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Good afternoon all,
SH funny that is exactly how i like my chili and i am a Yankee (from Brooklynn) by birth.

LIG sucks about the move. Hopefully you can put up with your roomate for a little longer?

Aug 18, 08 12:39 pm  · 

LOL SH and Nam!!! I promise not to tell anyone. When it comes down to it, I think I'm pretty much just partial to any savory dish that includes both tomatoes and cumin. I concocted this awesome black bean dish that has both these ingredients. I seriously considered posting it on Food Central this weekend, but I don't know the exact quantities of anything. I just throw the ingredients in until it looks, smells and tastes right. Anyone else do this? Recipes for me are just guidelines. I add and subtract as I see fit.

Aug 18, 08 12:47 pm  · 

hi everyone. Gin, that would great if you went when I was in the state/country - a few drinks and a photo-op for the archinect scrap book

Aug 18, 08 1:00 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks for lunch lb! i was supposed to buy!!!

Aug 18, 08 1:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, thats the only way I cook. Baking is a bit different, but maybe someday I will have that mastered as well.

Getting in a wreck sucks. Its such a hassle.

Aug 18, 08 1:03 pm  · 

LiG I was thinking about your direct deposit hassle on the way to work this morning. (We got our stubs on Friday and I expected that meant I was paid but it wasn't deposited in my account either, so I sympathize.)

So what I was thinking was... why DON'T banks direct deposit over the weekend? Is it just a holdover from the teller days? It's an electronic transfer, right? So, presumably this means no teller need be involved in the transaction? I wonder why it doesn't just automatically go through. Hmm. Any ex-bankers around here?

Aug 18, 08 1:50 pm  · 

Not sure what my problem is but I'm not playing well with others at the moment. I'm highly irritable. A Skyline cheese coney might make things better though. Yum.

Aug 18, 08 2:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, DubK, it's so nice to have you back, even if irritable. This presence will end when the semester starts again, though, right?

Aug 18, 08 3:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, my direct deposit finally came through this morning, and I was able to sign the lease and pick up the keys this afternoon. It's a huge relief to finally have an apartment, and it will be even more of a relief to finally get all my stuff moved in... Especially all the stuff that's been in storage for over a year now.

One of the things I'll be moving is a huge pile of Cincinnati Recipe chili packets, which I buy in bulk at Kroger's whenever I find myself back home. Maybe I'll make a big pot of chili once I'm settled in at the new place.

If I get back home anytime soon, it might be for the DAAP open house sometime in October. I had originally ruled out UC for grad school a while ago, but maybe I'll check out the open house anyway... And stock up on more chili packets.

Aug 18, 08 3:15 pm  · 

i have been in ashland, ohio since last thursday night. some family business of tina's being taken care of. i found this coffee place called java time or something with wi-fi in the same compaund where w-mart is. just got the road map from AAA. driving back to la via, de moines-denver-vegas for three days. no night time driving. the car is a 1995 cadillac seville sls with some gold trims and only 31k miles on it. we will be going fast but if you see one with a license plate paddy g. raise yer hand, brakes are good.
oh, was given set of 'all clad' cooking pots and pans which i am super happy about and honored to be considered as the good cook in the family.

Aug 18, 08 3:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

PHOTOGRAPHS!!! ORHAN, TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS!!!!! And maybe even video!

Aug 18, 08 3:29 pm  · 

man I think the bankers must be busy doing it with the no wonder you account sits empty all weekend,
while their out golfing over the weekend on your check.

Aug 18, 08 4:02 pm  · 

still alive. In Rome. Super tired, trying to upload Paris photos to flickr is taking forever...

Aug 18, 08 4:10 pm  · 

I hope it will go away as soon as school starts. More than likely it will go away when I finally graduate in May. LA is one big FAIL to me this week.

Aug 18, 08 4:42 pm  · 

I hope you liked Paris, rationalist!

Aug 18, 08 8:29 pm  · 

its official!

I've passed all sections of the LARE!!! now I just have some calender time before I can call myself, treekiller RLA!

on to news of the strange - I was invited to an AIPAC event during the RNC invasion. I'm not sure what scares me more, zionists in this day and age or the RNC.

and other news -
We started packing for the house shift at the end of next month and stirred up's cat allergies from the boxes being stored in the cat zone. Now we need to figure out how we can move without buying new boxes or causing allergies.

Aug 18, 08 10:11 pm  · 

its 2am - playing online poker...

