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Sarah Hamilton

Morning! I am happy to report that We survived the MIL's visit. Boy is she nuts, she actually needs a whole thread devoted to her crazy, passive aggressive nature, but why clutter the beauty of Archinect with the Uglynes of Rhonda. Jee, I've never noticed how similar her name is to Rhoda! Hmmm, coincidence? I think not. Example? She asked about the flat spot on poor Abram's head, as mentioned earlier, and then, after I told her of the posisble impending helmut, she said, "well, you know what causes that, don't you?"
"Sure, laying down in one spot over night."
"No." She replied, with a look that said, poor thing you just don't know, do you "It's cause he's not held enough."
"Trust me, they hold him all the time," I said - hopefully I kept my feelings hidden.
"No, Sarah, Its cause he's not held enough."

WTF!!! I just left it at that. Looked at the floor or something. When Husband found out he became very vocal, luckily, she had already left. If anyone is bored today, and would like to be entertained by more Rhonda Drama - Dronda? Let me know.

On happier news, my mother came, and Abram ate cereal for the first time, and had his first bottle of water. Here's a tip, TK. Make the cereal about the consistancy of oatmeal, not as liquidy as the box says. I made it like the box said, and it just ran out of his mouth. Mamma let me do it how I thought you were suppose to, and then the following day, stepped in and made the cereal. It worked much better when it was thicker. Oh, and he loved it. Along with the Johnny Jumper I got at a consignment shop. Now I do longer have to hold him so he can stand. We are both pleased as pigs in slop.

Jun 30, 08 9:05 am  · 

Merry Monday TC!

Love it, "pleased as pigs in slop"....

Jun 30, 08 9:47 am  · 

I am swamped today. May not be necting much...

Jun 30, 08 9:47 am  · 

sarah- thanks for the tip.

too busy at the office to post more. i miss tc!

Jun 30, 08 11:00 am  · 

I too an swamped at work. Hope everyone's Monday is going well.

Jun 30, 08 1:02 pm  · 

been up too early today.

But in brighter news I had my 2nd architects visit, at the dad of my Interior Architect friend. She was sick and asked me to drop her to work. I spent 2 hours laughing and chatting with staff - now that's how you bill hours. It was good being in that climate again, and has staffed off some negative feelings about my future, etc.

Then went to a bar at noon and it was packed (only in Jamaica), had a few beers then went home for a well needed nap.

Also saw an old school friend who's just returned home to finish some projects - good stuff. He wondered if I was going to open a practice here, and I said I'd like to get registered first. His response, "why?" <- hmm I won't go there with him - he's one of those "my path" kind of guys.

Jun 30, 08 7:28 pm  · 
Jun 30, 08 7:37 pm  · 

I was thinking or Room 222....

Jun 30, 08 7:56 pm  · 

yahoo...the 120mph wind project is out the door....I have learned just about everything there is to know about fricking I really don't believe structures are ment to stand up to fricking high winds if they are framed in wood. The Contractors have to do just to damn many things right.....and us Architects well were never happy with a simple box.

Jun 30, 08 7:59 pm  · 

snook - I share your view. But they can't be boxes. Eddy currents just suck the roof straight off if you are lucky, the building from the foundations if you aren't.

Jun 30, 08 8:17 pm  · 

MEH! I've misplaced the keys to my mom's scooter and have been looking for them all night. Thank God for duplicates, but I'm still going crazy trying to find them. Perhaps a prayer to St. Anthony will help. Does this work for non-Catholics?

Anyway - Congrats jump on the publication. Break a leg on finishing part II of dissertation.

Jun 30, 08 9:47 pm  · 

HOLY CRAP!!! The prayer worked. Found them just like that, not 2 minutes after I stopped reciting it. WEIRD!!!!

Off to bed to try to finish a book.

Jun 30, 08 10:04 pm  · 
vado retro
Jun 30, 08 11:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Happy July 1st. One year ago today I arrived here in NYC from Chicago. Hard to believe it's been a year already... Time flies. Still no regrets, thoough.

Jul 1, 08 6:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh I am so pathetic. I have crossed over. Just go on without me, as there is no returning from where I am now.

I have the "Heffalumps and Woozles" song stuck in my head.

For those of you lucky enough to not know what that is, its from Winnie the Pooh.

Jul 1, 08 9:54 am  · 

best thing about being a parent is realising that the inner child looks better on the outside.

i am all for Heffalumps and Woozles. i do all the voices for winnie the pooh books for kids and will dance the craziest shit if they up fo it.

keeps me young (ish). at very least know that i am much happier if i don't take myself too seriously...and that makes life sooo much easier.

so keep on singing i say!

Jul 1, 08 12:00 pm  · 

I still now all of the words/songs in Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, i watched it so much as a kid..

Jul 1, 08 12:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I found all the songs from WtP on last weekend. Abram liked them, so we kept them playing ALL DAY LONG.

Jul 1, 08 12:49 pm  · 

SH - Could be worse. You could have songs from the "Wiggles" or "Barney" in your head. I always liked Pooh and the gang, although I can't remember any of the songs.

