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Sarah Hamilton

I agree with Rationalist, TK. Burned bridges can go much further than people tend to think. You never know. Boss could be at a party, talking to someone else, and next thing you know, the whole city hates you, and you're black listed. That may be extreme, but you get my point.

Jun 20, 08 12:22 pm  · 

Manataray good for you. I have thought of doing it a few times.

Are you leaving cause you will be starting your own practice (i think i remember you talking about this before)?

Also, i would ask for a raise. From what i know sounds like you have been more than earning your keep. If you get one and then leave i don't think that it is bad form. Unless, they know you are leaving...

Jun 20, 08 12:36 pm  · 

thanks, tuna -- glad to be here. though i fear this could be the most dangerous thread of all, seeing as how it's the closest thing to an archinect chat room, heh.

make sure you check out the movie -- as lb put it, you'll find it's scarily approaching non-fiction. and you've got the premise exactly right, Sarah -- it's quality satire directed at our present and future selves.

Jun 20, 08 12:41 pm  · 

TK - Ask for the raise. You deserve it and with prices of everything getting higher everyday it only makes sense. They might start thinking it's questionable if you don't ask.

Atechno - Errr. Two interviews? I thought your contract was set in place with your current place. I'm so confused.

Jun 20, 08 1:04 pm  · 

tuna - different kind of interviews. I'm actually conducting Q&As with some local practices, and hope to do the same when in OH - its part of the development of the blog when its hits it 500K mark in a few weeks. Anyone know of a Pecha Kulcha in Cleveland?

Jun 20, 08 1:21 pm  · 

My high school's sex education class (btw titled: Catholic Marriage and Family) made us watch a video of a woman giving birth. The teacher would walk around and pass out detentions to anyone who looked like they weren't watching the video. It was horrible to walk into class innocently one day, then BAM, woman yelling, sweating, and screaming and a graphic crotch shot for 30 minutes. Best. Form. Of. Birth. Control. Ever.

I found that class to be particularly funny because Catholicism teaches two types of birth control: abstinence for the unwed and natural family planning for the married. Our teacher, Mrs. Hoots (we kindly referred to her as Mrs. Hooters), told us how wonderful, effective and simple natural family planning is. We called bullshit because she was on her sixth child when I was a senior. I think they finally got some sense and started using a method other than her temperature and ovulation cycle because she hasn't been pregnant in a few years. She finally stopped having kids after child number ten. Ten kids, eek.

Jun 20, 08 1:23 pm  · 

tuna first interview is with the guys located here

Jun 20, 08 1:25 pm  · 

found on page 22 on

appropriate DC - my initials, 220 the page no. Yippe

Jun 20, 08 1:28 pm  · 

well c'mon now, n_: if you can't field a soccer team with your offspring, in what sense are you a family?

Jun 20, 08 1:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, I think he's Interviewing somebody for an article/report sort of thing.

Jun 20, 08 1:32 pm  · 

'they' don't know yet - I'm thinking of giving 6 week notice if I'm actively managing a project. if I'm just the offices swiss army knife of sustainability, I'll give one month's notice.

I'm getting out of dodge and back to the city of angeles in the fall. I'm not quite ready to start my own practice (got 7 ARE sections to take, a few idp units left, and CIDP to finish before launching treekiller enterprises)

Jun 20, 08 1:38 pm  · 

TK, If you deserve a raise due to additional experience and growth in the firm, then you deserve one -- regardless of anything else. Everyone leaves jobs at some point, and their salary at the time they leave should reflect their experience level & competency in performing tasks. If your salary does not match that, then you need to request a raise, period. I would not worry about burning bridges at all in this case: it is a business matter, and an impersonal one. It is what it is.

I think this is a matter of the architect's (guilty) concsience rearing its head again!

Jun 20, 08 1:46 pm  · 

I'm not sure why people in this biz seem to think it's "unseemly" to ask for a raise. Or have the idea that what is a standard business experience should leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth.

TK, imagine the scenario that 4 mos from now you are in LA, and a prospective employer of yours is calling your current employer to ask for a recommendation. Do you think your current employer is going to say, "He was a great employee, but damned if he didn't ask for a raise after a year! I wouldn't hire him, he's just going to be asking for money every year, with his new kid and all." Preposterous, nobody does that. He won't even remember at that point. He'll think: "TK, great employee, hard working, and had personal integrity." Done and done.

Jun 20, 08 1:52 pm  · 

that's why I said it makes a difference whether you're giving notice very soon. For instance, if he's planning on leaving in two months, and also planning on giving six weeks notice, then the reaction is, "wait, he quit two weeks after getting a raise, wtf?" But if he's planning to leave four months from now, and giving four weeks of notice, that's a whole different story.

Jun 20, 08 1:57 pm  · 

Actually I would think oddly of someone who didn't ask for a raise after a year. Unless they totally sucked and knew it, I guess.

Re: the building permit violation --

The scary thing was, when I called to report it the violations lady asked the nature of the violation, and I said: "The permit is for removal of interior non-load-bearing partitions only, and they've taken out all the load-bearing partitions and even had to install their own temporary steel structural supports to hold up the roof." She seemed to stumble a little bit over this, and then later when I mentioned that I'm an architect she said, "oh, well THAT'S how you know all those technical terms then!" ...I thought, hmm. Aren't you in the business of knowing these terms too...?

