
Thread Central


YAWN!!! So tired. Up too late watching beach volleyball last night.

SH - Glad to hear you got your check.

Nice to see you back on TC Cameron. Where to next?

The billboard alluding "Condoms Kill" is completely disturbing, especially in Africa.

LB - re: your post on this thread. I agree that it would be nice to be able check off where you'd like your tax dollars to go. I think it would especially interesting to see just how the money would ACTUALLY be divided if society had a choice.

Interesting that Vonnegut came up. I am currently reading his book "Breakfast of Champions". Never knew he was from Naptown until I read the preface.

Aug 21, 08 12:35 pm  · 

That would be a REALLY nice pair of shoes.

Aug 21, 08 12:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi everyone. I've been working on a lot of stuff and dealing with some big life stresses lately - everything's fine, just a lot going on. So to lighten the mood I feel compelled to share the totally ridiculous, self-indulgent, fashionista-ey obsession I have had for the summer that is now culminating in these boots showing up on ebay after being unavailable in stores since the day they came out. I LUST with all capital letters for these boots. I won't buy them because I'm broke, it's almost winter so linen boots make zero sense (until next spring) and they feature the wearer's toe and heel which are two of the less-attractive parts of my body but still!!! They're awesome!! The girl in me wants these boots!!!!

Back to work now. Just had to get that out of my system.

Aug 21, 08 3:48 pm  · 

Ok guys, super quick question : the CV is for a position I already hold; it will be used for publication and submission purposes. Should I then : not include a home address / contact info, the way you would ordinarily when you are job seeking? I'm guessing I should include only email address, but just want to check.

Aug 21, 08 4:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, you and I have COMPLETELY different tastes in shoes. Those look too prairie girl meets material girl for me. They are interesting, and I'd love to hear them presented by the designer, but I would never wear them. I'm ticked that my favorite - and only - pair of wedges now have a dark scum line up the back of them from driving that stupid ranger I've been stuck in since Friday. Any ideas how I can get scum out of basket-woven fiber of somekind? I've got scotch tape over them now to protect them on the drive home.

Aug 21, 08 4:58 pm  · 

Sarah try painters tape instead (two pieces in either direction)
Liberty those boots are funky fresh, and won't tell you I've seen them before and really cheap...oops. They are not what I typically admire about women's shoes I could see the attraction.
Just a reminder to all, yes I have a little shoe fetish esp well designed women's shoes. It says so much about a woman...volumes in fact. And its nothing sexual but you really begin to appreciate the apeture of a woman's leg, posture, language of movement etc

anyway back to online poker

Aug 21, 08 5:11 pm  · 

on lb those boots would look neither prairie girl nor material girl, i'm sure.

Aug 21, 08 5:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I would love to hear your analysis of me based on my shoes. I've never thought about it before, I guess.

Aug 21, 08 5:53 pm  · 

Sarah its not so much analysis, but women's versus men's shoes are so expressive and you ladies get the opportunity to wear your moods on your feet. How cool is that. For a guy our options are type and colour only - bleh.

Speaking of shoes where's tumbles...isn't she back from her travels yet?

Aug 21, 08 6:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, by the way, congrats on the teaching gig, I am sure you will excel and be loved by your students. Will you tell them about your blog? Or Thread Central?!

I fell in love with the boots when I saw them in this picture on The Sartorialist. They don't look terribly prairie or material girl here, and I could totally pull off that look she's wearing.

Funny: this morning NPR had a story on New Daleville, a NU development 50 miles outside Philly. Witold Rybcinzski (sp? I don't care enough to look it up) has apparently writen a book about it. The development has been something of a bust for the developer, what with housing crisis and fuel costs and being so far away from the city etc. The music NPR played at the end of the piece was Joe Strummer's "Johnny Appleseed", though it probably should have been (form the same album) "Bummed Out City"!

Aug 22, 08 9:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, I like the kimono/robe dress she's wearing. I couldn't pull it or the bag off, though. They would both swallow and weigh me down.

Best news in my life today? I weighed myself this morning. A whopping 124 pounds and that was BEFORE emptying the jugs, so I'm really more like 120. I haven't weighed that since 8th grade! Thats crazy. Maybe thats why I've been so hungry.

And Techno, I'm sure you'd look sexy in a nice pair of Espadrills.

