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my sisters and their boyfriends consider me a lesbian too.

You must have a cat?

Jun 19, 08 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

all female and each had the ability to not take a breath.

Jun 19, 08 4:13 pm  · 


no cat....but I used to play softball

Jun 19, 08 4:20 pm  · 

Oh God vado. That sucks. Did they start turning different colors?

Jun 19, 08 4:41 pm  · 

I heart stereotypes.

Jun 19, 08 4:43 pm  · 

n_ and mdler,

Jun 19, 08 4:45 pm  · 

hi n_!

Jun 19, 08 5:52 pm  · 

hi mdler!

uh-oh, this could be trouble.

Jun 19, 08 6:00 pm  · 

you thread centralers are too cute. =)

it is too hot today.

the a.c. here must not be working right because the office is waaay too stuffy.

and now i'm getting a headache.

arrrrrrrgggggghhhh!!! when will this day be over!?

anyway, i feel like escaping to the coolness of a dark movie theater. anybody see any good movies lately?

Jun 19, 08 6:33 pm  · 

whats up, n_?

Jun 19, 08 6:46 pm  · 

wow. tc

Jun 19, 08 6:52 pm  · 

i want to see 'mongol'...but haven't. and on the other end of the spectrum, i recently saw 'forgetting sarah marshall' which was pretty hilarious...i imagine it'd be a suitable remedy to workplace heat stroke.

Jun 19, 08 7:16 pm  · 

yeah, sarah marshall looks pretty funny.

i'm also interested in mongol. it's part of a series, i believe.

Jun 19, 08 7:24 pm  · 

It's definitely a hot one in LA today but the building I work in (well, sometimes I work, today not so much, apparently) is a large brick building with lots of nooks and crannies. We're on the first floor which means we don't get too much direct sunlight, and I think we could do just fine without air conditioning, as long as we had some air flow. Which is why I opened the back door earlier, to get air moving in here. And then one of my coworkers closed it soon after saying, "We need to save energy." Um, OK. Let's turn the AC off! Getting people to forgo some long-held beliefs about creature comforts in the name of saving energy is going to be an uphill battle.

On a totally unrelated note, here is an OMG / WTF for the day: 17 teenage girls in Massachusetts got pregnant together, on purpose. Can you imagine the thought process there? "Hey I'm bored, let's get'll be fun!"

Jun 19, 08 7:30 pm  · 

up here in MA, things were buzzing about all those pregnant high school girls...can i just say for the record, that we generally frown up recreational teen group pregnancy!

that being said, gloucester hasn't really been on the national stage since "the perfect storm" came out a few years ago.

Jun 19, 08 7:34 pm  · 

holy stupidity, batman! WTF is right. I feel like this brings new meaning to the, "if everyone else jumped off a bridge would you do it too?" argument, because clearly these girls would. Fucking lemmings.

Jun 19, 08 7:35 pm  · 


the fact that at least one of those girls got knocked up by a homeless 24yr old dude rocks!

Jun 19, 08 7:45 pm  · 

i got 17 teeneage girls preggers once!

Jun 19, 08 7:46 pm  · 

hi n_!

Jun 19, 08 7:46 pm  · 

some you guys musta grown up in the country no? the most drugs and sex are in the rural towns, not downtown in the city. even suburbia pales.

LB, the reference was to the ant-powered computer HEX from terry pratchett. who is also a satirical english bastard with a knack for book-writing. except he is more prolific than douglas adams.

is kinda hot here, but my place is well-ventilated by design. only about 9 meters deep, with a balcony/shade on the south face and windows on both sides of the flat. cross ventilation and no direct sunlight. we haven't used the AC more than a few times in the 4 years we lived here. and this is a semi-tropical country! say what you will about the green revolution, my 1960's corbusien white box is still light years ahead of all the fancy shit people are pushing today.

so much for dogma.

our office on the other hand is hot and built in the 80's when they forgot about all the good ol lessons. we have operable windows and a deck off our main office space (ie, right beside my desk actually), but is still plenty sticky. which is a shame cuz AC is silly.

Jun 19, 08 8:01 pm  · 

That has got to be the craziest pact I've ever heard of. "Oh yeah. getting pregnant looks like so much fun. How 'bout we all do it and change our lives forever."

Way to go kids.

Jun 19, 08 8:18 pm  · 

ah, to be young and know everything...

Jun 19, 08 8:21 pm  · 

i like how they are blaming 'Juno' and not the fact that the BIBLE forbids teaching about safe sex in school....

Jun 19, 08 8:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

(raises hand in air)

"Yes, I am in favor of prohibiting pregnancy until one passes a parenting aptitude test."

Civil rights be damned on this issue, in my mind.

