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Melt, thanks for the concern.

She was Back home Wed evening after two nights in the hospital. Doctors wanted to run some tests. She fell recently the second time in a few years. The first tiem breakign her pelvis and being laid up for 6 weeks. This time it looks like everything is ok but they are going to start her on a seriosu PT (physical therapy) regime to try and rebuidl her bodies strength and muscle mass after years of RA (rheumatoid arthritis).....

Also, regarding Palin et al drama. I read yesterday where soe conservative writer basically insinutaed that Levi and his sister are incestuous white trash in comparison to Pail family who is apparently what Alaska calls upper class????

Anywho, the whole thing bores me mainly because i want Palin to die a permanent media death.

Have a fantastic Friday y'all!!

Apr 10, 09 8:28 am  · 

some punks tried to steal my car last night (only for the forth time). Again they snapped the steering column - so i still have a ride and a $$$ repair.

it would be adjunct or practice or maybe both...

Apr 10, 09 10:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm alive

but an eyelash seems to have fallen into my eye and i'm having a difficult time getting it out...very annoying

Apr 10, 09 11:01 am  · 
vado retro

when i lived in albucrackee with my exgirlfriend probably not future wife(who accepted a tenure track professorship at the univerity of louisiana at monroe, yay!) somebody tried to steal our neighbors car and the alarm went off and we heard some yelling and then he popped off three or four shots into the air(thanks dude we live across the parking lot and upstairs!wtf???) to scare them away. this was like at seven at night. good times!

Apr 10, 09 11:02 am  · 

A car drove through the corner of the house across the street from parents this weekend. How's that for some fun?

TK - THAT SUCKS!!!! Will insurance cover that? Is it even worth calling in a claim?

Apr 10, 09 11:55 am  · 
vado retro

the wierdest thing i've heard lataely is a grandmother was stabbed to death while trying to break up a sword fight between her 39 year old grandson and her 69 year old brother in law. wtf?

Apr 10, 09 12:00 pm  · 

yes vado that is weird. So last night I got plastered for charity. Perhaps the most brilliant scheme ever, have a fund raiser at a bar and forewarn people as well. The drinks were heavy handed, so were the tips, and the donations. Fun was had by all. When I showed up at 10 the organisers were already plastered. And since everyone has been fasting the alcohol made swift journey to blood.

In other news I had a site visit to a friend's music studio, and should be doing a small, a very small project. It's just for the sound proof booth. It was originally done on a budget but the final effect has awful reverberation. I'm thinking to wrap the interior with some cheap but effective material to make it look like a smoking jacket

Apr 10, 09 12:51 pm  · 

*m, not sure if our renters will cover it. I dropped comp/collision few years back once the car was over 10 years old.

Apr 10, 09 2:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

do we know for sure that 'vitaminwater' isn't just kool-aid in a bottle?

because that's kind of what it tastes like...and if it is, then i think that's got to be about the most brilliant idea ever.

Apr 10, 09 2:46 pm  · 

tk, why wouldn't you teach?

Apr 10, 09 3:33 pm  · 

manta, that's the question I'm asking - teaching seems like a much better option then my current job:

The pay is comparable, the stress is less, the hours more flexible, I get to explore stuff I'm interested in, less office/departmental politics (as an adjunct), the benefits are better, and it moves me towards my ultimate goal of having my own practice.

downsides? maybe that I'd not be making any progress on IDP (like I'd even get the 25 days of CDs that are remaining at my current job), less korean banquets/travel, parking is expensive/taking the bus is really cold in the winter/most of the school year...

Apr 10, 09 3:59 pm  · 

Sounds like maybe this teaching job just isn't the right one or its isn't the right time?
I mean if it was wouldn't you jump at it?

Alos, re: the news article 12 reasons not to Render;

It seems like 9 and 10 would be key points, which I haven't thought of before.

9. You Won’t Be Working on Important Tasks

So while you are making pretty pictures, your friends in the office will be doing real work. Creating presentation images is indeed important and you will still be a valuable member of the team, but, in the end this won’t amount to anything more than an image that makes your client “oooh and ahh.”