Aug 22, 08 9:10 am  · 

- the blog yes, but I'm not too sure I want to tell them about thread central...its my hiding place, and a secret best found on your own - what thinks you? I liked those boots on their own, in that photograph they look misplaced and odd selection, it need an architects touch (insert Liberty Bell)

hah hah Sarah you are hiliarious, do you do pre-feeding weighings as well? And 124 is ridiculous aren't you afraid of the wind in the prairie picking you up like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz? On and I used to have a few pair of espadrills but I really do prefer flip flops...I'm a lounge on the beach kind of boy

Aug 22, 08 9:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ah Techno, you're sweet. Its not windy enough here, though, so I don't have to worry much. I am really just hoping to tone and tighten up, and if that number ends up being 115, or 135, I don't much care, just as long as I am tight, firm, and down right sexy. Whose with me?!

Techno, someday Husband and I will have to take a Caribean Vacation, and maybe we can lounge on that beach together. Have to warn you, though, I prefer sandals or bare feet to flip-flops, they just dont go with any of my outfits!

Aug 22, 08 10:07 am  · 

Cameron, nice to see you back on Archinect. I've met you twice in person and talked to you both times, but I'm sure you meet hundreds of people every day.

So anyone have any suggestions of places to visit in Thailand and Malaysia? I'm travelling in Thailand right now. I didn't realize there would be so many internet cafes here. I told myself I would stay away from screens (TV and computer) since back in the US I seem to be in front of it for the majority of my time - and here I am posting on Archinect. (Did anyone know that they have a different year system in Thailand? It is year 2551 here! I am in the future! Ok... not really)

I wanted to go to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat, but I've been warned by a local Thai that its dangerous at the border now due to the conflict over a temple. So I have more time here in Thailand and soon Malaysia and Singapore (and possibly Indonesia). It seems like there are some others travelling as well? Have great and safe travels everyone!

Aug 22, 08 10:18 am  · 

aka man from the future. Did you ever see the beach (since we are on that topic) with Leo Decaprio, nice film and will forever etch the impression of south east asia in my mind. In a good way mark you.

Sandals, barefeet or flip flops affecting your outfit? Sarah you have me wondering what you will be wearing. Nonetheless I know this lovely spot off the south coast of Jamaica, you take a little boat for a 2 min ride and its a near treeless quay with calm turquoise water. Or secluded spot with amazing vistas for a lazy camp out at the beach in Montserrat called Rendezvous.

I really should go to the beach today...

Aug 22, 08 10:58 am  · 

Good morning all,

I personally always do barefoot when at the beach. As for otherwise, i have never really liked flip-flops and have only had one pair of sandals that i ever liked.

Aug 22, 08 11:31 am  · 

LB - I heard that same story (thought of TC actually) and was wondering what the song was. I knew it but I just couldn't place the name of it or who it was by. Thanks.

Atechno - The beach on "The Beach" is gorgeous. I too think of that movie whenever someone talks about Thailand and its beaches.

Aug 22, 08 12:08 pm  · 

atp, what part of JAM?

the grandparents owned a villa in the hills outside montego bay when i was much younger, but were basically forced to sell in the early 90s. they were pretty convinced the buyer was a dealer, as he paid w/ a very large satchel of cash.

Aug 22, 08 12:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I guess it would depend on the year, and the activity. Lounging on the beach, I could see myself in a swim suit (hopefully one that says sophisticated and sexy - but not too sexy), or a flowy halter dress. Something that says comfortably classy, beautiful, natural, relaxed. At elast, thats my mood right now.

Aug 22, 08 12:39 pm  · 

holz, I'm in the hills of St. Andrew - dubbed the foothills of the Blue Mountains home of the infamous coffee. Sorry about the house, that would of been a great heirloom if you ask me.

I used to be a barefoot on the beach kind of fellow until I got 2nd degree burns on my feet once - 105 degree black sand. It wasn't pretty, and the only thing that saved me was the attention of the very beautiful doctor ladies that attended to me at the beach, in the water, in not so sophisticated more sexy outfits.

Aug 22, 08 5:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, the beach in The Beach is beautiful indeed. But, you know, sharks.

I'm scared of water.

Had a good day with meetings and lunch with great contractors who I adore, a client I really like, and two phone conversations with archinecters. Now it's after 5pm and I'm having some wine and relaxing. Aah.

Aug 22, 08 5:41 pm  · 

have a great weekend TC!!!! I'm going home.

Aug 22, 08 6:13 pm  · 

enjoy your weekend too - and your move!

Aug 22, 08 6:14 pm  · 
vado retro

i just went out and had some g and t's with a friend and went and checked out some of the fringe festival. got talking with this toronto theatre group called squashomole and we might right a play called "drinking with lesbians" which is based on the real true life adventures of yours truly.

Aug 22, 08 11:29 pm  · 

Hmm, I need to have an archinector phone conversation with LB. I think that would perk up my day too!

