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how 'bout grape jello color?

if i didn't know that it had been built by the previous owner's boy scout troop, i'd also believe that the shed in our back yard (with bell tower) was built by burnouts.

Aug 19, 08 9:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, your home was definitely built - and decorated! - by burnouts! Maybe they earned their Hemp badge first by growing what they smoked?*

*not trying to impugn the Boy Scouts; Eagle Scouts impress the hell out of me, though I wish the national organization could just get f'ing over their fear of homosexuals.

Aug 19, 08 9:36 pm  · 
vado retro

from nam..."I don't have specific memories of suckling..." i do i definitely do although i was not breastfed.

Aug 19, 08 9:39 pm  · 


I am an Eagle Scout! I know you like a man in uniform...especially one who knows how to tie knots

Aug 19, 08 10:06 pm  · 

topics to respond to: archinecteur in Paris/Rome; Creation Care and Evangelicals; TK, RLA & of course breast feeding.

Rationalist glad to see you are having a great time, and arrived safely. I loved those pictures, and can't wait to see more. Treekiller congratulations - I know those remaining 3 months shall fly past in no time, you have an acorn to concentrate and focus on.

Creation Care sounds more like a plant nursery than it does some "title" for environmental issues. Again a lame attempt by some uninformed media or religious representative. But for all your landscape needs, visit creation care off highway 69.

Evangelicals typically make me laugh. They are the used car salesmen of religion, they are selling a car of questionable origin/reliability as if those questions don't exist. Yet I give them credit that they can have present themselves as such...I'm a questioning Roman Catholic or a agonistic christian existentialist however you want to spin it. Fuck it, I'm just me.

I was breast feed continuously for a year, as solid foods were slowly brought into my diet. As my dear mum informs me, and was totally weened at about 2+. The result is two fold. Firstly breasts used to do nothing for me, almost worryingly so - they were vessels for baby food. Lately my appreciation has increased, but I see so many around me because I've been living in hedonistic and/or euro-centric environments for much of my adolescent and adult life - that its still not a "look there's a boob" reaction. Oh and secondly, I really enjoy meat...things that involve chewing. I think its because I had teeth and wasn't using them

And now for something completely different (sad when architecture becomes the segway for a TC post)

I got a phonecall this afternoon, asking if I would consider being a design studio lecturer. I took it before asking details. But it looks like I'll being teaching either 2 or 3rd year studio. Yippee...I don't have to be completely broke during my sabbatical. So in celebration everyone have a drink on me!! I have to report to class next week...but I'll still have time to make it to Cleveland

Aug 19, 08 10:13 pm  · 

Woo-hoo Atechno!!!! That's awesome news.

I went to yoga class for the first time in a few months. I really needed it. Didn't realize how tightly wound I was until after the class was over. So nice and relaxed and contently tired. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

LB - I too prefer the whipped cream (although grape jello rocks). I also like bread with my butter. ;o)

Aug 19, 08 10:38 pm  · 

congrats professor a-techno!!!! (need any jurors?)

sarah, I'll post the Dr. Tk's answer in the morning...

Aug 19, 08 10:44 pm  · 

(avoiding the breastfeeding thing altogether)

I'm drinking wine and planning our graduate student welcome party. Ha. Wish me (them?) luck.

Aug 19, 08 10:48 pm  · 
vado retro
Aug 19, 08 11:32 pm  · 

I'm watching the gymnastics finals and what do I hear faintly in the background? The light strains of one of my favorite Random Electronic Bands, Lemonjelly. How bizarre, I don't think I've ever randomly heard their music anywhere before, not even in any commercials.

Rationalist, I'm glad you liked Paris! I love the canal areas.

Aug 19, 08 11:54 pm  · 

Oh NO, guys! All this breastfeeding discussion has caused an ad for THE HOOTER HIDER NURSING COVER to appear above!!! EEK!

