · 

vado, everything you said above, is pretty much sums my sentiments about the video. but it does have some entertaining moves in it. i thought the labels were well chosen too. here are more subject-art videos i haven't watched.

May 28, 07 2:59 pm  · 

stourkey, this thread will probably help you in your running.

May 28, 07 3:03 pm  · 

my mom called the other day to tell me that she fixed her broken dryer all by her self, with my grandmother standing by to hold errant screws etc. she was quite proud.

May 28, 07 4:21 pm  · 

So I have this nasty habit of leaving my car unlocked overnight…..which, in my neighborhood, is not the smartest thing I could do. It's always an accident, but sometimes I just do it. Anyway, last night I think someone actually got into it. They pushed the seat back, rummaged around a bit and opened my console. They took a dirty dust rag and about 13 cents in pennies. If they had been smarter, they would have taken the $100 iPod arm in my glove compartment, and let's be honest….they could have had my car too, because my valet key is in there. But no. Nothing else. Not even out of my trunk. Creepy, right?

Happy Tuesday, TC.

liberty bell, come back!

May 29, 07 8:43 am  · 

Ok, so I must have a sign on my forehead that says "please try to commit a crime on me today" because these people called me at work just a little bit ago and tried to scam me!
They originally sent me an "application" form and said I would be included in some book....I sent it back and they called me up this morning, buttered me up for about 10 minutes, and then asked for my credit card number. I said that I would never give my credit card # out over the phone and she goes, "is this a budgetary concern?" and I said, "no this is a concern that you are a racket and you are trying to steal my money!" and she said, "OK, thanks, goodbye" and promptly hung up.

Is it a full moon or something?

May 29, 07 10:38 am  · 

yikes. Hope the rest of the day goes better for you WK.

I have sixteen weeks left at this job (yes, my calendar is counting down for me). This week looks to be a nearly boss-free week, too. Yippy!

May 29, 07 11:37 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm back and posted a bit on the Scotland thread I started.

I caught up a bit with TC over the weekend - jet lag as been kicking my butt so I hardly did anything this weekend but try to recover!

myriam, I'm so happy you are happy with your move to Chicago. And AP, sounds like the same goes to you. Yay for people going on adventures!

garpike, sorry you had to live out something that has been a fear of mine for awhile. I think I'll vow not to link to images anymore either, it's not like my flickr account is overfull!

architechno, I hope being back at work is overall good, and that the healing keeps up. rationalist, good luck with the continued bike riding. I went for a jog yesterday - after eating essentially pork and chocolate for two weeks straight - and it felt so good.

Steven, did I miss any updates on your house status?

I'm glad to be home. Scotland was wonderful, Iceland is a place everyone should go to see, but I honestly only like one-week vacations. Too hard to get back into the swing of things after two weeks away! Though I will say this: my MIL planned the entire trip. All I did was pack a bag and show up. I entertained Angus in the car while we did a lot of driving, I did no navigation, no planning, my cell phone didn't work, and I had no access to a computer/internet. I didn't even have a watch. I just went where things were planned and didn't care or know if we were running late, had to owrry about reservations, whatever. It turned out to be a mental vacation unlike any I have ever enjoyed, and THAT was an amazing gift.

But I missed you all and am glad to be back.

May 29, 07 11:49 am  · 


seems to me that guy is pulling a dadaist trick using banksy tools.

May 29, 07 11:50 am  · 
liberty bell

Are those animated automaton-ish people in the Adobe ads freaking anyone else out?!?

May 29, 07 1:00 pm  · 

Are you back from Scotland, liberty bell? How was it?

May 29, 07 2:00 pm  · 

Oops. Just saw the other thread. Awesome picture!

May 29, 07 2:01 pm  · 

dear tc- congrats on getting over the hump of 10,000 posts/page 101 in a very mediocre way. glad we didn't get too excited over an imaginary mile post.

well I'm back from boston and had a great time. Quilian is one cool dude.

it feels like I'm back in school in the midst of finals with my tests next week and a manuscript/essay due on friday. so next week I'll be back at my full level of archinect involvement. until then, ciao!

May 29, 07 2:35 pm  · 

Liberty, thanks for the kind works regarding my return to work. Seems like some folks are attempting to get under foot and have me removed from my position. Whilst once i would of been concerned, even upset - I'm taking it all in stride. Importantly because if they do they'll have to fork out over 50K tax free for the remaining time on my contract. Interesting days ahead.

Anyway...since I've been back 3# projects have been greenlit (I assume they were awaiting my return). So I'll be spending my days as an architect not a fricking administrator which is a beautiful and glorious thing.

Liberty again, welcome back we've missed you.

May 29, 07 4:20 pm  · 

gawd I just re-read my post and it sounds like i'm bitching

May 29, 07 4:30 pm  · 

it's ok, techno. That's the natural state of things when you've just returned to work!

