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question; anyone have any ideas about an interior sliding/fixed window for a project booth, in a school theater? does not need sound proofing.

Apr 14, 10 8:30 am  · 

If i didn't work on a computer 9 hours a day (which hopefully won't be forever) i wouldn't be on Archinect near as much.

Morning all.

Apr 14, 10 8:33 am  · 
Ms Beary

good morning all. Archinect's trace and I have an idea to meet for coffee Friday. trace, are we still on? Any other local (denver) archinectors want to join?

Apr 14, 10 10:38 am  · 

beta, sounds like an excellent idea for a salvaged window! Though I'm sure there are companies that make school equipment or ticket booth equipment that sell something specifically manufactured for your need.

Apr 14, 10 10:45 am  · 

Even though I'm not an "insider" I still find it strange that some say that about Thread Central. They make it sound as if there is this collective conscious decision to be exclusive or something. To me, it just seems like the more you post -intelligible- comments, the more visibility/exposure you have. More visibility/exposure you have, the more recognizable and familiar you become - increasing your presence. There is no systematic (or obviously physical) barrier inhibiting anyone from posting on here or anywhere on this site.

More and more, I'm starting to realize that it is very possible for individuals (including me) to have certain perceptions of others that inhibit or encourage behavior, that is not intended or even desired by those same people that we were perceiving to be inhibiting or encouraging the same behavior. I feel like a lot of opportunities can be missed this way, and/or wasted time and effort that WILL go unappreciated.

And an unrelated question... Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be interviewed by the same company numerous times over a long time span?

Apr 14, 10 11:22 am  · 


To your first point.

I remember how, about 5 years ago in early 20s when i became aware (it wasn't an instant but gradually developed realization) that my perceptions of how others perceived me did not usually match their own perceptions of themselves or even me, how much of a revelation it was. It sounds simple but it made me feel and act so much more honestly and freely in my relationships with others.

As for the second i would think that it is a promising sign that they are interested. Either that or they are really jerking your chain...

Apr 14, 10 11:59 am  · 

Slart - Are you being interviewed by the same person everytime? Both options sound like viable options. If not, perhaps the one hand doesn't ever talk to the other. Is that how the saying goes?

Apr 14, 10 1:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

slart, maybe they want to make a move to hire you, but can't for some reason? I talk to a guy every few months who tells me he has a job for me, but after a year, I've decided he just likes to meet for drinks. :)

Apr 14, 10 1:17 pm  · 

Nam - Yeah, I guess I always knew it was possible to have disconnect between perception and reality, but I guess I'm starting to realize how prevalent and how much it can negatively affect people's lives, especially when its inhibiting actions. Obviously, I see it in my life, and it can be a real eye opener.

As for the interview thing, I understand it. The economy is obviously a huge factor. The way I see it, it is a good thing to take this much effort and time in hiring what you would consider a long term employee, and I'd do the same in their shoes. I actually respect them for doing that, although I sometimes feel a bit alone in that one. And BTW, it is with the same interviewer introducing me to a new person in the firm.

I guess the only reason I'm questioning it is because I keep hearing from people in this field and FRIENDS not in this field, "why are you even bothering? They are just playing you." I don't see that (what would be the motivations?), but no matter what I know -or think I know- it is wearing me down a bit.

I won't worry about it and see how the chips fall.

So yeah.

Ooh, I'm going to watch some baseball tonight. and maybe ride my motorcycle. Thank god for distractions.

Apr 14, 10 3:15 pm  · 

If it's the same guy I would say he's NOT playing you. He wouldn't keep bringing you in if he didn't like what he sees. I totally agree with Strawbeary. Perhaps after the last interview they experienced a hiring freeze... or maybe there was a better match for that particular job but now your qualifications meet another job that is now open. All in all though, I have a hard time believing they would waste your valuable time if they just wanted to yank you around.

Apr 14, 10 3:52 pm  · 

yeah, i agree with melt 'cause they would be wasting their own time as well...

Apr 14, 10 5:15 pm  · 

Slart, I don't think he's playing you, but I think there's a factor within the process or company that you're not privy to. Maybe someone else is pushing for a different candidate to be hired, or they're not 100% ready to pull the trigger due to workload, or the guy who actually makes the decisions is wishy-washy, or something that you just can't possibly know. I went through the same thing and it turned out to be a matter of there being someone who needed to be fired for me to be hired, which everyone was theoretically on board with but hesitant to actually do. So, you never know what it is you don't know about the situation.

Apr 14, 10 7:26 pm  · 

Thanks for the comments, y'all. I am fortunate to have an interview right now, so I'm just going to focus on that.

Philip, thats my thought as well.

Anyway, moving on... I'm fascinated with the sprinkles of conversations of urban farming. Too bad, I know too little of this topic.

Apr 14, 10 8:07 pm  · 
I'm fascinated with the sprinkles

I like sprinkles. especially out of context.

Even though I'm not an "insider" I still find it strange that some say that about Thread Central. They make it sound as if there is this collective conscious decision to be exclusive or something.

