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moved to where? still in la?

congrats on graduation!!!

and happy birthday, abra!

Sep 23, 08 9:39 pm  · 
vado retro

din't you just start graduate school??? hi tumbles!!! :P

Sep 23, 08 10:31 pm  · 

yeay! finished my teaching app for next fall. (hint - hi wK)

Sep 23, 08 10:47 pm  · 

...what a tumblesque return! thanks weed...

Sep 23, 08 10:52 pm  · 

steven, divalo dance group is very good. i knew bunch of them when they first started. they did their act with great props and devices. it was very hair rising.

Sep 23, 08 10:57 pm  · 

Whoa! Hi tk! If your name comes up in conversation I'll make sure to act cool and say I know you. Name recognition never hurt anyone. Also you'd be amazed at the types of conversations I am privy to. Yesterday it was a group email convo between all of the directors, profs, and me which ended in the vice dean declaring that I will not have to do the dishes on behalf of my 150 fellow grad students. I mean, I wouldn't have anyway but it's nice to have someone on my team :o)

And tumbles! There you are! Are you still in LA? What are you doing October 3?

Sep 24, 08 3:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, big things have been happening on TC since I went home last night. Hi Tumbles, hope you pop back in again soon.

Happy Birthday Abra.

Good luck TK. I wish I could teach, though I lack official experience, and time to gain experience at the moment. Once I get that liscense, and experience, I'm willing to drive the 1.5 hours one way to teach early design studios; thats how much I love it.

Vado, when you say its a skill you're good at, do you mean you can check out women without them knowing, without your company noticing, or do you have some special score card in your head with points for things like under-butt curve, tight pants, ect?

And there was a HUGE house fire on my way to work. It was in an exclusive (read: Expensive) gated comunity, and nothing is left but the chimney, but it got me to wondering. If my neighboors house was on fire, and they werent home, would I try to save some of their stuff? I know its dangerous, but if there was opportunity, I would like to try. What would I save? Computers, photos, things that seemed irreplacable. All in an effort to be neighboorly. Hopefully, those things would be easy to find, the house is on fire after all, so I don't want to be rooting around in a stranger's things. But then I got worried that people would think I was looting, and that the owners would then accuse me of theft. Am I losing my faith? What would you do?

Sep 24, 08 8:57 am  · 
liberty bell

It's an interesting question, Sarah, but put yourself in the opposite situation: If our house was on fire, would you want a neighbor to risk their life trying to save your computer? it's one of those "judgement" questions: if the person survived and saved your computer for you, you'd be pleased, obviously. but if they didn't, and died in the fire, you would wish they had not taken the risk, right? And would carry their death with you forever.

I think the smart thing around fires is to stay out of them. If it's an attempt to save people, of course, that's a different question.

Sep 24, 08 9:02 am  · 

tumbles, I'm sad to hear of the boxrooms' demise, they were pretty spectacular looking. Actually that whole place was awesome. If I were still in LA, I'd snap it up.

I'm back in Seattle!!!!!!!! It's cold here. Really cold. Wishing-I-hadn't-thrown-out-those-ratty-old-slippers cold. My first day of both learning and teaching is today, after getting in at 9pm last night, so it's time to get this year rolling already...

Sep 24, 08 10:02 am  · 

hi all, hi tumbles. Yea I'm in Cleveland at the moment, hopefully if I can get tickets I'll be in Louisville on friday chumming up with Vado, Liberty and Steven Ward, then Tuna by weekend. Unfortunately I won't be able to make LA this time around - teaching requirements mean I have to be back on the 6th, I'm already missing 2 weeks worth of studio.

Sep 24, 08 11:26 am  · 

I would hope NO ONE would try to save my computer, that's just idiotic and can be replaced. I would hope though that someone would break a window or a door or something so the cats could get out. The idea of them possibly burning to death terrifies me. I thought a lot about that when the Crush's house caught on fire. He's got a dog and fortunately someone saw that his dog was inside and broke the door down to get her.

WELCOME BACK TUMBLES!!!! Glad to see you haven't fallen off the face of the planet

Rationalist - welcome back too. Sorry to hear it's cold. Hopefully it won't take long for your body to readjust to the temps.

Sep 24, 08 12:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It isn't the machine that I would be upset about, its the photos that are on it. If I were alowed to only take 5 things with me from my house, it would be my computer/hardrive, the stupid pump, my box full of letters/cards Husband gave me, bonds, and wedding dress? Those things can't be replaced. You know? Obviously life would go on without them, but I would be sad.