That's just gross. jump is right - way out in the sticks people may be more conservative, but their teenage kids are far more bored and reckless.

Jun 19, 08 9:30 pm  · 

mfrech, I like your comment: we generally frown upon recreational teen group pregnancy!

LOL, I would think most normal communities would. Except maybe those cult people in Texas? They had a bunch of kids, right? With bonnets, I believe, no?

Jun 19, 08 10:25 pm  · 

hello all - I'm alive as puddles would say. Apologies to any and everyone that might of been caught in the facebook drama. I believe those that got accosted acted stellarly. Thanks for the emails of concern - it meant alot. Now I'm attempting to brush off the couple days of stress and bizarre circumstances.

Wine with dinner is good, dinner with scotch is even better - I'm on glass number 3 its only half 9 but feels like 2a. I've been drinking bigger glasses than usual.

In other news I heard the most angelic voice belonging to our thread central mother, Liberty Bell it was a treat hearing your voice granted it was just the recording.

In other news part deux I might be going to Cleveland after all. I got my passport replaced just trying to replace some other documentation and then I'll know for sure. Can I buy someone a drink??

okay back to Swingtown, another swig of scotch and dinner no.2 - its so humid/hot here that I'm hungry as hell every 3 hours. And yea its kinda late to be eating but lin lin made one of my faves...stewed peas + white rice yum.

Jun 19, 08 10:28 pm  · 
vado retro

i aint never impregenated anybody. i must not have any lead in the pencil...

Jun 19, 08 10:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

WK, those 'cult' people that I think you're reffering to are Mormon, just really orthodox Mormons. And they have a bunch of kids because they don't believe in birth control, and they're 'married'.

Jump is right, it does get boring in the country, but I managed to not have sex, but those recreational drugs.....

And, Mdler, the Bible doesn't forbid teaching Sex Ed, it simply says NOT to have sex before marriage. Even in SmallTown Texas we had Abstinence programs, which tended to focus more on STDs than anything else, and one time was lead by a pregnant speaker.

And, LB, I'm with you, you should have to have a liscense, like animal breeders should. I don't want to have to pay for some Yahoo's kid cause they couldn't handle it.

So does anyone think that these girls 'tricked' the boys into getting them pregnant - thats how Husband got here.

Jun 19, 08 10:42 pm  · 

the pregger pact sounds like a performance piece, it should be in a gallery in Chelsea, the Meat Packing district or DUMBO...go for it!

Jun 19, 08 10:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh yeah, and I hope they all end up with Saggy breasts, Stretch marks, and everything else that sucks about being the incubator.

-No, I'm no bitter.

Jun 19, 08 10:44 pm  · 

oh and to begin my weekend buzz I'll be taking 1/2 8-9 yo girls to a science fair.....not a good way to encourage someone to have kids. Perhaps this is LB's parenting aptitude test.

Jun 19, 08 10:59 pm  · 

sorry that should of read 1/2 dozen...the scotch is kicking in. And I have another early morning with my niece (she's 1 in the pack of 6). Any suggestions of how to politely tell them not to make silly pregnancy pacts - less saying I'll strangle them all?

Also there seems to alot of activity on tc at this late hour (2am?)

Jun 19, 08 11:03 pm  · 

well, it's only 8pm on the west coast...

Sarah, tell me you're kidding about tricking your hubby into being a daddy, please!

On the topic of regulating breeding, I used to have a neighbor that espoused the theory that breeding should be regulated by IQ. Basically his stance was that if you are an intelligent person you have a duty to bear at least one child, or at least two per couple. On the other hand, if you were an unintelligent person, you should be sterilized. How does that sound for a system?

Jun 19, 08 11:21 pm  · 

I think your neighbour is my dad

Jun 19, 08 11:31 pm  · 

rationalist, have you seen the flick 'idiocracy'?

from the link: "The movie begins with an introduction, accompanied by a voiceover, that explains the concept of unintelligent people enthusiastically outbreeding competent people, creating a future society which is irreversibly less functional. Demographic superiority now favours those least likely to advance the interests of society.[1] Consequently, the children of educated elites become overwhelmed in a sea of promiscuous, illiterate, beer-swilling, jet ski-crashing peers."

Jun 19, 08 11:34 pm  · 

i highly recommend it.

Jun 19, 08 11:34 pm  · 

no, I haven't seen it, but frankly it's sounding like it falls squarely in the non-fiction category.

and techno, my dad's closer to being your neighbor than your dad is to being mine, I think!

Jun 19, 08 11:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wait, what?! techno, I need to check my messages!

But no, there's nothing there. I often don't answer when I don't recognize the number after work hours, trying to be a more attentive mom, usually. Call again!

