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I just think most people's toes are ugly, pedicured or not, and men's definitely. Additionally, hair on toes is intimate hair, as far as I'm concerned. I worked in a bar once where the one-and-only dress code was no tank tops on men. The owner could not stand to see men's underarm hair sitting at the bar. I feel the same about toes.

Also: I once heard the phrase "yam toes" to describe when someone's toes hang off the front edge of their shoe. This is a frequent problem in red carpet fashion photos, and it gives me deep heebie-jeebies every time I see it. <shudder>

Apr 27, 10 12:53 am  · 

Donna, I think this is in response to some deep-seeded fear of toes, and not anything rational. I will continue to wear my cute sandals as I have been since April 1. On the sad occasion when it is too cold to let them frolic - it has been lately - I put them away again. But otherwise I let them out. I love my toes! They are cute.

Apr 27, 10 2:16 am  · 

dubk, you're right, and best not to examine it further. donna has a toe thing. imagine me teaching at a summer camp and being chastised by my co-instructor for showing my toes! : P

Apr 27, 10 7:13 am  · 

donna, yam toes, is a hilarious phrase.

morning all.

Apr 27, 10 8:18 am  · 

oh and barry i got sidetracked but it is on it's way

Apr 27, 10 8:18 am  · 

Steven, my only problem with your toes at GSA is when you're wearing flip flops you can't run away from someone chasing you! This is why I don't wear flipflops: personal safety.

But also: imagine exposed toes in a law office. Not professional. In a place where bare legs aren't allowed - most law offices - toes HAVE to remain hidden because toes squashed under stockings is a huge fashion faux pas. No, architects don't work in law offices, and many of us work in offices where nice jeans are acceptable attire. In those cases, of course toes are fine, for most people, but they're not professional. They just aren't.

Yeah, I admit I'm a bit strident on this point, but remember, too: I'm obsessed with empty belt loops. And I think a woman in a suit absolutely must also be wearing lipstick. Oh the humanity.

Apr 27, 10 8:33 am  · 

and what about white shoes after labour day? Donna you have class, and it's deeply ingrained... but where does it come from is the question. My bet is that it's your time in Pennsylvania influenced by the strict dress codes of the Amish and Mennonites. I'm only teasing my dearest mother is the same way elegant to the last breath.

Apr 27, 10 9:03 am  · 

i have only once in my life run away from someone for personal safety and it was 24 years ago. it's not unlikely that i was wearing flip-flops...

i'm usually rules-based when it comes to clothes choices because i'm also very habit-based (read: lazy). rules help those of us who run the non-work/non-kid/non-important parts of our lives by habit.

example: rule says accessories should match, right? so what better way to solve that than to jettison all but one color of accessory from your closet? for me it's all black shoes, belts, etc. i made the decision to get rid of everything else and now i NEVER have to think about that!

Apr 27, 10 9:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

This is awesome. I agree that flip-flops and flat sandals/thongs are unprofessional, but healed sandals, ala espadrilles, wedges, and all peep toes are most certainly acceptable. Then again, I won't wear white shoes after labour day, and I still wear slips when the dress is unlined.

Apr 27, 10 9:45 am  · 

Oh geez... I must be a rebel cuz I break all those rules (except wearing white shoes after Labor Day). I wear sandals in the office during the summer, but my toes are pretty much always neatly pedicured. I'm even guilty of wearing flip flops, but they aren't the cheap plastic kind. I don't even own any of those. Hell, I even walk around barefoot in the office from time to time. The bosses just shake their head. BUt then again, if I had it my way, everyone would leave their shoes at the door, kinda like I try to do at my house.

Happy to say I rarely wear a suit, so I guess I shouldn't worry that I don't wear lipstick all the often.

Unicorn - I'm right there with you with surfaces quote. I too was thinking of printing it out and pinning it up.

Apr 27, 10 9:58 am  · 

I once worked in an office where the office gopher/intern would walk around barefoot. He'd commute on his skateboard in flipflops (IMO, not very safe)...

Apr 27, 10 11:06 am  · 
Ms Beary

Just chiming in to say I think my toes are cute too, and I can't stand wearing shoes in warm weather that don't let my feet breathe.

And that basil is probably a perennial in another climate. I plan on planting both sweet and thai basil, but it is still too cold here. Basil loves hot weather, and I love basil. I had sweet basil in my garden and window boxes last year. I let them seed, not sure if anything will come up from the seeds though. I eat basil as a salad green and I put large amounts (whole stems) of fresh basil in broth soups. Makes me feel healthy.