Sep 24, 08 12:30 pm  · 

SH - you should get a Flickr Pro account. That way you can save all your photos there.

Sep 24, 08 12:35 pm  · 

Oh rationalist. I wish I could trade your "cold" for my dry hotness, just for a day. It's dry and hot here. Again. Like every other day. It's so boring.

Sep 24, 08 12:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

On the Portland O.R. thread, someone mentioned Voodoo Douhgnut.

But I keep conflating the name with the Voronoi diagram thread, and picturing these tessellated donuts, with sprinkles, of course.

So now I'm craving a donut.

Sep 24, 08 3:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm always craving donuts...i wish i was still in boston where i was surrounded by dunkin donuts

Sep 24, 08 4:20 pm  · 

I just had a cold call from the stock brokerage company M L. They must be getting to the bottom of the bucket to be cold calling architects.

Sep 24, 08 4:49 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm cravin a jellyroll...

Sep 24, 08 6:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive

i've been keeping mum on the "financial crisis" for a while now because there is just too much mis-information floating around and i'm far too distracted by rum & college football to waste any time chatting about particulars with anonymous internet users who aren't named per corell...however, if any of you are interested in an excellent website on the status of american finance then i recommend the this blog by c. a. fitts...graphically, it's a bit muddled but she has very good insider/outsider perspective

i originally found her a couple years ago via her story/personal recollection of market manipulation/greed. it's a fascinating read...i recommend giving yourself a few hours to read it & do some further research into the subject on your own. it just might change your perspective on america. bon appétit

Sep 24, 08 7:19 pm  · 

Hi all,
Sounds like everyone is having a good week?
I haven't had a donut in awhile. But i did drive by Krsipy Kreme yesterday on my bike and almost stopped because the hot donuts sign was on....

Puddles, not sure i need to get any more pessimistic/depressed than I already am. My feeling is that the american taxpayer is about to get soaked...

You should definetely get a Flickr Pro and upload your photos. And/or if you don't already get an easy to transport external hard drive to store you digital "must haves" so you can easily save at least that.. Trying to carry a computer out of a burning house sounds like a recipe for a disaster.
The only thing i would probably really "need" to save would be my memento box....

Sep 24, 08 7:35 pm  · 
vado retro

so today they deflated the dome of the rca dome here in indy and all these goofs were down there expecting some kind of pruitt igoe type implosion and instead got the mayor who was in office when the dome was built pushing a button that turned off the fans that blew air into the dome and then the dome deflated over the course of around thirty minutes. the local news said, like so many other things in life, it was anticlimatic...

Sep 24, 08 11:03 pm  · 

oh wonderK, I would make that trade anyday! As long as the rest of Los Angeles didn't need to come with the dry hotness... got your fun card when I got home, btw. Very cute.

Sep 25, 08 3:16 am  · 


240 pages and counting!

hi guys, it's nice to be back for anyone who still remembers my archinect alter ego

how is everybody? i'm fine, working, and drunk at the moment.

Sep 25, 08 6:10 am  · 


240 pages and counting!

hi guys, it's nice to be back for anyone who still remembers my archinect alter ego

how is everybody? i'm fine, working, and drunk at the moment.

Sep 25, 08 6:10 am  · 
liberty bell

It's good to see you back, big. Seeing you drunk and working, even better.

Sep 25, 08 6:48 am  · 

had a wonderful time last evening at a reception for the finalists for the curry stone prize which will be conferred today. the three i got to meet (shawn and research partner, marjetica, and antonio) were excited but also tired from their travels from hong kong, slovenia, and italy respectively. the duo from south africa were not able to get visas and janz wasn't there. it's very fun to talk to passionate people about their work and what THEY think they're doing and how they're going about it.

this prize is also a great story. both mr curry and ms stone were there last night. mr curry is a graduate of the arch school at kentucky who has had his practice in oregon for many years and, at some point, had opted to take equity in some of his projects rather than payment. this turned out well for him (a lesson for us?), and he and ms stone were determined to make a meaningful gift - something that they could see make a difference.

david mohney, former dean at kentucky, offered his help. mr curry and ms stone didn't want their names on a building: 'anyone can do that.' but they had admired afh's 'design like you give a damn' and they told dean mohney 'this is what we want to do'. so the award is meant to honor work toward a 'specific design solution that has the potential to create beneficial change and vital community'.

i got to spend the most time talking to ms stone and she was a wonderful storyteller and just generally very gregarious, open, fun, and generous. they've worked very hard to make this award happen in a very short period of time and set it up to be an annual award.