Jul 1, 08 12:53 pm  · 

I haven't crossed into the land of children's entertainment yet beyond free to be you and me.

I can't deal with constant repetition, so we'll see what happens.

crazy day so far, and the rest of this week seems to be more of the same.

Jul 1, 08 1:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, the songs aren't so bad if they're old school songs. The winnie the pooh songs are from something like 1960 or something. They really dont repeat. Its not like kids 'entertainment' out there today. No Thank You. Abe and I also enjoyed songs from cinderella, marry poppins, sound of music, and Doris Day.

Jul 1, 08 1:51 pm  · 

Tuna I didn't know that St Anthony was the patron saint of lost keys. But glad you were able to find it.

In other news - I'm still getting emails from psycho ex girlfriend - one of which said "I'm not crazy" at the end. Hmmm

I'm going for sushi. Actually I'm going for lunch and dinner. Same restaurant (this is my fave or the three in Kingston). But different folks. Should be fun. And I'm going to squeeze a movie inbetween - so no movie popcorn for me

Jul 1, 08 1:59 pm  · 

'halfway up the stairs' is pure brilliance from winnie the pooh.

Jul 1, 08 2:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, of what do you speak?

Jul 1, 08 2:37 pm  · 

HAR! HAR! Atechno ;oP He's the patron saint of anything lost. God, is this day done yet? I'm just beginning to be able to pop my head above "water" to get air. OK, back down for another 45 mins. UGH!

Jul 1, 08 4:18 pm  · 

anyone seen Sex and the City?

Jul 1, 08 4:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No. Atechno, I think you and I are the only ones on TC today. So, since its just us, how've you been? Getting a good tan in Jamaica? Do you tan?

Jul 1, 08 5:17 pm  · 

I guess people here are winding down for the 4th of July. It was another hot sticky day here...and the clouds must of had upset stomachs cause there was alot of roaring going on.

I did a little field measuring over a long lunch hour. Spent the rest of the day adjusting a floor plan to the needs of my structural engineer. Hope to send it off to him first thing in the morning, so he realizes I have accomodated him, instood of him accomodating me.

Jul 1, 08 6:30 pm  · 

no holidays here in the land of the rising son.

finished dissertation and now get to prepare for defense in 3 weeks. going to be interesting.

finally had time to read the news this morning. this whole economy getting more goofy thing is seriously playing havoc with us. financing projects is almost our clients who have money and are ready to spend it are stuck waiting....they are longterm thinkers, but not THAT long. not that the world turns around our small plans or anything but sheesh what a pain it is to suddenly learn the economy has more to do with impressions of reality than actual reality. i know, i know, i am naive, but i always thought people were making money actually doing things and cetera...

must be all those pooh songs in my head.

speaking of whinnie the pooh to youngest last night. the original one. hadn't looked at it for a while and forgot how amazingly brilliant a a milne is as a writer. i think i enjoyed more than my daughter...

Jul 1, 08 7:43 pm  · 

I'm here, barely. Got a bunch of freelance work done this morning, came into the part-time job after lunch just in time for a surprise party for a coworker. So, I thought I was going to get work done but we're just having beers and champagne instead, and that's fine by me.

Also I got a headache between home and here, on my bike. Don't know how. Humph.

Jul 1, 08 8:12 pm  · 

Finally caught my breath. Under work all day, probably for rest of the short week.

Jump, personally i have always thought he was a great writer, but my favorite part of the originals is the classic illustration. Before Disney got ahold..

How is everyone planning on celebrating the wonderful country USA on Fri?

Jul 1, 08 8:42 pm  · 

good question, nam...personally, i'm at a loss on how to celebrate this country's birth, because i am on doctor-recommended haitus from alcohol...this is a first. any thoughts on how to spend a sober 4th?

Jul 1, 08 9:02 pm  · 

i don't think i've ever NOT been sober at a 4th, actually. i love watching the fireworks, especially if you can find a spot where they reflect in water.

i'm going home to visit my family this weekend for the first time in a long time. should be very very relaxing.

Jul 1, 08 9:27 pm  · 

if you look closely - watch the video - you will see me starring in a local news if only Brad Pitt would notice me...fuck.

Jul 1, 08 9:58 pm  · 

sarah -
not the pooh version, but here's the song as performed on the muppet show: halfway up/down the stairs

Jul 1, 08 11:23 pm  · 

Argh! Can't sleep, so I thought I'd stop on by.

Atechno - I saw it and really liked it. It was funny and witty and had all the women in the theater laughing their asses off in a few parts.

As for my weekend plans... possible plans on Thursday evening with the girls and then Friday are my friends annual Fourth of July cookout. Other than that nothing really planned, except for things around the house. Perhaps this weekend I'll actually get around to putting thefinal coat of paint on my bathroom ceiling, maybe even repaint the walls too. I wasn't too please with the outcome. Oh well. Other than that I am hoping to just relax and take it easy.

Jul 1, 08 11:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

As for my weekend plans, I've been putting in tons of overtime over the past few days working in a feasibility study that needs to be done tomorrow night. I'm hoping that I can take Thursday off and give myself a 4-day weekend as a result.

