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Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I found that the hard part is telling a student that they really dont have it, without telling them that they dont have it.

Aug 25, 08 1:28 pm  · 

Sarah & Techno - buzz kill, how do you do it? how do you say "sorry kid, your spent thousands in tuition on a field that you have no talent in" do you get alot of those cases?

be back in a bit, got physics class

Aug 25, 08 1:34 pm  · 

i was also thinking that a blog from the perspective of the professor/studio critic would be fun - then I realized how much effort it will be teach a grad seminar, work full time, and have a family life. the blog lost. but drop a note to paul and maybe you'll be granted your wish.

more to come on this seminar that I may be teaching in the spring...

Aug 25, 08 1:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil, what I did (I was technically a teacher's aide, but the prof let me head the class with supervision) was to meet with the student on my own time twice a week. Help her to see that she just wasn't committed enough; she would make excuses for not coming, ect, and by honestly critiquing her work. This was freshman level design, so she was just learning how to draft, ect, and if she wasn't getting it right, then I would tell her, and show her how, but NOT do it for her. I also tried to show her there were other ways. Some students are not paper thinkers, and do better in model form. I had her make bunches of simple playdough models as an attemp to get the juices flowing, but none worked. In the end, I reccomended to the proff to give her a low grade (since she didnt even do most of the class work, and didnt, in my oppinion reach a satisfactory level of progress), and I spoke with her one on one. I told her that if this was something she really thought she wanted to do, she had to be pasionate, and had to work hard. I suggested that over the summer she do some reading, and surround herself with art.

I dont know what happend to her. I wonder whats happened ot all my students.

Aug 25, 08 1:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Holy crap, holz, what is that?!?

It's gorgeous!

Aug 25, 08 2:10 pm  · 

Lb looks like a church? Maybe for a nondenominational/Unitarian congregation?
Holz, am i right?

TK. Thanks. I am hoping to start getting them out more regularly.

Aug 25, 08 3:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

I was guessing synagogue.

Aug 25, 08 3:02 pm  · 

It’s a catholic church I worked on a few years ago.

After we won the competition, I worked on it through the end of s.d. but had to return to uni.

The basic premise was that the interior would be re-worked to be more modern, with an inward focus, rather than the typical nave/altar configuration.

The two screens that come up and over the nave are representational of a baldachin (with the additional symbolism of being surrounded by the light of god).

It increased the natural lighting within, gave a focus to the space, and allowed the mechanical systems to be hidden.

Anyway, when I left there was uncertainty to whether the church had enough money, but I was looking around the other day, et viola.

Aug 25, 08 3:54 pm  · 

I think it is even more amazing that it is a catholic church, the axial relationship between the podium, congregation, altar is phenomenal, the detailing crisp yet recognisable...holz, wow!

Aug 25, 08 5:32 pm  · 

quite nice holz. well done.

best way to tell students they are not working hard enough is just tell them they aren't working hard enough.

i really think the expectations go both ways. profs work full time preparing lectures and critting work. students work full time learning what they can. if they aren't interested that's totally cool, cuz architecture is not like christianity after souls will be lost if the students fail to get traction. but there is not any requirement to coax them into caring...

Aug 25, 08 8:26 pm  · 

Good evening all,
Had dinner with a good friend that is back in town now that his MBA program has started back up.
Sometimes i forget how much pleasure can be had out of a wide ranging conversation about philosophy, politics and life in general...

Also, has anyone else noticed how many new/more school blog entries there appears to be compared to even last semester? Seems like there has been a major push for new bloggers.
I am very excited some of them and their programs seems very interesting.

Aug 25, 08 9:41 pm  · 

One word for you holz


Aug 25, 08 9:46 pm  · 

damn guys, it's not mine, just the competition and some concepts/details.

but yeah, i thought it was executed pretty well. a lot nicer than the crap i'm putting up with these days, unfortunately.

Aug 25, 08 9:50 pm  · 

oops sorry Holz, I'm sure you could do way better anyway given the chance.

So tomorrow is the first day and I've decided to take on some added responsibility. I'll be in charge of the precedent study before each module this semester for the studio. The generators are climate, structure, activities and meaning. I'm also doing a presentation on the first one...should be fun. Anyone want to offer up suggestions on work (building or sculpture for meaning?)

Aug 25, 08 10:10 pm  · 

What year are you teaching, techno? And what do you mean by precedent stury -- do you not have the students do those themselves? Or do you mean the intro lecture to the project?

Post your lecture topics -- you'll probably get a lot of help, hopefully from Holz the Human Architectural Encyclopedia! (aka HAHE)

We'll be happy to help you brainstorm. Coming up with studio lectures is insanely brain-tiring.

