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today was a good day when my client and i agreed on the house concept and i am one step closer to building in argentina... plus some cash..;.))

Jun 1, 07 2:31 am  · 

very cool orhan.

we just got planning permission for a small house (our 1st!) in tokyo this week and invited contractors today to bid on project...mixed structure system with concrete and timber frame, and the whole thing is slightly wonky looking (very architectur-y) so am ready to get insanely high numbers but hoping against hope that it will be do-able...hate doing VE on the fun stuff.

so kinda a good day here too.

Jun 1, 07 3:06 am  · 

Orhan, that is great! I love the simplicity of the parti, it's beautiful. Good luck with it.

Jun 1, 07 5:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, Orhan. A sensuously simple proposal, as usual. I hope it goes through.

Jun 1, 07 9:45 am  · 
Living in Gin

Nice work, Orhan. With the right materials and detailing, it could be a real gem of a building.

Jun 1, 07 9:56 am  · 

orhan- sweet (or as they say in boston: wicked!). I like they symmetry of the plan, broken only by the kitchen island...

Jun 1, 07 10:12 am  · 

good morning. thanks for the supportive words. this is just the beginning. but it was pretty major that client agreed on the concept without any different alternatives etc.. he really loves it now and i worked with him on some of his art work and when i make him see it in his head, he just makes it happen without any comprimise.

Jun 1, 07 11:31 am  · 
david lamelas

, he is really well known in conceptual art.

Jun 1, 07 11:35 am  · 


please don't represent us bostonians...we would never say
wicked by's usually wicked pissah.. or wicked awesome.
said with an accent from southie or lynn or the like.

Jun 1, 07 11:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

Lynn, Lynn, city of sin. You never come out the way you went in.

Jun 1, 07 11:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Argentina looks remarkably like East Texas. Cool. So how do I get to work for a firm that does cool stuff like that?

Jun 1, 07 11:46 am  · 

Lars- i'm a beantown native and just got back from there. Overlooking the masspike extension in alston there was a billboard with 'wicked' on it... I had forgotten the words of my youth. ok, I'm not from southie or the southshore to have the proper dialect, just a rich brat from newton (ok, not rich- but everybody else was).

Jun 1, 07 11:51 am  · 


ok maybe i'm wrong... i just don't remember wicked being used alone..
i'm not from southie either.. i grew up not too far from you actually
in i could be wrong. i do truly like 'wicked pissa' as an
adjective though..truly unique to the dirty water city.

on a side note...did you like the departed? i have trouble with any
movie set in boston where a character attempts a boston accent and
doesn't quite get that it involves more than not using 'r's...also see jeff
bridges in blown away...where police cars were parked on city
hall plaza..but i digress.

Jun 1, 07 12:10 pm  · 

tumbles, have we decided on a location? It would be nice to have one, plus I'm supposed to notify squirrelly (who is currently consumed w/ new job) when we figure it out.

Jun 1, 07 12:15 pm  · 
Ms Beary

So we just lost our flex time and got our comp time significantly reduced. Bullshit. Lunch is apparently a mandatory 1 hour (unless of course you take 2 or 3 hours). Seems like if there is one perk that should be easy for arch firms to provide would be flex time. Is it politics? Jealousy? End of year reports? Perceived abuse?

And I was hoping to leave early today.

Seriously, why would I do the 12 hour shift I did on Tuesday to get that stuff out if I can't take Friday afternoon off? (I don't get overtime pay). I DO have values and I do have a brain, who decided I shouldn't use it to manage tasks over time and balance my work/life relationship?

Who decided it was more self-righteous to sit around and waste time and then complain about working a 60 hour week? I'm sorry, but I get my work done, always have. I give myself 40 hours a week to do it and that works out pretty well be always ahead of the game. Just cause joe blow over here (who has NO current design projects, 2 smallish ones under construction) who gets 15 RFI's a day because he did shitty docs after drinking margaritas all the winter afternoons is complaining that he has too much to do and will "probably be here late" just to finish up the RFI's. Give me a break. I have never had an issue with time management, unless it is someone else's mismanagement.

give and take. give and take. get off your i-work-more-hours-than-you high horse.
what's so special about "hours"? use your brain.

