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Sarah Hamilton


Apr 23, 10 10:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, wow, that was crazy!

Let me do this again...

So I came into the living room this morning to find that Abram had redecorated my couch. With blue marker. I promptly put him in the corner, and then took a picture of his artwork with my iPhone to send to Husband. I then put Abe to work, scrubbing the mess up. Thank God for washable markers!

Happy Friday!

Apr 23, 10 10:35 am  · 

sarah what a cute kid!

Apr 23, 10 11:11 am  · 

Sarah, good mothering. I would have gone ballistic then cleaned it myself - bad mothering.

Thank god for the server crash - it deleted my drunken epic 40 stanza haiku comparing Brad Pitt's butt to the Ospedale del Innocenti. Whew! That would have been embarrassing.

Apr 23, 10 11:17 am  · 

LOL Sarah!!! I hope it came out completely. I love the look on his face, not happy at all, but now he knows the ramfications of his actions with makers ;o)

Don't worry Donna, I too would probably just yell at my kid (if I had one) and clean up the mess myself.

So today in non-billable land, I learned how to use the dodge tool in Photoshop and successfully created a metallic copper effect. Woot! Woot!

Apr 23, 10 11:47 am  · 
Ken Koense

I like what my aunt and uncle did to their home; they provided one wall for the kids to draw, paint, put clippings on, that way they can be aided in the direct expression of themselves.

Although, I would say that the drawing on the couch, it's so, so Banksy!

Apr 23, 10 12:55 pm  · 

abram's focus, hands, arms and leaning; that's a total artistic posture if i may speculate. kid desrves to utilize any surface with his ideas!

Apr 23, 10 1:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks, guys. You always make me smile.

Apr 23, 10 2:58 pm  · 

if you hadn't mentioned that he was cleaning up the couch I would of assumed he was adding a smug technique to blend the blues with the tans of the couch. I'm not sure how anyone could get upset with someone so cute. He's going to be a heart breaker when he gets older

Apr 23, 10 3:30 pm  · 

haha sarah. nicely done.

good parenting indeed.

we have a wall i finished with cork a few years back and a chalk board easel thing. also a painting table and a working table for playing with clay. they usually stick to those surfaces, but not always,. is part of the dna of human children perhaps to mark their territory in creatively permanent ways ;-)

Apr 23, 10 6:53 pm  · 

I saw Gordon Ramsey make fresh motzarella cheese the other day and thought of you tumbles. Then I was freaking amazing that it could be made so quickly. Can you make it with goats milk as well?

Apr 23, 10 7:29 pm  · 

tumbles could you please tell me what place that is so I never go there. The thought of spoiled milk makes me want to wretch. How could he have used it 3 weeks later? Is that even legal?

Hi everyone else! Sarah, Abe is sooooo cute. Love that curly hair. I'm crushing on a full-grown man with curly hair right now. Le sigh.

Apr 24, 10 6:12 pm  · 
'random [cheese]tangent':

all random tangents should be cheese-based.

Apr 24, 10 6:20 pm  · 

I'm struggling mightily right now with joining the AIA this year. $564. Ouch.

Apr 24, 10 11:18 pm  · 

donna....just cut them a partial check..that is what i did...actually my local Union Chapter was nice about it. Then again I'm wondering if were not going to be on our own next year....piss on the national organization...if we end up with another...lousy year....we might be state by state organizations (grassroots) then in time the organization can rebuild on a national level.

I was looking at some numbers as to how much is not spent on lobbying and I was shocked....If anyone can respond to this please do. It looks like they toss a little money here and a little there at election time. I looked at the donations state by state...and I was wondering why they were giving my former congresswoman money.
She didn't need it to be elected cause her treasure chest was bigger than Captain Hooks. I don't recall her ever doing anything for the profession...then again I might be wrong.

Apr 24, 10 11:47 pm  · 

snook, they're only doing the installment plan this year by signing up for automatic charge to your credit card - not allowing checks. I'm very uncomfortable with that, I never do automatic debits because it makes me feel like I don't know where my money is going. If I send them a partial check do you suppose they'll let me be probationary until a few months from now when I send the rest? Should I ask for forgiveness not permission (to use a favorite Steven Ward phrase of mine;-)?

Apr 24, 10 11:52 pm  · 

Donna I feel your pain I decided not to go the annual association dinner tonight. It was a steep price for the venue (read: bad food) and I really hate going to these things stag even though I am bound to have a good time. But I got a text message from someone there and the guilt set in really fast, because I realised that it is necessary to keep the association alive and functioning but the traditional means of support does cast a steep financial burden on the best of us.

Apr 25, 10 12:00 am  · 

Exactly, techno. I feel like it's something I NEED to do, for the good of everyone, even though I don't often directly see a benefit from it. Ugh.