Apr 27, 10 11:14 am  · 

copper - make sure you pinch off the flower buds. This seems to help keep it from drooping and will keep from getting "leggy".

Just like Emilio said - All annuals are perennials somewhere in the world. It just depends on the climate. HI EMILIO!!! Nice to see you drop on by.

Apr 27, 10 11:36 am  · 


Apr 27, 10 11:42 am  · 
Ms Beary

oops. I got caught skimming, didn't mean to reiterate what was already said. hi emilio!

Apr 27, 10 11:53 am  · 

I just saw a woman wearing a skirt with nude stockings and lace-up high heeled espadrilles. Gaaaaah!

I admit I'm a jerk when it comes to fashion. I judge other people's choices all the time, and if I leave the house only to realize I made a fashion error that morning it ruins my day. My partner once left studio to go home and re-iron his pants when he realized he had mis-ironed them with the pleat in the wrong place - this was in college, in architecture school, and he was worried about pleats!

But I think it all comes back to us as designers. I would never let a client use, say, acoustic ceiling tiles and raw slubby silk upholstery - they just don't belong together. Stockings and canvas shoes should never be paired - if the weather is appropriate for espadrilles, then the pantyhose stay home.

Sarah I love that you wear a slip - so ladylike. techno I did get these ideas from my mother, who is a true Southern lady and always elegant. But the thing that truly makes her a lady is this: she would never judge or gossip about other people's clothing choices like I do - I'm a jerk.

Apr 27, 10 12:47 pm  · 

Not that I judge the people themselves as humans - just the clothing decisions. Same as I judge their design work. I can love you but hate what you design.

Apr 27, 10 12:49 pm  · 

I'm wearing a banana hammock, if that matters. Oh, and a cape.

Apr 27, 10 1:02 pm  · 

melty, oddly enough I haven't seen any buds yet, and it's definitely getting a bit leggy. I'm thinking the droopiness may simply be that it's gotten too tall and can't hold itself up anymore. If it persists into the weekend I'll stake it.

I break soooooooo many of Donna's rules. I show my toes (when they're well-kept). I never, ever wear lipstick, don't even own a tube of it. Only gloss. My belt loops are always empty---if I don't need a belt to hold things up, why wear one? They're uncomfortable. Admittedly, if given a choice I would do without belt loops completely, but that's not my decision. Apparently the southern fashion police need to take me away.

Apr 27, 10 1:12 pm  · 

LOL BETA!!! Where's puddles when you need him to post that German guy's website.. What's his name... Emeril?

Donna - my mom is originally from California. Perhaps that's where my "rebellious" streak stems from.

Apr 27, 10 1:18 pm  · 

Emil, he's my personal fashion advisor!

Apr 27, 10 1:29 pm  · 

Banana hammock is fine, even barefoot, but you'll need boots to go with that cape.

copper, do you tuck in your shirts? An untucked shirt means no belt is needed. To me, the act of tucking in means you're making a commitment to a certain formality, so have to "finish" the look. If you're untucked, you're casual - that's part of the look.

Apr 27, 10 1:54 pm  · 

And here's a HUGE pet peeve of mine: evening dresses with POCKETS! No, no no! I see pictures of women on the red carpet getting photographed with their hands in their pockets and arrrgh it's all wrong. If you're wearing a formal evening dress/skirt, you carry an evening bag. Anything you would put in those pockets would skew the skirt out of its hanging line, and hands in pockets basically means you're bored. At a very formal even, even men need to keep their hands out of their pockets - I mean really, would you kill time standing in line to meet the Queen playing pocket pool?!

Apr 27, 10 1:58 pm  · 

Pocket pool? Do I even want to attempt to look that one up online at work? I'm not familar with the term.

Apr 27, 10 2:05 pm  · 

ah, ok, I get a pass on the belts then. But a: I think you and I have different interpretations of "banana hammock." To me, a banana hammock is something usually worn by male strippers. And b) I've just been deducted points because I bought a dress with pockets in it just last saturday. Yep, love 'em! Because when all I need to bring with me is a key, a phone, a credit card, and lipgloss, I feel silly bringing a purse to carry all that, and never know where to put the purse. Pockets solve that dillemma nicely, and in the right dress you don't even notice. This is a semi-formal dress, so I may squeak by on a technicality, but either way I'm sure that Donna and I are in separate camps on that issue.

Apr 27, 10 2:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dangit, some how the "notify me" button gotcheck.