Downside to bike commuting? My head hurts, and I don't feel like battling traffic with a hurty head. Oh well, still some hours left to go here, hopefully I'll feel better by then.

May 29, 07 4:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

It's one of those days where nothing can go right. My computer has crashed about 6 times. It hailed and poured rain for like 30 minutes and my car is outside getting dinged and my windows at home are wide open soaking my furniture and floors. I have lost my connection to the printer and I need to print a lot of stuff. I opened up files that I need to print and mail and someone was in there "rearranging" and "changing" things and whatever it was they were doing, they stopped doing it halfway so I'm scrambling to get to a decent place.

I am walking around with a huge scowl on my face.

So I thought I would take a break at this time to bitch about our file storage retardedness. *DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU ARE TOTALLY BORED.* I warned you. We have main folders such as DWGS, PDFS, DOCS, IMAGES, CA, 3D. Inside there we have sub folders, such as RFP, FDP, ARCHIVE etc. Sounds easy, if it is a dwg, it goes in the dwg folder, if it is a doc it goes in the doc folder. EXCEPT WE MUST OVERTHINK IT, SHAN'T WE? For instance, if it is a dwg for the RFP, it goes in DOCS/RFP, not dwgs. If it is an IMAGE generated by the 3D model, it is in the 3D folder, not IMAGES, but if the image is a pdf, it will be in the pdf folder. If it is a doc or image is done during ca it goes -- not in the doc folder, but in the ca folder (that one might make sense). If it is a pdf for the RFP it doesn't go in the RFP folder, but rather in the pdf folder. If a pdf comes from a consultant it does in the dwg folder. If it is a cut sheet, it goes in the dwg folder. If it is a photo for using in 3-D models, it goes in the 3-D folder, if it is not, it goes in the images folder. If it is an image of a precedent, it goes in the dwg file. These aren't rules, this is just what I found. This is on a 60+ mil job, not a house remodel. No wonder I can't find anything. Don't remember having this nightmare at my last job. So I have this doc, an image, a pdf actually, that was created from a dwg, that goes in the contractor RFP, what folder do I put it in again?

May 29, 07 5:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

(I must explain my car outside, I didn't bike today, flat tire.)

May 29, 07 5:29 pm  · 

Strawbeary, I think the answer is that it goes into the 'recycle' folder!

tumbles, about 3.5-4 miles each way. Not too far, but there are both hills and traffic in plenty along the road, so I have to keep pretty alert. Headache does not help with that. I think if the headache persists I'll take the less trafficked but more hilly road home, and let myself walk up the hills. I basically have a choice between one route with manageable hills but a ton of traffic, and another route with much more manageable traffic but un-bikable hills.

May 29, 07 5:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary

i'm lucky, i don't have to navigate hills on my bike commute.

May 29, 07 5:55 pm  · 

you *are* lucky. How far do you ride?

My bf got jealous and is going to start biking on fridays. HIS road to work is perfect- flat the whole way, and he gets the choice between riding in a designated bike lane straight there, or the bike bath along the creek.

May 29, 07 6:01 pm  · 

er, that's bike *path*, not bike bath...

edit button, please?

May 29, 07 6:03 pm  · 
Ms Beary

it is a little over 3 miles, slightly downhill the whole way there, slightly uphill home (I sweat on the way home, but not to work.) no "hills" to speak of and all residential streets.

May 29, 07 6:08 pm  · 

that is nice. I sweat so much I have to wear workout clothes and bring my office attire in a backpack... which just makes it worse, I get a bit sweat spot where the strap crosses and my back is one big puddle. BUT, I've ordered a pair of bags that hook to my rear rack so that won't be such a problem anymore. Also, I bet half of that is caused by it being summer in southern california, so once I move hopefully I won't have such a sweat problem. I hope.

May 29, 07 6:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yeh, i can't complain about the bike ride. except i like to wear skirts.
i do put my bag on a luggage rack over the back wheel, secured with a basic bungee.

May 29, 07 6:18 pm  · 
vado retro

i git a postkahd from scotland today!

May 29, 07 6:39 pm  · 

You said that wrong vado. It should be closer to:

"ah ga' a postcard from scotland today, aye!"

So did I! :o)

May 29, 07 8:11 pm  · 
Ms Beary

holy shit. I was given an assignment to e-mail a bunch of stuff out before I leave today. I just realized a have to e-mail 546 MB worth of pdf's. Is that even possible? Everyone else is gone and I am freaking out as it is important to go out tonight! I already have the files broken up into semi-manageable zip files, but I have to send 35 megaemails among 7 people!

May 29, 07 8:38 pm  · 

I got an email from some Irish/Bosnian frieds that like in Surrey <- does that count.

