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steven,, is it weird that i did realize that you were absent?

Apr 11, 09 2:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Definitely, Steven, those are church hats, but I found the images on Jezebel where the discussion was about Derby hats, and I realized I had never understood just how important hats are at that event! I wore a hat for my wedding rehearsal, still have it in the closet somewhere - it's a straw hat on which I can switch out bows/ribbons/accoutrements to fit the occasion. Problem is, I have no occasion!

Those images also remind me how much I loved watching the older African American women walk to church in Philly every week - big church dress-up tradition there.

This morning was the neighborhood easter egg hunt, followed by another easter egg hunt at the hot rod shop. My child was - literally - staggering around drunk on sugar. He stumbled into flowerbeds, slurred his words, stared off and laughed at nothing, etc. At least I'm glad to see he's a happy drunk like me, not a belligerent drunk like so many!

Apr 11, 09 3:22 pm  · 

That is just to funny funny!

Apr 11, 09 5:32 pm  · 

happy b-day l-b!

I'm happily tired - got to plant my peas today!

manta - from what I've gleaned, as adjunct, I get to do my own thing for the classes I teach - ie, I don't have a boss breathing over my shoulder offering stupid ideas that I can't say no too. So I can keep my head down and avoid all power struggles and bad management to a greater extent - that sounds refreshing.

Apr 11, 09 6:54 pm  · 

just got to spend the evening at a party with 10+/- architects, 10+/- landscape architects, and some others. i love design folks. we're not fun (as in crazy, wild, etc) but we sure are interesting.

Apr 11, 09 11:23 pm  · 

i was really pissed off at this site listing 190 firms for architects and all being IT companies.

on a better note,

happy birthday lb!

Apr 11, 09 11:50 pm  · 
vado retro

orhan that's the way it is with the term architect these days. its been coopted just as the term associate was.

so, i began rereading High Fidelity(yes it was at the library) just for fun and I realized that I don't visualize the characters from the movie as I read it. That's because so many experiences in that book are like my own. I have my own five worst breakups and with a tweek here and there they are so similar its a bit mind boggling. What i didn't remember from the book is that the french film Diva is mentioned twice in the first chapter. Top five foreign language films and one of his top five breakup's top five favorite films of all time... Well that is one of my top five films of all time. I 've seen it at least twenty times...

What's also fun is that someone has chosen to underline in pencil certain lines from the book. the first underlined line...unhappiness really meant something back then. Now its just a drag, like a cold or having no money.... I couldn't agree more.

Apr 12, 09 9:36 am  · 
liberty bell

My main memory of High Fidelity the book: I read it when I lived with a female roommate. When I read the line that went something like this "I realized I truly loved Stella so much that I went right out and slept with Kate." I laughed my ass off and thought damn that sounds like something I'd do. When my roommate read the book, she read that line and threw the book across the room because it sounded like every boyfriend she'd ever had. I didn't tell her what I had thought.

Apr 12, 09 9:45 am  · 
Ms Beary

Does anyone else tend to read TC backwards?

Apr 12, 09 10:04 am  · 
Ms Beary

Orhan, I just added you as a friend on FB.

Apr 12, 09 10:16 am  · 
Ms Beary

Treekiller, I added you too.

Apr 12, 09 10:17 am  · 
vado retro

Did you add me???
Trivia Alert!!!!
Also, the actress that plays the music writer for the Reader in High Fidelity is Natalie Wood's daughter.

Apr 12, 09 10:30 am  · 
Ms Beary

vado, I was waiting for you to add ME! :)

Apr 12, 09 10:33 am  · 
vado retro

Let's add each other!

Oh speaking of hats. I saw a story about Luke Song! who joined his families millinary bidness in DETROIT and designed the hat that Aretha wore for the Inauguration(sp?)...

Apr 12, 09 10:37 am  · 

ha, that's interesting, vado and liberty. I am thinking that if I read the book now, the characters may have morphed into something else -- I read the book probably within 1 year of having seen the movie.

How To Be Good is just not very good at all.

Apr 12, 09 11:06 am  · 

i looved both the movie and the book- hello tc! long time no see. just stopping for a minute to say hi.

Apr 12, 09 11:19 am  · 


f-ing massachusetts health care laws. I was without insurance for one month last year because of the neglect of my former employer - and I'm the one who gets penalized? WTF.

besides - the whole thing is set up to benefit the insurance companies, not the individual. by law you are mandated to sign up for insurance - but it doesn't mean you'll get adequate health care or pay less for insurance. it's a racket, pure and simple. I can't believe people are promoting this as an alternative to single-payer...


