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Good morning all.
Tuna, yes my weekend went by to quick.
Way too quick.
Also, even though i work at a hospital my dept, doesn't have a 4-10 option.
I wish it did.....

Jun 23, 08 10:23 am  · 

sarah, it's less professional, but do you ever use iChat/AIM? Everyone in my studio iChats large files to each other: I've sent files that were over 100MB this way. Another option is that if you have webspace, FTP files to a folder in that space and give out the address of that specific item, i.e. and people will be able to download it.

Jun 23, 08 10:40 am  · 

Sarah, plasma cutters are can actually make really cool wall sconces out of copper, galvanized sheetin, etc with them, less the electrical work.

Jun 23, 08 11:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks, Rationalist, but it was a personal video of Abram playing with his new Winnie the Pooh, and a coworker showed me how to use Windows Movie player to shrink it down to 5mb. So, its now been emailed, and if the RETARDED MIL ever checks her email, she will have a video of Abram, so she can stop her whining.

Jun 23, 08 11:35 am  · 

ah. And I was imagining brilliant fly-through animations or similar...

In light of recent events, I thought some of you might enjoy this piece by Slate, on facebook etiquette.

Jun 23, 08 12:02 pm  · 

rationalist thanks - I think I really needed that. Though there are still some I am trying to deal with that send me party promotions when they know (or don't care) that I am in a different country. Click also on the link about Afro-Americans music and outspace...

Jun 23, 08 12:23 pm  · 

TODAY IS MY LAST MONDAY AT MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 23, 08 12:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so I have a WWTCD question. Mostly, I think I need masculine oppinions, but all will be appreciated.

My 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up. Since the traditonal gift is cotton, and Husband can no longer wear his wedding ring on his finger at work (risk of injury, and he has scars to prove it), I thought I would make him a macrame type necklace. I'm using cotton yarn, in a natural colour, and not doing anything fancy, just simple square knots, and longer than a choker. Husband is no longer into hemp necklaces, and never was a surferdude, so would a manly mechanic man wear something like that, even if its under his shirt? Is this a good Idea? Should I get a back-up gift? He didn't like the engraved wrench Abram gave him for Father's Day , it said "to be like you." I don't want to repeat that.


Jun 23, 08 1:43 pm  · 

i think you just get yourself a skimpy pair of cotton panties and call it a day...

Jun 23, 08 1:57 pm  · 

I might if it was an anniversary gift. But a manly mechanic type man?

I was thinking what is typical for cotton (which by the way i didn't even know was the 2nd year trad gift) clothes/a nice shirt?

Personally as a man, i second Mdler's idea......

Jun 23, 08 2:17 pm  · 

yuppers for mdler's suggestion - he's on a role today. I hope he doesn't f'up it up by saying something like "hi n__" or something. But Sarah asside from getting him a rich white cotton shirt (that says something like Sarah's bitch on the back). I'd go with the cotton lingerie.

And did you say that he didn't like Abram's wrench? I thought he would love that.

Jun 23, 08 4:07 pm  · 

so mdler...what happens tomorrow?

Jun 23, 08 4:07 pm  · 


tomorrow will be my last Tuesday!

Jun 23, 08 4:10 pm  · 


another suggestion -

get a white cotton bed sheet and some paint. When your husband get home, go into the bedroom, get naked, cover each other in paint, and 'make some art'

Jun 23, 08 4:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mdler, we have an infant, we don't have time for industrious 'art.'

Jun 23, 08 4:20 pm  · 


case in point...try to make some time

Jun 23, 08 4:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didnt mean we didnt have time for, well, you know, just not the amount of time it would take for all the other aspects involved with painting. Abram's naps are only 45 minutes, if we're lucky, and all that art stuff just added like an hour onto, well, you know, what with getting it ready, and then washing it all off...

Jun 23, 08 4:27 pm  · 

uhm I was lost with Sarah's response. But I got the 45 minute nap - that should allow plenty time to put said cotton outfit, et al. Happy birthday hubby.