TC is the bavarian illuminati. I thought everyone knew that.

Apr 14, 10 8:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Would the Yankees say "jimmies of converstions?"

Apr 14, 10 9:23 pm  · 

My family calls them Jimmies. My friends look though at me like I have three heads when I use that term

Bavarian Illuminati. LOL!!!

Apr 14, 10 10:01 pm  · 

...---... im alive and returned from the land of the ten thousand lakes...looking at the land of one hundred thousand lakes....more later ....tis bed time....I didn't have enough energy to read thru all the post...other than I think I missed Liberty's wild happy belated something crazy with your men this weekend...!

Apr 14, 10 10:04 pm  · 

hi all - I'm still alive and in a post-birthday stupor. The missus is also on a week's vacation so we've been enjoying it as much as possible. Donna happy birthday hope it was a good one. *melt please don't injure yourself anymore please - I don't want to get little brother worried and start stalking you to have a professional look at your scrapes and bruises. Who else? Everyone have a great hump day and weekend when it gets here

Apr 15, 10 2:28 am  · 

Morning all,
Hi snook, Hi archi!

Apr 15, 10 8:28 am  · 

question for the TC crowd :

My "sample" portfolio - the one that gets sent out with my resume, not the full version I show up with in person - is 7 pages long and is 8 mb. If you were to receive this in your in-box... is that too much? I had a goal of 5 mb but I don't see how to get down to that without actually cutting a page out.

If anyone's curious to see I'd be happy to send.

Apr 15, 10 9:10 am  · 

8mb is rather large but I don't think it would inhibit me from opening it. I would be interested in seeing it

SW - Have you ever been to 732 Social ever? A childhood friend is the head chef there and I was wondering if it's any good. I'm intrigued that it states that it is farm to table fare.

In other news my alleriges are absolutely horrible today so I took some Sudafed non-dyring sinus stuff. I can already feel my brain getting foggy, which I find strange as the regular stuff (non PE) never makes me feel this way. Thank God I have nothing pressing until this afternoon.

Apr 15, 10 9:42 am  · 

manta, 7 pages shouldn't be that big at screen resolution, even if they're 100% image. Have you opened in Acrobat and used the 'reduce file size' tool?

Apr 15, 10 10:43 am  · 

I'd try to get it to 5mb. Some people (typical gov or institutional employees have incredibly low size limits, it's getting rarer, but it's still a pain!)

and manta, you're still in chicago right? I'd like to take a gander.

so, it's tax day today! hooray! Ok, so I'm probably one of the few that's pumped about it, but I'm amending my return to claim that homebuyer credit.

Sorry, I've been absent... Hellooooo TC.

Apr 15, 10 10:44 am  · 

dont understand the jimmie thing myself.

manta, 8mb would not bother me, though i would notice the size.

that kind of size has not been an issue for awhile now but we try ourselves to keep things closer to 5mb when sending attachments just in case. it may be we are catering to a limit that no longer exists...

Apr 15, 10 10:55 am  · 

melt that food looks good. I would say now a days it probably doesn't matter

Apr 15, 10 11:21 am  · 

and it is a nice looking space for a restaurant if i must say so myself..

Apr 15, 10 11:22 am  · 

Having friends that own restaurants is awesome. Its a cool hang out spot when they're slow or when they're not even open to public. I think they sometimes feel obliged to give me free food when I go, but I try to pay as much as possible.

*m - BTW, I have this jacket that I have worn very little. A bit hooligan-ish looking, and may be over the top for scooters, but figured I should at least offer. (grey parts are actually red in mine)

Damn, I had monkey picked tea at the tea-house in Seattle, but turns out they're not actually picked by monkeys. And decades old fermented pu-erh tea tasted like... dirt. I don't know what the fuss is about.

Apr 15, 10 11:40 am  · 

732 social is Fantastic. you should come to town! best artisanal cheese menu in town, too.

Apr 15, 10 11:56 am  · 

where'd all the theory wonks go on the forums? did the economy kill them off?

everyone's become too practical (or cynical) these days...

732 looks like my kind of place.

Apr 15, 10 1:21 pm  · 

we get to go to derby this year. and not just go but go big! we get to be up in the fancy-schmancy section.

just found out this week that our day is also likely to include brunch with diane lane! no word yet on whether we're riding in the same car to churchill downs...

Apr 15, 10 1:43 pm  · 
Ms Beary

wow! sounds like fun, SW

Apr 15, 10 2:34 pm  · 

i think that just about everybody's email these days can accept files that are up to 10MB, so 8MBs isn't out of the question... however, like copper said, with only 7 pages there is no reason for it to be that big... have you used the "optimize PDF" tool in acrobat? you can use it to downsample images... i've used it to turn PDFs of 80 slide lectures that start out at well over 100MBs into files that are around 5MBs...

Apr 15, 10 3:04 pm  · 
vado retro

manta did you get that email i sent you???