And I personally love th pockets cause they're quirky, but agree with you, Donna, that using them may not be right.

Apr 27, 10 3:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I actually just spent all day dress shooing. I'm exhausted.

Apr 27, 10 3:42 pm  · 

Sarah, dress shooing sounds a lot more fun than dress shopping. "Shoo, shoo, get out of here!"

I despise shopping for clothing. This is why most of my clothing comes from the sale rack at Target - I can toss it into the cart without thinking.

Although lately I've been buying things from CAbi parties, which is an ideal way to shop (someone's house surrounded by friends drinking wine) and the clothing is somehow perfect for my middle aged bod.

Apr 27, 10 4:18 pm  · 

hi nam, hi beary! :D

Donna, your fashion rules for women make a lot of sense to you have any for guys? I hate shopping for clothes too (of course, I'm a guy so that's no surprise) so I want to be outta there quick. I agree on Target, they have decent stuff, and the sales racks in Macy's also. Kohl's is not bad, particularly the jeans section.

Apr 27, 10 4:51 pm  · 

Hi everyone,

1. I love skirts with pockets. Preferrably cotton, flouncy skirts with a loud print. However, pockets on an evening dress (i.e., it's evening, and we're fancy) doesn't see right to me either.

2. I am stickler for (attempting) to present oneself professionally within a professional setting. Regardless of gender, dress like you respect yourself so that others can too. I used to boil after seeing female colleauges play the sexy dress card - short term gain, long term disrespect. On the same note, I am ever so bored/disgusted with men that can't control their gaze. How egotistical to think that the girl in the boob shirt dressed that way for you, sir.

3. Sarah, I loved your stories about goats, your new inlaws, and that fabulous picture of your son cleaning the couch. That photo will be useful in the future when he succeeds in his art! I don't have any suggestions for the sleeping stuff - my tot is still in his crib. We considered the big-boy bed at christmas, but then realized how good we have it. I designed that crib myself, and he cannot escape! :) We also did the (excruciating) process of cry-it-out when he was a baby, and since then we do our bedtime routine and he seldom wakes before 6 am anymore.

4. Donna, I am with you on wanting to tear my hair out. I am fortunate to be busy and to have work to bitch about, but overall I am feeling overwhelmed with what is on my plate at the moment. All will be better in May after my students have final reviews and design project drawings are out to bid. I wish I could balance it all without feeling like I'm doing lots and doing a half-ass job because I am spread too thin. ugh. yes more wine please.

Thanks TC for the funny/happy goat pics. I still want to get a small herd of goats to help me manage weeds and pasture grass on my land. I'm going to read that fiasco farms goat website tonight!

Apr 27, 10 5:28 pm  · 
Apr 27, 10 6:48 pm  · 

so I was flip flop shooing (yes it's almost summer in Ja) and noticed my feet in the lower level mirror and almost had aneurysm. I now it's been a while since I've had a spa day but wow! It's as if I'm almost completely dropped the metrosexual part of myself.... time for a touch up.

But Donna here's where I go a little nuts. I don't wear pleats and immediately think of them as a the lowest denominator for men or women. I understood in the 1950s when they automatically associated flat front trousers with communism (honestly I didn't make this up) but come on! Also pleats on ladies pants are unforgivable. And that's all I'm saying about that.

Apr 27, 10 8:14 pm  · 

Flat trouser fronts associated with Communism... SERIOUSLY!?!?!?? That's the first I have EVER heard that.

Apr 27, 10 8:35 pm  · 

tokyo is horribly fashion conscience. all the armani and prada on the train is insane. Gap is considered equal to wal-mart. and we have to look at least as good as our clients (who have money!), and hopefully dress better than our students, but that costs money is an expensive game. although i must admit if your shirt costs as much as an i-phone the quality is usually pretty high and it is impossible not to feel like you are worth something. which maybe makes up for long as you don't take it too seriously, in which case it is just sad.

getting back to architecture, BIG's pavilion at shanghai is awesome i must say. makes me want to be an architect just looking at the pictures.

Apr 27, 10 8:39 pm  · 

BIG's pavilion at Shanghai is unbelievably awesome. It's perfect.

techno, this pleat event happened in the 80s, when pleated trousers were hip, as were pegged jeans with white socks and black shoes. And hammer pants. I wore all of the above. My partner definitely does not wear pleats any longer. Though I imagine they'll make a comeback!

That leads me to another belt loop issue: Armani makes sans-a-belt trousers. I know it's Armani, but honestly, they look silly. Belts, men. Or suspenders.