Aug 19, 08 11:56 pm  · 

so now I have two things working on, a remote contract on the urban design of the new capital of Montserrat, and am now a part-time design Now I just need something that can provide me with the necessary registration time (12 months, 15 months to exam in 2009). Which shall involve me weeding through the local architects for one that I can imagine myself working for for that long (minimum 6 months)

Aug 19, 08 11:58 pm  · 

thanks tuna, thanks tk - we are always looking for jurors

Aug 20, 08 12:04 am  · 

ladies, for those of you who have not yet been introduced to the wonderful world of jezebel:

let me introduce you.

This website makes me (even more) glad to be a woman.
(The commentors have to audition for the privilege of posting, so usually the comments are really good (although they're not that great in this particular post unfortunately.)

And this one has had me snorting in laughter for a half an hour now.

Aug 20, 08 2:01 am  · 
liberty bell

manta, I've been addicted to Jezebel for about a month now. It's actually cut down on my posting time here, believe it or not.

But some days I have to avoid it because I can't deal with being made aware, again, of how far women still have to go in terms of equality. Especially the middle eastern stuff, makes me sick to my stomach.

What's with all the weird underhanded and cynical trolls on archinect lately? Almost makes me yearn for a nice earnest "what grad school should I go to?" thread, somewhere I feel my innocent attempts to be helpful might actual be received with open ears.

Aug 20, 08 7:21 am  · 

i haven't minded the trolls because, while they get me all bothered, i begin to see how inconsistent i can be - and then i can try to address that. even i think some of my responses have been howlers.

if anything, though, i'd like to understand more where some of these folks are coming from. from what point-of-view are they pitching these pipebombs?

Aug 20, 08 7:35 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, as always, you are so much better than me at staying level-headed in an argument AND at taking the wholistic view that makes your arguments encompassing and valid. I tend to get cranky and go off on one little personal detail, which may make for entertaining reading, but doesn't necessarily further my point. I'm not good at convincing people, only at preaching to the choir. I'm a cheerleader, in other words! (insert vado/mdler comment re: uniform here).

Which reminds me: mdler, awesome that you're an Eagle Scout. The dedication to follow through with that goal at such a young age is incredible to me.

Aug 20, 08 7:44 am  · 

Hi all,

Man got posted in just a night away.
Archi, great news. Nothing like having a job and hence money in pocket.

LB, i like both but if i had to choose, i would say whipcream.

Vado, nice an din which case i guess i do as well.....

Also, i came across this and it made me so mad at ignorant evangelical, fools...

How can you be pro life and seriously believe this kind of shit???
For details click here

Aug 20, 08 8:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I would prefer the whip cream - especially if its real whipped cream.

I don't see prevention the same as abortion. I say you can't have life without 46 chromozones, or whatever, and therefor eggs and sperm are not life on theyre own, they are cells. Guess that could get sticky too.

Nam, your billboard confused, and I went to the site you posted, and was more confused, but I guess its really all about the last paragraph that says some woman is posting billboards in Africa saying that Condoms kill you. Thats what Free Speach gets you.

And TK, I'm really excited about the answer.

Aug 20, 08 9:41 am  · 

wait, so are they saying that I shouldn't be using condoms? Cause if we're being realistic, those are the options- condoms or no. Went to see the forum today and someone was talking about the whole Vestal Virgin thing, and all I could think of was- these girls were picked when they were like 10 years old, to be virgins for 30 years, and nobody has a sex drive at that age! What if they got to like 18 and realized that they were just not cut out for that life? What then? Buried alive. Goddamn.

Taking a little break before studio tonight and uploading a few photos. I'm way behind, and am taking like 200/day, so that situation is only getting worse...

tk- congratulations!!!!!

Aug 20, 08 9:48 am  · 

mornin folks, fresh krispie kreme for breakfast this morning
but that parade is being rained on, because the phone keeps
ringing and everybody wants to leave a message witch means
i have to clean my hands of the glaze and go get my pen, damn phone.

nam that billboard does confuse, and when i read the article
i totally didnt expect to see anything about what obama is opposing,

Aug 20, 08 10:19 am  · 

I totally agree prevention is not the same as prevention especially in a region of the world where AIDs is so prevalent..