Apr 15, 10 4:46 pm  · 

toast if anything I have gotten less cynical myself.

Apr 15, 10 4:49 pm  · 

two days in a row on TC feels like the old me.

Today I've been totally engrossed in the book Pecha Kucha Night produced by Klein Dytham. It was sent as part of the whole hand-shake agreement for hosting the event here. But it is one of these brilliantly written publications that leaves you pumped up and firing on all cylinders. To be honest it's a light read but, and some of you may be surprised by this, but it will be the first book I've ever read cover to cover in a day. So just a few pages left. Also the tentative date for PKN:KIN is 26 July you are all invited to present.

Apr 15, 10 5:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh. Dear. Lord. Somehow I got suckered into riding with Abram, my mom, and her husband while they drive 2.5 hours to pick up some goats. My mom isn't the best trailor puller so this drive will probably last much much longer. Shoot me please!

Apr 15, 10 5:51 pm  · 

Got paid today AND I got my Federal tax return deposited into my account. My tax return was almost the EXACT amount as a single paycheck for me, so imagine my surprise/shock/delight when I saw a balance that looked like I got paid twice!

Apr 15, 10 10:20 pm  · 

I was about to post something about having a surreal week, but 2.5 hours in a car with goats .... yeah... I think you win.

Apr 15, 10 10:28 pm  · 

Definitely, goats for the win.

I'm whipped. Was at BSU all day reviewing five awesome students. One did a really cool eco-utopia proposal - super intense work. The other four are a group that is doing fabrication projects and critiquing the relationship between digital and analog and the state of contemporary practice. More of their work is here. And by the way - the client of "untitled" is me. These guys are so good that I'm commissioning them to do a piece for my house - I think I've mentioned this before - the experience of being a client has been very educational and slightly hair-raising! We should all try being on the other side of the table at least once.

Thank god for bourbon. Seriously: thank you, potential omniscient being, for bourbon.

Apr 15, 10 11:03 pm  · 

man it's late and i haven't been drinking, even. Time for bed.

Are you getting any of the goats Sarah, or at least their milk? Donna, so they are making a fireplace screen for you with embedded LED lighting? Did i read that right?

Apr 15, 10 11:24 pm  · 

hey guys, this is dumb, but copper - what do you mean by "at screen resolution"? What resolution should I use for on-screen viewing, typically? I guess I'm so used to printing (300 dpi) that I don't really know what else to do.

Also, philip - "optimize pdf" in acrobat? Is that in the pro version? I don't have the pro version anymore since I don't work for a firm currently. How does it drop the file size -- is it just by dropping the resolution of images? 'Cuz if so, that's great, I'll do that in inDesign.

Thanks for your help everyone. Postal, tuna, I could send to you, if you send me your email addresses.

Apr 15, 10 11:45 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

screen resolution = 72 ppi.

you can optimize straight out of indesign.

file -> export -> pdf -> compression -> downsample image

Apr 16, 10 12:41 am  · 

Or when you export to pdf, at the top of the settings box there will be a drop-down where you check what pre-set you want to start with: choose "Smallest File Size". Basically your computer monitor is 72 dpi, so there's no point in something that's meant to be viewed on-screen being denser than that. Even if you want to do 150dpi in case they print it, that should take down your file size considerably.

Apr 16, 10 1:47 am  · 

@manta... yes, the 'optimize pdf' tool is only in acrobat pro... without opening the program to look, i believe that it is under the 'advanced' drop down menu... it is great! you can downsample images and (for scanned documents) it automatically rotates the pages to straighten out text and runs OCR so that you can copy/paste text/mark up text...

Apr 16, 10 7:38 am  · 

Ahh, excellent, thanks everyone. I sent the one that was 150 - that got it down to 4.8 megs and, knowing how firms operate, I'm pretty sure they'll print it out and pass to the managing principle instead of viewing on screen. I feel much better - thanks!

Apr 16, 10 8:53 am  · 
Ms Beary

trace, if you happen to read this, check your e-mail please. I left you a message in there, but I suspect the archinect e-mail you use to correspond with me isn't your primary.

Apr 16, 10 9:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh my effing god, we didn't get back until eleven effing o'clock. I was pissed! We were only at the goat place for 30 minutes, and we litterally stopped at a gas station for supper. I had a bag of combos and poor Abe had a lunchable.
I mean, if you want to see "mama bear" then just mess with my poor baby's meals and sleeping. I have no patience for people's poor planning making my son suffer. I hate inconsideracy. Oh, I was pissed. Still am, really.

And no, my mother tells me that you don't milk "Spanish goats". Whatever. She now has four of them. The kids are kinda cute, but I'm still mad about it. Stupid goats.

Apr 16, 10 9:33 am  · 

Sarah Hamilton - Keeping archinect real since 2007.

Apr 16, 10 2:22 pm  · 
Apr 16, 10 2:26 pm  · 

i think we're going to have to wash sarah's keyboarding fingers with soap.

Apr 16, 10 3:00 pm  · 

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