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Oh I had something to weigh in on the plastic bag debate. But let me preface by saying that I think all plastic bags should be biodegradable (within 7 years). That said my recent take on it is that most plastic bags get at least two uses out of it, from the supermarket to carry your stuff - secondly to pick up poo or take out the trash. Importantly it is a duty that would otherwise be done with a second bag. Could the LEED folk give me some guidance please

Apr 7, 09 11:13 pm  · 

Another brilliant Jon Stewart show tonight!

Apr 7, 09 11:17 pm  · 

Sorry TC - I didn't mean to cause such a stir about the plastic bag issue. Really I didn't and I think using them to pick up dog poop is a very honourable thing. Hell, like I said I use them to clean out the catbox, but it still doesn't make me feel less ill esp. when I see them floating around everywhere... in trees, in bushes, floating on the water running to the sewers after a hard rain. Doesn't help either that I saw another blurb out the Northwest geyer (?) and all the plastic that sitting in it just prior to my venture to the supermarket.

I did however find these online. Unfortunately they probably cost an arm and a leg.

Apr 7, 09 11:28 pm  · 
vado retro

across Londinium between four types of transportation. Who will win???

Apr 7, 09 11:44 pm  · 

wonderK - clip-on bike shoes too? you'd look pretty normal in my neighborhood.

Apr 7, 09 11:47 pm  · 

things don't biodegrade if they are packed in a landfill... you've got to compost.

Apr 7, 09 11:51 pm  · 

yea the plastic reminds me of this - worse when it's about the size of the island I live in

Apr 8, 09 12:03 am  · 

*m, do not apologize. I can't believe that this country is taking so long to get on the reusable bag bandwagon, actually. Hell, I've given reusable bags as gifts to nearly everyone I know by now, so my people are covered! :o)

(PS. Which is not to say I don't use roommate - despite the reusable bags I've given her - still comes home with plastic, so I use them for bathroom trash bags. It's the best I can do.)

Re: bike questions:

toasteroven - no clips. Those shoes freak me out. I've got bad coordination to begin with, so I stick to shoes that don't attach to my bike, i.e. my pairs of Converse or Sketchers.

techno - we roll our right pant leg up - not necessarily the left, though - because the gears are on the right side. For those of us that have several or more gears, if you wear pants while biking, the pant leg can get caught in the gear and either rip or get really greasy. Best to just roll it up or strap it down.

And now for a bit of fun...if you're a biker you might already know about this, if not, enjoy some bikes on the highway! (I wish I had the balls to do that, but alas, I have no balls at all, LOL....)

Apr 8, 09 12:58 am  · 

That Top Gear race across London is so awesome! The guy on the public transportation cracks me up!

Apr 8, 09 1:07 am  · 

WK, apart from the fact that no one cares what they look like when biking what you describe is normal for everyday life in tokyo. fridges are small-ish and we shop everyday, only carrying what fits in the basket. my youngest fits into a basket on the other end of the bike, and that is normal too...

i guess life is just eco-tastic in tokyo! but you know its pretty normal for other parts of the world too...

Apr 8, 09 7:26 am  · 
Living in Gin

Slightly hung over this morning, and in dire need of more sleep... There's a reason I usually minimize my drinking on weeknights.

Apr 8, 09 8:06 am  · 

That's one thing I miss about living in Europe, grocery shopping every few days and being completely carbon free (not including the carbon dioxide I exhale) doing it. My next place is going to be located close enough to a grocery store that I can walk to.

Atechno - Isn't that considered the Northwest Geyer? Just the thought of all that trash makes me ill.

Apr 8, 09 8:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We LOVE top gear. Its actually one of the few things I miss not having cable tv.

Apr 8, 09 9:48 am  · 
liberty bell

It's a really good feeling to pull up to a grocery store (or farmer's market) on a bike and haul everything home by your own power. Living in the city, walking, I could stop at the store on the way home and carry the bags with me - once I had Angus in a stroller, in some ways it became MORE challenging because I had to fit the baby, his bag, my briefcase, my work shoes, plus the groceries onto the stroller and keep my hands free for pushing.

I love the crazy contraptions people build onto their bikes to facilitate hauling stuff. I'm a big fan of ad hoc building, in all modes.

Apr 8, 09 10:07 am  · 
vado retro

i often walk to the grocery store. i might do it today. and its about ten blocks or so. as long as i don't need to carry cat litter. speaking of kids and transport. why is it that in a car the kid has to be so secured but you can hook up this two wheel contraption on the back of your bike and just toss them in? i don't get that one.

