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I think that for your aniversery you should throw a cotton pillow case over your MIL's head and slap her up a bit

Jun 26, 08 12:12 pm  · 


Jun 26, 08 12:14 pm  · 

Thanks rationalist - I think I can run a pocket door and without any exposed frames. I was just worried that it might be difficult to access the back of the closet

Jun 26, 08 12:15 pm  · 

mdler - what happens tomorrow? Aside from celebrating?

Jun 26, 08 12:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

mdler, are you actually an architect now? ;-)

I ask because there is currently a "top architect" advertising on this site who actually isn't. I find it funny, the website is hilarious (unintentionally so) and embellished to the extreme.

mantaray: good for you and keep up with your quest to stop the unauthorized work. Be an activist!!

Jun 26, 08 12:24 pm  · 


Im an architectural intern....but who is counting


Im gonna be swingin' a hammer

Jun 26, 08 12:38 pm  · 

mfrech, thanks for the colbert link; i enjoyed it!

my town is very well known for this kind of 30s-style gangsta shit. in fact recently a whole crew of building dept guys were busted for graft. the sad part everyone was outraged--not because of the graft oustings, but because it's widely known that the guys ousted were only the little fish, and the ousting was meant to appease people instead of going after the big fish! pretty pathetic.

Jun 26, 08 2:33 pm  · 

glad you liked it -- and it definitely sounds like 30's gangster shit that's going on. good luck with your continued efforts fighting the good fight!

Jun 26, 08 4:13 pm  · 

mdler I was wondering exactly because you said tuesday was your last day of work, but today is the last you'll be an architect. In my best yoda voice, "always be an architect, you'll be"

Jun 26, 08 5:23 pm  · 


tuesday was my last tuesday at my office

Jun 26, 08 5:53 pm  · 


Also, i like the link.

Jun 26, 08 6:10 pm  · 

recently a company went under here in japan.

it was a very big company, but they had a reputation for hiring yakuza to evict tenants from buildings they wanted to tear down (yes that is still not so uncommon in japan) and redevelop.

so here is the funny bit. it turns out that since ALL of the western banks have left tokyo because of the meltdown with the sub-prime boogadoodle back stateside the remaining japanese banks now are in a lenders market. they can pick and choose their clients. so no more loans to companies with bad practices, even rumours of deaing with yakuza can pull your line to the financing. which is what happened here.

more bankruptcies are expected. what is amazing is that the companies are not badly run financially, only morally. so their out.

i think that is a very interesting unintended consequence of banks making weird products from house-loans in the USA. japan is getting cleaner and cleaner with this financial stuff. of course with good reason. this sort of stupidity is what killed the economy in the 90's and they don't want any part of it.

Jun 26, 08 7:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

hello, i'm still alive

Jun 27, 08 11:01 am  · 

it seems like we may be on the verge of another 3dh attack on archinect...generals ready!

Jun 27, 08 11:09 am  · 


Jun 27, 08 11:11 am  · 

jump, I think that's kind of awesome. What better example could support the free market?

Jun 27, 08 11:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, bad news. I took Abe to the Dr for his 4mo apppointment, and while he's generally in great health, weighs a hefty 16+lbs, and all, his flat-spot on his head is severe enough to warrent an evaluation from a specialist. My poor kid may have to wear one of these.

Kinda makes me feel like I screwed him up. Poor kid.

Jun 27, 08 11:51 am  · 

Hahaha SH! I don't mean to laugh but your post and photo are truly funny. Will the flat spot do actual damage or is it just to make sure he has a nice looking profile.

BTW - You're NOT a bad mom and you didn't screw him up.

Jun 27, 08 12:14 pm  · 

good-looking kid! he almost looks prepared to throw down, greco-roman style!

Jun 27, 08 12:18 pm  · 

^^ LOL!! How true!! How true! SH just tell them he's in training for a really big wrestling tourney.

It's kinda quiet here today. Hope evreyone is having a good day.

Jun 27, 08 12:21 pm  · 

having a good day - relatively hung over. Went to my old local, its changed somewhat but by an energetic young owner. The costs of drinks have doubled but the bartenders know how to keep the suds flowing.

In other news I have made the appointment for my interviews yet - ack. Things are getting tight now.

Jun 27, 08 12:27 pm  · 

Hello all. I have been knee deep in new residents all morning and for the rest of the day..
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their Friday?
I got drunk and was quite hungover this morning as well. Ugghhhh!!!

Jun 27, 08 12:52 pm  · 

Sarah fingers crossed that Abram is ok, I doubt you did anything wrong.

Jun 27, 08 12:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think problmes might actually come from flat spots, but I dont really know. Given the shape of the brain, it would seem likely. The Doc just said that his forhead was starting to protrude, so I guess his bones are making space for his brain, despite the flatspot, but it probably isnt good.

