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the brick never hurt anyone!

Jun 3, 07 12:54 pm  · 

since i have nothing really to say this a.m. - certainly nothing architecture related - i'll just post pictures from my daughter's second birthday party.

hope you guys have as good a day as she had!

Jun 4, 07 7:54 am  · 
vado retro

very cute! how's the college tuition saving plan going?

Jun 4, 07 8:14 am  · 
b3tadine[sutures] that ICE CREAM cake?!

Jun 4, 07 8:15 am  · 
vado retro

thats what im havin for breakfast with a mountain dew of course!

Jun 4, 07 9:16 am  · 

My world tour begins today. Well not really, it's just a few states but I'm not going to be around much the next couple of weeks, and next week I'm going to be especially busy and/or unavailable.

Fair warning....I think I'm going to be crossing quite a few of your paths here in the next few days, and your picture WILL be taken!


Jun 4, 07 10:03 am  · 

hey, I'm still alive, barely. I've spent the majority of the weekend in my bedroom with the lights out trying to get past one hell of a migraine. Hope everyone else had a better weekend than that.

Jun 4, 07 10:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry to hear that, rationalista. Better just in time to go to work Monday morning? That sucks. Use those sick days up before you leave for school!

Steven, she's a beautiful child, as you know. I'm sad I probably won't see her (and the new baby) at GSA this year, although I'm intending on seeing YOU (we just need to let you know when).

My dinner party last night ended up being a bit of a mess due to some cancellations and some additions of guests, but everyone enjoyed the froofy rum drinks served in tiki cups! Unfortunately I forgot to buy rum on Saturday, and there are no alcohol sales in Indy on Sunday. So, I borrowed a bottle of rum from my partner with the promise of replacing it today. Of course being my fabulous stylish designer partner, the bottle of rum he had "on hand" is some crazy fancy Brazilian rum in a beautiful bottle that will probably cost me an arm and a leg to replace! And was far too good to put in froofy tiki drinks ha!

Happy Monday everyone.

Jun 4, 07 10:53 am  · 

no way, LB. They PAY me for the sick days I don't use here. And vaca days. I'm looking at a last paycheck that will cover pretty much all my moving expenses.

I'm not 100% yet, still some pressure, but I decided that getting back on my bike and seeing whether the endorphins help was worth the risk (as I could always take the bus straight back home if it didn't). So far so good.

Jun 4, 07 11:34 am  · 


I have a bottle of Lagavulan 16 in my bedroom closet

Jun 4, 07 12:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'll admit it:

At this point the only Postopolis! wrap-up question I have is: did my name come up in the Archinect discussion?!?

If anyone else shares this question (about themselves), please admit it and make me feel less self-obsessed. Thanks.

Off to a site visit!

Jun 4, 07 12:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Page 103!

Jun 4, 07 12:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jun 4, 07 12:39 pm  · 

everything looks bigger on Archinect.....right, tumbles?

Jun 4, 07 12:41 pm  · 
Ms Beary

i got jalepeno oils in my eye this morning. very painful. i also have a toothache. happy monday!

Jun 4, 07 12:50 pm  · 
Ms Beary

good news on the flex time that i thought we lost though. nobody seems to be taking it seriously as no one (except me) actually came in at 7:30. most found their way in around 9 as usual.

Jun 4, 07 1:14 pm  · 

my architect daisy has some problems with her left tigh and can't walk this morning. she seem like dislocated a hip bone early this morning jumping out of bed. she was fine when i was awake @ 4;30 am.
damn. off to the vet. cancelled all the meetings...

Jun 4, 07 1:35 pm  · 

best wishes for daisy's speedy recovery and return to practice. argentina needs her! and congrats on the project Orhan. super elegante as usual.

lb et al, i'll try to write more about Postopolis in general and the archinect panel in the next day or so. only a few individual members came up specifically, though. i remember quilian mentioning Oana and her schoolblog, and i mentioned puddles when laying out a brief timeline of the mapa project...that may be it with exception to those in attendance...more to come.

happy and safe travels WonderK. make sure your cape is on tight!

Jun 4, 07 2:08 pm  · 
No Cape!
Jun 4, 07 2:14 pm  · 

er, one more try...
No Cape!