Apr 27, 10 9:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just bought a pair of shorts with pleats. To be honest, it's the first pair of shorts I've felt age appropriate in since, well, high school.

On the sleeping toddler issue, we bought a door knob proofer. So Abe couldn't escape, and we had to re-furberize him. He still wakes up about 3 times a night, s we have to figure that one out. But he has gotten better.

Apr 27, 10 9:42 pm  · 

Emilio, I think you've heard most of my "rules" for men. Belts are a big one. For a long time I thought leather belts and shoes had to match (both brown, or both black), but my partner lately does not match, and I think he's the best dresser ever.

Speaking of men's clothing, tonight we gave Angus the option to get dressed in whatever he wanted before we went to a dinner at his school. He selected, of course, his kilt. He looked awesome.

Sarah, hang in there. Angus eventually - finally! - started sleeping through the night at about age 4.

Apr 27, 10 10:31 pm  · 
Ken Koense

There are times I wish I was a woman, cool clothes, I'd be such a fashionista. However, I will say that there is finally some designer[s] out there designing really colorful men's - tailored or bespoke - shirts, that are getting me hot under the collar. There is a character on "Modern Family," that is wearing some that are awesome; color on the inside of the cuffs, great patterns.

Now, if someone could bring back great men's shoes, at a reasonable price. The closest I can get is Stacey Adams from Marshalls...

Oh, and Boobquake it!

Apr 27, 10 10:33 pm  · 

awww, the good ol' days of hammer pants...

[img] [img]

they were almost as cool as zubaz pants... which are apparently being made again

[img] width=400[img]

anyways, i agree, pleats are a no go for me these days... and donna, i pretty much agree with your stance on belts... one can (very) occasionally get away without a belt if one's shirt is untucked, but not really... nothing drives me more crazy than men who wear jeans with tucked shirts and no belts...

Apr 27, 10 10:35 pm  · 

damn, i haven't screwed that up in a while...


Apr 27, 10 10:36 pm  · 

Thank you Phillip for agreeing with me.

Apr 27, 10 11:22 pm  · 

Thats why I own one of those belts that is brown on one side and black on the other. Brown shoes? Oh, I'll just flip the belt around and there you go. I'm a very... practical dresser. I only own one pair of black shoes and its very worn from all the miles. I actually hate the look and feel of new shoes. In high school, my friend's father (who is mennonite) complimented me on my tux for prom with a large grin and said his father (who is Amish) wore something very similar when he got married. True story. I remember the weirdest things.

I think I'm now paranoid that more threads were created just to get extreme reactions. Provocative can be a good thing... baiting is not, although I guess that line is hard to define.

Apr 27, 10 11:47 pm  · 

I love this discussion. Slart I need a double-sided belt!! Do they make them for girls?

Speaking of fashion, I had to post just one homage to my favorite and winning Project Runway designer... I just LOVE this dress...

Apr 28, 10 3:04 am  · 

DubK, the yellow plaid suit made me quiver - it was so amazing. Yes they make reversible belts for women - my mom gave me one, but it was too small :-(

Apr 28, 10 7:31 am  · 

Yeah i love reversible belts. As for pleats about 6 months ago i purged my closet of any pants with pleats. Except for one because i really like the pants. Their comfortable and my only pair of white pants.

But otherwise, i came to the conclusion I am a skinny man and the pleats do not make it look so.

I have had two long evenings being busy but not productive in the sense of getting stuff (for me) done.

Hopefully,, tonight.

Apr 28, 10 8:20 am  · 

Angus has a kilt? That totally rocks!!! Even better that he chose to wear it.

Apr 28, 10 8:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Would it be touristy of me to buy a kilt, or rather a scarf or something, in the Hamilton tartan when I go to Scotland? And if so, is it good or bad touristy?

Morning. Maybe I'll have more later, but right now I got to go!

Apr 28, 10 8:53 am  · 

Good touristy, Sarah, definitely.

Apr 28, 10 8:57 am  · 

no pleats in my closet. still trying to purge the late 90's baggy dress shirts - but I can't afford to replace them all with the skinny mode of today. I also need to get my *caugh* armani *cough* suit tailored - bought a 44 regular for my wedding, now I'm feeling like a 42 long, so the suit just hangs in the closet.

maybe I should get a utilikilt...

Apr 28, 10 9:43 am  · 

SH - definitely cool touristy

In other news I just purchased this to keep myself warm (and safe). It's not the right orange, but it will do.

Apr 28, 10 9:54 am  · 

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