I'm just afraid people will think he's one of those 'head-banger' kids, and that he has mental issues. I don't want them to look down on him or me. And even though I know that its nothing the parents do that gets you a retarded kid, people still look at the family and think 'How sad.' Its a good thing that Abram wasn't born with real issues. I don't think I couldve handled them. As it is, if he does have to get one of those things, I dont want to take him out of the house, or take pictures of him. I'm such an awful person.

Jun 27, 08 12:55 pm  · 

Oh funny thing I just found out that a member of the opposition has been speaking at the Legislative Council, that when I was in my previous job that I was negligent and performed with misconduct. Fucker. Just because we took a job away from his client after he had misperformed as a contractor. I really hate lawyers turned politicians

Jun 27, 08 12:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i just had lunch with lb! hi lb!!!

Jun 27, 08 1:17 pm  · 

lucky bastard

Jun 27, 08 1:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi vado. Lunch was good (company best of all) but I feel like I need more dessert, half a cookie wasn't enough.

Sarah, that baby above is frickin' cute and obviously not suffering. If Abram has to get a head-shaper, it won't hurt him, and he will still be completely adorable. You didn't do anything wrong! Any more than I did something wrong when Angus was born with a huge bruise on his forehead where I tried unsuccessfully to push him out, or when he had a huge scab on his forehead for a month because I didn't hold his hand and he face-skidded across a sidewalk, or when I tried to nudge him into the frame of the video I was making of him mopping naked and accidentally knocked him right over flat on his butt - and that one's captured on video!!! Abram will be fine and every other parent who looks at him will know that it isn't anyone's "fault", it's just one of many trials, small and large, that all kids and their parents face.

techno, what is that?! I actually like it - guess I better go look at your blog...

I met with a new client today, well, the client is the builder's I'm just helping with some drawing, really - but I met the homeowner and then as I backed out of their driveway I knocked over one of their reflective driveway marker things. Nice first impression, halfwit!

Jun 27, 08 1:52 pm  · 

Liberty the image has to do with something in archinect's new items. About knocking over the reflective driveway marker, if asked about it say that you are an architect, and it is part of your creating a empty palette to work with

I just came from a lame art show - the opening was yesterday, that I missed called Taboo, Sex, the Body, etc. It was lame sorry but a video loop of some guy being wrapped and simultaneous unwrapped was a great start but when the videography is so amateur it makes you want to redo the entire thing...the whole was more local art class than anything else trying to be edgy. Very disappointing - but a good scoff off afternoon with an artist friend. I should be going to her studio next week...may have some fun with it cause she's giving me a choice of paintings. I told her I want something 8 - 12' long. And if she's willing she could do her own version of Guernica

Jun 27, 08 5:07 pm  · 

I get the impression reading architechno's stories that his life is so different from my own that I probably couldn't imagine it if I tried. Then I try to imagine all of them with their accents and I giggle a little.

Sarah I was going to say something like liberty bell did, but fortunately she showed up and said it much better than I could. If he has to get the head thingy, at least it's now and not in 3rd grade or something, when he would get made fun of by the other little kids.

Wooo Friday. Big weekend ahead. And then next week I'll be on my way to Hawaii to see WonderMan!!! Yay!

Jun 27, 08 5:16 pm  · 

Wonder K - call me and her the voice for yourself, you might be surprised. And I'm taking visitors anytime if you'd like to see what my life is like - actually I'm visitors regardless....need to meet archinecteurs!

Jun 27, 08 5:28 pm  · 

crazy day spent writing a b102 contract... if we get it signed, it will bring in more $$$ then all of last year. Wish the AIA had an international version.

Jun 27, 08 7:02 pm  · 

Well hopefully with my all my fingers and toes crossed the 120mph wind project goes out of the doorm on Monday. I think I should get continuing education credits for it even if I'm not a member. I have a few deck details to complete over the weekend. I can let you know I have mastered the wood frame construction manual, the wood frame construction manual for 120 mph manual and the Simpson Strong-Tie
High Winds guide line manual. I understand more about nailing and framing materials than I ever wanted to know. I just hope the damn house doesn't blow over in the next big one.

Jun 27, 08 7:42 pm  · 

I forgot I spent a couple hours in the guidance of a Structual Engineer....and he was impressed. I guess I must have been asking all the right questions. OH well time for a friday night beer and a home movie. It is hot as hell out or I would go stack some wood.

Jun 27, 08 7:43 pm  · 

I just wanted to use this thread to congratulate jump - his work was recently published in Mark and Monocle. Impressive and well deserved to say the least.

Jun 28, 08 11:32 am  · 
vado retro

techno have you ever seen that video of the woman sucking her toe for 14 minutes??? i googled it but was distracted by the top hit which was of eva mendes decked out in 50's fashion in a fifties modern crib for vogue italia. you may want to check it out if you bouffants corsets and mid century modernism. gaga.

Jun 28, 08 11:45 am  · 

Happy Sat, y'all.
I spent the day in the pit of hell called Orlando visiting family that were there on holiday.
You have a link for Jumps published work?

