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vado retro

i remember that you wrote it down. so i put it in my brain "if i ever need the pidgeon angle, lb has it in her notes!"

Apr 15, 09 9:44 am  · 
Ms Beary

TC as a silent dinner party? Neat!

Belly dancing is hard. Us white chicks aren't used to moving our hips, which is precisely why I want to learn, so I can be a hot momma!

Wonderk, my brother is a podiatrist. Do you want me to ask him anything about the toe? Is it infected or what?

Apr 15, 09 9:44 am  · 
liberty bell

I do - it's in my notes, with a sketch even!

And following on Strawbeary's offer and my comment about quantifying messy bodily stuff: DubK, go ahead and talk about your toe. It's certainly not bothering me any!

Apr 15, 09 9:48 am  · 

Hi all.
Big shout out to all the Tcers this morning. I finally finished a book I have been trying to finish for a few weeks last night.
Take that dense theory heavy urbanism book!!!

Also, re: silent dinner party, i remember reading somewhere about a dinner party/event that was all silent and in the dark so that dinners could focus on olfactorial and tactile etc sensations of food. Don't ask me how they managed to get the food to their mouths. Maybe glow in the day forks?

Apr 15, 09 10:35 am  · 
brian buchalski

that sounds like the episode of brett michaels 'rock of love' where they had a date in a pitch black restaurant...except, because it was brett michaels instead of eating everybody just started making out or something like that

Apr 15, 09 10:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I found puddles' link interesting. Makes me wonder if we should revert to the squat method.

And I would also like to learn belly dancing. I'm too self-conscience to do it for real, and my fear of loooking stupid in front of people causes me to intentially act the fool so I'm still in control. Crazy, I know. I KNOW it would help my core issues - body core, not emotional core - though it might help that too. In fact, Strawbearry, you may want to check this out, strengthening the core muscles, especially the transverse abdominal muscle - which acts like a corset around your mid sectino, and holds all your guts in, will help to keep your 6-pack abdominals from splitting during pregnancy, which causes you to have that SEXY mommy paunch after. And crunches and sit-ups make that split worse, so you have to heal it from the inside out.

Apr 15, 09 11:26 am  · 
Ms Beary

I am learning the belly dancing via satellite TV, the FIT channel, so no audience to feel self-conscious in front of. I've never had anything remotely close to a 6 pack, but with all this time on my hands now is a fine time to start.

The belly dancing is great for popping my back and taking the tension out of my midsection. So who cares what I look like doing it? Actually, some of the steps I'm good at, but for others I just move so I can't see myself in the mirror and do them anyways!

Apr 15, 09 11:45 am  · 

I cut back a piece of the cuticle and in its place, MORE is growing back... it looks like a blood blister / extra toe flap. My roommate says it will become an ingrown toenail if iIm not careful, which of course is funny because it was fine earlier. I feel like Claire on Heroes, growing back body parts.

Apr 15, 09 11:57 am  · 

DubK - That really sucks DubK. When did all this start?

SH - So how exactly does one heal a split abdominal muscle?

Is anyone else here the "go to" person for almost any type of question anyone might have? Swear to God, in the past several weeks if anyone has a question I seem to be the one they ask.

Them: "Do you know if we have any blank envelopes?"
Me: "I don't know, you may want to ask (front desk person)"

Them: "Do you think I have a sinus infection?" promptly tells me their symptoms
Me: "I don't know. If it's been going on for more than a few days you may want to call your doctor though"

Them: "Do you know... (enter any random code issue that they could easily look up)?
Me: "It could be...(insert random bit of knowledge I vaguely remember). Have you checked the IBC?"

Seriously folks... and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I guess that's what happens when you tend to store random bits of various information in your brain.

In other news, I had an awesome idea while walking last evening to use vinca minor as a ground cover under my birch tree. I've always liked how it looks and from just observation it looks like it doesn't climb like English Ivy does. Unfortunately when I looked online for more info about it, I found out it's considered an invasive species. WTF?

Apr 15, 09 12:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh no you guys - you know I love all of you but I am really sorely being tempted by this.

Apr 15, 09 1:11 pm  · 

****melt - I had something similar happen to me recently. This is a REAL phone conversation I had today with someone I don't know:

Them: Hello this is *** from the NY office.
Me: Uh, Hi.
Them: I have an issue with this particular application - it doesn't seem to work.
Me: Um, OK. Did you check if that external application was installed properly on that machine?
Them: Yes, I've checked. Can you think of anything else I can do?
Me: I can't really tell you from here without seeing whats going on. This is more of an IT issue though and not something I deal with usually. Did you contact IT?
Them: I am IT!