each of the finalists got a call letting them know they had been recognized. as both dean mohney and some of them told it, some of them thought it was a joke. 'what's curry stone?', 'i googled it. i can't find you.' but then they were announced at the venice biennale and it was clear that this was real.

this afternoon one of the finalists - all of whom have already won something just for being finalists - one will be awarded the $100k grant to further their work. i'll be there to see it and, from what i've heard, kate stohr from afh will be there with mr curry, ms stone, new uk dean speaks, and dean mohney.

an exciting award to be coming out of kentucky! it's great that they've attached it to the annual ideafestival that has been so successful here and that afh is involved as well. a really nice pulling together of several threads. i'll let you guys know who wins this afternoon...

Sep 25, 08 7:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, your post should probably be copy-pasted and used to start a new thread about the prize. I think the entire archinect community should know about it, not just TC.

If I have time later this morning I'll do it myself.

Sep 25, 08 8:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, where do you find the time. Your wife must be very independent/giving.

Nam, my computer is a laptop, so its easy to snag and run - and I do have an external hard drive. Guess I didn't think that most would see computer and think big 18x24x6 inch box. My how times have changed.

Did I tell y'all? Husband wants to go to a museum, his own decision, to see the King Tut exhibit. I'm thrilled! Now, if I can just get him to want to go to a play or something.....

Vado, your story makes me laugh, and Bigness, I don't have a clue who you are, should I?

Sep 25, 08 8:55 am  · 
vado retro

what if the egyptians were right and their "ka" continued after death in this world and they required the sustenance "ie material possessions" to thrive in their next incarnation. when the pyramids were opened and all the objects taken (or stolen) and sold to collectors and museums and filed away in some warehouse ala charles foster kane this would mean that those in the next life would suddenly be stripped of their possessions and wealth almost overnight. imagine how that would feel. akin to a major economic meltdown, fortunately, we don't have to worry bout anything like that ever happening....

Sep 25, 08 9:14 am  · 

Interesting idea,
A post-mortem, economic metldown of the spirit world......

SH, Yeah i have a laptop too. I guess old imagery dies hard?

Steven and LB if you don't post something i will later today myself.
Sounds like this award is really very cool..

Sep 25, 08 9:23 am  · 

you know, like many here, i have been concerned about the economy and work stability, and this has been weighing heavily on my psyche. then, i remembered something i had forgotten. with all my education and licensure, i got soft. my mom raised four kids for a period of 5 years, working two fulltime jobs - with some public assistance - managed to put a roof over our heads, we did not starve, and we got by. the result? 1 attorney, 1 architect, 1 theater manager, and 1 electrical technician. not bad huh? well, i called my mom last night and thanked her, but before i did that, i let her know that the AARP sent me membership information, ugh, now i am old and poor.


in short, call your parents and thank them.

Sep 25, 08 9:27 am  · 
liberty bell

AAAGGHH! beta, you got AARP literature sent to you? But you're younger than I am!!!

nam, I have to run around all day so don't have time - would you mind posting the Curry Stone thing (if you have time)? The five finalists are listed on the Ideas Festival website. Wes' website is One Small Project, which was profiled on Archinect here, and Shawn Frayne's Wind Belt Generator was posted here. That's a start!

Later all, have a good day, I'm going to be in my car all day but thankfully it's nice weather out!

Sep 25, 08 9:36 am  · 
vado retro

i got some aarp info in the mail and got really bummed out about it...except for the bursitus in my rotator cuff, the arthritus in my wrist, the bad eyesight, the wrinkles, the love handles and the crushed dreams, i feel pretty good.

Sep 25, 08 9:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I got a Leilson Survey in the mail. Of course I'm going to fill it out, but the funny thing...

I hate TV, and we no longer have cable. My survey will throw them off for sure. Mwahahaha Maybe I can destroy TV altogether with one fatal bubble fill! Oh, I feel powerful....

Sep 25, 08 9:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

whoops, thats suppose to be Neilson Survey.

Sep 25, 08 10:00 am  · 

hey TC!

im starting to think archinect now, this morning when i heard about
the whole Mccain suspending his campaign stuff i immediatly wondered what would be said here on archinect.
By the way right now to me it seems like theres a child in office now and he's called both of the candidates to hold his hand and cover things up for him so that when its no longer his responsibility, he can run off and play with his toys, and one of the candidates got impatient in the phone tag process and made a decision that may cost him.