Apr 25, 10 12:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sounds like taxes, Donna.

Apr 25, 10 9:47 am  · 

Oh, Sarah. You're killing me. ;-)

Ken, maragarita pie was a big hit. It almost pained me to share it with everyone! I licked the pie plate clean when I got home. Well it's easy to make, so I'll do it again - but I think this time MORE tequila! brian didn't like it - he's never developed a taste for alcohol. And his mom doesn't drink. So maybe I'll make a plain lime pie and dunk my own slice in tequila and triple sec glaze!

Apr 25, 10 2:05 pm  · 

Donna....ya talk to your State Organization...and see it they will help you out with it. Ours is happening on a State Level. I did get the letter from National....and like you nope to anyone taking from me direct. Ours was pretty open ended....I was told to send something and send some more when I was able. So I sent a good faith check and I seem to be on track.

Hey what is going on with the Continuing Education Credits now that Oklahoma has been dropped as the over lord of continuing education?

Apr 25, 10 3:10 pm  · 

it just seems like a good thing

Apr 25, 10 5:38 pm  · 

i want one of those!

Apr 25, 10 7:29 pm  · 

Techno where is that?!?! It's amazing!! I want one too!

Apr 25, 10 8:25 pm  · 

no idea where is it found it on Daily Dave... some gag website

Apr 25, 10 10:15 pm  · 

's coolio, archi.

JUMP studios did similar for the redbull office in UK not so far back. I think it was the client's idea.

When i did healthcare we were required to have slides next to emergency exits in the old-folks homes we did. also see them in muilti-story daycares often enough. my daughter had amazing emergency slide finished in terrazzo at her school. i quite enjoyed sliding down it in spite of a complete lack of earthquakes.

Apr 25, 10 10:18 pm  · 

snook, the AIA doesn't lobby, and when they do, it is against sensible reform (health care) and for contractors. seriously, why does anyone support these hacks?

they're supposedly FOR carbon neutrality by 2030, yet routinely send money to jeff sessions, mitch mcconnel and john boehner. asinine.

Apr 25, 10 10:46 pm  · 

Well kinda. The AIA does lobby, and in California they do it in a very obvious way. They were a major player in the adoption of the new California Green building code. And at the national level, it is simply not true that they opposed health care reform. My understanding is that they opposed one portion of the bill which singled out the construction industry for more strenuous requirements than the rest of the economy. But isn't that what they should be doing?

Apr 25, 10 10:59 pm  · 

houseofmud emerges from the cavernous silence - welcome

Apr 25, 10 11:32 pm  · 

double welcome houseofmud.....

It was a cavernous silence this weekend, huh archi.

I was kind of busy, plus, we had a hail storm plus a tornado watch all day yesterday.

Morning all.

Apr 26, 10 8:37 am  · 

holz, did you read quizzical's explanation of the AIA's health care lobbying here? I don't know anything about it, but quizz seems very informed when it comes to AIA activities.

And to quote Steven Ward yet again, those of us who don't like the AIA need to be involved and change it - it belongs to us. I just have it on the back burner of priorities at the moment. But I think I'll do what snook suggested - send them half my dues via check - it's not like they won't cash it!

And hi, houseofmud, nice to see you here.

Seriously, you guys, if I survive this week I'll be one happy amazed and tired woman.

Apr 26, 10 8:52 am  · 
Ken Koense

Regarding the AIA lobbying; I have been told that they are non-partisan in their efforts, which would make sense but, playing both sides of the fence does seem to water down our efforts.

Donna, how was the pie?

Apr 26, 10 10:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I have a baby tomato!!! I hope it makes it.

Apr 26, 10 2:15 pm  · 

yeah my tomatoes still haven't fruited!

Apr 26, 10 2:52 pm  · 

I feel like I should know who houseofmud is under another name, but haven't made the connection yet... :/

Repotted my basil and lavender this weekend. Lavender seems happy, basil got droopy. I hope the little guy makes it, he's tasty!

Apr 26, 10 3:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just bought some basil and lavender. I just stuck them in the front yard, I hope they prosper. A guy told me that basil is an annual. Does anybody know about this? I just don't get how plants can ever be annuals. I mean, they survived for centuries without humans replanting them every year.

I also tasted my lemon-thyme. I bought the only thyme plant they had at the store I was at, and just assumed we called lemon-thyme thyme for short. Nope. It's pretty lemony. Doesn't taste like thyme at all. I'm a little unsure what to do now. If I buy a regular thyme plant, will they cross bread?

