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Ugh, melt, be careful, honey. So scary. Glad you're not badly hurt.

Just watched Men Who Stare At Goats. I found it very bittersweet and sad. I'm a hippy at heart, I mean who doesn't believe that love can cure all? And who wouldn't want to? The older I get the more I feel it.

Apr 10, 10 11:05 pm  · 

you're so sweet and sappy, donna. happy birthday!

Apr 11, 10 9:36 am  · 

Donna, I loved that movie... Saw it with my father (an aging hippie). First i tend to love all Coen films. I was struck by the way, Bridges ended up so depressingly broken, but not really.

Melt glad to hear you are ok. Do you have a cobbler you can take the boot to? The last cobbler in my town retired a year or so ago. It sucks.. My only option is buying new shoes now.

DJ Dub i like how you said "encouraging interactions" sounds so something.....

I think i am going to check out the spring downtown art fair today. if only for the kettle corn and real sarsaparilla.

As for kids, most of my friends have started down that road. I am happy for them and look forward to having ones myself. Although i find it interesting most friends who have them caution me against joining their ranks sooner than needed.

Morning everyone else

Apr 11, 10 10:09 am  · 

oh and donna happy bday

Apr 11, 10 10:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Happy birthday to you
you live in a zoo
you look like a monkey
and you smell like one too!

Melt, I hope that guy bought you a beer.

Apr 11, 10 3:09 pm  · 

glad you were dressed mostly properly, melt. That is scary.

lol nam. you know i wasn't 30 til my oldest daughter was born, which was great timing for me, but i sometimes feel it would be nice to have had her a bit earlier so that i won't be old when she is in her 20's. My own da was 21 when i was born and was great to be able to go to gym with him and he was still in great shape. my mum was even younger which is also awesome because i am in my 40's and she ain't even 60 yet.

not that it matters really. everyone is young in today's world. even my 95 year old gramma, who still lives on her own!

no coen movies here yet. probably comes out in 2011 in japan ;-) only harry potter and spiderman make it the same time as north america. such a shame.

Apr 11, 10 7:16 pm  · 

melt I am so glad you are OK!!! That sounds so scary! There was a scooter rally in town here this weekend too and it made me think of how fun it will be when you move out here and we can attend them together. :o)

Saw Clash of the Titans last night... it was pretty bad. So bad that I felt compelled to add my own commentary which included references from other films that I felt like it borrowed from. Which in turn made it funny, at least.

Yes, still having encouraging interactions with men but also starting to think that something may be actually wrong with me, maybe like a sign on my forehead in a color of the spectrum that only men can see that says "this one broken, don't bother", or something of that nature. Not really but maybe. :-(

Apr 11, 10 7:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm sure that's not true, dubbers. And besides, if it is, i'm sure that there's a guy out there who enjoys a great fixer-upper. Maybe someone like an architect or designer, or just a caring master craftsman who loves to work with his hands and does everything with loving care.

Apr 11, 10 8:12 pm  · 

dj can't imagine that is at all the case.
Jump, yeah i have always leaned towards a younger age just so i am not a 50 year old parent.. If going by 30, that gives me 1.5 years...

nite all

Apr 11, 10 9:39 pm  · 

Sarah, that's actually really sweet. Thanks for that.

Apr 12, 10 12:58 am  · 

*m - Whoa, shame that happened, but hope it wasn't too bad. Thats the thing about riding; even if its not your fault you can get hurt. True for all of transportation (even walking), but its especially true when riding with two wheels. I definitely recommend a decent motorcycle specific jacket. I've even picked up a used leather jacket here in seattle during my travels to put on top of my motorcycle jacket for when I get home. Apparently some damage to helmets can make it less protective, so you should check the helmet too... Well, enough of me being all preachy, hope you heal up nicely soon!

Apr 12, 10 3:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Whew!!! I'm exhausted. I had an incredibly busy weekend. Saturday I had a job fair for teaching, then I came home and planted a garden. Thats right, I planted a garden, and in my backyard, the "soil" is anything but. It's solid black clay. It sucks! But I planted three tomatoes, nine zucchini, two okra, and two jalapenos. I also potted some thyme, but that was childsplay after that garden work. I hope it all works out. I'm researching now how often to water them and such. I have a tendency to kill plants.

