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Yeah for Archinecter meetups!!!

Sep 26, 08 3:25 pm  · 

steven, probably you can still catch them after your meeting. i hear m. speaks puts away a lot of booze in good company.

Sep 26, 08 3:42 pm  · 

If you're still at USC next fall, I might be able to teach the seminar there...

Sep 26, 08 3:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive

for those who are interested, you can find a list of troubled banks here

Sep 26, 08 4:09 pm  · 

"Mr. Fishman, who has been on the job for less than three weeks, is eligible for $11.6 million in cash severance and will get to keep his $7.5 million signing bonus, "

why should normal everyday americans bail out these guys again?
seems to me that at some point some of the people that are given
or giving these ridiculous amounts of money away should be held
accountable for their actions...

is this why i have to pay $1.75 to access my own money so that these
people can reap millions? it's so easy to make money if you have
money....otherwise it's a cash caste system.

Sep 26, 08 4:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Here's the banks identified as "at risk" by the document linked above:

Wachovia Bank
Washington Mutual
SunTrust Bank
National City Bank
Sovereign Bank
Huntington NB
E*Trade Bank
First Tennessee Bank

Some bloggers on Daily Kos are speculating that National City and Wachovia are already teetering, and Banco Popular apparently isn't very healthy, either.

I have accounts with Commerce Bank (now officially TD Bank) and ING Direct... Both seem stable at the moment. Not that I have much money to lose, anyway, and certainly nowhere near the $100,000 FDIC limit. But then, some are speculating that the FDIC itself may end up belly-up if enough banks fail.

Sep 26, 08 4:54 pm  · 

Woo-hoo!!! So when does the Dust Bowl o' 2008 begin?

Sep 26, 08 6:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, man it was awesome!!! Steven I'm so sad you couldn't join us. We just had a few drinks and yammered, the guys asked our cute waitress a lot of questions about what bourbon is made of etc., a UK professor was holding his studio IN THE BAR at the same time so there were students and laptops everywhere, and I apologized to Bjarke Ingels for comments I have made about BIG's work right here on archinect - in fact I'm off to find that thread/news posting about his People's Building so I can retract my statements because dammitall, now I'm a true beleiver. I get it, finally.

Also, I have this to report: architechnophilia is the BEST HUGGER I have ever had the pleasure of hugging!!!! Can't wait to get one again, I may have to take a vacation to Jamaica just for one of those hugs! ;-) Look for it, tunamelt, he's the best.

Sep 26, 08 7:52 pm  · 

I want a hug :o/

Also my bank seems to be one of the only banks not on that list. I'm not going to jinx them by mentioning their name. I probably have before anyway.

I have an ING account too and they sent me an email last week saying "thanks for having confidence in us" which immediately made me think I should maybe not have confidence in them anymore. I mean if it's not broke why talk about it?

Sep 27, 08 12:47 am  · 

i was very sorry to have only met techno so quickly and left. if only work was less of an issue! because all of the designer guests to the festival were staying at the hotel where the bar is, i had a feeling the activity (sounds like including ingels, lb?) would drift back there. glad it was fun.

safe travels, techno! i wasn't able to be a good host, but it sounds like you were in good hands. louisville would love to have you back.

Sep 27, 08 7:37 am  · 

I've been keeping up on foreign news reports of ING (it's based in the netherlands) and it was recently listed as one of the top two most stable banks in Europe (somewhere... don't remember the citation). Again, FDIC probably covers all of us since we're lowly architects, but, just in case anyone else was nervous about them, they're supposedly fine.

I want to meet techno!

Sep 27, 08 11:57 am  · 

RIP Paul Newman

Sep 27, 08 9:05 pm  · 
vado retro

my favorite actor bar none and no man can eat 50EGGS!