LB when are you comin' to chicago?! you and vado need to take a joint roadtrip with the hubby and angus. ;)

Aug 23, 08 12:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think that somebody mentioned a recent visit to rome so i'm going to offer this as a restaurant recommendation...trattoria moderna...the design was pleasant, the ambience intoxicating and the food...well...let's just say that i've literally been dreaming about their pasts ever since my last visit three years ago

...and yes, liberty bell, this is the place where willy and i tried to order a pitcher of jack daniels...ah the memories

Aug 23, 08 1:32 pm  · 

i was one of the ones that got to talk to lb on the phone yesterday! at a landmark moment, no less. (how was the drywall, lb?)

i also get to SEE lb next weekend! and go to one of my favorite places.

and tonight a local chef and his two assistants are serving a very nice dinner for us and four of our friends - in our house! kids will be gone.

life is good.

Aug 23, 08 4:00 pm  · 

i am going to be in Milawaukee next weekend for Mets vs. The Bonnie Brewers....

on another note. i find myself walking into bookstores and gravitating towards the magazine section, not just any section mind you, but to the knitting, textiles, fashion sections, what is that about? not the knitting for grandmothers section, but the really artsy-fartsy stuff! i am really smitten with all of it!

Aug 23, 08 4:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

I need boots. I'm feeling extremely desirous of buying myself some new boots, yes, I'm jonesing for some new boots.

Steven, does your beautiful wife know a good place in L'Ville to buy boots? I may buy myself some for my tenth wedding anniversary (the reason we're headed to L'Ville next weekend).

beta, you're smitten with the ability to create. Grab it and go wild!

The newest Wilco is pretty good.

Aug 23, 08 5:53 pm  · 

I tried calling Liberty once, couldn't get through but I was able to hear her what she sounds like via voicemail...I think that's a major milestone in actually meeting my first archinecteur. And if all goes well I might just get to one before the season's over...fingers crossed

Aug 23, 08 6:33 pm  · 

i needs me some new shoes. ordered me up a proper bespoke suit a few weeks back (first time i have gone that far with men's apparel in my entire life) and go pick it up later today...but now my shoes are looking kinda raggedy andy. so i can understand the desire for footwear. maybe not the jonesing bit, exactly, but close enough.

big meeting this week coming up. may actually be able to buy some nice shoes to go with suit if we can impress properly. hmm, does a nice suit and cheap shoes say an architect is artistic or just poor?

never seen me a shark on the beach. been to beaches like the one in THE BEACH, but in malaysia not thailand. even taken some short boat trips to private islands here and there. diving with the fish in coral is def on the list of things i would like to do again...was stung once by a jellyfish though, if that counts.

been up all night, writing shit. i hope it makes more sense than this post.

night all (actually good morning, but i am going to bed anyway)

Aug 23, 08 9:55 pm  · 

well techno if you are coming to cleveland you may as well skip on over to chicago... a bunch of us nectors are there!

Aug 24, 08 12:46 am  · 

I'm alive, but not terribly interested in talking.

Aug 24, 08 2:17 am  · 

But I will say this: somebody posted their weight earlier on the page.... I don't remember who, it doesn't matter, and please understand that I love you all but for future reference I *really* don't want to know how much you weigh. It makes me incredibly self-conscious in a place that is supposed safe territory.

Thanks and have a great week.

Aug 24, 08 2:22 am  · 

alive... noticed some new school blogs up at the top of the page, but when I went to the school blog section it said nothing about taking new bloggers. What gives? Did they just invite certain people and decide they could do without me?

Aug 24, 08 6:47 am  · 

i'll ask about shoe places, lb. since you've already said you're ok driving around, i could suggest the zappo's warehouse in shepherdsville, about 25 mins south of the city. but she may have some better ideas.

chef-catered dinner last night was great. an evening without the girls (or their toys - we stowed them away), drinking wine, having adult conversations uninterrupted for hours on end....

the salad, pork tenderloin, asparagus, etc were all good, but the dessert! the chef had said it would be cheesecake but it was actually a sweetened cream cheese whipped to be very light and about 1 1/2" thick sandwiched between a light shortcake and served with a raspberry sauce and a chocolate covered strawberry. it didn't have that thickness that stays on your tongue, just went down like eating whipped cream. i may just like cheesecake again.

it was also very nice walking over to the neighbors' to get the girls, put them (asleep) in the stroller, walk them home and carry them to their beds. felt good.

Aug 24, 08 8:00 am  · 

some quick travel notes and roadside pictures from the road. back to road. best western inn recommended. shamrock, texas...

Aug 24, 08 10:20 am  · 

Great photos Orhan.

Happy Sunday TC!!!!