Aug 19, 08 3:20 am  · 

congrats barry!

I'm working on a case of what I am calling "Olympic hunchback"...

Aug 19, 08 3:33 am  · 

congrats barry!

Aug 19, 08 5:38 am  · 
liberty bell

Great job, tk-rla! Congrats!

And beta, I forgot to mention upthread a congrats for acting, on stage, in front of a ton of people - it takes special bravery to willingly risk looking like a goof in front of a bunch of people, good for you.

In other news, Naptown continues to fall apart, as in addition to cutting all funding for the arts the mayor is paying a real estate consultant to identify what city-owned pocket-parks can be sold off for development - they're not "revenue generating", you see, and thus the city administration doesn't see the point of them. Is it any surprise that the parks in question fall in low income neighborhoods? No, it isn't.

Aug 19, 08 7:25 am  · 

write a letter, lb!

by the way, i almost bought a book for you this weekend, but i didn't have enough money with me. it's the new collection of kurt vonnegut essays. on the first page he pays tribute to his hometown.

Aug 19, 08 7:34 am  · 

Woo-hoo Barry on passing the LARE!!! That is awesome. So how long before you can indeed put RLA at the end of your name. How exciting.

Aug 19, 08 8:16 am  · 

Good morning,
TK, TK, TK!!!

And Steven, LB et al. That Vonnegut essay collection looks wicked cool, if by new you mean this one "Armageddon in Retrospect "???

He is probabl;y my favorite modern (i guess i can't say contemporary?) author.
From his short stories, to essays to novels his mix of political sophistication/righteousness and his ability to spin a yarn were imho unmatched.
I still remember the first time i read Cats Cradle. Blew my mind.

Aug 19, 08 8:33 am  · 

The first time I read Cat's Cradle, I spent the entire time reading it thinking, "what the heck? Why did everyone recommend this to me? What's so special about it?" ...and then I got to the last page and my entire opinion was reversed.

Still haven't read any other books by him, only countless essays and short pieces... maybe time to pick another book up for some summer reading.

Aug 19, 08 9:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Congrats, TK! Do you get a stamp? I think the stamps should be given for free, at least the first one - like a trophy or something. And I would stamp everything in sight.

I have a question for the Dr, Tk. I've been eating Lean Cuisine frozen lunches for Lunch for a while now, and have noticed that I am hungry more often than I was before. Is this due to chemicals in the LC, the fact that its 300 calories or less, or just maybe my body needs more, and so I'm snacking. Its like I'm pregnant again, but I don't have the baby excuse. So what does she think it is?

Aug 19, 08 9:04 am  · 

according to my estimates, I need three more months to hit the magic '3-years experience' that MN requires to become a RLA. but I also need to figure out how one of those years is under the supervision of an RLA - that may add more months towards getting that stamp. Few months ago, our RLA contract staffers went salary, so we're figuring out how much of his time before that can be considered... sigh, bureaucracy...

sarah, I'll ask the doc

Aug 19, 08 9:57 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, are you still breastfeeding? It burns a LOT of calories to make food, you know!

Aug 19, 08 1:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, LB, I know. And I've actually slimmed down more than I was prior to the whole event - my legs are looking pretty hot, if I do say so myself, and I can feel my tricep instead of wings! But the hunger has been fairly recent, like within the last month or so, so I'm just curious.

On a related note, I have a date with a Personal Trainer on Thursday. She says I'm going to have to keep a food diary; just wait till she sees whats in it.

And its official, my car was totaled. We're hoping to get 10,000 for it, minimum.

Aug 19, 08 2:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles....have you met a sweetheart? Something in that last post of yours sounds like you might have.

Aug 19, 08 2:09 pm  · 

the average american woman breast feeds for only 6 weeks. Congrats sarah for making it this far!!!!

A food diary is a good start - good luck with the trainer.

Aug 19, 08 2:37 pm  · 

i was breastfeed until almost 4 or 5 and i think was better for it. Although i should clarify i was by 1 or 2 eating healthily and just breastfeed occasionally.

Aug 19, 08 3:42 pm  · 

has it given you either an unusual attraction or aversion to nipples? Do they still function properly as sexual objects for you? (feel free to disregard if that's too personal, I'm just curious)

hmmm, great way to jump back into the conversation. Anyway, yes, I LOVED Paris. Way more than I thought I would, and I miss it now. And the people. *sigh* Here's where I was staying:

I was down at the end of Canal St. Martin. I'm really jealous that people actually get to live there every day. More photos on flickr.