Jun 28, 08 7:08 pm  · 

thanks a-techno. is not such a big thing but thanks. we were published for house finished this february here in tokyo. is still our only really good built project so far, but hope to change that soonest...

anyway, monocle is wee article-y thingy, as is their wont (they do lots of short articles). mark is just in the short section, so doesn't appear on their web-version of magazine. but i scanned the pages and posted em here. more interesting news also related to the house to come sometime this july so check out again later.

am burning both ends of candle this week. phd dissertation part II deadline on tuesday. then i am really almost very nearly finished. i need some sleep.

Jun 29, 08 3:22 am  · 
vado retro

house looks great jumpster! go get yerself some plasstic shoes for a treat. i am gonna take a spin up to the museum (which is conveniently located 38 blocks from downtown wtf???) and take a look at the original manuscript scroll of "on the road" today.

Jun 29, 08 9:40 am  · 

Happy Sunday all!
Jump i recognize the house. It was the one i was following the construction of via the website right?

Nice to get a little publishing blurb though....

Jun 29, 08 11:38 am  · 

awesome, jump! congrats on the press!

re: the banner on your website : what's the red eiffel tower doing in tokyo?! pretty intriguing.
the house looks great, too. to be honest though i get the distinct impression--and have since i began following your construction blog, which was beyond fascinating--that this is mos. def. the kind of house that requires a spatial experience to truly understand and appreciate. the photos look great but they make me long to walk through it. anyone else feel that way?

i'm at the office today, burning both ends like jump. jump, i do NOT know how you do it -- and maintain a family life and everything, too! And your wife works too, right? Wow, you guys are like the super-family. i wish i had half the energy you must have.

Jun 29, 08 12:57 pm  · 

the problem with freelance life is that you never get to come home from work... and that is what I'm experiencing this weekend. So I'm keeping you company in spirit manta and jump, even if I'm not physically at an office.

Jun 29, 08 1:10 pm  · 

the problem with freelance life is that you never get to come home from work... and that is what I'm experiencing this weekend. So I'm keeping you company in spirit manta and jump, even if I'm not physically at an office.

Jun 29, 08 1:10 pm  · 

sigh with the silence I am hearing regarding my contract I may have to step back into that freelance arena sooner than I would like. Plus build/renovate houses for my economic survival

btw jump no matter what that is an amazing accolade

Jun 29, 08 2:06 pm  · 

I have been hammering away on details most of the weekend. Taking breaks to go mow the lawn, pull weeds from the flower beds,
and keep an eye on the tag sale just to see if they are selling any JUNK!....yep that is just what I mean....these are some real scarry low lifes hanging next door.

Jun 29, 08 2:19 pm  · 

Yes, particularly the sloping stepped, 'garden' terrace/courtyard, squeezed into that tight space.

Jun 29, 08 3:29 pm  · 

payday.....going for a Peaches and Cream....Ice cream cone....see ya all later.

Jun 29, 08 3:37 pm  · 

thanks all.

yeah the house is definitely a spatial thing. yall will just have to come and see it yourselves. so far we remain friends with the owners so can probably arrange a tour. will take all of three minutes, but then can spend an hour on the deck just chillling out. i'd love to live there. which is not something we always get to say with conviction...

the red eiffel tower is tokyo tower, a purposeful copy of the paris version and just a few blocks from our office. check it out online with google and wonder at the COLUMN IN THE CENTER, negating all and any claims to actually being structurally interesting. it is kind of like a warhol movie really, just a long non-sequitir, with a building sitting in the space at the bottom and everything. and they painted it red and white for the airplanes or something. it is nonetheless an icon of tokyo and from the right angle in fact pretty cool. the picture is taken, btw, by yours truly from the top of mori tower in roppongi hills. another tokyo icon visible from our office window and also quite cool from the right angle...and if you are squinting just right.

i think am going to take a nap now.

Jun 29, 08 6:16 pm  · 

jump, super cool! The article is so vibrant, it makes the building pop. Well done!

I spent the past 2 days squeezing the life out of my California summer.....first I went horseback riding in the Hollywood Hills....then shopping....saw a movie with a picnic and a few thousand other hip friends at the Hollywood Forever cemetery.....and finally, biked another 15 miles today. I mean it in the least vulgar way possible when I say my ass got a lot of action this weekend.

Jun 30, 08 2:41 am  · 
liberty bell

Good morning all. I was up much too late last night with Steven getting gleefully giddy about arches. We architects are so geeky!

jump, the house looks fabulously fantastic (I'm feeling absolutely alliterative today.). Congrats, can't wait to see more of it in July as you alluded. It is both wonderful and maddening to walk through a house for a client thinking "Man, I'd love to live here!!".

Will be seeing a presentation this morning on some work by the UK New Orleans studio - will keep everyone posted.

techno, don't let the impending freedom of freelance work make you stressed out on your vacation! Enjoy, it will all work out!

I see fancy graphics lovers is back on the first page...hmmm.......happy Monday TC!!

Jun 30, 08 8:16 am  · 

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