Aug 26, 08 12:36 am  · 

As for a teachers' blog : I imagine there would be a lot of difficulties with tip-toeing around students' legal concerns. You couldn't really post or directly discuss any one students' work without their consent, I would guess. Besides, it would be difficult to be able to say what you want to say in a published forum, I would imagine.

Aug 26, 08 12:38 am  · 

Liberty : I was paging through the free daily city rag this morning and they had a short article on a preview of fall fashions -- and what do they portend but the rise of the toe-less lace-up short boot with variously arranged cut-outs! I thought to myself, man, liberty bell's ahead of the curve!

Way to go lbelle, you trendsetter.

Aug 26, 08 12:40 am  · 
Aug 26, 08 12:46 am  · 

Well, at least one school blog this year is going to have a bit of both learning and teaching... though the points about privacy of the students are well-made, and a teacher should not post anything they would not want their students to read about themselves.

Aug 26, 08 1:47 am  · 

orhan's blog from sciarc was sort of a teacher's blog. i'm sure he'd give advice. (you could even ask abra...) didn't seem like he was tiptoeing around.

maybe it could be a studio-wide tool so that everyone had bought in to the idea and then there wouldn't be any issues. university of ky's new orleans studio had a blog to which students contributed, making it a sort of collage of points of view.

Aug 26, 08 7:25 am  · 

good example, steven. orhan's blog was/is very good one.

unrelated, but last weekend my oldest daughter and i built a coffee table from cardboard to her specifications and finished with a painting, also of her own making. is now in our living room, but i feel, as a doting father i am obligated to show it off somewhere (put the construction on my office blog, for same reason)... so here it is.

please continue on with your regular TC programming...

Aug 26, 08 7:57 am  · 

I love it jump. So happy.

Aug 26, 08 8:13 am  · 
vado retro

very partridge family jump.

Aug 26, 08 8:39 am  · 

That's seriously about 20x better than my coffee table.

Aug 26, 08 8:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is it actually coffee table size? Thats pretty awesome. I hope it holds up well. And was Daughter the designer and executer, or the designer and slave driver? I more of the designer and slave driver type. Poor Husband.

Aug 26, 08 9:12 am  · 

damn how old is your daughter jump, she's an ID prodigy. Manatary, I'll be teaching 2nd - the precedent studies will be done by the students but we'll tell them buildings to look at (at least in the first semester) and they will be analysing them in regards to the project subject (climate, structure, etc) only. The students don't produce buildings in the first semester, rather constructs/3d partis/sculptures whatever as a way to facilitate them to think about the problem at hand. It is a very effective approach and the only time in school when they will have that luxury.

Aug 26, 08 10:13 am  · 

My concept for a 'teachers blog' was to document the process of developing the course and lectures. Since it isn't a studio, there is less concern about infringing on students privacy.

Aug 26, 08 12:09 pm  · 

yes is coffee table size. i am actually using it right now, with laptop. is wee hours of morning and it is just the right height to relax a bit while sitting on the floor. we finished it with urethane so we can wipe spills and so on as well. so far so good. i taught her how to make the structure and cut the bits cuz she is only 8, but the rest is her work. she is pretty good i think, but lucky to have inspiration from the artist who let us use his studio to do the work in.

structure preparation:

top finished (scale model)

Aug 26, 08 1:19 pm  · 

blog sounds great tk...a friend just dropped the title of archi-tutor on me, might be a worthwhile name. I think i might use it for my cv as well. Jump I meant ask about the scale of that table and its HUGE...that is an amazing accomplishment for anyone (age/skill level notwithstanding). And look at the proud smile...again amazing!

Aug 26, 08 1:40 pm  · 

we can always start a archi-tutor thread if we can't get a full blown blog entry. otherwise there's always blogspot for archi-tutor.

oh, hope the hurricane doesn't damage JAM to badly.

Aug 26, 08 1:51 pm  · 

TK, that's pretty much what everyone is hoping at the moment. It should go north of us, but would collide with Cuba so further north to the middle of the Atlantic is preferred...or at least a significant weaking if anything. We are on hurricane watch (likely landfall within 36 hours), so I wait.

Aug 26, 08 5:55 pm  · 

Stay safe Atechno, I'll be sending safe vibes to you and your peeps.

Aug 26, 08 8:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

See, archinect is my news source (and the Daily Show) - I didn't realize you were in a hurricane's path, techno! Please be safe.

jump your daughter's table is freaking awesome. And the girl is very beautiful too!

Ugh, I've got a student letter of rec to writer....if I just start it I'll be donme in half an hour, he's a good student so easy to write for...but damn if "getting started" isn't the hardest part of every task!