Jun 1, 07 1:23 pm  · 

Tumbles, thanks!

Beary, that really, really blows hard! I am glad to be where I am because of the flex time issue...Just wish summer hours hit the mid-west, but alas the world is not always heaven like.

Jun 1, 07 1:29 pm  · 
vado retro

speaking of accents in movies. any movie that is supposed to take place in boston has the mandatory accent spoken by everyone. and everyone from the janitor to the cop to the district attorney is a townie and has the accent. well i lived in both towns and while i was in boston the only people who had that accent were the local yokels. the kids who grew up there who were college types didnt have it and most educated people didnt have it and oh most people i met didnt have it cuz they had all moved there from the midwest.

Jun 1, 07 1:45 pm  · 

Strawbeary, that bloooows. Wha happened? Can you do some detective work to find out? Is there a higher-up you can ask casually about it?

And what ever happened to that person that I wanted to punch in the face?

Jun 1, 07 2:04 pm  · 

vado that was the same experience I had in Bean Town. I did a three week stint bagging groceries in Cambridge, cause I was broke and needed cash. I worked a 40 hour week from Thursday night till Monday morning. It was a pain in the ass job, cause I was the only one who wasn't a local yokel. Most of the kids working there were headed no where fast. I recall the night manager jumping my ass about not wearing a tie one night. I was fortunate enough to find a job working in an architecture firm and was glad to see those days behind me. I remember the night I told the manager, I had taken another job and would not be coming back. He wined about me needing to give him a two week notice. I said, sure I will show up for the next two weeks, but then I'm gone. That night when I left, I left my clip on narrly looking tie hanging in the locker with a note attached to it which read: "This Tie belongs to the Night Manager, please return it to him." Never went back to work at that hell hole again. Started my new job on the following monday. From time to time I would end up having to go into that grocery store with friends, so we always made a point to give the night manger guy a real hard time. Usually complaining about how come the shelves were understocked, or we would tell him there was something spilled in such and such an aisle. Which of course he would have to go check, cause you can't have messes in aisles. Every single one of them had a killer accent! Even the wild looking checkout girl who wore the tightest jeans of any woman I have ever known. I'm to this day convinced she had to jump from a chair to get into them. However when she barked for quit pardding in aisle and bring her farty dollars in change...A mid western would want to run out of there as fast as they could.

Jun 1, 07 2:07 pm  · 
Ms Beary

sk, actually, introducing summer hours (my stupid idea) is what got us into this mess. ironic. we just swapped flex time for summer hours. managment decided we could do it if we all did it the same, so we (to my dismay) decided M-Th 7:30-5:30, 1 hour lunch, no flex, F 8-12 no flex. Then the boss and the 2 top PM's got all self-righteous saying they'd be here Friday afternoon anyways plus be here at 7:30 am AND stay till 6 the other days because they are SOOO important and that is their REGULAR schedule anyways. Uh, I call BULLSHIT. Unless they come in at 7:30 and then hide under their desk till 9:00... I am the first or second person in 75% of the time, I would know.

So if lunch hour is mandatory 1 hour, does that mean there are no Friday 3 hour margarita lunches? I doubt it, they left at 11:30 today, I might see them back at 2:30. I'm tempted to have a breathalizer attached to my boss's computer. Does he think we are stupid? I'm pretty liberal, I don't care if they have a drink or two over lunch, whatever, I don't care if they do it 2-3 times a week, they are grown men, they make their own choices, however immature they are. Just don't tell me you work 60 hours a week or that I am not at their level if I only work 40. (I actually average a comfortable 42 hours, and that's with leaving early on Fridays if I worked a late night Tuesday.)

Have you seen the DOW lately? It's really hard to work for the man when I "made" twice my daily income yesterday in the stock market. I know, I could lose that, but it feels good that I can have the 'tude of "take this job and shove, fuck-o" it when I need it.