Apr 8, 09 10:15 am  · 

woh, i missed the new archi...very good news indeed. well done!

Apr 8, 09 10:23 am  · 

Great news Archi,
Hopefully you find out all details soon.

As for shopping, biking, plastic bags et al.
I tend to shop at least couple times a week, either bicycling or walking to nearby neighborhood stores both larger chains and locally owned. I currently do not use grocery bags regularly although I have them. Mostly because a combo of lazyness and forgetfullnes.
If they stopped giving plastic bags though i would definetly start brining my own.

Melt, you sure they don't recycle plastic bags? My Publix (big chain grocer) collects them.. Wonder what they do with them..

Oh and SH how did that fancy looking drink turn out the other day/last weekend?

Apr 8, 09 10:29 am  · 
my soundtrack this morning

- trying to figure out why we didn't make the short list...

top gear forgot to include london taxis as a mode - that should have been faster then the private car - its all about the Knowledge.

Apr 8, 09 10:37 am  · 
Living in Gin

I hate to be the contrarian here, but I miss being able to drive to the big Safeway or Kroger's and doing most of my grocery shopping once every two weeks.

Here in NYC, my only shopping choices within walking distance are small, filthy neighborhood grocery stores with horrible selections and even worse customer service. (You're lucky if the cashier even speaks broken English, and they're usually too busy listening to their iPods or sending text messages to even look at your.) The closest store is five blocks from my apartment, which is an easy walk if the weather is nice and you're not carrying tons of groceries, but it's a major pain in the ass when you have a bad shoulder and there's a foot of snow on the sidewalks. I could break my shopping up into multiple trips, but that becomes very time-consuming and physically tiring, and I find it much easier to stick to a budget when I make one big trip after each payday. When I make multiple trips, I generally end up blowing my money on impulse purchases.

Luckily there's a small grocery store near my office that's a bit cleaner and nicer, and sometimes I'll stop there to pick up a couple things on the way home from work. But then I have to carry it all on the subway during evening rush hour, which is a major hassle as well.

Apr 8, 09 10:43 am  · 
On the fence

There's always Peapod.

Apr 8, 09 10:50 am  · 
Living in Gin

Peapod doesn't serve NYC. We have Fresh Direct, which is similar... I've never used them, but I think I prefer actually seeing my groceries in person before paying for them, and not have to worry about scheduling delivery times. And if our aim is to be carbon-neutral, then paying to have a big refrigerated delivery truck idling outside my building doesn't really achieve that goal.

Apr 8, 09 10:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, I didnt make that drink, havent made it to the liquor store for the cachaca yet. I live in a 'damp' county, which means wine and beer, but no hard stuff. I have to drive downtown to get it - 25 miles away, so I'm waiting until this lunch thing at the AIA in a few weeks. I did make caipriniha with bicardi - it was pretty bad. I will try it again when I get the cachaca.

I think charging for bags is a great idea. Sprouts gives me a 10cent discount for every bag I bring, but thats not the same as charging for bags you dont bring.

Apr 8, 09 11:29 am  · 

fresh direct is pretty good l.i.g...and definitely better/
comparable to most bodegas you'd be walking into.

i've found manhattan to have a lot more grocery stores than
i would've expected... especially with the new wholefoods popping
up everywhere.

paper v plastic... usually paper..or try not to take a bag.

reading cradle to cradle the one thing that sticks out to me is the futility of typical recycling thinking...most items are thought of in terms of one or two reuses..but the goal should be to allow for complete recycling each and every time which i think still requires more thought.

my main problem is i don't truly understand what can and cannot be recycled... i for one feel as though it could be more obvious..or am i wrong?

Apr 8, 09 2:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I may give Fresh Direct a try later in the month and see how it works out... Grocery shopping is one of those occasions where I really wish I still had a car. The Whole Foods at Columbus Circle is also on my way home, but I find them way too expensive and crowded... I'll go out of my way to buy my coffee at the Fairway on the UWS, though.

I'm also curious about why plastic bags can't be recycled. Almost every grocery store seems to have a bin for shoppers to deposit old bags.

Apr 8, 09 3:09 pm  · 

Hey Lars....
How you been it has been a minute it seems since you "poked your head in"?