Sep 27, 08 9:15 pm  · 

spent the day at ikea in west chester OH yesterday. what a fun place! i'd never been to one before.

we've been overthinking the design of our very small back-porch-to-mud-room project for months and we solved it all there for under $300. the best news: a lot less carpentry for me to do! well, ok, better news: my wife knows what she's getting and i don't have to keep tweaking it to try to accomplish 'just one more thing' in this little 4'x8' space.

i also have to say that whoever the brilliant person was that decided that a kid check could work just like a coat check is my hero. our daughter had a blast and so did we!

finally, what's up with those carts?! at first i thought 'this is the best shopping cart ever in the universe, so easy to push, so easy to spin in circles, la ta tee da, how fun...' and on and on. then realized the extent to which this easy-to-push cart is surreptitiously working your stomach, knees, and arms, causing you to continuously redirect it's considerable weight (which gets momentum, by the way). my 40yrold body is requiring pain relievers this morning.

Sep 29, 08 7:30 am  · 
liberty bell

Aw, Steven, I wish you guys had made a video documenting this trip! Ikea is a world apart, indeed.

One daughter was "checked", where was the other?

Sep 29, 08 7:37 am  · 

little girl was TOO little to be checked. she was nice enough to fall asleep in the stroller immediately, though.

it didn't become fully clear how wonderful this sleep/kid-check scenario was until big girls' time was up at kid-check and little girl woke up. the rest of the afternoon became much more...interesting.

Sep 29, 08 7:51 am  · 
liberty bell

I've been a single mom all weekend - when you say "interesting", I get you.

Brian's sculpture for the new Indy airport is virtually done, next week he will install it. I'll post pictures.

Also, all my pics of Idea Fest are ridiculously blurry, but I may put a few in the events area anyway? Not sure, I've got a pretty busy day.

Sep 29, 08 8:00 am  · 

SW - Your adventure sounds like fun. Only wish I would have known then we could have had lunch or something. Two Archinectors in the same weekend... :oD Oh well. I have actually yet to make it up to Ikea. I just have this horrible image of it being so packed you can barely move that it makes me feel claustrophobic just thinking about it.

It was awesome to finally meet finally meet our very own architechnophilia. I was sad when we had to part ways, as I could have sat and talked all evening.

And now it's time to work.

Sep 29, 08 8:16 am  · 

Good morning all,
What a weekend. Not very restful but pleasant. Got a lot done.
How about you all?

Sep 29, 08 8:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


I wasn't overly productive this weekend, but Husband was. Almost has that crazy '89 mustang to '50something Dodge truck conversion finished and out of the garage!! Dont ask. I did cook a winter/butternut squash. I don't know which it was, or if they are different. But this thing was a beast to cut - HUsband had to use an electric knife - and it was more like carving up a pinapple than squash. But it steamed up nicely, and tastes just like yellow squash, only creamier. Abe loved it.

Sep 29, 08 9:16 am  · 

tuna- see, there is something between you two - LOL!

Sep 29, 08 11:01 am  · 

hi all!! Wow! What a weekend!! I'm back in Cleveland after an amazing time in Cincinnati and Louisville. Meeting Steven was a treat, despite work having to call him off early and to see and experience his beautiful city. Added that i got to meet Liberty and Vado, who must be two of the most amazing people (and great huggers too) I've ever met and I'm shaffing at the bits with excitement to meet up with again on my next visit. I came close to heading to Indy for an exhibition of Bodies, and a drink with them both but that unfortunately fell through. The replacement was an early evening drink/snack with Tunamelt that had both my best friend and I dying with laughter - she's such a warm and sincere person that you can't help but love her. So much so we pondered kidnapping her for the ride back to Cleveland - but the drinks left us both waking up a little too late and missing a trip to the university. All these wonderful people plus some great architecture (see flickr) has left me with a plastered smile that is not likely to disappear anytime soon.

You are all wonderful and amazing people thanks for the great memories I'm sure to keep.

Oh and we had drinks with Bjarne as well.

Sep 29, 08 11:05 am  · 

I am alive and wallowing in self-pity in my morning class.

Sep 29, 08 12:08 pm  · 

Aww DubK... wish you would have been able to be there this weekend. You so would have had fun.

Nam - Pleasant but not very restful? Hmmmmm.