Jun 4, 07 2:15 pm  · 

just came back from ER where daisy was sent to from dr. olds office. serious shit. it is believed to be strick 9 (spelling?) poisoning. she is in emergency care and will stay there over night. they will make her vomit and treat her with chorcoal pills against poisoning. she will be 5 y.o. in june 17.
this morning within hours her back legs paralyzed and we had to take her in right then. phew.. heavy shit all of a sudden.
we are doing best we can and it may save her life that we got her in quickly.
tina is crying but i told her to be strong and send positive vibes for daisy's recovery. i believe and feel she'll be alright.
old turkish saying;
"there is nothing more valuable in whole world than a healthy breath."

Jun 4, 07 4:05 pm  · 
vado retro

good vibes for daisy. how'd she get poisoned? i had a kitty once who unfortunately drank some antifreeze. not good but it osunds as though it might be okay in your case.

Jun 4, 07 4:13 pm  · 

strichnine is serious business, orhan. any reason to suspect that someone did on purpose? glad you guys noticed daisy's distress quickly.

Jun 4, 07 4:13 pm  · 
vado retro

prolly rat poison.

Jun 4, 07 4:18 pm  · 

this is the image I found searching for 103, not the best thing to show whilst Orhan nurses his sick dog. Watching tudors yesterday they revealed a little known fact, that monarchs weren't allowed to go to funerals because no one was allowed to wish death on the King, because that would be an act of treason. Get well soon Daisy

Jun 4, 07 4:54 pm  · 

and in honour of Pirates of the Caribbean (kari-been) it makes it dually significant.

arghhhh mi maties

Jun 4, 07 4:56 pm  · 

anybody know how to fix a corrupt PDF? it opens fine in acrobat but crashes my ai10 when I try to play with the parts. (checked the security level and everything seems hunkydory)

Jun 4, 07 5:54 pm  · 

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but things are getting a little chaotic over at the Postopolis Thread.

puddles is already there, trying to calm everyone down.

Jun 4, 07 6:10 pm  · 

tk, try one of the previous versions of the file. This can be accessed via the 'Properties' box from either the file itself, or if there's nothing there then try getting it out of a previous version of the whole folder in which it resides.

Jun 4, 07 6:10 pm  · 

orhan - hope daisy bounces back! was your dog food made in china?

Jun 4, 07 6:44 pm  · 

so far, girlfriend is doing better than she came in.. her back legs are not locked anymore and her muscels are not shaking either.
the diognostics are now checking into seisure possibilities etc., as well. we'll see. but it is a very good news she is improving.
other than that, she is a little tank. a large 38 lb. version of her breed, that has a lot of energy.
she eats healthy dry food. her brother is fine, who has eaten the same food. thanks again for sending good vibes, dogs pick that stuff up better than humans, some say.
there's gonna be daisyopolis! when she gets out.;.)

Jun 4, 07 10:36 pm  · 

sweet. Daisy looks like she had the same thing I did. Make sure they check her blood pressure and if she was under any stress. Its hard working being an architectural pooche

Jun 4, 07 10:50 pm  · 

by the way...I found this at architectural prozac


Jun 4, 07 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hope Daisy does better and better to a full recovery, Orhan. It is so stressful worrying about pets' health, I hope RUpi is holding up to missing his sis too.

I love the handwriting thread (just too tired to link to it now).

I'm way behind on every single thing in my life right now - argh!

Jun 4, 07 11:12 pm  · 

I just met AP! Yeah! And I got to see Susan again! Yay!

I am worried about Daisy. I am sending happy thoughts out there right now, and I will bring some with me on Wednesday.

Jun 5, 07 12:05 am  · 
Ms Beary

wonderk, I don't know if you were going to be coming thru my town on your way, but if you are, you know you are welcome to crash on my couch.

Jun 5, 07 12:43 am  · 

what's the matter with the archi-pets? First e's Otis goes down, and now Daisy... lots of well wishes from this side of town aimed at Daisy, Orhan. Sick pets make me sad, they're so full of love and sweetness and I just can't feel like they deserve any amount of pain (well, unless they get their jollies chomping on my leg or something).