Then, on Sunday, Husband and I built a kitchen island thing, and I stained and hung some screen doors. Then I mopped. fwhew!

Apr 12, 10 9:18 am  · 

sarah sounds busy. Did you add additional filler to soil. Clay doesn't drain very well for plants.

Apr 12, 10 9:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I did put in some "organic garden soil" and the guy at Home Depot told me not to mix it in, but instead to just dig holes for the plants, and line the holes with the "soil." Its my first garden, so i hope it works out. It would suck to have a 36sqft hole in my yard otherwise.

Apr 12, 10 10:02 am  · 

I did some gardening too. Moved a bunch of ditch lilies to make room for raised edible beds. I'm a lousy gardener, I tend to kill things too, and after transplanting these lilies I watered them and told them "Alright you guys, do your best." and with that they will probably die.

Brian has a sculpture going into an exhibit in Scotland. I'm taking it to UPS today which means I have to/get to drive the Ranchero. I'm nervous!

Apr 12, 10 10:07 am  · 

probably the most awesome delivery vehicle EVER.

by the way, in case anyone ever wondered, it IS possible to spend TOO LONG at the zoo.

Apr 12, 10 10:24 am  · 

rancheros and el-caminos are the mullets of the vehicle world...

business in the front - party in the back.

Apr 12, 10 10:40 am  · 

melty, so glad that the jacket, etc. did its job! Roadkillmelt sounds like a bad, bad idea.

My gardening is currently limited to a potted basil plant which I have to move out into the courtyard every morning, then back in at night since our light is so terrible in my apartment. If I can keep this one alive for a couple of months I may add some rosemary and mint to the mix, but I don't have a lot of confidence. Oh well, so far I've had a month worth of extra-yummy pasta and caprese so even if it dies it was a worth what I paid.

Apr 12, 10 10:50 am  · 

copper it is amazing how just some fresh herbs to add to your kitchen mix really improves a) the cooking and b) my mood

Apr 12, 10 11:38 am  · 

Ranchero delivery went fine. But toaster I disagree: this Ranchero, being as finely executed as it is, is more party (super stylish) in the front, business (cargo loading) in the back.

Apr 12, 10 11:43 am  · 

party in the front, business in the back? then it's flock of seagulls:

Apr 12, 10 11:51 am  · 

LOL! BTW, I'm on the phone with vado as I type. He is well and stylish as always.

Apr 12, 10 11:58 am  · 

Thanks everyone for the concern. Slart, I actually about you and all that you said. I'm definitely getting a jacket though. Looked online the evening it happened and found a few sales going on. Would love to get a leather one but funds right now probably won't allow it. Helmet is fine. Crazy enough I keep my head up the entire slide. Today my lower leg is swollen (I think I walked around on it too much yesterday) and it seems to be more techno colored today.

All this talk of getting out in the garden is getting me excited. Am thinking of going out and doing a little work, but we'll see. Copper... how big are the pots that you planted them in? Herbs quickly become root bound so it's better to plant them in bigger pots. SH - we have clay soil up here too... it sucks. If you keep working it every year it will get better. If the organic soil doesn't work, try getting some dried manure pellets or getting some compost. The compost will break down in the soil and help with the clay like consistency. Post photos of the island I'm intrigued.

DJ - yet again, we are living parallel lives. I've concluded I am the one date wonder. But I've begun to think that there is a lot of validity in the say, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs. He's out there, it's just going to take time to find him. We just need to be patience... a virtue I do not have. Oh and yes, we'll definitely be doing the rally together one day once I move out there :o)

Apr 12, 10 11:59 am  · 

melty, the basil is still in the pot it came in, I didn't want to invest in repotting til I knew I could manage to take care of it. You're probably laughing, but I've killed a lot of plants in the past, so it's a serious concern.

DJ & melty, I think the sign on my forehead must say something explicit, because that's all the guys are interested in. I know I've got a brain and a personality too... but they don't seem to expect or want that. Awesome, right?

In other news, somebody in a high place actually wants to read my entire thesis book and meet with me the next time I'm up north. So, I may not be finished with thesis after all, if I can talk them into supporting the rest of the project financially it could have a second life.

Apr 12, 10 2:55 pm  · 

That's awesome copper top. Congrats. And as far as the plants go, you can get boring old terracotta pots for really cheap. They will definitely die if you keep them in the original pot if came in, as it's totally not big enough.