Apr 15, 09 1:14 pm  · 

liberty, i love that tool, maybe there'll be one for PC?

Apr 15, 09 1:28 pm  · 

*M, I though I was your goto guy!

Try ferns -I'm rather partial to Adiantum:

or if you want to create habitat/food - go for lowbush blueberries (just make sure your soil is acid enough).

on a recent project we had a carpet of Yews - Taxus Cuspidata under birch trees.

Apr 15, 09 1:38 pm  · 

vado, the thisishell website has some interesting links... maybe i'll start listening.

Apr 15, 09 1:51 pm  · 

TK - you are my goto guy but like I said I was wondering around last evening and thought it a brilliant idea. That's great but I need/want something low growing. Ajuga maybe? Right now it's all just mulched... oh hell I'll just email you so as not to bore everyone else.

Slartibart - IT calling you? That's awesome. Fortunately most that's the one thing people found out really fast that I cannot help them with.

Apr 15, 09 2:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, you cant really heal the abs. What happens, and you'll need to picture luscious man-abs for this, is the line that goes down the center of the abs - linea alba - gets stretched, causing the left and right sections to split. Behind the 6-pack section of abdominal muscles is a membrain (basically silverskin, the tough stuff on roasts) that attaches the abs to the transverse. If you pull in the transverse muscle, it will pull the left and right sides of the abs back together, but they never will actually re-fuse. You're stuck strengthening the core muscles, and being careful not to put pointed force on the middle of the 6-pack. The main excersise for this is to pull your belly button into your spine 100 times, and you have to do 10 sets of them. Fun, huh! 85% of women split their abs in pregnancy.

Apr 15, 09 2:42 pm  · 
vado retro

manta they also have a hangover cure every saturday.

lb. that's like a chastity belt for your computer.

Apr 15, 09 2:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my! My sister just emailed me, it seems the star of The Cougar graduated a year behind me from my high school! She doesn't look familiar, though.


And honestly: a 40 year old dating a 20 year old? i don't care what the gender arrangement is: yuck. Just, yuck.

Apr 15, 09 3:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh come on LB, you know you want a young whippersnapper!

Apr 15, 09 4:26 pm  · 
vado retro

oh man i'm missing the tea party at the state house. in other news, apparently injuries from texting while walking are up at indiana university. also, why is it that every time i see a cop driving in their squad car they are talking on a cell phone? how much crime they must be missing.

Apr 15, 09 5:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

I admit I like looking.

But even so, I'd rather look at Brad Pitt's stomach right now than Zac Efron's or the Twilight guy or whoever it is that the tweens like. Honestly, I may think a 20 year old kid is cute but that's what he is: a kid and that's how I'm going to approach him: as a mother/mentor/friend. Not anything else. Ick.

And no, I won't be watching the show.

Apr 15, 09 5:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Frickin' frackin' grumblely mumblely damn. Cabinets are too big. My fault.

Drywall, trim, floor tile, all ef'd up. Damn.

Apr 15, 09 6:08 pm  · 
vado retro

LB sorry I missed your call. I was actually doing something! Hey I thought of you though when I was at Yats. They were playing Zeppelin! I could have reverse cougared the girl that waited on me just because of her beatle boots!

Apr 15, 09 8:45 pm  · 

SH - Okay I've done like 20 of those and I'm already feeling it.. I can't imagine doing 300 of them.

Apr 15, 09 9:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

you mean 1000!

Apr 15, 09 9:14 pm  · 

Oh geez. Hell no. I'll start with one rep :o)

Apr 15, 09 9:17 pm  · 

Sometimes, I really f$%&ing hate Los Angeles.

Apr 16, 09 12:50 am  · 

Ok, I'm calmer now. But the above statement still applies.

Tomorrow I'm going to the health center regarding the Toe Situation. I'll report back. It really fracking hurts now, too. (that was for lb...)

Apr 16, 09 2:48 am  · 

Sounds like it might be infected or have be turning into an ingrown?

Also, I was surprised for some reason that we had teabaggers in front of city hall yesterday afternoon.

What was funny is they were right across from the farmers market in the downtown plaza...
Not sure why but thought that was a funny juxtaposition.

Apr 16, 09 8:51 am  · 
liberty bell

I can't think about the whole teabag thing now without being reminded of the sign a counter-protestor was carrying in Seattle yesterday: "I shaved my balls for this?"

Apr 16, 09 8:56 am  · 
vado retro

Mommy, what's teabagging mean?

Apr 16, 09 8:58 am  · 
Ms Beary

Sarah, those exercises make me nauseous, but I will try them again later.

There was a girl in my high school who's nickname was T-bag.