Sep 29, 08 12:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, it would have been great to see you in Naptown as we didn't get nearly enough time to talk in Louisville. In addition to being a great hugger techno has an incredibly warm and generous spirit and made me laugh and feel instantly comfortable. Also, vado and I agreed: we both thought you would have a much stronger accent, maybe when you drink more it starts to come out?!

I've yet to meet an archinecter I wouldn't hang out with given any opportunity. Note to lurkers: don't take that as a challenge, please!

Sep 29, 08 12:58 pm  · 

Meaning that often my main goal for a weekend is to catch up on sleep and whatever else I need to get caught up on.
In this case I had fun and caught up with some friends. But didn't get much "else/really" accomplished.

Therefore two diametrically oppossed definitions come into play...

Sep 29, 08 1:05 pm  · 


just sent an email with a possible op ed. Let me know if it would be a better regular thread.

Sep 29, 08 2:14 pm  · 


Sep 29, 08 2:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Time to stock up on canned goods and weapons.

Sep 29, 08 3:19 pm  · 

beta - Is that what that was? I was wondering.

Sep 29, 08 3:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

well my day went to hell fast. The sitter called, had to take her husband to the ER for possible gaingreen, so I had to pick up the kid. I also had a deadline today that I didn't know existed until this morning's tripple M (monday morning meeting). So I paniced - the office just canned someone, and I've been off a lot lately, and don't want to get canned myself. And I begged them to let me work from home, and they agreed, and also assured me that they would find another reason to can me, but I still didnt get eveything done by the deadline. BAH! Being a parent sucks.

And sorry Beta, I'm too busy wallowing in self-pity to hear any crashes around me; what are you talking about?

Sep 29, 08 3:52 pm  · 

Man guys,
I am on the verge of a freakout. Could we really be heading were informed minds seem to think?

Sep 29, 08 4:51 pm  · 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 777 points, the largest single day drop in its history. I believe hell HAS frozen over, because it's raining in Los Angeles. Precipitation - the best part of an otherwise really sh*tty day!!!

Sep 29, 08 5:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski

point drops of the djia are really very relative because the thing has grown s much over the years to begin with...what's remarkable is how easy it is to stir americans into a collective frenzy...sometimes i can't help ut think it's a nation for of overwieght pussies

having said, i actually suspect that things are going to get much worse in the not-too-distant future. most of the problems at the moment are in the abstract world of high finance. it will take time to percolate down to the average american. the economic strain will continue to tighten and i suspect that the fall elections may very well descend into chaos & violence that may chart the course for either civil or revolutionary war. michiganistan here we come!!!

Sep 29, 08 6:35 pm  · 

Yeah a better indicator of the market is actually the S&P 500 ... whoops, that lost 9% of its value today, worse than the Dow...

puddles I went back and looked at that link you posted before. Forgive my language but that is some scary sh*t.

I hope for all our sakes Obama wins but I don't envy the job he will have ahead. Of course there is the alternative... (shudders)

Sep 29, 08 7:21 pm  · 

You know...I had a meeting with a client this weekend who is not directly associated with the Financial Market but is indirectly. Shit he
knows everyone that is to be know. I don't have a bunch of information to spill....but he was lookin hankered...we have a small project to address at his second home and well I was feeling like maybe we should be holding back but it is one of those unfortunate projects which involve insect we have to take care of it or the problem will be getting worse as time goes on and well winter is closing in as much as I don't like it.

I'm starting to feel a little bit like our neck of the woods has the potential of becoming a Rural Detroit....if the Financial market continues to move south. Wondering if I should bail and head for greener pastures...which offer a less than beautiful place to live.
Hell if oil prices spike and there is no work ... we be stripping the wood trim of the house to keep warm this winter. I always feared a depression of the 30's, as my mom and dad grew up during it. Mom
gathered cow chips off the plains to put in the wood stove to keep warm as I'm sure my dad did, but he never talked about it. They lived in small sod houses, extracted from the prairie. There weren't alot of windows.

I guess when I have some time this week I'm going to go dig out the old wood storm windows from the garage and put them on to help supplement the new internal storm windows in keeping the cold out.... it is better to be prepared than sorry.

Oh ya I did haul wood in last weekend before our latest hurricane weather came to visit...want to keep it as dry as possible.