Anyways, I'll take my flex time back over summer hours anyday.

Jun 1, 07 2:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

wk, we are getting along really well, you don't have to punch her anymore. we were in a stressful project/situation when we weren't getting along. she's not here today. she'll def. be pissed about no flex time. She is usually the first one here if I'm not, she actually DOES come in at 7, but you know, she'll run errands during the day, take a 1.5 hour lunch, etc and keep track of it. Not no more.

I know a girl who works for a firm where you work 40 hours during a week and you do it anytime you want to. If you want to come in at noon everyday, come in for 3 hours, take a 4 hour siesta, come back and do 5 more hours you could. How's that for flex time? As long as it doesn't cause any problems with your project it was cool.

Jun 1, 07 2:40 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

In my previous office, we lost comp time due to one lady and her wedding. And then she quit a month after getting married to go work with her new family. I wanted to punch her in the face many times.

Jun 1, 07 3:54 pm  · 
vado retro

way to go orhan!

Jun 1, 07 5:10 pm  · 

Yay for argentine clients that are supportive and encouraging!

In other news, I am about to rip out my hair to distract myself from the verbal pain of being near Crystal Light. She is now whining about how we don't include her in anything. Yeah, we go to lunch without her- she already had her lunch, a few of us ALWAYS go to lunch together on Fridays, and frankly she annoys the crap out of me so why would she be invited? Yes, we don't all talk as loudly as she does so that we echo throughout the entire office. What we're "whispering" about is that my office neighbor wants to move desks to be further away from her!!! FUCK! How am I supposed to handle her by myself?! Don't gooooo desk-neighbor! I need you to help me handle CL. Seriously, if we are left alone in this office together (2 people on long vaca, 3 more who are constantly in meetings), work will probably turn a bit cold-war-ish.

Fifteen more weeks. Fifteen more weeks...

Jun 1, 07 5:27 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Dang, 15 weeks is a long time, hang in there!!

My new neighbor eats fast food for lunch most days, so I now fully know your pain. It's been 6 months since I've even smelled a french fry, and now they're 6 feet away, making my tuna on wheat look very pitiful. Only my new, smaller jeans are getting me through.

Jun 1, 07 5:34 pm  · 

You know my pain when he flirts with contractors, whines about how fat he is, tries to push the unhealthy food on you and your co-workers, talks at the volume of a thrasher movie, and thinks you're there to keep him entertained instead of do work, and then when you do not fully and energetically participate in these activities, whines about how you treat him badly and he's going to go home and cry.

Sorry, that's needed to come out for a bit now. Seriously, if we are left alone together, I am going to have a very hard time not just bursting out with something truly ugly like that.

Jun 1, 07 5:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Ok, they got back at 5 till 3. We had a pool going, I lost, I guessed 3:20.

Anyways, I see they are making up the lost productivity by surfing Google Earth and playing foozball for the rest of the afternoon. Got a minute to help me with a door hardware question, drunky?

Crystal Light flirts with contractors? ha ha. I can't picture this woman.

Jun 1, 07 6:01 pm  · 

Straw, she does her flirting over the phone.

I think if my desk-neighbor moves, it'll be time to talk to the boss about reminding her of the professional nature of the office, how she's here to support the architectural staff, not to distract us, and certain of her behaviours are not appropriate for the workplace.

Jun 1, 07 6:24 pm  · 
"....quit pardding in aisle and bring farty dollars in change..."

thanks snook'r.. i wrote it down in my note book.

Jun 1, 07 6:46 pm  · 

I'm not sure i've said it but i'm really very jealous of those able to enjoy the partakings of postopolis live! I find it a fantastic concept of grabbing those present in the blogosphere for one moment in realtime.

Jun 1, 07 6:54 pm  · 

rationalist, wait until about t-minus two weeks left, and start talking to yourself, she'll start to think you're crazy, she'll start gossiping and then at t-minus 1 week, start talking to the big rabbit in your cube, and how you don't want it to kill CL....she'll run in shear terror, leaving you, with a big shit eating grin across your face!