In other news, I've concluded I do not do "taking it easy" well. Especially when it's just a beautiful day out and I can hear my yard calling out my name. Time to go ice the leg down again :o/

Apr 12, 10 3:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ask, and you shall receive, at least today, anyway.

Let me just say, that yes, its homely, but the green cabinet came from a mechanic's shop, and I've used it as a desk for a while. I no longer need it as a desk, so we re-purposed it to replace the even worse black table I was using as a prep area in the kitchen. We are looking into various counter-top ideas, but want it to be cheap. Besides, Husband has promised we can completely remodel the kitchen sometime in the future.

Apr 12, 10 3:43 pm  · 

that's great copper, good luck!

melt, your leg (as posted on FB) doesn't look nearly as bad as i would have expected after a tumble on a scooter... glad that you weren't hurt too badly...

i did my 'gardening' last weekend... two of the aluminum pots from ikea... one with flowers and a ground cover and the other with basil, rosemary, oregano, and another type of ground cover... after a week they're not dead and have actually grown a surprising amount for just a few days...

had a great day yesterday with friends from the phd program... i made slow-cooked bbq pulled pork (cooked for about 12 hours) and mac-n-cheese and guests brought green beans, fruit salad, and beer... we hung out for hours on the 'porch' (aka sidewalk) in the beautiful spring weather... then i made strawberry shortcake for dessert...

Apr 12, 10 5:23 pm  · 

Phil that food sounds amazing. And the sidewalk part sounds pretty nice too. Sounds kinda of like stooping.

I had to order a new converter and battery for my Powerbook g4 today. So posting minus work lunch time will be potentially light.

Nite all.

Apr 12, 10 9:22 pm  · 

hi TC, finally got back from the great NYC landscape safari. not much worse for the wear, except a sunburned forehead and almost wore off the heal of my shoe. if I ever get caught up, I'll post some pics! For me, highlights were visiting eagle street rooftop farm and a chance for my classmates to share what they've been up to with my students...
(and it seems that my garden full of seedlings survived being neglected for 4 days).

Apr 12, 10 9:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Glad your trip went well.

So I was trying to find out what age children typically begin actually colouring the pictures instead of drawing over top of them, and instead found that allowing Abe to colour before the age of 5 could permanently deform his fingers. It curves the fingers. Great! Like I don't have enough to be paranoid about.

Apr 12, 10 10:01 pm  · 

Sarah, I love the cabinet. And I'm pleased to see another architect that has a high threshold for temporary/unfinished work. My house is a disaster of unfinished elements, but I don't even see them anymore.

Greg Lynn is coming to IMA to speak. I'm hosting some people at my house after for chatter and drinks - should I invite Mr. Lynn himself via email? I've certainly never met him. I sent an email invite to Ben Nicholson for a Cranbrook event last summer and got no response, but I figure it can't hurt to be hospitable!

Apr 12, 10 10:04 pm  · 

This evening I walked into Target on a lark with my friend and an hour later, I walked out with 5 dresses and a pair of pants. I can't believe I did it again! Target is so sneaky! They always take my money when I have no intention of spending it! But I discovered that I was having a skinny day, and between that and the fact that I did need dresses, I felt I deserved the splurge.

Side note: men, do you have skinny days? Because my body changes shape daily, I'm convinced.

Speaking of all you guys gardening, have I ever told you about Portland's obsession with raised beds? It's kind of hilarious. What's even funnier is that I know so little about growing anything that I only have a vague concept of what they are for...

Apr 13, 10 1:38 am  · 

i don't know about other men but, i have skinny days and fat days all the time.

Apr 13, 10 8:12 am  · 

Barry glad to hear the trip went well.

Donna, why not. As you say can't hurt to be hospitable. And DJ dub (i really like calling you that, if only cause i like dub), i do. In fact lately I have been dressing loose for work as I have been feeling rather puffy in the morning. Not sure why as I am actually less weight now than a few months ago. I think...

Morning all. Now to work./

Apr 13, 10 8:32 am  · 

Donna - you should totally invite Mr. Lynn to your house afterward if you are inviting others. As for the unfinished projects... I didn't evee notice them when I was there.

beta - nice to see you out and about. Makes me feel better that there is at least one male out there who has fat and skinny days. I am currently having a fat day. Probably doesn't help that I ate a half a gallon of ice cream in two days time.