Idiocracy was a hilarious and smart movie - I didn't appreciate it at first, but the more I thought about it the more I enjoyed it. mfrech, their Costco experience was brilliant: "It's on aisle 1807, about three-quarters of a mile from here."

And yeah, I'm fine with number of allowable offspring being proportional to IQ.

Jun 20, 08 12:00 am  · 

rationalist, I think Sarah meant that HER husband was the byproduct of trickery.

And Sarah, I didn't realize those Texas people were Mormon....I totally glazed over that whole story in the news. Do you notice the extremists always wear bonnets though? Is that in the bible too?

Jun 20, 08 12:05 am  · 

lb I used the number posted on your members page. It did take a while for the beep to sound - I wonder if it was the end of the message and i was taking into dead air...dead air sounds like an aussie rock band or the next psycho thriller <- pun intended!!

Jun 20, 08 12:35 am  · 

wonder k 1:1 all crazys shall be marked by their bonnets. Maybe the archinect bible. But that is only good for laughs, as a paper weight and to keep drafting tables level

Jun 20, 08 12:46 am  · 

ah, misinterpretation of the word "here": I assumed here=daddyland, but as per WonderK, here could =on the planet.

In other thoughts, I am finally, finally feeling like a decent graphic designer tonight. In preparation for some work applications, I reworked some of my stuff from earlier in the year, and that infographic project that made it to the finals of a competition could now kick that competition's ass. Suddenly it's about 10000 times better, like I might actually know what the heck I'm doing now. How did this happen? I have no idea...

Jun 20, 08 2:35 am  · 

Good morning TC.....
Hope you are all well. I went out drinking last night.
Hurrah for Fridays.

Rationalist it is because you are awesome..!!

Jun 20, 08 8:11 am  · 

Atechno - Cleveland? Seriously? For how long? We could totally meet in the middle if it all works out. My old stomping grounds of Columbus. That would be way fun.

mfrech - I've been hearing about that movie for a while now and I totally want to see it. I'm glad you've joined us here on TC BTW. Okay gotta get working. Questions to answer from my lighting rep. Ciao for now.

Jun 20, 08 8:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed last night.

Ok, Rationalist, WK was correct. Here's the story...

My MIL, we'll call her BarbraJean (cause she reminds me of that woman in the 'Reba' tv shows - heck, she even works at a dentist office), got married to a deadbeat at the age of 18, in her own backyard. Stayed on BC until she decided she wanted to have a kid. So, she quit taking it, waited for her Husband to come home from the oil-field, and came on to him. She had the whole thing planned out, set it up nicely, and it worked. Apparently, BarbraJean and her Husband didn't have sex recreationally, cause she knows the EXACT time it all went down. She told him that she was on The Pill, and then, whoops, a few weeks later, when Aunt Flo didn't stop by for tea, Surprise! Deadbeat Husband left her when Husband was 1-2 y.o. I don't even know what he looks like. Kinda wish I did, so I'd know what kind of genes I'm working with.

About that movie, is that the one where an 'average' guy is frozen, and then unfrozen in the future, only to be the SMARTEST guy on the planet? That one sounded good too. Seems that 'nature' would've put something in place to prevent the degredation of a species. Aren't we suppose to produce better and better offspring? Maybe this is how the Dinosoars died off.

As for bonnets, WK, you're right, almost all relisgious extremist wear a head covering of sorts, but so do non-extremists. Its about being covered, and showing humility in the sight of God.

Jun 20, 08 9:13 am  · 

uh huh tuna - I'm heading to..."hello Cleveland." How weird would that be that you might be the first 'necteur I meet...sigh its been a long time coming. Anyway off to a coffee shop to draft and formulate questions for two interviews i have planned next week.

Jun 20, 08 10:33 am  · 

I called in my first permit violation today! On a developer who is toooootally not doing what their permit says! he he he he heeee...

I took down the violation report # so I could follow up. Just out of curiousity. hee heeee.

Jun 20, 08 11:06 am  · 


the time for my annual review is here (not that my office does that sort of thing). Since I'm heading out the door in a few months, it seems strange to ask for a raise only to walk away. So should I set the kindling for burning the bridge and ask for a raise? or do I sit on my hands and make due with the current salary till I leave?

(the extra $$$ would really help out with the sapling)

Jun 20, 08 12:05 pm  · 

tk- do they know you're leaving in a few months? if not, they don't know that you know that you're leaving in a few months, if that makes any sense. As long as you're not giving notice very soon after, they probably won't even think about it. That said, I forwent a raise last year because I knew I was leaving three months later. It hurt, but I did leave the company on excellent terms.

Jun 20, 08 12:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive...yeah, yeah, yeah

Jun 20, 08 12:19 pm  · 

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