WonderK, I will ask about the toe if I see my brother on-line today. Sounds like it is infected. They might give you an Rx and/or care regimen.

Apr 16, 09 10:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

Ingrown toenails are a pain in the ass... I had major problems with them in middle school and high school, and I must have gone in for surgery at least a half-dozen times. The podiatrist finally solved the problem by removing the nails and killing the nail beds on both big toes. To this day I don't have nails on either big toe.

On a happier topic, This coming Saturday is forecast to be 71 and sunny, I just got paid, and I don't have any obligations that day. So I'm thinking about taking a ay trip outside the city, either via rental car or by train. Some options I'm mulling:

Commuter train to Philadelphia (I used to live there, and it's been a long time since I've been back.)
Amtrak to Boston (I've never actually seen Boston or GSD while school is in session)
Rental car or Metro North to New Haven (same with Yale)
Amtrak to Washington, DC
Rental car to somewhere upstate. (Any good destinations within a couple hours of NYC?)

Apr 16, 09 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

you know who has nice feet? me. that's who.

Apr 16, 09 10:30 am  · 

proof vado, proof.

Apr 16, 09 10:49 am  · 
"I shaved my balls for this?"

Jesus mary and joseph, that's HILARIOUS!!! Why didn't I see that!?! Amazing!

Gin, I vote Philadelphia, but I'm biased, because I love it so.

Off to tend to the WonderToe......

Apr 16, 09 12:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

You can see the sign here, DubK. Sadly you will also see there that one of the Seattle teabagger organizers calls herself "Liberty Belle". Ignorant twat. Oh sorry, did I say that out loud? ;-)

Apr 16, 09 12:41 pm  · 

LIG If you go to New Haven go visit the British Museum by Louis Kahn. They have recently done a major overhaul of the building trying to get it back to its original state on the inside. I guess over the years a number of art museum directors have messed with the insides because of the egos. Ruldoph's Architecture school is close by and who know you might bump into "Susan Surface" I'm sure she is knocking around there someplace. You might even want to take in one of the State Parks along the shore line, just to say you have made it to the Beach this year. Other hand.....I would go to the Dia Museum in Beacon just to escape the city.

Apr 16, 09 1:17 pm  · 
"Ignorant Twat"

That will be the name of my new band. Vado are you in?

Apr 16, 09 1:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just made a rental car reservation, and I'm leaning towards heading up to the Kingston / Woodstock area in the Catskills. It has the virtue of being someplace I haven't been before (unlike all the other places on my list), and I have a couple friends who spend time there and who seem to like the area. Any specific attractions up there I should check out?

I'll probably also stop at IKEA on the way back and pick up a new dresser... My last one didn't survive the move from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

Apr 16, 09 1:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

dia beacon (and the train ride up along hudson) are an awesome escape fromt the city...although proabably better for an afternoon jaunt than an entire weekend.

how this for crazy? i haven't drank any alcohol since monday's so strange going to bed sober at night. probably won't last much longer, but it's kind of an out-of-body experience for me at the moment.

Apr 16, 09 1:41 pm  · 

LIG...have a grand time...I have to meet up with clients on late Saturday afternoon for work. Least it will be a nice day overlooking the lake without any speed boats racing by.

Apr 16, 09 1:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, as promised, although its been a long time coming...

A photo of my 'new' hair.

Apr 16, 09 2:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, the striped hair with the striped top - awesome!!!!!

That's temporary hair, right? As in a wig? If it's permanent, I'd suggest coloring your eyebrows darker too. Or is that too old lady of me?

Apr 16, 09 2:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its a wig. My hair would never do that; its too curly. It has a mind of its own.

Apr 16, 09 2:58 pm  · 

Nice hair SH.....

Apr 16, 09 3:36 pm  · 

HA LB!!! I was going to say the exact same thing about both the shirt and the eyebrows.

Did you put the red in yourself or did it come that way? It looks awesome SH, especially with the shirt.

Apr 16, 09 3:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It came that way. The trip to the wig shop was comical, really. The owner was the seller, and was a man. Plus, I still thought the wig idea was a bit crazy, and I was nervous about the whole thing, and then I couldn't describe what i wanted, and he had all these 'old-lady' hair styles, and then there was this one, that was cheap, and hip. Who knew! Certainly does make you feel differently about yourself. Its like being a whole different person. Makes me wonder how actors ever know who they really are, and that they just arent acting who they think they might be. Too deep?

Apr 16, 09 4:05 pm  · 
vado retro

I think the hair looks AWESOME! I have a shirt that's striped like that. I am going out and getting f'd up tonight.

Apr 16, 09 5:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Has gmail been pretty much non-functional for anyone for the last few days?

Apr 16, 09 5:11 pm  · 

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