Apr 8, 09 3:18 pm  · 

hey nam.

been good..lurking a bit more than usual. still employed as a consultant...hard to believe i got laid off almost four months ago how time flies. unfortuneately since i've been working again i've had less time off than i'd like to work on what i intended to...but just seems like you have to take what comes your way in this as someone laid off i've been busier than ever. with others calling to ask if i can work for them too...which is nice..just wish there were more hours in every day.

other than that i may have my first curated show in seattle of all places...we'll see. hopefully this year will bring some more art related surprises..who knows.

Apr 8, 09 5:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lars, you want some help with whatever it is you're doing? I've got some free time.

Apr 8, 09 5:13 pm  · 

hey SH.

unfortuneately the work is all for other people and it's all in new york city...if you were here i'd def. make the introduction. right now i'm working on a library project in queens that seems to always be on deadline...and a former coworker has other projects that she's been writing me about... and then there's just a bunch of my own personal art that has been going by the wayside. if i had anything to export i would def be willing.

Apr 8, 09 5:24 pm  · 

i am so glad most of my meals come in liquid form.

Apr 8, 09 7:01 pm  · 

Lars touches on a great point that when the dust settles on this global market reshaping traditional ways of working may really become relics of the past. In favour of multiple smaller jobs, boss/employerless enterprises, multiple headed hydras of consultancy. Going to work may have a variety of meanings. What was the informal job today, will tomorrow be the norm... maybe. Perhaps we are paid not-yet-employed when we leave university; paid for by the taxes of others - then we work to make more $$ and pay for the following generation

Apr 8, 09 7:11 pm  · 

Is that good? While wanted informality is good, not if the norm maybe? As Q quoted Homi Bhaba as saying in his ecourbanism post. Although he wasn't talking (necessarily) about the job(s) market.

Lars, will you give some more details about the show if it comes together?
It would be interesting to see..
Booze? Or juice/smoothies?

Apr 8, 09 7:40 pm  · 

nice to see the lurkers pop back in again ... strawbeary your story made me REALLY appreciate my job --which is a MAJOR feat at the moment. So, thank you for sharing it. I've been in some bad work situations in my time but nothing anywhere near that bad -- so you helped put my experiences in perspective. Not sure that will make you feel better though ... but the good news is, that truly, truly sounds like the worst architecture firm imagineable. The only thing worse would have been if they owed you pay at the same time. So -- look at it this way -- it's usually a WAY better profession than that! You'll get your mojo back I think. We all have a way of getting re-seduced... you come across that one beautiful, elegant project in your town, and you think about what it would be like to be working on it, or for the firm that did it... or you get invited to sit on a jury, and you remember how much fun actual design projects are... etcetera. It sounds like a perfect time for you to take a break though -- you lasted long enough to collect a few extra paychecks, but not so long that it cut into your pregnancy / time with your new baby! Plus, kudos to keeping it together long enough to be laid off rather than fired / quit. That's the one I have trouble with...

Lastly, your comment on actually mouthing off to your boss about the problems was inspiring to me. I have a tendency to put my head down and hold it all in until I hit the breaking point and just walk out the door. Only once did I take a stand -- and it was in my resignation meeting with HR (so, obviously, too late to make my own life better).

Anyways, inspiring stuff...

Apr 8, 09 8:11 pm  · 

Oh SH -- I totally forgot about blue laws! Wow, that sucks. I lived in various cities with blue laws and they are all asinine, it makes no sense at all. How on earth cities / counties still have those laws on the books in 2009 absolutely boggles my mind. For heaven's sakes, the rest of the country is poised to legalize marijuana even... and for the record, those laws ain't just a southern thing...

LB -- I think you missed this earlier -- what podcasts / internet radio do you listen to?? I am desperate for something new.

Apr 8, 09 8:13 pm  · 

In Cleveland you couldn't buy booze on Sunday. I wasn't too sure what to think. But it sure felt awkward

Apr 8, 09 8:22 pm  · 

Yep, that's a common one. Prettttty lame! And I have NEVER understood the distinction between beer & wine v. liquor. It doesn't make any kind of rational sense.

Apr 8, 09 8:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Apr 8, 09 8:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Pennsylvania is like that, too. In order to buy booze, you have to go to one of five state-owned stores in the entire state, which are only open from 7:30 to 8:00 AM on dates that end with prime numbers. Living in Philly, I found it easier to simply cross the bridge into New Jersey, where you could pretty much buy hard liquor from a gas station at high noon on Easter Sunday if you wanted to.