And that is what angers me, basically this woman is saying condoms kill. I would assume like the Catholic church and many evangelical groups she would be for preching abstinenece only sex-ed...Ugghh!!

Anyways, as you said that is what free speech gets.

Sorry for the early morning rant???

Rationalist from what i understand the Vestals were a mix between nun and holy prosititutes of the Gods...Is that correct?
I think it was probably culturally seen as an honor. I wouldn't want to be sexing it up at such a young age, but then again i know friends who started even earlier so.....

Aug 20, 08 10:25 am  · 

thanks Nam, and very confusing billboard.

Okay I'm happy...going for coffee, maybe a scone

Aug 20, 08 11:01 am  · 

hey guys is there a video game thread for nerds?

Aug 20, 08 11:11 am  · 

it's an abstinence advertisement.

Aug 20, 08 11:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm so sorry, Atechno, I forgot to say how jealous I was of you. Wish I could get a design education gig.

Aug 20, 08 11:54 am  · 

for sarah from dr. tk:

if you're breastfeeding, you'll burn more calories. that could be contributing to your hunger. [have a snack before pumping]

How much time passes before she begins snacking after lunch? It's normal to be hungry 2 to 3 hours after eating. She may benefit from eating 5 smaller meals instead of 3 to help steady her blood sugar levels.

Does she eat breakfast? Eating breakfast helps with curbing hunger later in the day.

How much water is she drinking? Water helps to fill you up and ward off hunger.

Is she eating any fruits or vegetables in addition to the Lean Cuisine? She may not be getting enough fiber, which would help to feel full longer.

How many hours of sleep is she getting? the body interprets sleep deprivation as the need for more calories/energy.

Aug 20, 08 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tk, thats crazy. thank you. Must be a water and sleep issue. I know I dont drink enough, though I try, and between the kid, and Husband being wired after his evening workouts, the amount of sleep I get has been greatly reduced. I really like to have 9 hrs to function well.

Aug 20, 08 12:57 pm  · 

Not to split hairs,
but it is actually anti-condom advertisement.
I all for teaching abstinence as part of a comprehensive sex-ed policy but to simply say condoms kill???

Not only is it not accurate but just morally indefensible in a country liek africa in my book.

Aug 20, 08 1:01 pm  · 

amen, nam - I agree with you...totally; its indefensible and morally irresponsible. My dr. best friend is ranting in my ear about child mothers, medicare and the general abuse of the health system

and for the Obama lovers a little bit of retro soul

Aug 20, 08 4:04 pm  · 

amen, nam - I agree with you...totally; its indefensible and morally irresponsible. My dr. best friend is ranting in my ear about child mothers, medicare and the general abuse of the health system

and for the Obama lovers a little bit of retro soul

Aug 20, 08 5:36 pm  · 

Speaking of Obama, I signed up to get a text message announcing his running mate, and they said we could know as early as today, so I've been having mini-panic attacks every time I get a text today. The suspense is killing me. It's not life or death but it's high drama, for sure.

Aug 20, 08 6:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, my life sucks, or really, Abram's life sucks. The poor kid is sick again. He's had a fever for three days, but we'd been medicating with Tylenol because we didn't want to repeat the hospital experience. Today, I take him to his Pediatrician, and they check his ears - fine, swab his throat for strep - negative, attemp a catheter for a urine sample, but his bladder was dry, and basically tramatise him to figure out nothing. They gave him some tylenol and told me to call if he got worse. Poor kid.

Aug 20, 08 6:38 pm  · 

nam, i must agree with |tool, the ad of course on its face seems to be against Condoms, but the real message is that abstinence is the only way to keep from dying, because having sex - even with a condom - will kill you, although it is microscopic, the Catholic church doesn't care, they still will try and scare the bejesus out of people - poor people.

Aug 20, 08 6:58 pm  · 

wk is in a different world than me: every time I get a text today. i get a text maybe once every two weeks.

sarah, i think my girls have the same thing. fevers for two days, then one day off, then today they both have splotchy rashes. we went to the dr today. if you want to know the technical term for it, she called it "viral fever with rash". tylenol; contagious until the rash is gone.