Jun 23, 08 4:29 pm  · 


dip Abram's passifier in some whiskey...

Jun 23, 08 4:30 pm  · 

45min = 20min to get ready + 20min to clean up + 5min to 'make art'

I dont see what the problem is

Jun 23, 08 4:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, its our Anniversary, not his Birthday.

Jun 23, 08 4:36 pm  · 

ahmmm I'm Sarah, when a woman dresses up for her husband it is no longer an anniversary but rather his birthday

Jun 23, 08 4:54 pm  · 

and who knows, maybe he'll come to the same conclusion independently and you'll greet each other, both swathed in cottony anniversary celebration-gear?

Jun 23, 08 5:00 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i did some work today instead of golfing...everybody can act impressed and say "great job puddles!"...because it's true

Jun 23, 08 5:55 pm  · 

great job puddles. Did you par?

Jun 23, 08 6:45 pm  · 

Quote of the day goes to SH - Mdler, we have an infant, we don't have time for industrious 'art.' HA!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

SH - I can't believe he didn't like the Father's Day gift. Did he say why?

Hopefully all this cotton discussion turns into a good anniversary present for Husband. Just make sure that nothing "unexpected" results ;o)

Jun 23, 08 8:39 pm  · 

i don't wear jewelry. s a cowboy thing. feels weird. used to when i was young but those conservative teachings seemed to have been on stand by for all those, i realise i got all this fucking culture around my neck that just won't go away. so if your hubby is like me, he may not wear the jewelry even if he is happy in a thought that counts sorta way. but never know.

pity he didn't like the wrench though. that sounds like cool present.

we don't really do anniversaries (or birthdays), so did not know about the cotton thing. we celebrated 10 years but hell if either of us gots a clue about what the sanctified gifts are...we decided to just leave off the gifts til i finished school so we can have a holiday on a tropical beach somewhere...which is pretty soon actually. i thinkin to surprise her with trip to a wee island off malaysia we visited ages ago. diving on the reef and sunning on the beach is pretty much the best gift around really...except for techno who probably would find it terribly boring.

Jun 23, 08 8:42 pm  · 

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Someone said beach. Naw going to the beach with a loved one or family is still the best thing in the world. Wish I were doing that right now...even though its 8pm and dark in this neck of the woods

Jun 23, 08 9:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Absolutely rotten day all around, to the point where I'm wondering if I should start looking for a new job.... Or just say "fuck it" and join a circus or something.

Details to follow... I need a strong drink or three.

Jun 23, 08 10:03 pm  · 

Diving on a reef.... aw man, what I wouldn't give to be doing something like that. I love the ocean, love sea-kayaking, love boogie boarding, love snorkling, wanna become a certified diver (though I don't think me ears can take the pressure) and wanna learn how to surf. I've even been dreaming of the ocean in recent months. In one of my past lives I must have been a fish.

Sounds like a wonderful trip you've got planned out there jump. I hope you both enjoy it full heartedly.

Jun 23, 08 10:06 pm  · 

tuna - if you come visit (whenever - no pressure) I guarantee that you'll get to cross some of those things off your list. Gin you too, come on over I'll get the bar ready - a few shots of rum, chased with mother's rum punch will soak away any troubles. After that a soak in the sea will do the trick...yea man!

sigh - I love being home!! Can't take this boy from the islands

Jun 23, 08 11:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was sure there was a seperate thread about this, but I couldn't find it. But it turns out that "lost Amazon tribe" was a hoax. They were a real tribe, but their existance was already known. Shame.

Jun 24, 08 8:55 am  · 

I was wondering how they could determine that there were 100s of unknown tribes in the Amazon myself Sarah. If they are unknown how do you know about them?

Anyway I'm here bidding on a Corb chaise lounge t-shirt on ebay. Are there anymore architecture sucks left? And I mean ones that could fit an adult...

Jun 24, 08 9:57 am  · 

tuna- best beaches time to bump....