Apr 12, 09 11:37 am  · 

'beary, yeay. (you can ignore my note to you).

Apr 12, 09 12:08 pm  · 

So in my continuing saga of being allergic to things I love, aka kitties and red wine, yesterday was my best friend's birthday party and I decided to drink some wine and see what happens. I bought some $16 Argentinian wine that was made with organic grapes, and I had two small cups, and I'm doing OK! The down side is that the wine had an aftertaste a little bit like licking a vinyl record. Strange, right? OH well, at least I know I'm not allergic to all red wine. Hooray!

Apr 12, 09 1:44 pm  · 

Does anybody know if I'm supposed to mention my student loans on my taxes? Because the tax form isn't asking for it and the loan company didn't send me any forms for it, so I'm assuming no.

Apr 12, 09 2:53 pm  · 
vado retro

ypu're assuming we've licked vinyl records?

Apr 12, 09 2:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd mention them, especially if you've been making payments. You can get a pretty decent reduction on your taxes based on the amount of student loan interest you've paid.

Apr 12, 09 5:19 pm  · 

How To Be Good was not my cup of tea. Sorry Hornby, but you blew it on that one.

Currently reading: The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible

Jacob's writing is engaging and humorous which makes his spiritual journey three fold better.

Apr 12, 09 6:39 pm  · 

happy birthday atechno

Apr 12, 09 7:06 pm  · 

I haven't started making payments on loans I've been living off of for the past year, that doesn't happen until 6 months after graduation. I currently have no other loan payments. The loans are essentially my primary source of "income" and we determined that they are non-taxable, since they are for tuition.

Apr 12, 09 8:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Gotcha... Just make sure to include them on next year's taxes and afterwards, since there's a pretty good tax deduction for student loan interest payments.

Apr 12, 09 9:49 pm  · 

wk, I just went through TurboTax's free online version, and there was a button under the "income" tab that you had to click if you received student loan disbursement income during the year. I didn't check it out, but you might want to just in case. I've been audited once, it ain't fun.

In other news, TurboTax came up with exactly what I owed... PLUS $70 EXTRA BUCKS, which was randomly listed under the "tax owed" as a "penalty" -- with no other explanation, and no place where I could track down what the hell that was. So, screw it, I'm filing them myself -- there's no penalty I can find anywhere, and they just came up with that out of nowhere. Stupid.

Apr 12, 09 10:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ugh... I feel a cold coming on, but I have a huge deadline this week. Not cool.

This is only my second cold in two months, and my allergies have been apeshit for most of the past few weeks. Maybe I should forget about NYC and Cincinnati and just move someplace where I can actually breathe.

Apr 13, 09 12:29 am  · 
WonderK, yeah, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement of TurboTax! So, considering I couldn't find anything in H&R Block's version about student loan disbursement, I didn't bother. Incidentally I earned so little actual income last year that I qualified for the my Mom said, "probably the first and last time that will ever happen". Besides, let them audit me. I don't really have anything to give, unless they want my miserable 401K...

LIG, re: allergies. HA! I didn't always have allergies but once I did, the Ohio River valley made it absolutely miserable for me. Sinus headaches for days on end, but it doesn't help that my head is like a barometer. Bless my friends and relatives that still live there, as it's notoriously bad area of the country for people with allergies.

You could always move to Antarctica! My friend Clair is working there now, at McMurdo....pretty sure there are no allergies since nothing can really grow outside at 30 below :o)

Apr 13, 09 1:09 am  · 
liberty bell

re: allergies: Claritin is really helping me this spring. It's over the counter, I think.

This is going to sound more grumpy than it is, but: Monday morning, pouring rain, and the local NPR is having their pledge drive....sigh......

Apr 13, 09 7:23 am  · 

but we all love you, lb! *sunshine/smile*

Apr 13, 09 7:59 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'll have to give Claritin a try. I saw an allergist last year, and he said my main culprit was indoor allergens like dust mites, etc., rather than pollen. Apparently I'm also mildly allergic to cats, which was surprising given that I've been around cats for most of my life.

Apr 13, 09 8:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks Steven! I'm actually in a very good mood, and when it rains I can wear my big dumb knee-high farmers wellies to walk the dog, which I always enjoy!

