Due to the overwhelming response... this has been extended thru wednesday.
Live streaming video by Ustream
The project you're watching me work on is the Temporary Addition to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, as I mentioned in an earlier post. What I'm hoping to accomplish tonight is the complete integration of the floor structure, a series of concrete trusses that run under the entire 1800' length of the project. I have already modeled the exterior walls and glazing that enclose the paintings, as well as the primary circulation paths and the entry/exit points. Desk Crits at 8:30 tomorrow, let's see what happens!
Are you sure you want to block this user and hide all related comments throughout the site?
You're right.. this is kind of creepy. however, it would be more interesting if we could see what you were creating.
thats the best i can do.
this is amazing...what courage! I only wish we could give live commentary. Really good stuff that you would do this felt like I was over your shoulder watching you work
put this up on your monitor...
Wow, your work is really interesting. I'm intrigued by the voyeurism. It's a view that only studio-mates can see. Very cool.
you missed a spot...
but come on how are you going to finish for 8 if you keep checking youtube?
Sorry kids... getting a few hours of shut eye. back in the morning.
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