Aug 20, 08 7:14 pm  · 

I have no children, and all the talk of the past couple of pages - sore breasts, sick kids, venereal disease - is not doing anything to encourage my future attempts at doing so.

Aug 20, 08 7:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

this airline flight thread amuses bad as the commercial flight experience can only feels worst after a few runs on private jets...definitely an instance where ignorance is (relatively speaking) bliss

Aug 20, 08 7:41 pm  · 

Hey all, what do you know about writing a CV? (as opposed to a resume.) What kinds of info should be included, what's the format (is it designed, or straight text)? The last time I wrote one it was in another country and I'm not sure if the "rules" are the same.

This would be specifically an architecture CV. Thanks for any tips!

Aug 21, 08 12:50 am  · 

I think it's been a few dozen pages since I last posted... All sorts of craziness at AFH. doubled staff, doubled summer design fellows, doubled projects and one crazy film shoot (all will be revealed). good to back on the 'nect.


Aug 21, 08 1:07 am  · 


Aug 21, 08 1:23 am  · 
Aug 21, 08 1:26 am  · 

man holz i SEARCHED for that thread and got a whole boatload of completely irrelevant resume posts! Thanks for finding it!

Aug 21, 08 1:28 am  · 


there is also wikipedia

Aug 21, 08 2:31 am  · 

welcome back cameron. looking forward to hearing details. sounds fun.

the school blogs are back. some thoughtful people writing. very nice.

Aug 21, 08 5:47 am  · 

manta- drop me a note and I'll share my stash of cv examples found via google and on arch schools' websites. big difference is length and a shift from responsibility/project descriptions to just listing the project.

cv's are distinctly used academically in the us and by firms promoting their staffers.

welcome back C. I missed your twin cities visit. hope the baby & missus are well.

Aug 21, 08 8:12 am  · 

I'm sorry to belabor the point, but it's a quickie:

I take it that in a CV, you don't have a little blurb about your experience at a particular firm or anything -- you just list everything straight with no explanations, correct? like:

work experience

XWY firm, ABC city; project manager, 2001-2005

this example lists a few project types. Perhaps I will try that. I am young and do not have much on my CV; I am feeling CV-inadequate.

Aug 21, 08 8:16 am  · 

whoops, barry, we cross-posted. ;) Thanks! I will email you!

Aug 21, 08 8:17 am  · 

Welcome back to the nect.. Sounds like things are continuing to improve/expand for AFH. AFH and other such archi-type NGOs make me excited about the non-traditional post-academic direction of the profession.

Manta, as Barry outlined in the US a CV is more traditionally used in only a academic job hunt, while resumes are for work. CV tend to be more in depth (lists articles, conferences etc), while resumes tend not to be as indepth and more focused on pure "work" experience.

Jump, i agree i am very excited about some fo the new crop of bloggers. Seems like a variety of schools/background/approaches. Should be fun!!

Aug 21, 08 10:33 am  · 

hi all. 5 gold medals for my wee! Now back to the regular programming.

Manatary, if you are applying for things in the uk/commonwealth the cv is the standard. CVs for archi-types typically have time frames (last 5, 10, 15 years etc), and should lists projects and what sections you were involved with - this is usually just a RIBA work stage reference A, D, K etc. I've seen dozens of different formats, but usually its limited to 3 pages - and in some cases a one page resume/cv summary is attached

My cv includes teaching gigs, a brief description of my previous job, and contact information for my references. If you like to see, I'll email it you.

Cameron, welcome back! I honestly think you are the waldo of the architectural world. If no one has said it yet, I am proud/thankful of your efforts and committment through AFH and other are making a difference. Hopefully I will be able to materialize my gratitude by assisting AFH one of these days (maybe sooner vs later)

Aug 21, 08 10:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good news. Abe slept all night! I think from now on, we will just forgo the Dr altogether and just dope him up with loads of tylenol.

Oh, and I get my insurance check today! Should I buy a car... or a really nice pair of shoes?

Aug 21, 08 11:56 am  · 

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