I'll try.

Aug 26, 08 9:37 pm  · 

thanks lb. i am actually a wee bit worried about the boyfriends she is gonna be bringing home in just a few more years. she looks about 10 years older than most japanese already. yikes! (yes i am a worrying father type and she isn't even a teen ;-) )

table came out better than imagined, which is a relief. my wife didnt want to do it cuz its big and she thought it would come out awful. and then what would we do with it. but its great, so gets to be in living room. hurray.

Aug 26, 08 10:19 pm  · 
vado retro

the pbs station in indy is so stupid. im sittin at my computer with my back to the tv listenin to hillary's sppeech and all of a sudden it cuts out and they go to a station id and then to some british sitcom. i guess they only are on the convention until 11 pm and then they go to their regular programming. absolutely stupid.

Aug 26, 08 11:15 pm  · 

libertybell, a wise old hobbit once said "the hardest part of the journey is the first step." probably my favorite quote. even though i'm probably misquoting it. ;)

jump, your daughter is so lovely and it is so wonderful to see that lit-up face, so proud of the beautiful work she's done! wow. it's great to see a child get inspired by her own creativity. yay!

Aug 26, 08 11:31 pm  · 

HA HA HA HA best quote of the evening:

Stephen Colbert on a Fox reporter's cold review of Michelle Obama's speech:
"He has a heart made of Dick Cheney's discarded heart parts."

Aug 26, 08 11:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I liked the song: "...and then I feel better and I stop being such a bitch.

Well, in typical stalling action like I always did in college when i had a paper due, instead of writing my recommendation I got all my ironing done.

Goodnight all.

Aug 26, 08 11:58 pm  · 

jump my only word, two syllabuls shotgun!.

Had a great class today, some impressive students...we have one student who took 3 gold medals in the national art competition, another who is a artistic director for a choir who also won some awards in Austria during the summer. That's alot for the summer, I remember in my time you went to work for experience, or spend your time at the beach soaking in the sun since you wouldn't see it again for 3 months (rather the glow of the fluorescent bulb above your drawing table).

also finished watching the 2nd season of the Venture Bros - fantastic show

Aug 27, 08 1:46 am  · 

hmmm, TV. i am lucky to get a bit of the daily show every now and then lately. maybe a movie every few weeks even. not sure why we have a plasma tv for all the time we spend looking at it...

that colbert quote is too funny. wish i could tell it to my wife, but she wouldn't understand (sensibly refuses to follow USA politics because she is not american)...

Aug 27, 08 3:27 am  · 

Good morning all,
Jump that table is awesome.

Archi, i too love the Venture Brothers. I always assumed but wasn't sure that it is a pradoy of Johnny Quest? Personally i like Brock and the Socere/neighbor characters the best.

Aug 27, 08 8:20 am  · 
vado retro

you don't have to be not american to not follow american politics.

Aug 27, 08 8:37 am  · 

I <3 the Venture Bros. Have all the episodes in fact. Excellent show.

Aug 27, 08 9:17 am  · 

the Monarch's henchman are the best, them and Brock are my favorites, the necromancer is cool too

Aug 27, 08 11:58 am  · 


Great Photos and a great project by little jump! She might want to consider getting into designing graphics for skate boards.

Aug 27, 08 12:08 pm  · 

but then you wouldn't understand the daily show vado. that is kind of sad.

Aug 27, 08 12:09 pm  · 

lol snook. she loves rollerblading but no skateboarding yet.

i think right now she wants to be a vet or something like that. i keep pushing for astronaut, but no go...

Aug 27, 08 12:18 pm  · 

I posted the comment about the Venture Bros with some trepidation, worried that I might be the only one still actively watching animated shows/cartoons. I too think Brock Samson is a star...the voice is immistakable. The Monarch and his over the top drama is brilliant, and the animation direction is excellent.

go team Venture

Aug 27, 08 12:53 pm  · 

I had the pleasure of caring for the sapling at the office for a few hours today and yesterday as the missus visited her doctors. Since I didn't have a deadline, the distraction of feeding , burping, and cuddling didn't impact my productivity that much. While the smiling and babbling (and sleeping) baby's benefits to the rest of the office were to make folks smile a bit more. I now want to have a 'bring the baby to work' day at least once a month...

Aug 27, 08 1:35 pm  · 

the monarch's henchmen are great. and they remind me of another animated series with grown men dressed up like bugs, the tick. actually, i think patrick warburton was on that too. or maybe he was on the ill-fated, live-action version of the tick. either way, venture bros. are excellent, as is most of adult swim.

i also enjoy aqua teen hunger force and even squidbillies!

Aug 27, 08 1:40 pm  · 

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