Jun 1, 07 7:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Stourley you are truly diabolical.

architechno, I too am sick with envy at not being sitting in Storefront right now!

Jun 1, 07 7:45 pm  · 

feel for ya, architechnophilia. timezones are annoying.

how does that work Strawbeary? my partner and i have to work seriosuly when at work (sometimes long hours too) or we will tank. your company can absorb lazy bosses not working?

Jun 1, 07 8:08 pm  · 

architechno, I sent you an email. Check it!

Orhan, keep us posted on that Argentina thing....I actually hear there is a budding ex-pat community in Buenos Aries and that artists are thriving since their currency fell. I imagine it's a wonderful place to build right now!

I am glad I do not have to punch anyone in the face.

I am even more glad because I, like here's your sign, am recently enjoying a bout of "smaller pants" syndrome.....I bought myself new shoes as a reward. :o)

Jun 1, 07 8:14 pm  · 

nice to see driftwood has drifted back

Jun 1, 07 10:02 pm  · 

oooooooooooooo Wonder K sent me an email. I feel so...privelaged.

Jun 1, 07 10:18 pm  · 

now if I could just find it (too many email addresses - I'm sure I'm not the only one with problem)

Jun 1, 07 10:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski


Jun 1, 07 10:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski


Jun 1, 07 10:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

n' harmony

Jun 1, 07 10:27 pm  · 

hey puddles - where you at? Heard you are my neighbour? Which island?

Jun 1, 07 10:31 pm  · 
Jun 1, 07 10:32 pm  · 
Ms Beary

i thought puddles was a midwesterner, not an islander. what happened? didja move?

jump - we are a small branch of a corporate office. maybe that is how we stay afloat as we are subsidized. we are profitable now, but haven't always been....

Jun 2, 07 2:40 am  · 
vado retro

its a hot and looking like a soon to be stormy saturday afternoon in indianastan. spent the morning drinkin coffee and talking with my ex-girlfriend/future wife in cambridge(the real one). she's pretty happy cuz shes getting a peer reviewed article about sammy beckett published in an academic journal. then i got reamed at the gas station and picked up some dvd's at the pubic libary. and then did some grocery shopping. just ate some cantalope and pineapple and a turkey guacomole salsa wrap while listening to some turkish groove music that would make rob gordon hate me!(hi orhan!!!) gonna put the finishing touches on this painting i been workin on for two months and prolly take a nap.

apologies to wk and lb as i will not make the girls night out. my good friend silent bob is in town and we are gonna prolly hit the old point tavern or the elbow room. imagine the film sideways without the girls and you just about got it covered.

Jun 2, 07 1:10 pm  · 

well tumbles, someone's going to be telling her that shortly... I stayed late to mention it to one of the bosses. Apparently one of the project managers already said something about it, so we'll see what happens.

Jun 2, 07 2:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i had a review yesterday. everyone likes me at work!

Jun 2, 07 3:00 pm  · 

vado sounds like you'll be having fun. Which one are you? Merlot?

Jun 2, 07 7:12 pm  · 

Got up early this morning and went hiking. Unfortunately what was an old cotton road has been widen to serve as an escape route incase the volcano does a pop goes the weasel

Anyhow in the afternoon I went to the beach. The water was lovely and like glass. It was also secluded so which made it more fun wink wink. It does suck to go to the beach alone - my usual sidekicks are all off island (and can't find extras with a population so small)

Jun 2, 07 7:15 pm  · 

anyone see this job posting from Vinoly? seems interesting.

Jun 3, 07 6:16 am  · 

Stourley- I've been eying it too. It seems that Vinoly is looking for academic aspiring professionals with a clearly defined question that is best answered with the resources of a practice. the most recent guy was studying green roof assemblies and their design implications or something...

maybe you can propose studying falling down stairs versus falling down elevator shafts or how buildings hurt people. (is that bloody enough for you?)

Jun 3, 07 12:01 pm  · 

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