Apr 13, 10 8:33 am  · 

invite me, donna! when is this?!

Apr 13, 10 8:53 am  · 

crap. never mind. what's up with those indy people? don't they know that 28 april is three days before derby?!

Apr 13, 10 8:57 am  · 
Ms Beary

raised beds rock! I have onions and carrots coming up already (uh, left over from last year, but that's OK!)

Apr 13, 10 9:40 am  · 

yeah raised beds are the way to go. Mainly because they keep weeding down. Also, in places with possibly contaminated soil it eases worries about toxins and the need for remediation.

Apr 13, 10 10:20 am  · 

raised beds (and container gardens) are huge around the northeast too - mostly because in a lot of places the soil is contaminated with lead... and there's no space to spread out.

in fact I'm installing one next week.

I think we've reached a tipping point with urban/suburban agriculture (and the locavore movement) - at least around here. Enough people are interested in growing their own food that it's not just the hippies and unhappy hipsters anymore... a neighbor, who is a police officer, is really into his heirloom tomatoes, and the guy down the street who runs a floor-sanding business, grows roma beans and arugula (and would have chickens if the city didn't ban them). when I first joined a CSA back in 2001, they were begging us to find more people to join - now they sell out so quickly that they've had to refer people to other farms and community growers. there's now years-long waitlists to get a plot in in several community gardens.

I've seen dozens of farmers markets sprout up just in the past couple years, and many are now accepting food stamps.

also a sign - many arch programs now have some form of "urban farm" studio - just 3 years ago there were only a handful at the more obscure programs, now they are being taught by important people at the ivies.

IMO - if last decade was scripting, these next few years are going to be the era of the urban farm.

Apr 13, 10 12:18 pm  · 
food supply patterns

agricultural urbanism??,
cows in the rumpus room
Urban Farming
Bracket issue that's supposed to come out soon
urban ag certification?

and several others I'm missing... I remember seeing a couple studio projects in the school blogs...

Apr 13, 10 12:44 pm  · 

toast did you mean to post those over in jks Distinctly 'American' issues regarding food production? thread?

Apr 13, 10 1:29 pm  · 

nam - ah - oops...

Apr 13, 10 1:46 pm  · 

I feel bad when people say that TC is an "insider's" thread or that we are ignoring the rest of the forum. Truth be told, I:

A) am currently hiding from all of the "which school should I go to" threads... you get tired of answering those after 3 or 4 years of it; and

B) I just don't have as much time as I'd like to. I would hang out and talk more but there's not enough hours in the day.

So I come here first, you know?

Apr 14, 10 12:15 am  · 

dude, if i drink beer, i get kinda bloated. same with eating beef. it's weird.

i don't consider myself an insider, and i pop in here now and then. the other threads have gotten awful lately. and i just don't have the energy to blog and post new threads here on the 'nect.

dubk - are you getting passivhaus certified?

Apr 14, 10 12:32 am  · 

What? PEOPLE can get Passivhaus certified now too? Not just houses? I mean, what does that translate to in terms of letters behind my name? Because they can barely fit the ones I already have, let alone adding "Passivhaus Certified" on my business cards...

Apr 14, 10 12:41 am  · 

holz I just noticed you were kinda catching up to me in the post count, and then I thought "hmm, I wonder if I'm still #7?" And I am! That's annoying. I want to be passed.

Also I noticed that I have been an Archinector for more than 5 years. Far longer than any relationship I've been in, LOL.

Apr 14, 10 12:46 am  · 

DJ, I feel similarly when people say that, but I know it's true of me. Between the school threads and my not practicing architecture anymore, fewer and fewer of the threads attract my attention. Even when the architecture ones are worth reading, I frequently don't feel like I have something to contribute, or occasionally start typing and the go "ehhhh, this is taking too long." But, I'll try a little harder.

Apr 14, 10 1:15 am  · 

i meant consultant training, but same diff...

and yeah, people get 'consultant'-ified.

you mean the LEED AP/R.A./CPHC/NCARB doesn't look uber professional?

Apr 14, 10 4:49 am  · 

i come to archinect for entertainment mostly, so nobody's criticism of my way of using is could make me feel bad.

Apr 14, 10 6:52 am  · 

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