Jun 5, 07 1:15 am  · 


you ready to drink this weekend?

Jun 5, 07 1:17 am  · 

ehhh, I don't know. An untimely corona set off this weekend's world of pain, so I'll probably be going light this time around. I know, I know, it's not what's come to be expected of me, but we'll see how I feel when the time comes.

I seriously saw swirls and splotches and colors, then got hit with a killer headache accompanied by nausea, the combo of which kept me in bed for the better part of the following 30 hours. I don't want to do anything to set that shit off again.

Jun 5, 07 1:21 am  · 

sounds like you were on LSD

Jun 5, 07 1:23 am  · 

nah, experiencing the previously untapped wonders of migraine aura. Of course, until I felt well enough to use the computer and look up instances of visual disturbance with migraines, I thought I might be going crazy.

Jun 5, 07 1:31 am  · 

hope dog gets well orhan.

woh, that is shitty, rationalist.

i had similar (though not as awful) weird thing this morning at dentist. he was drilling/grinding with heavy duty drill head of some persuasion and suddenly the sound racketing round my skull was leaving me spinning. damndest thing, getting dizzy laying on your back. happily it stopped with the drilling. later high pitch whine from smaller drill-head had no effect...not sure if i am crazy or not.

Jun 5, 07 2:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

That really sucks. Must be a full moon or something out there... All day today I've been feeling rather light-headed and unfocused. There were a couple times when I just standing or walking in the office, and I thought I was in danger of falling down for no reason. Probably something to do with the fact that I got very little sleep last night, and I'll be up most of tonight finishing this paper for school. Tomorrow at the office should be interesting, especially since I have to drive out to the burbs for a pre-bid walk-through in the afternoon.

Jun 5, 07 3:19 am  · 


jasper (top) and riley (bottom) wish daisy a speedy recovery...

Jun 5, 07 9:02 am  · 

and here is my weird experience...

my facial hair didn't grow yesterday... i went and got my haircut after work yesterday and then took a shower when i got home... later when my wife got home she asked me why i shaved... i told her that i hadn't and then i reached up to feel my face and sure enough my normally pronounced five o'clock shadow wasn't there... i felt really strange the rest of the evening... i think that i must have been abducted by aliens or something...

the upside is that i didn't have to shave this morning... this is the first time that i skipped shaving on a work day in years...

Jun 5, 07 9:07 am  · 

archit- nice shoes! i wish i didn't have to shave... i'm on the once a week schedule so I end up looking like jack on lost by friday.

Jun 5, 07 9:43 am  · 

hey phil! i'm wearing those shoes today! i just had them resoled...more difficult than it sounds 'cause the first 2 shoe guys i took them to (one in florida, one in nyc) said "no thanks, not worth it" 'cause they have split soles and aren't the typical cut and paste job. finally found a guy that was up to the challange...he did a pretty nice job too...

on shaving, i recommend a light beard.

and it was a supreme pleasure to meet dubK and her very cool friends last night.

Jun 5, 07 9:53 am  · 
Chili Davis

Orhan, Q-Ball and Bruce Lee send their best wishes. The little lady went to the vet yesterday to pick up heart worm and flea medicine for the boys, and while she was waiting a woman walked in with a dog that looked just like our Q-Ball. Lindsay started talking to this woman about her dog and how cute he was. When the receptionist asked the woman why she was there, the woman said she was having the dog put down. I had a teary-eyed woman on my hands for most of the night last night. It's amazing how those little bastards really become like children.

Jun 5, 07 10:09 am  · 
Chili Davis

On shaving, I do it Sunday night or Monday morning, so I don't look like I spent the entire weekend in dive bars and smutty strip clubs (even if I did) and on Wednesdays because that's usually when my boss comes to my office (my office is in a clients building).

Jun 5, 07 10:11 am  · 
vado retro

i shave every day even on the weekends and i'll tel you why. once i was standin in line at kmart and in front of me was an older fellow and his son. from their conversation i could tell that the older fellow was very educated etc. however, he had this old man stubble that made him look like he could be either homeless or a nursing home patient. so, from that observation i always shave now.

Jun 5, 07 10:20 am  · 

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