Apr 26, 10 3:45 pm  · 

That brothel thread is really an eyesore. Thats all I see now when I look at the forum. Aren't there more tactful ways to approach that same subject? It could've easily been a conversation about the relationship (or lack thereof) between studio/firm/office attire and competency, leaving out the gender.

Apr 26, 10 5:24 pm  · 

YES slart! That's something I tried to get across to the OP, but I don't think he'll let himself listen. By characterizing it as a women's issue, he's opened up a whole other can of worms.

Sarah, I'd love to just stick them in my front yard, but I don't have one! The lavender makes my bedroom smell nice and the basil alternates between my front stoop and the dining room depending on weather. Lemon-thyme sounds delish though, I'd just keep using that one!

Apr 26, 10 5:44 pm  · 

Haven't posted in a while because of no time and freaked out about the amount of nasty trolls a while back, which seems to be much better now.

Sarah, some plants are annuals in cold climate areas and perennial if planted in warm climate zones. I remember someone telling me of a trip to Florida where the person they visited had tomato plants that were ten years old...they didn't die in the fall because there's no frost to kill them. Basil plants love hot weather so it's possible to have perennial plants if there's no killing frost where you live. Pasta with fresh basil pesto....mmmmmmmh.

Apr 26, 10 6:10 pm  · 

I was hoping that thread would be about how we're all a bunch of whores... a la philip johnson...

instead we get boobquake.

Apr 26, 10 8:46 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Dear Susan Surface:

I have printed out your quote... "I do not want to live in a world designed by people who don't know how to LIVE. I do not want to live in a world built up by people who work 80 hours a week and subsist on coffee and ambition. Do we really want to live in buildings designed by people who don't think it's important to enjoy life?...I want to live in a world that is designed by people who love other people and who love life and living. I love life and design accordingly...This is an ASSET to my architecture career, not a distraction."

It now resides on my bulletin board.

Apr 26, 10 9:10 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I only contributed to the brothel thread because I hate when people start arbitrarily start judging people based on the appearance in regards to fashion. Now, if one is going by magazines or a well-studied history... fine whatever.

But I think it is hard to ignore gender in the subject because gender basically defined clothing shape for the most part.

My personal opinion is to not really care that much-- if you're trying to be fashionable and failing... then by all means you're a target for my brutality. But people dressing appropriately for their work is another issue. I don't think anyone should really pick on say a construction worker for wearing jeans or a wifebeater.

But my own policy is no directly showing nipples. Tattoos are okay if you wouldn't see them on a blog with the word "Fail" attached to the title. Piercings depend more on the metal and jewelry itself than it does on location. Don't show off skin that is ugly.

And if you're going to wear really low pants, trim your pubes for reals.

Apr 26, 10 9:17 pm  · 

unicorn for reals both about the awesomeness of Susan's quote and re: low pants.

I went and bought the wood and etcs to build myself a LP cabinet/bench type thingie i will be making in the next few weeks, after work.

Sarah, that was my experience with basil last year. I think the idea is in the wild it self seeds maybe? I used my dryed out wood for smoking my grill.

nite all

Apr 26, 10 11:00 pm  · 

Visible toes have no place at the office. That is all.

Apr 26, 10 11:05 pm  · 

hi tc! been busy reading & writing. more's on its way. But I'm waiting for Nam and other 'necteurs to chime in!!!

Tuesday will be the premier of my chapter from Infrastructural Cities as a lecture - it will be posted in a few days as a pod cast.

Apr 26, 10 11:23 pm  · 

Donna sadly nirvana for me is an office where no one wears shoes (and we get pedicures twice per month). That should make for happy architects to design happy buildings at least from the ground up. But then as I recently professed to some other archinecteurs, I'm just island boy

Apr 26, 10 11:47 pm  · 

I give Jamaica a pass when it comes to sandals in the professional setting. And in that setting I'd consider my own wearing of sandals to be nirvana-like. ;-)

Apr 26, 10 11:48 pm  · 

Hi TC,

Bare feet are acceptable as long as you can either see or smell water. I'm 7 miles from the ocean and bridging acceptability in my firm right now by walking around in stocking feet. I think it's an acceptable middle ground - no one has to see my toes, the socks are stylish, and on some days if I close my eyes I can imagine that I work in a kindergarten.

Apr 27, 10 12:28 am  · 
Visible toes have no place at the office. That is all.

Donna Sink! Whachu talkin' 'bout?!? If you saw my new sandals you would not think that!

I do love basil. And tomatoes. Together, awesome.

Apr 27, 10 12:39 am  · 

Toes are fine, as long as the nails are trimmed and preferably sporting a fun nail polish. I wouldn't wear flip-flops at the office or anything, but I'll certainly don my espadrilles as the weather gets warmer, and wear my red peep-toe heels year round.

Apr 27, 10 12:47 am  · 

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