A few minutes ago I finally gave in to temptation and bought train tickets to Boston for July 4th. I haven't been back there for almost 8 years, so I figure it's time for a return visit... Of course, I'll get over to the Harvard campus and see as much of GSD as possible, although I expect the place to be nearly-deserted.

As an added bonus, my trip up there on Friday morning will be on the Acela Express, Amtrak's high-speed train that manages to hit 150 MPH in a couple spots between here and Beantown. No match for a real TGV train, but it will do for now.... Should be fun.

(I've actually ridden the Acela once before, from DC to NYC, but that was after my boss and I got stranded at Dulles Airport by severe weather. The same storm knocked out the signals on the Northeast Corridor, meaning we ended up making all local stops and we barely got above 20 MPH for the whole trip.)

Unfortunately, the train schedule won't allow me to stay in Boston for the fireworks Friday evening, and I'm too broke to spring for a hotel room... Better luck some other year, I guess.

Jul 2, 08 12:39 am  · 

i'm leaving lb and the governor's school today. boo! back to work tomorrow - after i take my girls to the zoo, that is.

Jul 2, 08 7:23 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm sad today because Steven is leaving. Makes me want to go find a special spot halfway up the stairs and just have some quiet time to ponder important friendships.

Oh wait, I was doing that last night, wasn't I? but with a glass of bourbon in my hand and surrounded by happy and creative people.

beta, I saw you!! Can you start leading on-line Archinect tai chi now? I think we could all benefit.

Jul 2, 08 7:38 am  · 

SW - I thought you weren't supposed to be back at work until later. What happened? How sad.

Atechno - I'm still waiting to find out when you are scheduled to be in Cleveland and for how long. A possible road trip may be in my future.

Jul 2, 08 8:11 am  · 

g-day tc!

the russian rulette of baby feeding left me with a 5:50 am burping. So I've been job searching since the mozzies chased me out of the garden. the acorn has turned into a bean pole- we have achieved a growth spurt! 46 oz of food yesterday and he's still hungry. his arms have grown at least 2 inches (almost to his knees) and he's packing on the meat elsewhere.

big ask tc q- if I want to design eco-cities where do I go? LA or SF?
If I want to start my own practice, my g'nections are currently in so-cal. So do i chase experience or my network?

ok, its time to eat breakfast, shower and head to the office for another day of 'wha-will-they-ask-for-next'!

Jul 2, 08 8:41 am  · 

damn- that wasn't the user name I was hoping for!!!

Jul 2, 08 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mr Lehrman,

I'm sorry to say, but it will probably get worse, and I feel for your wife. Abram, who has been really good about eating his 'cereal' acted instead like I was trying to poison him last night. Oh well, try again tonight I guess. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to pour so much rice and milk down the drain, and by so much, I mean, 1.5 table spoons, but still, that milk is hard to get, at least for me. As disturbing as it sounds, I've even considered just eating what Abe doesn't so as not to waste it. But, I guess its all the same.

I hope more people are on to keep me company today.

Jul 2, 08 9:02 am  · 

Good morning all, just one day left at work!!

Personally i agree with Manta anywhere where i can see the fireworkds relfected ina body of water is my ideal 4th of July spot.

Barry, woops (on the username),

Personally although i like San Fran and the surrounding Bay Area a ton, i think i would move to LA. It seems like San fran has a lot of corporate firm offices and is a booming green city thanks to Mayor Newsom, but in my mind LA is where (at least as an architecture) there seems to be more opportunities for non-traditional or at least more "inventive/playful" architecture. Not sure why i say that, just an impression i guess. Plus, LA ain't a bad city...Very dynamic???

Sarah, i will probably be....

Jul 2, 08 9:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband and I will probably sit on our roof tomorrow night to watch the City fireworks show. They dont start until 930, and Abe goes to bed at 9. Maybe next year we will take him, but at 4mo, it would just scare him.

Nam, you and I are pretty close in post numbers.

And with that, I am 1400!

oh, God, I hope I added that right, it would be embarrassing if I got excited, and miscalculated.

Jul 2, 08 9:38 am  · 

Oh and Beta I watched the video.
First i love your Northern state's accent, that librarian killed me.
Also, i have no idea which one is you......

Jul 2, 08 9:42 am  · 

mornin folks!

i just got back from san antonio
it was awesome

Jul 2, 08 10:03 am  · 

hurray for awesome places.

fireworks sounds fun. we have festivals all over japan in august usually. our place is on the river so can even get the reflected in the water thing going...but we usually just watch from the kitchen...much easier to get home and the kids to bed that way.

i feel very odd with nothing to do this evening. it has been months since that was the case. sorta like when you get used to working out 5 days a week then stop...something jes don feel right. i probably need a vacation.

Jul 2, 08 10:17 am  · 

tell me this is cool...

Jul 2, 08 11:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Guess it could be considered 'Green,' Beta. Use your incoming calls to cook you a snack! Sounds like another IPhone gimmick.

Jul 2, 08 11:53 am  · 

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