10. You Will Learn Less

This is similar to the last point. While you are modelling, you won’t be doing any detailing, space planning, or structural coordination. Really, you are going to be missing out on all of those “important tasks” that will make you a more complete architect. There is no 3d Modelling section on the exams

What are TCs thoughts on it? At least if you weren't licensed yet.

Apr 10, 09 4:11 pm  · 

Wow Treekiller. You've managed to succinctly capture exactly what I'm dealing with now. My current job adequately pays the bills, and it has a few other perks as well most of which are really good at this point in time ie. a fair amount of travel, self defined objectives, etc - but failing that I want to put a pen through my eye because my architectural soul is being crucified (did everyone see the biblical reference there, nonetheless I digress). They've just put the full-time offer on the table. It is roughly 15 - 20 hours teaching and all the good stuff you mention, but it allows me the time to work part-time for 20 hrs a week to cover my one year requirement to be registered locally. And like you - ultimately I want to open my own practice. But ask me why am I still tentative about this decision?

Apr 10, 09 4:12 pm  · 

hah hah which article is that Nam?Sounds perfect to me

Apr 10, 09 4:29 pm  · 

I'm salivating at the chance to teach about sustainability, but I don't just want to make an emotional decision regarding my career. As to this being the right or not opportunity - it's the only game in town and we're committed to staying another winter. the choice is to either keep the current gig or go 75% adjunct.

I'll be exploring if there are other appointments at the U that can give me another 25% next week. otherwise, I'll ask my current gig about working 8hrs/week once I give notice.

generating endless proposals for bleh project types seems to be my fate at my current job if no new projects start up - almost worth a pen through my ear. Only positive that I'll miss about this gig is the window/view.

Apr 10, 09 4:36 pm  · 


Apr 10, 09 4:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

...those who can't, teach.

and those who can't teach...teach gym

Apr 10, 09 4:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've never heard of an adjunct getting benefits, tk. Are you sure about that?

Apr 10, 09 4:59 pm  · 

lb, the appointment would be as a 'lecturer' at 75% time (ie 3 classes over the year) with these folks. But yes, they do provide benefits! the U's budget isn't finalized for next year until next month, so the spot isn't set in stone yet, but I seem to have first refusal for the gig.

puddles - drop and GIVE ME TEN for talking in class!

Apr 10, 09 5:13 pm  · 

tk, it sounds like a pretty good deal. If the salary is comparable I don't see why not. Plus, as you said, your schedule would be more flexible and you could potentially start working on some stuff of your own, right? That's cool.

So we canceled our event today under 70% chance of rain...and then it didn't rain. And now it's sunny. Bleeping LA weather.

Apr 10, 09 6:06 pm  · 

hi tumbles! Sadly, being jobless, you are in pretty good company :o/

Apr 10, 09 6:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm jealous! I want to come, guys. Sadly, the drive is a bit long.

Apr 10, 09 6:19 pm  · 

Tweed - I guess this means you didn't get the teaching gig? What a disappointment, you seemed so excited and it sounded like a really cool job. :o/

WK - I think your rain ended up here. It's been raining on and off all day. We got thunder once and I was really excited that we'd have a good storm coming in, but alas nothing more developed.

TK - I'm with DubK on this... if the job's benefits and salary are comparable I don't see why you wouldn't accept it. Besides don't you keep saying that they aren't giving you the IDP hours that you need anyway?

Mmmmmmm zucchini bread.

Apr 10, 09 6:42 pm  · 

WE were actually supposed to have THUDERSTORMS today too....the excitement of that possibility almost made up for the fact that we'd have to cancel our event. Alas, no thunderstorms and no event. Sad.

tumbles I'm totally there except I don't eat eggs, LOL. I know, I'm a freak. Unless you make me an omelette with egg whites, which I will eat. I'll bring everything else though.

Sarah you should give yourself a little road trip to LA and come visit us! Strawbeary can come too.... I think the drive is equi-distant. Anyone who doesn't have a job, come on out and tumbles and I will entertain you for a bit.

Apr 10, 09 6:52 pm  · 

@tumbles... are you rearing chickens?

