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Distant Unicorn


Apr 20, 10 2:10 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Also... tumbles.

If you want to find the image source for images that are copy protected and hot link protect... select the image, right click and hit view selection source. There should be two links and one of them will be link with the actual "official" source.

Websites use DIV tags to overlay clear images over other images. So when you right click and hit "view image," what you are really viewing or copying the link of is the clear 'protector' image.

This technique works on everything except flash. For flash images, you need a packet sniffer to find out where the flash file is pulling html headers from. And this is already like 8 steps more illegal the previous method.

Firebug for Firefox will let you also uncover code that's been filtered out from the "view source" menu under firefox. This allows you to see the full code (including the PHP database code) of the website.

Apr 20, 10 2:21 pm  · 
Ken Koense

Is this party closed? Hello all that know me and don't know me. I am, as they say, partially exposed.

For the record I am making two pies this week; Margarita Pie and either an Apple Pie or Chocolate Pie of some kind.

Any suggestions?

Humbly Yours,


Apr 20, 10 4:24 pm  · 

hiya Ken...

I second apple. Although I have always been partial to cream pies of all sorts.

Apr 20, 10 4:38 pm  · 

Hi Ken! I vote apple too!

I think I had too much coffee today or something! I'm a hyper hypo!

Apr 20, 10 4:42 pm  · 

another famous archinector outed!

Apr 20, 10 4:52 pm  · 
Ken Koense

I am going with Ina Garten's Apple Pie, with some "minor" tweaks. Thanks all!

Apr 20, 10 5:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey, Ken! I sometimes wish I had Ina's life.

I had 37 hits today on my blog. Most came from an email. I don't know who's been sending poor unsuspecting people an email of my blog, but woohoo for me! I'm on my way to blogger fortune!!!!

Apr 20, 10 6:30 pm  · 

Hi Ken. I'd go with apple but that may be because I don't really like chocolate. I honestly believe that men can't taste the complexities that lie within cocoa.

Tonight we party with the architects... last year this was a drunken stupor - can't wait!!

Apr 20, 10 7:22 pm  · 

Sarah very cool. I love reading what links send people to my blogs. For awhile it was searches for beheadings...

Also, can i just say Dj Dub i love the phrase hyper hypo!!

Apr 20, 10 7:38 pm  · 
Ken Koense

Well, the Margarita Pie came out real well, I don't drink but, this pie has 2 TBS of Triple Sec and 3 TBS of Tequila, and a crust made of crushed pretzels. Jealous? No Apple Pie though, saving for Saturday.

Apr 21, 10 12:27 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Pie recipe that involves science!
If anyone is brave enough.

I've found that getting larger qualities of alcohol to remain in food suspensions is tough! But I have successfully made WHISKEY GRAVY with a bit of science! It involve your basic gravy recipe-- drippings, roux, stock, heat. But for the whiskey? If you add in about a 1/2 tsp of Xanthan Gum right when you take the gravy off heat. The gravy will begin to solidify and gel. Like stand up against gravity gel! While hot, whisk in large volumes of straight room temperature whiskey to the point to where it looks like gravy again. And voila, 60 proof gravy!

Well, my pie recipe takes a similar approach (and is much safer as Xanthan Gum can be 'poisonous if found in foods above minute amounts.)

You will need:

1 pre-cooked pie shell
Few tablespoons compound butter

2 tbsp of Tapioca Flour
4 tbsp Water
1 1/2 cups pre-mixed liquor (without the 'mixer part, just what the alcohol portion of your specific cocktail would be)
1 tbsp of broken up leave gelatin (knox works okay, but the horse makes it zing)
1/4 cup sugar (if necessary)
1/2 cup mixer

Begin with the tapioca flour and water, mix as best you can.
Microwave on high for a minute and some seconds.
A giant ball of clearish gelatinous goo will form. It will be hot.

With very clean hands, remove ball of goo promptly (let sit until you can stand the heat)
Roll ball into rectangular shape. It will be very sticky. Attempt to either cut or break into small pieces.
Place tapioca goo in food processor.

Heat til warm and add half of the liquor parts. Pulse food processor a few times.
Prepare gelatin by placing gelatin in very hot mixer. Stir til dissolved.
Place all ingredients near food processor.

Turn food processor on.
Add remaining liquor.
Add sugar.
Add gelatin and mixer.
Process until a stiff foam forms. It will being to resemble the inside of a 3 musketeers bar.
Disassemble food processor.

Coat inside of toasted pie shell with compound butter (for instance, a mixture of soft butter with orange peel, mint leaves, sugar or whatever would go with the cocktail).

Spoon in half the pie filling. Add fruits, chocolates or whatever compliments your liquor pie in layers. Spoon the rest. Top accordingly.

Refrigerate until completely firm and cool. Serve immediately.
Pass out completely shit faced drunk after two slices.

Apr 21, 10 1:20 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Word of Caution:

Use very cheap liquor! I've only gotten this to work about 3-out-of-every-5 times I've tried it.