In other news, this evening I decided to head up to Fairway to pick up some coffee. I was already a high-strung bundle of nerves before boarding the crowded subway train... As we approached the next stop, a large guy (possibly homeless, but who knows) got irate with another passenger for some real or perceived slight. This other passenger happened to be a young woman about half his size, but that didn't stop him from violently shoving her aside as he left the train. I broke her fall, but the force of his push almost sent both of us tumbling to the floor. Then, as he left the train, he spat on her. By the time I realized what had happened and my blood began to boil, the doors had already closed and this asshole was on his way. Probably a good thing, because if I had been able to get my hands on that guy, I wouldn't have ended up in the hospital and/or in jail. (The woman was a bit shaken, but was okay otherwise.)

I'm not sure what's going on, but the daily grind has completely worn me down lately, and I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. It's probably been showing on my interactions here on Archinect as well. Things I used to enjoy are no longer enjoyable anymore, and I've been feeling the dark shadows of depression creeping back into my life. I'm way overdue for a vacation to someplace green and peaceful, but unfortunately that's not an option right now.

Apr 8, 09 8:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin

oops.... wouldn't = would

Apr 8, 09 8:53 pm  · 

Funny I was going to post this tractor.... wise minds or fools you choose

Apr 8, 09 8:56 pm  · 

LIG....seriously you need to see Spring just like the rest of us wacked out New was snowing today at my place ..... just those little flurries that don't even stick to the ground.

I drove into Hartford this afternoon in rush hour traffic.. (now I know why I gave that life up). Things were cramming so I jumped off the
interstate and wandered thru some lower end neighborhood but did
finally come to my destination with not much help from my google directions and a map which showed to much general area. I did manage to pull into the parking lot as my phone rang. It was the client asking where I was, and I said sitting in my car right next to you....(I had never met him before). The Building Committee and myself walked the site and existing building. It looks like alot of
project....a bit more than I feel real comfortable chewing off. I think
I will help them with some of the front end stuff and hand the project off to a larger firm. Then again I might just go Jungle on this one and try to find someone who is looking for work and have at it full head and get it done. Thinking some of my old bosses might be looking for a bit of action. Then again who know I might be able to save some archinector's job by tossing work the way of their firm.

Apr 8, 09 9:21 pm  · 

Gin vacation is always an option. It just requires courage or nagging 4 year olds that say they want to go to Disney World. Chin up there's always Atlantic City or Times Square. Sometimes you just need a break from the norm, take the afternoon off tomorrow and go as far north as you can via train, bring a sketch book, leave the coffee. Call a friend and meet up for a real meal on the town....something you miss or maybe something new. Don't welcome depression... the fucker has a hard time leaving when it does

Apr 8, 09 9:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

manta, sorry, I didn't miss your post, but I didn't have anything new to offer except that I also find the Fresh Air site annoying as hell!

I used to listen to The Stranger's Science Podcast but they've been on long hiatus. And RadioLab, did you mention them? And KCRW's DnA.

Lately I've just been listening to (shut your ears, vado) Fleetwood Mac.

Apr 8, 09 10:31 pm  · 
vado retro

what's wrong with fleetwood mac? as long as you do a stevie twirl for me sometime.

Apr 8, 09 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've got no tambourine, so I don't think i can do the twirl.

I thought you didn't like them.

Apr 8, 09 10:53 pm  · 

I am at work and have soooooo much to do. Ugh.

The science podcast & DnA are new to me, lb -- thanks for the tipoff!

Apr 8, 09 11:00 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i like fleetwood mac. wasn't i singin to them on the radio when we drove back from cincy that one time? anyway this is my fave mac tune but i'm in the mood for a girl in doc martens so here's the CoMpRoMiSe! cuz shackin' up is all i want to do.

Apr 8, 09 11:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Magic Man is what you were singing - it was magical ;-)

Apr 9, 09 12:16 am  · 

Speaking of weather, I've been trying to plan this event with my fellow council members for quite some time now, but it looks as if it's going to rain on Friday. Not just rain, 70% chance of THUNDERSTORMS. In LA. I've been here for two years and it finally decides to thunderstorm on the day of my event? The gods of innovation are apparently unhappy with us...

Apr 9, 09 12:18 am  · 

speaking of weather it was perfect here today. Blue skies for most of the morning as i drove along the northern coastal road staring at the majestic blue Caribbean sea, then April showers in the afternoon as I snuggled into bed and played scrabble with the missus 1500 miles away.

Hope that lovely combination of island weather keeps up for the long weekend.

as puddles would say, I AM alive!!

Apr 9, 09 12:27 am  · 
vado retro

isn't magic man fleetwood mac? or is it pat benatar?

Apr 9, 09 12:33 am  · 

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