Apr 10, 09 7:01 pm  · 

food and teaching. teaching and food.

oddly enough though i was a professional cook for a few years in my yung days i don't get too worked up over it any more. which is probably a good thing. i have enough hobbies and jobs to add any more. maybe this is why i still weigh not much more than i did 20 years ago...

i am with you guys on the teaching things tk, archi...teaching is such a blast but so is practice. how to get to a point where both are possible is something i wonder about all the time lately.

Apr 10, 09 7:53 pm  · 

a-t, what does begging a bly for the coaster dem please, dem have dem pickney fi feed. mean?

Apr 10, 09 8:00 pm  · 

HA!!!!! I was wondering the same exact thing.

Apr 10, 09 8:04 pm  · 

hah hah you guys are awesome. tk & ****melt it's a line from a local song. It's called dem nuh like we which translates to "they don't like us." The song aims to articulate the socio-economic environment that has resulted in a general distrust of agents of the government by inner city youths. The line specifically speaks to how drivers of coasters - informal mass transit vehicles are dealt with; bly is a colloquial slang for "allow" and that their actions are justified within the context as they aim to feed their children or pickney. But Nam could of told you - he's shown himself to be quite an expert in urban Jamaican music

Apr 10, 09 9:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

If your chicken won't lay eggs, will you eat it? I think you should, or at least take her to an ethnic market and trade her in for one thats already butchered.

Apr 10, 09 10:46 pm  · 
liberty bell
Steven Ward!

You never told me that everyone wears hats to the Derby! Now I'm aching to go...but first I have to get a hat!

Apr 10, 09 10:49 pm  · 

tweed -- i love your use of "renovated" there... bummer on the teaching gig though, that's a shame. selfishly, i had thought to myself "it would be fun to hear about that experience" when you brought it up. but i did want you to get it selflessly too!

did you say that chicken was 3 DOLLARS? Where do you live that they let you keep chickens? interesting proposition. i know they allow it in many cities in washington state.

TK : I see absolutely zero reason you should not accept this. You clearly will enjoy it. It's a blast, and sounds like a good filler for a year PLUS a great way to get your name out there in the teaching circles and start to refine your teaching pedagogy, etcetera. Very creatively challenging -- and it sounds like you are not currently being challenged, that's for sure. You do need to have a lot of energy, day in and day out though -- but you also get energized, at the same time.

One thing I'd like to point out though:

less office/departmental politics (as an adjunct)

I wouldn't say that's true, surprisingly. It's just a different kind of political game, and a little subtler. Just something to think about. That can be a surprise.

Apr 10, 09 11:12 pm  · 

WOW LB!!!! That is an absolutely gorgeous hat. How did you not know everyone wears hats to the Derby? I thought that was common knowledge, or just common knowledge to the daughter of a woman who spent summers on a horse racing farm. My mom and I have been wanting to go to the Derby for years, but tickets are expensive, at least for the stands, which is what we've always wanted to do. Alas, maybe next year.

Anyhoo - I just got done watching High Fidelity for the first time. Great movie. Even better soundtrack. I now have a huge desire to read the book.

Apr 10, 09 11:20 pm  · 

nobody told me Zaha was making hats now

Apr 10, 09 11:23 pm  · 
Apr 10, 09 11:26 pm  · 

Squeee! The Obama's dog is finally coming next week! It's a Portuguese Water Dog puppy!

Oh I can't wait to get a dog of my own.

Apr 10, 09 11:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin
High Fidelity

is a great flick... It really captures the feel of the Wicker Park indie music scene of the late 90's or so. (I have a close friend in Chicago who's a producer/musician and a music writer for the Trib, so I was somewhat of a hanger-on in that scene for a period.) All the venues in the film, like the Lounge Ax, Double Door, and the Music Box Theater are/were places that I'm pretty familiar with.

I wasn't able to take any time off from work (I even got some shit for leaving an hour early yesterday and today for Holy Week services), but I did take advantage of the nice weather on Thursday and head into Central Park on my lunch break... And I found the Holy Ghost. Apparently he lives in a box:

Boo! Happy Easter!

Now back into the box until Pentecost...

He seemed a little young to be a bishop, although I can think of a diocese or two that might be desperate enough... At least the box makes him easy to ship.