Apr 21, 10 1:32 am  · 

nam I love the phrase hyper hypo too! That's one of my all-time favorite skits on Saturday Night Live.

OMG I'm watching The Daily Show right now and Bernie Goldberg just accused Jon Stewart of being "Jay Leno with a much smaller audience who gets to drop the f-bomb"... Jon is ripping it up ... this show is amazing!

Apr 21, 10 2:09 am  · 

front of my office yesterday: millie and her children jack & jill

Apr 21, 10 4:04 am  · 

How did I miss all this chatter last night?!

Ken, I need that Margarita Pie recipe ASAP. I'm going to a party Saturday and that sounds perfect - it's a group of heavy-drinking architects.

Also, i saw your name and didn't even pause to think that you've outed yourself - I'm dense that way.

techno, that's a pretty bold statement about women and cocoa - but I might agree with you. I'll taste test some dark chocolate and let you know.

I'm bloody exhausted. This week, as last week, is way overscheduled. I can't wait for the semester to end.

Apr 21, 10 7:28 am  · 
a group of heavy-drinking architects

is there another type?

Apr 21, 10 8:12 am  · 

Sorry, Phillip, how silly of me. Of course there isn't. ;-)

Apr 21, 10 8:22 am  · 

hiya Orhan!

What cute snails...

Also, i saw a few minutes of that show before I hit the sack Dub, it was hilarious. Especially the part about Leno.

Apr 21, 10 8:32 am  · 


As long as we're talking about desserts... what kind of dessert goes with mussels? My friends and I are gathering for a mussel dinner and I am to bring the dessert.

That apple pie sounds awesome. I've never made Ina Garten's food, but I salivate when I watch her shows on the Food Network.

Atechno I don't necessarily think that's always the case as 9 times out of ten I'll take fruity over chocolaty.

Awesome photo Orhan - I don't know what it is but I've always had a thing for snails... I find them fascinating.

Apr 21, 10 8:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Howabout a protien shake, nam? Jus kidding.

Apr 21, 10 11:12 am  · 

Why don't I know who Ken is?

Thanks for making me get all nostalgic about my trip to Thailand 2 years ago Orhan. For some reason those snails reminded me of this picture I took at a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai.

Coincidentally, today I was going through a backpack and found a gift from someone while in Thailand. This little gift has been sitting in my bag for 2 years and I didn't even know...

BTW, my granite countertop is coming today. The bad part is, they're wasting a lot of my time.

Apr 21, 10 1:09 pm  · 

anyone else feel like they stepped into a brothel? I know I feel that way every time I come to TC...

with all this hot snail and goat action... and pies...

Apr 21, 10 3:17 pm  · 

ain't that the truth tumbles..

Apr 21, 10 3:33 pm  · 

tumbles, I'm glad you're over there fighting the good fight. I'll come out swinging if mr. poor-me-I'm-so-smart-but-women-aren't steps things up.

The truth is no young grad/intern is anywhere close to being qualified to work in architecture.

Apr 21, 10 3:39 pm  · 

I've been fighting really hard not to post a pic of Brad Pitt at a drafting table on that thread, lest I be accused of being just as bad as that guy is.

Apr 21, 10 3:47 pm  · 

Yeah, I'm not going near that thread... But would it be wrong of me if I said I would like to work with "obviously good looking young women"? Beats older male engineers with kids. Nothing wrong with kids, but... its like I'm in a different generation.

So how do you guys dress as jurors (for studio critiques AND jury duty)? Because my life is the punchline of a lame joke, I have both coming up around the same time.

Another lame thing that happened today:

Granite Countertop Installers: We should be there around noon
Me: Thats fine. I have a meeting at 1:30pm, so as long as you guys don't take too long.
GCI: No problem. We'll be out of there in no time.
GCI (at 1:30 on the dot): OK, we're here.

Anybody see the trailer for "Art of the Steal"? I'm debating making a thread about it and other controversial projects.

Apr 21, 10 4:50 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Should I call PaulRevere's boss and have a chat with him?

Apr 21, 10 5:57 pm  · 

slarti... where are you doing a studio review? i usually go with dark jeans, button up shirt, and black sport coat...

i've seen the trailer, but haven't seen the whole movie yet... i'm pro-barnes move, so maybe a bit biased, but i think that people in the movie are nutjobs...

Apr 21, 10 7:00 pm  · 

also exhausted this week donna. i am somehow up until 3 am every day this past few weeks and am not sure why...only 2 lectures a week make it easier than last year but still not enough time in the day to do everything i am supposed to be doing.

i can't fathom what the stupid pretty women in my office poster was thinking. better to ignore.

for juries i wear whatever i usually wear. no one cares how i am dressed. i am generally more worried that i have nothing interesting or useful to say about the projects.

Apr 21, 10 7:22 pm  · 

"i am generally more worried that i have nothing interesting or useful to say about the projects." haha. YES. Definitely. But if I worry about petty things, I forget that I'm really worried about THAT.

