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the problem happens to be OPEC, if the US started drilling they'd just become member no.14. They are the ones that name the price globally. But it would be interesting if more countries took the route of Venezuela and pretty much gave it away to anyone in need...including new yorkers.

Jun 18, 08 4:09 pm  · 

i think I have a stalker and a TC member has fallen victim to their ploy

Jun 18, 08 4:10 pm  · 

would i be considered a TC member?
or would i have to have been around when the thread first started?

its like an exclusive club

Jun 18, 08 4:26 pm  · 

gosh i hope not because i certainly didn't make page 1.

Jun 18, 08 4:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Me either.

Jun 18, 08 5:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jun 18, 08 5:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well now I'm intrigued. Too bad I'm not in NYC to check it out. LiG, you will have to tell me if it trully is the 'spectacular brunch menu.'

Jun 18, 08 5:34 pm  · 

No worries folks, just a wee bit of Facebook drama, the "ploy" has been undone.

LIG and Sarah - great, now I want brunch! And it's almost dinner!

Jun 18, 08 7:02 pm  · 

did the "ploy" try to friend me, too? Because someone I totally don't recognize has tried to, and seems to already be friends with you...

Jun 18, 08 7:24 pm  · 

Oh no! You have been ployed as well! I accepted the friending until I realized it was a friending error, and now said person has been deleted and blocked. I encourage you to do the same.....

Jun 18, 08 7:36 pm  · 

+++ friending error++++

+++Melon melon melon+++

+++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++

in the end its all al jolson's fault.

Jun 18, 08 8:44 pm  · 

Umm SW, SH, Philarct - there's an exclusive TC club?

mfrech & vado - you are cracking me up. Can I have my barrel of sweet crude with a cherry on top, please?

Damn jump - those cucumber errors are the worst ;o)

Shit two nights in a row of drinking has made me loopy.

Jun 18, 08 11:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

AAAAAgh I want two nights of drinking in a row!!

I've been up late on permit drawings for the last two nights. Almost done now, but need my partner to send me one more elevation he finished last week. I could redraw it, but that's a poor use of my time when i could be sleeeeeeeeping....

Goodnight all.

Jun 19, 08 12:26 am  · 

I just watched the Tim Russert memorial service on MSNBC, and I too, could use a drink. Although after sobbing for 2 hours that would probably dehydrate me more so maybe it's not a good idea. I think I'll have ice cream instead.

Jun 19, 08 1:10 am  · 

my last day of work until 7 july! gsa here i come!

of course, despite two weeks of preparing to leave work, i still feel like i'm leaving everything in shambles and there will be multiple construction emergencies while i'm gone. hoo boy.

i swear, i was only raised catholic until i was about ten but i continue to have this horrible guilt about the things that i can't get done or can't fix. i always feel responsible for everything i know needs doing. sucks. why couldn't my parents have been hippie burnouts?

Jun 19, 08 7:42 am  · 

SW - Maybe it's just me but it always feels that when I am about to leave on vacation or something, work always goes to hell. I too always feel guilty as well, and I wasn't even raised Catholic.

I am so tired today. Didn't hit the sack until late, and now I am struggling. Thank God for the brisk Scooter ride to work, otherwise I think I would have completely zoned out driving in. OK - time to start the caffeine.

Jun 19, 08 8:10 am  · 
vado retro

i havent had any alcohol not even a beer for almost three weeks. that will end tomorrow night as i m goin out to this new sushi bar/lounge that just opened up. get loopy everybody.

Jun 19, 08 8:13 am  · 

doctor told me on tuesday not to drink until my next the middle of july.

goddamn blood pressure!

Jun 19, 08 8:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We've decided to pretend we're european at our house, glass of wine with dinner, or a beer, depending on the food. It's mighty tasty, and makes me feel oh so sophisticated and uppity. But last night, I had red koolaide.

And don't tell anyone, but Abram likes white over red.

Jun 19, 08 8:41 am  · 

morning tc. another day of pretending to be a developer/business man and not practicing architecture.

sarah- please tell us that are you pumping and dumping after the euro-style parenting... so are you drinking texan wine or chasing after classic california or french varietals?

sw- enjoy the vacay.

Jun 19, 08 10:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I'm a bad mother. I am not pumping and dumping, but if the milk is too strong with alchohol, I do dump it. I have noticed, that if I have 1/4-1/3 the glass with dinner, and then finish it after my evening pumping, that the morning pumping is alchohol free. If there is a little alchohol in the milk, but its not strong, I don't worry about it, and figure it will help with his teething. But, if it tastes like Irish Cream, which is has before, I don't give it to him.

And we drink mostly Italian. Our everyday red is Ecco Domani, and our current favourite white is from Orvieto, Rocco, maybe? I cant remember.

Jun 19, 08 10:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I really should drink Texan Wines, but I make up for it by drinking Texan Vodka! MMM Love me some Tito's.

Jun 19, 08 10:29 am  · 

funny that you guys mention guilt -- i've long had a suspicion that we architects as a group tend to have MUCH higher rates of guilty feelings than the control population at large... the hypothesis truly seems proven with every additional archi i meet!

they should hand out free therapy with architecture jobs. or wine. free wine would be great. mmmmmm....

Jun 19, 08 10:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, maybe thats why we have so many drunk architects!

Jun 19, 08 11:21 am  · 

Sarah, i'm red wine kind of guy, but a nice Orvieto is something special...