Aug 24, 08 10:59 am  · 

Happy Sunday TC, it seems quiet in here. I know I wasn't able to even read posts since Friday, and worried I would be reading several pages. I guess everyone is busy catching the last of the Olympics (or is it over?)

Anyway I going to watch some cartoons. I've lately found myself addicted to the Venture Bros on CN. Manatary, I may very well have to travel through Chicago and would definately make a stop in at least for a drink and chance for a photo-op with a few 'necteurs

Aug 24, 08 9:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, I'm the first one here, and I was late. Wake up people!

I got a new car. Well, more like an 03', but new in that its different and I wont have to drive that AWFUL ranger much longer (Husband is driving the new car for a couple of days to get any kinks worked out). Its a Mercedes. Not 100% how I feel about it yet. I don't do well with change, and since I'm a 'planner,' a big part of my reaction to something is the dreaming about it before hand. That, and the car is silver, and I would never buy a silver car if given a choice. I like blues.

In any case. Good morning TC!

Aug 25, 08 9:17 am  · 

Sounds like you are moving up in the world. Personally, i would want a blue Mercedes (or any other car) over silver as well.

It was a long weekend. Busy and today is going to be the same.
I feel like i am really coming around to acceptance. Generally in life and of obstacles thrown up, more specifically.

Aug 25, 08 9:27 am  · 

Also, I have been on a sober kick lately. The clarity of mind is pretty interesting/useful.

Aug 25, 08 9:29 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, when my mom upgraded from her Mercedes CLK320 hardtop to her current convertible model, she offered us the hardtop. But I can't see myself driving a Mercedes, even though i appreciate the spectacular engineering and all, it just didn't suit me. I'm happier in my 15-year-old Japanese sports car - it's not fancy, and that's me. Also, her Mercedes was silver too...

But anyway, enjoy it! They are lovely to drive, and so subtly responsive - I'm certain you will grow to love it.

Aug 25, 08 9:45 am  · 
Day 3 (Simulacra day): Texas-New Mexico-Arizona

home strech starts in few minutes...

Aug 25, 08 11:15 am  · 

hi all. Orhan good to hear you are almost home, and more importantly still enjoying your journey. I start design studio tomorrow, I almost wish the school blogs had one for design tutors - that would be fun. I am going to trying and encourage at least one student to blog tho, its about time we had a Caribbean perspective. [b[Sarah[/b] I am going to be needing a car myself, I'm presently macking the pops truck but its going to run conflict with his grandpa duties in a few weeks. I'm perplexed as to what to get asside from Mini....where my heart lies. But I can't afford a brand new one without at least full time employment... sucks even more because you can't find a used one ANYWHERE.

Aug 25, 08 11:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I dont know if Jamaica has Autotrader, but we started there. Also, we went to websites done by small used car dealers, oh, and yahoo autos. Well, I tried looking there for you, but unless by Jamaica you mean Iowa, I can't help. Sorry. And on the blog thing... I think you should start a thread. I for one would love to hear about your teaching exploits.

Orhan, be sure to wave as you pass through Texas. We'll wave back!

Aug 25, 08 12:00 pm  · 

everybody having a good monday?

techno - what exactly is design studio? are you tutoring or teaching?

ever since i watched that architecture school show on friday i think it was, ive been so amped about architecture and designing new concepts to fit enviromental/societal (not sure if societal is a word) needs, and then this morning i watched Big ideas for a small planet, i wanna get into that stuff it looks like so much fun.
anybody know how often universities have the solar decathlon?

Aug 25, 08 12:37 pm  · 

it's always cool to see work you started but didn't finish, turn out like it was supposed to...

Aug 25, 08 12:53 pm  · 

These weekly principal meetings are becoming a nice vacation (when I can get work done) from the hovering micro-managers/talkative cubicle mates that I have to deal with. I just hope that I don't get promoted and have to partake in these multi-hour marathons.

Orhan- safe driving and welcome home (by the time you read this)

SH- at least you have wheels again and nothing worse then whiplash.

nam- great op-ed.

a-techno - why does your life seem like a continuous vacation compared to the rest of us working stiffs?

Aug 25, 08 12:55 pm  · 

things in the mirror may seem closer then reality. I'm on a sabbatical its supposed to seem like a vacation. But I do know what you mean, I blame the stunning scenary that prevades my existence... so hard to convey anything but paradise.

Phil I would argue that for the design studio the most you can hope for is to tutor. Design cannot really be taught, it is intended to be a realisation of what lies intuitive in the gifted. The brain tease is trying to figure out who is "naturally" adept at designing...Sarah I may just have to start a thread on the experience especially now that I know there is someone willing to read it.

Aug 25, 08 1:13 pm  · 

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