Apr 10, 09 11:38 pm  · 

Gin that is kind of hilarious actually. I am honestly surprised I have not seen the Holy Ghost here in Downtown LA, with all of the crazies that frequent the neighborhood. We do have a Pirate Bum though. No kidding - he is awesome.

Apr 10, 09 11:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Best part is, he's actually wearing the correct liturgical colors for Maundy Thursday.

Apr 11, 09 12:21 am  · 

lb, those hats are nice (and my wife agrees) but we also both observed that most are NOT derby hats. those are church hats, i.e., easter hats, many too boring for derby.

i'm like *m, can't believe you don't know about derby hats.

happy birthday!

this year we'll probably limit our derby activities to the derby fashion show this past week, maybe a couple of parties, and a track day during derby week (not derby day itself). NEXT year though, not only will we be at derby but on millionaire's row! (nice perks from old friends of my wife.)

Apr 11, 09 8:36 am  · 
vado retro

Happy Birthday LB! I posted the song that was number 1 during the week of your birth.

I love High Fidelity. Here's a little info about it though and why there's a strain of Chicago actors/playwriters/Rob Gordon types who resent that film. Before the film was done an adaptation of the book called The Vinyl Shop was done by a local Chicago writer/actor and ran in Chicago for quite awhile and was very very popular. When the film was cast they didn't use any of the people who were in the play nor did they give any credit to it, so with certain people I know if you mention HIgh Fidelity you get the "man they ripped off the Vinyl Shop and it was so much better" etc...anyway my favorite ScEnE from the flick.

Apr 11, 09 10:48 am  · 
vado retro

WonderK if life's got you down, get a DOG!

Apr 11, 09 10:51 am  · 

I was just thinking to myself that I haven't seen Steven Ward in awhile...

Archi, thanks for the complement, but even that one wasn't completely comprehensible to me..

Happy Saturday all.

Apr 11, 09 11:23 am  · 

nam, my recent switch to overseeing most of the work in the office while the other partners hustle work ISN'T working for me. that's why i've been absent.

Apr 11, 09 11:53 am  · 
brian buchalski

even i know about derby hats...and this is coming from someone who doesn't wear pants let alone accessories like fancy hats

Apr 11, 09 12:03 pm  · 

Watching High Fidelty and then reading the book was what first tipped me off that Nick Hornby is a screenwriter, not a literary author. Reading several others of his confirmed this. It's almost as though he is writing with, in the back of his mind, the intention of transforming the words for the screen... I love the movies that come from his books but the books themselves lack depth to me. I enjoy his short pieces for various magazines though.

Also, tuna, it'll be interesting if you end up reading his book like I did -- all the main character's words came through my head in Jon Cusack's voice, all the assistant's words in Jack Black's, etc etc etc -- and it kept creeping me out that they were in London and not Chicago! The movie was so very well cast and adapted that I couldn't get it out of my head when reading the book. Wonder if that'll happen to you, too...?

Apr 11, 09 12:30 pm  · 

vado I don't agree with Ben Stein on much but I agree with him on that! I think getting a dog will be the first thing I do after I get an income. Especially if I have to move someplace by myself. :o/

Apr 11, 09 12:32 pm  · 

Awesome scene vado - that's a great one. The other one I love is when the guy comes into the shop and asks for if they have the record for his daughter and they force him out of the store. Was it really filmed in London? Wow, I had no idea.

I've been wanting a dog for a while now... since my parents got an awesome coon hound named Lucy. I've also met some really great ones of late, but unfortunately one of the cat's I cohabitate with is scared to death of them (literally) and I just couldn't' do that to her. Perhaps when she passes. We shall are relatively less maintenance.

Happy birthday LB

Apr 11, 09 12:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It was filmed in Chicago. I think the book is set in London, though.

Apr 11, 09 1:00 pm  · 
vado retro

i am at the libary right now looking for Clouzot films, maybe I'll go grab High Fidelity while I'm here. I read it a couple of years before the movie came out. As far as I know they havent made How To Be Good(which i have an autographed copy of but didn't think was that good.) or A Long Way Down or Slam into films. I guess his streak was broken.

Apr 11, 09 1:47 pm  · 

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