Jun 19, 08 11:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We prefer red as well, but since our house is about 86 degrees after cooking, we like the instant cooling the white brings.

Jun 19, 08 11:52 am  · 
liberty bell

I've been drinking gin with lime and cucumber muddles recently, I think it's called a Gordon's Cup. So summery.

But as I'm about to join Steven in Kentucky, it will be bourbon on ice for the next two weeks, enhanced by the fact that (Steven doesn't know this yet) a former teacher gifted me a bottle of Woodford Reserve with explicit instructions to take it to share with my architecture co-teachers!

And yes, manta, I agree: architects as a group tend to feel more guilt.

jump, I don't know if your reference to "reinstalling the universe" above is a Douglas Adams reference or not - I never read the book - but I've been told recently that the answer isn't 42, it's saffron yellow. Good to know.

Jun 19, 08 12:02 pm  · 

the guilt thing is strange...aren't we supposed to be egomaniacs or otherwise wide-eyed, dreaming, irrationalistas?

Jun 19, 08 12:07 pm  · 

i have decided that I am no longer going to date girls who are bitches

Jun 19, 08 12:14 pm  · 

mdler, we could never date.

Jun 19, 08 12:18 pm  · 

OK - I'm not an architect, so why do I have so much guilt? When it comes to projects I'm one of the most highstrung people I know. Perhaps I need to drink more.

When I was in Germany, a French girl I knew who was nursing, drank a beer everyday. She stated that it helped with lacatation and seemed to be a big proponent of this practice.

This stuff goes down way too easily (i.e. not too tannic). It's what I was drinking the other night. Italian wines are always yummy, both red and white. I prefer reds too, but in the summer I love me a good pinot grigio.

Jun 19, 08 12:18 pm  · 

I have guilt about teasing about being a bitch. I'm swear I'm not a bitch. I'm one of those push-over, really passive types.

Jun 19, 08 12:20 pm  · 


you live in Nashville...I live in Seattle (almost)

It would never work

Jun 19, 08 12:22 pm  · 

ha, I think mfrench might have just coined a name change for me.... irrationalista

Jun 19, 08 12:23 pm  · 


you need to lactate more??? Im confused

Jun 19, 08 12:29 pm  · 

i think you might be onto something rationalist...your name came to mind as i was typing it, hehe.

Jun 19, 08 12:31 pm  · 

mdler - uhhhhhhh no.

4 hours and 22 minutes till I can wonder home and pass out. I can hear my couch calling my name.

Jun 19, 08 12:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've heard two annoying hold music songs today. Should I start a thread asking people to tell us their crappy hold music experiences, or would that just implant a bunch of bad music in our cad monkey brains?

(At the moment, I'm listening to Savage Love, and now that jingle is in my head ;-)

Jun 19, 08 2:23 pm  · 

tina fall down on the side walk and hurt her ankle yesterday, while we were walking the dogs. since i was there too, it automatically became my fault and today i am no other than her errand boy to make things happen... i need a vacation badly. not only i am broke, but it is too hot to go anywhere i want to. maybe i should go to venice beach where i haven't been since last february which was the first time in a year. i am only five minutes away but it has got too crowded in a touristy way over the years.
where do the locals go? they stay at home.
off to pharmacy to pick up an ice pack... and come back and watch the game between germany and portugal while waiting tina's next order... see you later.... whoof...

Jun 19, 08 2:39 pm  · 

It is warm today, isn't it, Orhan? We have AC but our windows face southeast so it warms up all morning....I have a hard time even getting dressed when I'm that warm.

Found some great books for thesis research yesterday, I'm actually getting excited about it now and plan to start researching very soon. Which is good since when I finally start I'll have entirely too much to do.

Jun 19, 08 2:45 pm  · 

Nothing like being an errand boy....
Although it sucks to be a semi-cripple.

Also, WonderK i find that i have a hard time getting dressed in the heat to.
I often spend whole weekends slouching around my house in a bathrobe (mad eof very light fabric) and not much else...
If i didn't have a roomate it would probably be nothing..

Jun 19, 08 2:50 pm  · 

yes it is . also humid hot...
i just fought for (grrr) and get an extension for the pharmacy run, substituting the frozen broccoli bag for the ice pack... back to the game then... boys will be boys...

Jun 19, 08 2:51 pm  · 

Strangely, I twisted my ankle yesterday as well, but I've done it so many times that I guess I've stretched out all of those tendons and muscles and I was able to just keep walking. I don't recommend trying this at home though!

Jun 19, 08 2:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orhan, didn't something similar happen to your pooch? Must be something in the water. At least Tina doesnt have to wear a headcone or something, and you don't have to carry her outside to do her business.

Jun 19, 08 3:04 pm  · 
vado retro

goddamn i just had a meeting with three interior designers. it was exhausting.

Jun 19, 08 3:26 pm  · 


hells yeah! you're the man!

Jun 19, 08 3:33 pm  · 


I like girls...You like girls.

It would never work

Jun 19, 08 3:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

n_ , you and Mdler could always share.

Jun 19, 08 3:44 pm  · 


my sister and her girlfriend consider me a lesbian...

Jun 19, 08 3:51 pm  · 

Vado - were they all female, all male or a mixture of both? Any way, I think that would even exhaust me.

58 mins til nap time. I hope I make it.

Jun 19, 08 4:02 pm  · 

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