"i think that people in the movie are nutjobs..." Well, I didn't have that strong of a reaction, but the documentary doesn't sound neutral either. Using the words "heist" and "conspiracy" is pretty strong for a "documentary." I kind of kept up with the whole controversy, but I'm still not clear on all the details of how it all works with the move of the paintings and items.

Apr 21, 10 8:04 pm  · 

a long day of interviews for new candidates into the school of architecture. We had an interesting bunch, and I saw a few that I'd be anxious to teach. The student who brought in the large scale model St Peter's basilica I definitely won some cool points with me.

Apr 21, 10 9:07 pm  · 
Apr 21, 10 9:17 pm  · 

Nice 377 image, techno.

I have a clothing dilemma tomorrow too, as a Big Deal Local Firm Owner is talking to my students tomorrow and I feel like I need to look a bit more polished than usual. But it's past boot season, so my whole wardrobe becomes much less interesting when I can't wear boots. Sigh. For that reason alone I'm ready for October.

I *still*, years later, don't know what I think about the Barnes move. I'll be interested to see the movie.

For the moment, I have to get a lecture finished then hopefully reward my self with a glass of Knob Creek. Back to it.

Apr 21, 10 9:32 pm  · 
Ken Koense
For All You Parrot Heads


Apr 21, 10 10:45 pm  · 

Woot! Woot! Ken -

Donna - what time is class. If it's cool enough you might be able to still get away with wearing boots. There are a few stragglers wearing them around here.

Slart - your story made me chuckle. Hope it didn't cause too much havoc on the rest of your day. As far as what to wear, I've got nothin'. My brain though is a little mushy this morning.

Apr 22, 10 8:21 am  · 

morning all,

Apr 22, 10 8:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. I may have more to say later.

Apr 22, 10 9:41 am  · 

Good morning, Super Friends! Good afternoon, East Coasters!

Apr 22, 10 1:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Emily, you make us sound like super heroes. If we are, then I want to be ......... hell, I don't know enough super heroes to pick one. But you could be wonder-girl, and Lady Donna, well she should be Super Woman. I think.

Apr 22, 10 1:45 pm  · 

We've recently decided on call names for myself and my teammates at work. Seriously. Mine is "Storm" (like Halle Berry in X-Men).

Apr 22, 10 1:50 pm  · 
Ken Koense

I sometimes go by the moniker; The Human Torch.

Apr 22, 10 2:00 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I went to a planning meeting today!

They were talking about some new park refurbishment. The company that was presenting their ideas gave out their tentative cost for the rehab.

The trash cans they wan to install in the park were $1200! $1200! I thought... sure they can't be that expensive! They are not even installed yet! So, I checked around on the internet... and while those trash cans are certainly expensive, many outdoor trash cans for public use cost roughly the same.

Apr 22, 10 4:19 pm  · 

I vote for Apple Pie and Goat Cheese....I will let Tumbles tell which cheese would be the best as she is experienced in this.

aside from that everytime I hear about another zoning regulation, building code or other assorted thing related to us protecting ourselves from us. I have a conversation with the person providing me this information that I might be better to toss in the towel and go raise goats and make cheese....Tumbles has had a big influence on my train of thought about dealing with the non-architecture things of architecture.

Mrs B did her surgery this week so me and the other dogs have been fending for ourselves. Actually I have been fending for all three but I'm sure they don't see it that way. She is going to spend a few days in the country with a close friend of ours so she can relax and not have to deal with he office/house phone ringing off the house and over demanding dogs.... I'm sure it is still going to be a wild time
when she returns home. Our Boys miss her alot, enough to run thru the house checking every room just to see if she is home.

Aside from that it is a beautiful here today....! Nice warm sunshine, an afternoon shower which filled the air with ozone....might have a project doing a beauty saloon....which M. b will love....and they want a modern!

Apr 22, 10 5:15 pm  · 

Good luck getting the mod swank beauty salon snook. Hugs to Mrs. B for a quick recovery and to the doggies who are lost without her (as is the man, natch).

Apr 22, 10 7:55 pm  · 

hi all. So today was my last day of interviews for the school of architecture. It was quite an experience. At one point I was left thinking that we should invite psychologists to the interviews. Nonetheless I did some promising folks, including a gentleman closer in age to my father who is looking to finish what he started and complete his architecture training. That was just inspiring

Apr 22, 10 8:21 pm  · 


Apr 23, 10 10:18 am  · 

ok, good, looks like problems are resolved. the server had a rough night, apparently, and the database got a little corrupted. any entries or comments posted since late last night are gone forever, but we seem to be rolling again.

Apr 23, 10 10:20 am  · 


Apr 23, 10 10:22 am  · 

Morning all,

Yeah Paul!

Also, unicorn. I imagine it probably has to due with both durability and liability issues.

Anyone have big plans for the weekend? I am taking my dad out to dinner tonight. Indian, yummm.

In other news, i recently learned i will be spending a week in Orlando (during the first week in May) on the companies dime. They are paying for me to take a 5 day training class on Adobe Captivate.

Apr 23, 10 10:30 am  · 

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