If the market goes crazy taking out the pencil and paper, and finding the groove.

Night all hope our goverment representatives realize we all have to make a living. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs Bite!

Sep 29, 08 10:18 pm  · 

I need a hug too!

I've kept my 23 pounds I had left over from London, jussssst in case the dollar acts like pre-war german money and all of the sudden those pounds might come in handy. That sounds paranoid, and I don't actually think that 23 of any currency would do me all that much good, but I figure it can't hurt to wait to cash it in, as in my mind it was spent the moment it came out of the ATM.

LB, don't tempt those lurkers too much: I've had people message me on MySpace going, "I found you! You're the famous rationalist!!!!! Hi rationalist!!!!!!" and I'm just sitting there going Oh.My.Lord. I may need a new identity.

School's started again and superbusy, but I guess I should actually do a blog post about that, huh? Sounds like a lot of energy.

Sep 29, 08 10:22 pm  · 
vado retro

i thought you were talking about pounds as in weight rather than currency...

ideafest was so much fun i just wish we could have hung out longer. now im on an ideafast...

Sep 29, 08 10:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Do you think there might be a hot new design market in redeveloping all the failed outlot suburban bank branch locations?

Sep 29, 08 10:54 pm  · 
vado retro

yes the suburban soup kitchen!

Sep 29, 08 11:06 pm  · 

i hope this is not strange but i had a nice job contract signed today, that might carry me and the family next 3-4 years and possibly beyond.

it has been pretty dismal and petty job wise in recent couple of years, and just when the market tanked, i got a nice contract signed. that happened to me before in 80's.

happy eid (bayram) to muslim brothers and sisters, stay off the booze binge,
great beautiful roshashana to my jewish brothers and sisters, stay off the booze binge, and to my christian brothers and sisters, stay off the drugs and prescription medicine. to rest of my brothers and sisters of the other religions and non belivers and so-so belivers etc, ; merry christmas...

Sep 29, 08 11:18 pm  · 
for vAdO
Sep 29, 08 11:23 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks barry for the how to fuck up a song lesson...

Sep 29, 08 11:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin


At the moment, I have a stable, well-paying job, I'm working on getting some debts paid off, I just moved into a new apartment, and I'm hoping to finally finish my BA degree this spring. With the economy headed down the shitter, should I apply to grad schools this fall as I had originally planned, or should I hold off another year so that I can build up some savings and pay off my debts -- assuming I remain employed that long? That's the dilemma I'm looking at right now.

Sep 29, 08 11:53 pm  · 
vado retro

apply and go if you want to (if you get accepted that is)

Sep 30, 08 12:11 am  · 
vado retro

of course, you may not be able to get a loan for school...

Sep 30, 08 12:11 am  · 

LIG, I honestly wouldn't do anything involving applying for loans right now. Also you should finish your BA. Stay in your job for a bit, build up some savings and enjoy your job, while you have one, and since many others will not very soon.

Sep 30, 08 1:19 am  · 

i been seening on the news how the loaning people are not so nice for the students lately in the states. the student's life seems to be getting harder in USA all the time.

but for you LIG, if you start school next year maybe when you graduate it will be just in time to jump into better economy....

speaking of school, i just got my official papers today. the dean gave them to me hisself, in front of a whole bunch of other paper-wielding, funny-hatted and oddly robed people. i have been officially phd-ificated. just in time to enjoy the new economy the whiz kids on wallstreet have cooked up for us all.


Sep 30, 08 4:48 am  · 

hey jump congrats on that, it must be awesome to hear people call you Dr. Jump?

i on the other hand am now NCARB!

Sep 30, 08 5:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, Doc Jump!

I'm strongly leaning towards taking WonderK's advice... Even if I got into an M.Arch. program this year, I'd have almost zero savings by the time I started school in the fall, and I'm not in a position to be applying for student loans (and it doesn't seem anybody is in a position to lend to me, anyway). Assuming I don't lose my job, I'll be in a much better position to apply for grad school next year, and I might even have some better material for my portfolio by then.

Sep 30, 08 7:49 am  · 

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