Apr 13, 09 8:08 am  · 

i've had alllergies (to just about everything) my whole life. but i've seen too many people start medicating them and then finding themselves forced to escalate their medications - i decided years ago just to deal with it. some days i suffer the consequences more than others.

what makes me even more determined to soldier on, ignoring my allergies as much as possible?: over the past few years i think i've developed an allergy to beer. i'm not about to let that one get me.

Apr 13, 09 8:09 am  · 

splash some puddles empty for me while you're out, lb!!

Apr 13, 09 8:10 am  · 

Huzzah all,
It is Monday!

Apr 13, 09 8:11 am  · 
liberty bell


Apr 13, 09 8:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, you've guys have been nusy the past few days.

Only one couple came to our Poker Party, so we didnt play any poker, but thats ok. They were the couple we liked best anyway! It takes me forever to make real friends, but I think I might be making one. They drink like we do, they think similarly to us, they have a 3 month old baby boy. Its a match made in heaven. They do like their kid better than we do, or maybe they're better parents, in anycase, they spend all their free time with heir baby, where we send him to the sitter no matter WHAT we're doing. We like our 'us' time.

They say that eating local honey helps to build your immune system against allergens. That allergens are just you body being bored with nothihng good to fight, so it fights benign stuff like pollin. I read that somewhere. Seems worth a try to me.

Husband wants me to go back to school to become a physical therapist - its a two year degree. I dont know how I feel about it. I mean, I like sceince and biology. I'm always researching it online - reading Gray's (not Greys) Anatomy, ect, but two more years in school? I just dont know. Any thoughts?

Apr 13, 09 10:04 am  · 

sh- just don't feed honey to abram till the doc says it's okay.

wK- student loans are not income, grants, scholarships, fellowships, and stuff like that is. you can deduct the interest on the student loans, so make sure to keep all your paperwork and statements.

I sent an acceptance email last night for teaching - now I just have to survive this job for 5 more months...

Apr 13, 09 10:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, Abe's a year old, well, 13 months - almost 14, so he's supposed to be allowed. I just havent given him any yet, I dont think. I have noticed that goats milk helps a lot when he's snotty. Maybe it works for adults too. Clears up his snot a week or so faster, something about how it doesn't induce flem like cows milk does. Its just so dadgum expensive!

Apr 13, 09 10:24 am  · 

Eating locally sourced honey and bee pollen does help with allergies...

Also, SH PTs make pretty good money! But yeah i was never one for the medical or associated fields as a profession. Although i felt the same about IT and look at me now.

Good for you tk.

Apr 13, 09 11:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, check out what Husband made for me this weekend. Well, he made everything but the door - and the paint colour came with the house.

Apr 13, 09 12:23 pm  · 

"Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!"

Apr 13, 09 12:35 pm  · 

Is that a sliding door?

Apr 13, 09 12:35 pm  · 

"Without doubt, machinery has greatly increased the number of well-to-do idlers."

Apr 13, 09 12:35 pm  · 
vado retro

your current wait time is more than five minutes. we apologize for the delay.

Apr 13, 09 1:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm a well-to-do idler. But if I don't stop idling and get some work done soon, I'll be less than well-to-do.

Apr 13, 09 1:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It is now, Nam. It was a door I found in a dumpster, which somebody cut down to an odd width, something like 33.68." And we needed a door between the laundryway and the dining area, and this seemed like a good solution. I've been begging husband to do it, but I never thought he'd actually make all the hardware. Only cost us 80 bucks for the whole thing, and there are scraps left over to make other things. I still have to paint the metal black, though.

Apr 13, 09 2:07 pm  · 

Sarah, why would you become a PT? Do you want to? If you want to, go for it -- they make a shit ton of money and it's very little schooling.

You do a lot of house calls, and working with the elderly and the disabled. You build one-on-one client relationships. You also have to touch people a lot, and massage and work with them. You have to convince them to do things they don't want to do. You have a lot of one-on-one time but not a lot of group time I don't think. There's a lot of paperwork. And again, you make a lot of money. I think I covered the basics...?
(My fake-brother-in-law is a PT and I've quizzed him a lot about his job, out of curiosity. He is WAY into the body, and into working out and sports--he is an Iron Man and has been interested in the body and how it works since birth, specifically how muscles and joints work. It's his passion the way architecture is to us. I don't think he likes the paperwork though, and it sounds like it can be a drag when you're seeing the same 20 people every week and the improvement is very, very, very slow to minimal. But you CAN believe that you are helping them more easily than we can believe it...)

Apr 13, 09 2:18 pm  · 

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