Jun 20, 08 1:59 pm  · 

rationalista, I agree. I'd say within 2 months of giving notice would be my personal cutoff.

Jun 20, 08 1:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jun 20, 08 1:59 pm  · 

I do deserve a raise since I've taken on lots of responsibility since starting and have made a positive impact in the quality of projects I've worked on. the big stumbling block beyond leaving in a few is my main project is on hold with the client six months delinquent in paying - so I can't show a six figure profit. But that has nothing to do with my organizational attempts or handling of the project - just the nature of inexperienced developer biting off more then they can chew in this time of difficult credit.

I'll wait till after july 4th holiday when the main folks are back in the office to schedule a review. thanks for the encouragement.

Jun 20, 08 2:16 pm  · 

I second what mantaray and rationalista have said.

Secondly Archi,
That is an awesome container-studio?

Jun 20, 08 2:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I swear I posted here this morning telling you to call me again - but I must have put it on some other thread?!

Anyway if you are in Cleveland we need to plan a midwest meetup. There is a PechaKucha in Indy July 25, but I'll be in Myrtle Beach then so won't be attending.

Gotta run, off to Kentucky tonight, but first Angus summer day camp s putting on a circus parents are invited to attend - I'm excited!

Jun 20, 08 2:58 pm  · 

i took a sex ed class in college...on female ejaculation video day their were about 10x as many students packed into the lecture hall than normally

hi n_!

Jun 20, 08 3:03 pm  · 

yikes, i grew up in/near Gloucester. I'm glad I don't have a younger sister.

not the most savory place in the world, but the greasy pole contest more then makes up for the abundance of teen pregnancies.

Jun 20, 08 3:38 pm  · 

Its Friday and Summer time let me out of here!

Jun 20, 08 5:48 pm  · 

summer is ready when you are

Jun 20, 08 5:59 pm  · 

crap, guess I have to work on that portfolio some more this weekend... all of the sudden I have two interviews next week. One for freelance work, another for an internship where they work on some pretty cool projects. Eek!

Jun 20, 08 9:35 pm  · 

Woo-hoo Rationalist!!!! That's awesome.

This evening I volunteered at a sculpture show they are having on one of the bridges that spans the river this weekend. It was really cool. Talked with a bunch of the artists, learned about their mediums, where they were from, etc. Anyway, my duty was help out with writing up sales tickets on items people were purchasing. I "sold" two at the very end of the evening, to one woman. $1200 for the first piece and $1350 for the second piece. Damn, wish I had that kind of cash to throw around on art. Maybe in my next life.

Jun 20, 08 10:46 pm  · 

I'll be happy just to have money to spend on a decent piece of architecture someday, never mind art to put inside it!

Jun 20, 08 11:37 pm  · 

I need to tell you I love being home

A friend called, an Interior Architect on her way driving home. We spoke for about 30 mins until my tummy started to rumble and I was thinking of the beavy of dinner options. She then said to come on over, but gave me a shopping list which I was more than happy to. Odd thing was that she was just returning from a site visit at the new airport terminal where's installing a water kiosk and was dead tired having been there for six hours and didn't even give her a glass of water.

Anyway she cooked the most amazing rissoto with shrimp and mushrooms. And we chatted until she fell asleep on the couch across from me.

This was a great evening after being stiffed - was supposed to be going for seafood chowder at one of my favourite restaurants. Ah well tomorrow.

G'night all trying my best to finish this bottle of wine. Can we spell hungover

Jun 21, 08 12:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

a short piece on renovating and five macho ways to be green

Jun 21, 08 9:00 am  · 

^^ the book he wrote actually sounds as if it could be very interesting. Happy Saturday TC.

Jun 21, 08 10:43 am  · 
Five, conserve water by drinking your whiskey straight

I'll drink to that!

happy weekend TC!

Jun 21, 08 11:50 am  · 

hmmm, I like a couple rocks in my whisky- would chilling whisky (in the name of conserving water) be some sort of crime?

My life just keeps getting stranger and stranger this week... my program advisor forced me to take a class outside of the school of art, threatening to withhold my degree if I reached the end of next year and had not done so. So I took this graduate seminar on Rational Choice Theory, and frankly everyone else in it was these brilliant Ph.D. students, who had taken approximately three dozen sociology classes a piece prior to this, while this was my first ever voyage into sociology. Every week I struggled just to keep up, and longed to return to the world where people just let me draw things. I thought I'd be lucky just to pass, and was really worried when I learned that I needed a 3.0 to have it contribute to my degree requirements. But I just got an email from the professor (who is no bullshit, that guy knows his stuff and has no problem calling you on it), and I got a 3.9!!! How the heck did that happen?

Jun 21, 08 12:40 pm  · 

its 'cause you are brilliant irrationalista - now you know you can swim with the big Phd sociology fishes

Jun 21, 08 2:02 pm  · 

You guys have been busy this weekend!

tk, I agree with everyone who said you should ask for the raise. I don't think them giving you a little extra money for a few months is going to contribute to any burning of bridges. And like they all said, you deserve it.