May 29, 07 9:18 pm  · 
Ms Beary

fuck it. like snooker said in another thread, the deadline will extend. i'm just going to burn some fucking cd's and overnight them.

May 29, 07 9:31 pm  · 

We've got an ftp site for the projects that need that much file exchange. We set a folder for each project with a different password, and give the password out to each consultant on that project. That way we can just upload as much as we want, and send them an email saying that the ftp files had been updated and to please download them ASAP.

May 29, 07 9:52 pm  · 
Ms Beary

we have an ftp site too. i can upload, but the recipients can't download. IT knows about it too. irritating. we just end up e-mailing shit but it isn't usually large sets in separate personalized e-mails...

May 29, 07 10:10 pm  · 

alternatively then, can't you set up links to the files and put them online?

is what i do when sending big files to people who i don't want to give access to rfp not so hard to do, either...

May 30, 07 8:27 am  · 
vado retro

wk, don't leave tht postcard in your car. it might get stolen!

May 30, 07 8:45 am  · 


i feel your pain on gettin your car rearranged...while living in boston/
somerville (about three years) i had my car broken into about five
seperate times...that i know of. (conversely it was only broken into
once in two years in brooklyn. and that was before i started living
there and was just visiting for the weekend.)

there's nothing worse than the feeling of coming back to your car
seeing the door unlocked and having to check and see what's missing.
i never left my door unlocked..but hondas are very easy to break

May 30, 07 9:56 am  · 

i forgot to welcome liberty bell back! yay! we missed you.

finally finished 'house of leaves' which i started when i moved out of our house for renovation and into a 12,00sf house in which we continuously got lost (at least the first week). we moved back home after four months out and this week, almost five months later, i have finished this nearly impossible book. anyway, there was a LIBERTY BELL reference in the final pages of the book. crazy.

May 30, 07 10:06 am  · 
vado retro

i been reading the novel "sideways" from which the film was made. the only problem is all the good parts with the exception of "im not drinking any fucking merlot" are not in the book. im 2/3rds of the way thru an d thinkin about 2 buck chucking it.

May 30, 07 10:14 am  · 
Living in Gin

I think my head is about to explode... Here's why.

There's a newish guy in the office. Everybody likes him because he has an aggressively outgoing personality, he's friendly in that used-car-salesman sort of way, handsome (so I'm told by the female staff), and gets along well with the bosses.

Unfortunately, he also has zero work ethic and couldn't draw a straight line in AutoCAD if his life depended on it. X-refs are a foreign concept to him, and he has yet to figure out how to organize drawing versions by date.

I've got about a million projects on my plate, but yesterday I was asked to shove all that aside and help him out on one of his projects that's on a deadline. So I spent half a day yesterday wading through his shitty CAD work to put together some sort of HVAC ductwork plan for his project. (Why we don’t have an engineer doing this is beyond me, but that’s beside the point.) I’m finishing up this drawing this morning while also scrambling to issue a permit set on one of my own projects.

What’s Pretty Boy doing this whole time? He strolls in 30 minutes late this morning with no explanation, spends another few minutes hitting on our receptionist (I think he spends more time at her desk than his own desk on a typical day), then goes to his desk where he’s watching videos on YouTube and corresponding with his friends via email. It’s obviously not business correspondence, because he’s laughing and chuckling at every message that comes up on his screen. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s watching videos online, as he’s got the volume turned up on his speakers so that I can hear it 10 feet away.

Unfortunately, the bosses are away at meetings right now, and it’s doubtful they’d give a shit anyway. And they know I’m leaving the company soon, so my opinion doesn’t count for much around here anyway (as if it ever did).

I’m counting down the days until I put this place behind me…

May 30, 07 10:27 am  · 
liberty bell

LiG, if nothing else, do a "crop dust" near his desk.

Off to visit my downtown project, vado I'll call to see if you want to grab lunch, but I hafta be back up in Carmel at 1:30 so it will have to be quick!

May 30, 07 10:34 am  · 
vado retro

gin except for the handsome part he kinda sounds like me. hey lb sounds great. i was just on hold with my structural engineer and lovin touchin squeezin was playin. i think journey is stephanie's favorite band.

May 30, 07 11:08 am  · 

lig....sounds like a good time for a major computer pull out one of the plugs....and see how long it takes for the systems guy to find the problem....

May 30, 07 11:32 am  · 

How 'bout just saying, "Hey, you know, if you get a chance, I could use some help on YOUR PROJECT."?

May 30, 07 11:49 am  · 

gin- you may have your moment of revenge when you submit your exit interview memo. if your office doesn't have a standardized exit process, write up the good and the bad about your experience including mr. pretty boy.

May 30, 07 12:26 pm  · 
vado retro

if you know youre leaving and you hate your firm anyway just do everything wronger than normal. when it comes back you'll be long gone.

May 30, 07 12:50 pm  · 

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