Jun 24, 08 10:14 am  · 

good bump TK... I'm trying to find someone at the moment that cares to skip work for a few and go eat fish at the beach. Its rather overcast and warm so I think I might have to change that.

Jun 24, 08 10:47 am  · 

Happy Tues all,
I posted to the beaches thread.

Sarah as for the tribe.
From what i understood at the time. They were "lost" in the sense that although they were reports that they existed, there was no specific "scientific" evidence (ie: photos first hand accounts publicized/published).
So the Brazilian federal authority in charge of protecting indigenous peoples in the Amazon/Brazil decided to try and locate them via plane so that they could officially state that they existed....

Semantics i know.. But when it comes to indigenous (land and legal)rights (especially in the face of increasing pressures for resource extraction in the Amazon) it is important to officially recognize and thus be able to protect their land and rights.....

That i think is the context for the whole dicussion......

Jun 24, 08 11:25 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, that may well be, but the Photographer said that it was in fact a hoax started to call attention to the logging efforts going on in the region. Sad, I know. The article, guess I should find it, stated that the tribe was documented in 1910, or something like that. Let me find that article.....

Ok, this isnt the exact article I read, but, it says the same thing.

Jun 24, 08 11:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
This one has more details
Jun 24, 08 11:55 am  · 

i love that it was a hoax. it totally effed with my head, so, well done hoaxer.

Jun 24, 08 12:18 pm  · 

Sarah Hamilton

did you take any of my advice?

Jun 24, 08 12:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Our anniversary isn't until July 22, so we will see. But Husband can't very well unwrap 'your suggestion' at dinner, in a resturaunt. I'm sure it would violate some code or something. So even if that does happen, I would still need something else. And, really, if you have it all the time, then it really isn't a special gift, is it?

Jun 24, 08 12:37 pm  · 


We should consult with mightylittle to see if cotton panties are allowed in restaurants

Jun 24, 08 12:56 pm  · 

since we're talking about cotton and nether-regions, are high-thread count cotton codpieces still the rage for the successful young men of today? i ask because, though i am young and a man, i am not successful, nor do i currently own a codpiece.

Jun 24, 08 1:03 pm  · 


I eat burritos almost every day...but they still taste oh so good

Jun 24, 08 1:09 pm  · 

Just wanted to pass along an e-mail I got to all those who don't subscriber to the AfH's newsletter:

Tonight on PBS; Frontline/World Profiles Design Fellow Purnima McCutcheon

This month the work of Architecture for Humanity design fellow Purnima
McCutcheon will be profiled in the award-winning documentary series,
Frontline/World on PBS. This story profiles her work in supporting
post-tsunami reconstruction in Tamil Nadu, India.

Frontline World 8/9 eastern

Jun 24, 08 1:15 pm  · 

Thanks, ryanj, I got that email too.

Just biked another 7 miles, in 35 minutes this time! I might be getting good at this biking thing :)

That thing about the tribe is kind of awesome.

And Sarah, I know you asked for the guys' opinions but I kind of have to agree with them. It's simple, cost efficient, and he'll like it, right? Can't beat that...

Jun 24, 08 5:36 pm  · 

If I were a guy that didn't normally wear a necklace, I wouldn't really want to be given one that I would feel like I *had* to wear. I would go with sexy underwear. Especially since (I've read) men like to be reassured that they're still #1 in lady's heart since baby is born...

Jun 24, 08 7:32 pm  · 

No problem DubK...I have class tonight so I won't be able to watch, but I hope to catch it on the PBS site once it posted.

....oh and I came across the the HdM Bird's Nest documentary on youtube today.

check it! boo-yah-ka-sha!

Jun 24, 08 8:31 pm  · 

Sarah take the wedding option, wrap up a matching garter belt, in a manly box and present it to him at dinner with a coy look on your face when he opens it. Maybe a whip included. The other option would open too many can of worms especially with mdler....a photograph of you post baby in said cotton outfit

Anyone else heading to Cleveland wine festival - I'm trying to make it. Fingers crossed.

Jun 24, 08 9:36 pm  · 

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