- this is the first time ive heard about the Neilsen Survey, its a
media research company right? Both tv and internet? i want a survey now.

Sep 25, 08 10:20 am  · 

Since we were speaking of Svere Fehn a few pages back i thought some might find this of interest.....

The Nordic pavilion at the Venice Biennale features a retrospective of his work.

See her

Sep 25, 08 7:14 pm  · 
vado retro

so with this supertight credit crunch we are going through i was just offered two new credit cards. one when i was payin my nordstrom bill they asked me if i wanted to change my nordstrom card to a nordstrom visa card so i could use it everywhere and then i went to the bank and deposited a check and was offered a second credit card from my bank. wtf? no wonder things are screwed up...

Sep 25, 08 7:24 pm  · 

I'm still alive

Sep 25, 08 7:48 pm  · 
vado retro

hooray for urbanism, there's a drugbust goin' on outside...

Sep 25, 08 7:56 pm  · 

I meant here.
Maybe the sellers will have a fire sale to raise funds? hmmmmm

Glad to hear Tuna...

Sep 25, 08 8:50 pm  · 
the blog is (a)live
Sep 25, 08 9:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

How's this for fucked up? Less than two weeks ago I finally had Time-Warner Cable come in and install broadband internet, cable TV, and digital phone service.

With the digital phone service, I got a new telephone number, which I haven't given to anybody yet. But beginning less than 24 hours after the installation, I've been getting at least 3-4 telemarketing calls per day... And the caller addresses me by name, so it's not like they're calling somebody who used to have my new phone number. The only possible explanation is that Time-Warner is selling my phone number to a bunch of telemarketing lists.

So now I have to ask them to give me a new phone number, and to make sure it's unlisted this time.

In other news, Washington Mutual just failed... Sucks to be their shareholders.

Sep 25, 08 10:59 pm  · 
snook_dude is the catch on the Washington Mutual Failure.....Seems like failing pays well for the Big Dogs!

But the seizure and the deal with JPMorgan came as a shock to Washington Mutual’s board, which was kept completely in the dark: the company’s new chief executive, Alan H. Fishman, was in midair, flying from New York to Seattle at the time the deal was finally brokered, according to people briefed on the situation. Mr. Fishman, who has been on the job for less than three weeks, is eligible for $11.6 million in cash severance and will get to keep his $7.5 million signing bonus, according to an analysis by James F. Reda and Associates. WaMu was not immediately available for comment.

From the NYT this morning.

Sep 26, 08 7:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I was blocked from Archinect this morning. Don't know how, or why, but IE just wouldn't connect. Add that to the fact that Abe didn't sleep last night, so I'm exhausted, and the Elevation I was working on, and excited about, was just taken away from me by my boss, and it was just icing on the cake.

I'm cranky today. I hate my life.

Sep 26, 08 11:46 am  · 
Living in Gin

I had trouble connecting to Archinect last night and this morning, but it seems better now. Must have been a clog in the tubes somewhere.

Ironic thing is, I applied for a checking account at WaMu a few years ago, but was turned down because of some problems on my credit report. Maybe I should have asked for a mortgage instead.

Sep 26, 08 11:51 am  · 

yeah, life up here probably isn't going to get any better with the recent WaMu crap. BTW, both checking and short-term savings are in WaMu, but I've been advised that it doesn't matter because my piddly little accounts will be fully covered by federal insurance if/when they tank completely.

Sep 26, 08 12:22 pm  · 

I couldn't connect to Archinect last night either. I had a post fully written, hit send, and it wouldn't fly. I can't remember what it was about but it wasn't that important I guess.

OH yeah, now I remember...those of you who got sent info from AARP, don't 25-year-old roommate did too. I think they have their wires crossed somewhere!

In other news, I have been under so much stress lately that I've lost about 5 pounds without even trying. Woo hoo? At least I know I'll burn off that donut I ate earlier.....

Sep 26, 08 1:11 pm  · 

Hi all. hope you are having a fantastic Friday.
I am. Will be going to see a sweet reggae show tonight.
Also, I too had troubles getting to Archinect via the tubes all morning...

Sep 26, 08 1:20 pm  · 

vado, liberty bell, and i (and lb/my teaching cohort j.r.) just got to meet architechnophilia at the bjarke ingels/big talk at louisville's ideafestival. unfortunately when they all went off to have drinks w/ michael speaks, i had to go back to work. aargh. dumb meeting...

it was great to see everybody!

Sep 26, 08 3:17 pm  · 

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