Aug 19, 08 3:55 pm  · 

p.s.- discovered free wifi towards the front of our apartment today. hallelujah!

Aug 19, 08 3:58 pm  · 

i was breastfeed for a year the rest was formula and of course, eventually big people food

Aug 19, 08 4:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, Nam. I'm with Rationalist. You can actually remember suckling? That would be very strange to me. That and as a mom, a huge inconvenience. I can't wait until Abe is 1 and I can stop. I'm tired of the soreness, the ugly bras, the size changes, not being able to sleep on my stomach.

TK, its not really worthy of all the congrats, I'm pumping. I couldn't do the actual feeding - we were incompatible - and I gave that up after the first week or two. I always wondered, even though its slightly strange, if I could suckle some else's kid, one that knew what to do. Can I borrow yours?

Rationalist, where are you in Rome? If you want some free pasta, that you have to cook yourself, go to Cassolli, on vialle Quatro Venti, near the end of the street (I dont know the exact address) and mention a curly headed blonde american to Allesandro and Alberto. I spent every evening there talking and helping out. I got to put price tags on Chicken Bullion once! I know, I'm lame like that.

Oh, and an Insurance Update... They're going to give me 11,166.83 bucks for my dead car. Let her rest in peace. sniff

Aug 19, 08 4:28 pm  · 

So, i have to vent a bit here...

I just listened to the pod cast of last nights News Hour. A panel of Evangelical leaders were discussing the success and failure of Mccain and Obama at the Q/A session at that mega church in Cali.

First of all... listening to their definitions of what makes an "Evangelical" made my skin crawl

second of all... they all agreed that the "right to life" will be the most important issue of this election... ah, but, um...ah.... um.... yeah... not even going there....

lastly... and most infuriatingly...

They used the word "Creation Care",which i had never heard before, in the place of environmental or sustainability issues.

Creation Care

let me repeat that...

Creation Care

i really dont know exactly why, but i find that term mind numbingly stupid... i cant even express why it rubs me so badly... its so mind numbingly stupid to me that i cant even find the word to describe my emotion regarding it... im flummoxed... so, so flummoxed.......... consider this mind officially blown...

i feel like a robot thats just been destroyed by some logical paradox...

my apologies if this rant offended anyone

Aug 19, 08 4:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ah lletdown.... I think 'Creation Care' is obnoxious because its Alitterate. I mean, seriously? Even the Bible uses the word Earth. Really, though, it just makes me laugh, and even though I am very much Christian, Creation Care just makes them look dumb.

And though this isn't the proper thread for politics, I have to say that 'Right to life' is not going to be a deciding factor. RoeVWade was decided quite a while ago, and while I would never have an abortion, I don't see the decision getting over-turned anytime soon. I understand the emplications of the Supreme Court being allowed to overrule the wants of the people, and I disagree with that, but I don't see this issue changing.

Hey, what was their definition? I'm curious now.

Aug 19, 08 4:57 pm  · 

ill try to type it as he says it for you Sarah...

Dr. Richard Land says...

Theologically, evangelicals are people who believe in the authority of scripture, they believe that jesus christ is the son of god, he lived a sinless life, he died on the cross for their sins, he was literaly (emphasized) resurrected on easter sunday, he ascended to the right hand of the father and is coming back to culminate history... salvation involves faith in him and his sacrifice, and evangelical means we have an obligation and a responsibility to share our faith, to fulfill the great commission, to go into all the world and share our faith with as many people as we possibly can.

thats ver batum... it was a long spiel...

its actually a pretty good description... i guess my problem is with the last part...

reading it here its not as gung-ho as when he speaks it...

Aug 19, 08 5:06 pm  · 

the term 'creation care' turns anti-evolutionists into environmentalists, then I'm happy to talk about creation care. what ever. as long as they don't try to convert me.

R- Check out Promenade Plantee

which predates the highline as the first elevated urban linear park on an old rr viaduct...

#3 is Parc des Buttes Chaumont & my second favorite park Parc André Citroën. Parc La Villette is still my fav.

Also check out Jardin Atlantique on the roof of Gare Montparnasse.

Bon appetite!

Aug 19, 08 5:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm actually wondering if it will be right to life or gay marriage that will be the symbolically most important yet applicably totally unimportant issue of this election?