I spent the first day of summer yesterday biking 35 miles with my BFF and partner in crime. And yes, my bum hurts. Today I'm staying inside and getting some work done on a couple of freelance projects....extra money! Can't complain.

Jun 22, 08 3:45 pm  · 

Your 35 mile bike ride is making my bum even hurt. I just got back from grocery shopping. It was free samples day so I had me a nice little free lunch. Please tell me I'm not the only one that partakes in sampling all the samples when they are at the gorcery store.

Jun 22, 08 4:00 pm  · 

i'm sitting next to lb (next computer). we just finished with our first class.

hi donna!

Jun 22, 08 4:02 pm  · 

funny DubK, I biked just about that much yesterday as well, and drank in the middle. Not a great idea, but the destination was a brewery, so it didn't really feel like an optional thing. Then today I did another tenner to the local solstice festival. Happy summer solstice to all!

Jun 22, 08 6:06 pm  · 

the cycling lasses make me proud. I don't think I've ever biked that far. Where I'm from distances beyond a mile are interspersed with not hills but mountains. So I would even attempt that.

I must say, and without sounding weird - though I doubt it, that you two must have the most amazing thighs muscles. It may become the official greeting archinecteurs poking each others legs on meeting to see if they are really daily cyclists or just recreational ones.

Jun 22, 08 7:29 pm  · 

ha!!! I have legs of steel... it's just well insulated steel. I'm going to try and go on a long ride every weekend this summer so that the insultion decreases a bit though. But really, thighs aren't where it's at. Butt and quads are where I really feel it, though I see so many nice calves around here that I keep wondering when mine are going to feel the burn.

Jun 22, 08 8:45 pm  · 

ooooh DubK, when you come visit maybe we'll have to hit the brewery or somewhere else fun on two wheels! What do you think?

Jun 22, 08 8:46 pm  · 

Rationalist - Don't your quads make up part of your thighs? I'm just saying. I really admire your goal for the summer. I think it's fabulous. I did "squats" for about two hours today. Up and down in the garden, making a border out of extra bricks in my yard. I have a feeling I'll be feeling it tomorrow. And who says "gardening" doesn't give you a workout?

Jun 22, 08 9:19 pm  · 
vado retro

wow my thighs are exhausted. they got quite a workout driving to the coffee shop going to a movie taking a walk around the fashion mall(hey puddles!) driving back home taking a nap whew time for a soak!

Jun 22, 08 9:36 pm  · 

The only execise my ass got this weekend was in front of a computer...trying to crank out this project from hell! Oh well
tomarrow is monday...and it is a new week!

Jun 22, 08 9:52 pm  · 

hi mdler.

Jun 22, 08 11:08 pm  · 

I have 22 natural aunts and uncles, 35 when you include spouses and 51 cousins I know about including some in Korea and Ireland and a girl from Milwaukee whos paternity is questionable but what the hell. Who says rythem method doesnt work?

Jun 23, 08 12:19 am  · 

and here was I thinking that touching your leg would of been weird - here am I being told that you've got buns of steel!!! So I play this song in honour of your achievement.

Jun 23, 08 12:54 am  · 

i bike my youngest to daycare every morning and pick her up same way at end of day. just a few miles away so it doesn't count....

but what is funny is that, cuz, like everyone bikes here, including little old men who can't see, and mothers with three (!) kids hanging off various parts of bike or body, we also get lots of smokers. this morning i was stuck behind this dude in his biz suit smokin all the way down the road. is nothing more disgusting. but is so ironic i can't help but laugh.

you know the city you live in is greener than popeye spinach when even the dumbass smokers ride their bike to work. ;-)

Jun 23, 08 3:24 am  · 

LOL Atechno! I love it. That songs always makes me laugh my ass off (no pun intended)

jump - that's an excellent visual. Guy on a bike smokin' on his way to work. Old men who can't see? Now that's a feat.

Happy Monday TC - Did anyone else's weekend go too quickly?

Jun 23, 08 8:13 am  · 

happy monday indeed, tunamelt. my weekend flew, and i didn't even do anything worthwhile. this is the first week of my office's 4-day work week i got in at 7:30 for the first of my four 10-hour days, and i get wednesdays off.

anyone here have experience with their office doing this? how did it turn out? i am looking forward to having elusive free time on weekdays, i think it could be very productive...or not.

Jun 23, 08 8:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Frech, thats an odd day to have off.

So my weekend consisted of boring grown-up stuff. Went to target, bought a stuffed Winnie the Pooh (Abram started chewing on it right in the store, kinda felt obligated), and Husband bought a Plasma Cutter. Any ideas of how I can get something out of Husbands new toy? Oh, and I did laundry. That was a workout - and I got sunburned! Who knew hanging laundry to dry could count as excercise.

Hey, anybody know how to reduce an AVI file down from 17mb to something more email-able? Or how I can post it to the web, without getting all you-tubish?

Jun 23, 08 9:03 am  · 

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