Meaning: those issues are huge when faced by individual people, yet meaningless when faced collectively, whereas economy, environment, taxes, health care etc. are issues that actually impact everyone's lives yet no one wants to talk about because they're not as sexy as gays gettin' hitched and teen mothers.

And yeah, Creation Care - way to steer the argument!! lletdownl, see if you can come up with an opposing term, that might help you deal with your flummoxedness.

Aug 19, 08 5:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK I just spent some time reading a few political sites (on Obama's challenge to McCain on the "patriotism" question and on McCain's potential VP pick) and the commenters at those places honestly make Archinect look like the most polite, helpful, respectful, collegial group of people on the intertubes.

I suppose I should recall that we all do have at least one degree, or are working on one, right? Which basically means we're "the elite".

<sigh> I do wish this country could learn to get along better.

Aug 19, 08 5:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Which political sites are you looking at? I usually find Daily Kos to be a pretty well-mannered progressive site.

I love how the "right to life" apparently doesn't apply to U.S. military personnel, Iraqi civilians, or Americans without health insurance... But that's a discussion for another day.

And I think that definition of evangelical couldn't be more wrong... The definition given is that of somebody who believes in biblical inerrancy, not necessarily an evangelical. You don't need to believe in every word of the Bible as historical fact to be an effective evangelist, and forms of evangelism can include things like feeding the poor, marching in an anti-war rally, lobbying for affordable housing and healthcare, praying for world peace, joining a religious order, or even designing the built environment to be socially and environmentally conscious. Note that forcing others to subscribe to a certain political or theological dogma is nowhere in that equation.

Okay, end of sermon. (Congregation: "Thanks be to God")

Aug 19, 08 6:22 pm  · 

SH and rationalist,
I don't have specific memories of suckling but more just general knowledge of the last time i did. Also, as i got older 2-4 it wasn't a regular or everyday occurrence necessarily. I think more of a here you go, now shut up short of thing. But i would have to confirm with my mom. I have read that the longer one breastfeeds the healthier (in terms of body weight and maybe even immune system, can't remember exactly?? that a child is)

Also, re: creation care. This term has actually been floating around for a few years now. It is actually one of the reasons some evangelicals have moved away from a pure form of Bush/Republican conservatism, especially younger ages and are considering voting democratic. That and issues like poverty relief, public health general equalizing of inequity.

I could probably find links if i looked. Personally, i figure the more people want to protect the earth the better even if it is just to be a better steward of God's creation..

Aug 19, 08 7:29 pm  · 


Aug 19, 08 8:19 pm  · 

hm, that whole evangelical thing creeped me out totally. but after reading that, nam, i guess there might be some good coming from the religious culture wars in usa after all.

personally i am ecstatic that there is pretty much no grouped-up religious conviction in japan at all. shinto? basically same as salt over the shoulder. buddhism? no god, no good book, and only being good on earth matters. when you die, your dust, story over (i practice zen buddhism if that means anything), so you gots to make up your mind to be good on your own. no one will punish you and only history will ever care, if that.

actually i was talking to a jewish dude not so long ago and he told me that is pretty much what his religion believes too. surprised the heck out of me.

anyway, more importantly congrats on the passing of the exams TK !

Aug 19, 08 8:49 pm  · 

i don't get how roe v. wade can be overturned. see: stare decisis

except that scalito, thomas and roberts all believed in it to get the nomination, but then voila, changed their minds shortly thereafter.

Aug 19, 08 8:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

So what tastes better, the grape jello, or the whipped cream on top?

Aug 19, 08 8:59 pm  · 

jello of course

Aug 19, 08 9:08 pm  · 

definitely the grape jello....unless this is a metaphor for something i'm missing...

Aug 19, 08 9:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

No metaphor, just a record of what I was thinking at exactly the moment I posted. I think I prefer the whipped cream, because I tend to have more of a fat-tooth than a sweet-tooth.

Gotta go print out some elevations - meeting with a house painter tomorrow at a client's house. The big controversy is whether to paint the ugly-weird second story shed addition on the back - that just barely peeps up over the ridgeline and thus is visible from the street, trust me, it's bizarre proof that the previous owners of this place smoked a loooot of dope during their renovation - a brown similar to the roof or the color of the body of the house. I'm pushing for the latter - it's there, you can't hide it, so why not treat it with some respect?

Aug 19, 08 9:20 pm  · 

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