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Sarah Hamilton

I thought it was Heart. Its definately NOT fleetwood Mac.

Yesterday was nice here too; high 70s! I laid out to get some vitD. Today is suppose to be equally nice, but it looks Arizona windy outside.

Apr 9, 09 8:07 am  · 

heart, indeed.

Apr 9, 09 8:20 am  · 

Funny LB - I've been listening to Fleetwood Mac lately too. Stevie Nicks has the greatest voice.

LIG - I agree full heartily with what Atechno says. It sounds like you could use a day off and I think taking a day trip out of the city would for you some good. Sometimes we all need a break from the monotony of our daily lives. I bet even sitting in the sun in Central Park would do some good. After all, I heard a report that pretty much every American is Vitamin D deficient. Get out there and raise your spirits.

HI SW, LARSLARSON and BEARY!!! Nice to see you here.

Lars - I too am excited about your exhibit. You'll have to let us know more as the details arise. I think your work is amazing.

Apr 9, 09 8:45 am  · 

LIG, sounds like you are falling in love with NYC! Congrats!

two protein drinks a day, one for breakfast, one for lunch, then vegetarian for dinner. oh, and coffee, coffee, coffee......

Apr 9, 09 9:48 am  · 

Gin maybe you should take the train up to Beacon New York and go visit the Dia Museum. It is a nice train ride, the town is kinda funky and of course there is the train ride along the Hudson. If it is a nice day you could do a bit of a walk about. The Museum is way to cool.
250,000 sf of big installations.

Apr 9, 09 10:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

If I took a day off anytime soon I fear I'd soon join the ranks of the unemployed and then I'd really be up shit creek. I'll consider myself lucky if i can leave the office an hour early tonight and tomorrow for Holy Week services at a nearby church. This weekend is completely booked because of Easter, but maybe I'll be able to go somewhere next Saturday. Beacon sounds interesting.

I've been down this road before... When I lived in NYC the first time in 2004, I quickly became burned out and often felt like I was trapped on a small island with a million other people who annoy the living shit out of me. Since discovering I have Asperger's last year, I've found that many people on the autism spectrum have extreme sensitivity to noise, and are very protective of their personal space... Those are big issues for me as well, but I wasn't able to connect the dots until I realized what the underlying condition was.

When I moved back here in 2007, I promised myself that I'd make a point to take a day trip outside the city at least once a month, and weekend trips to other locales as often as I could. Unfortunately, that idea has turned out to be easier said than done. The train only goes so many places, and renting a car in NYC is incredibly expensive... And then you sit in traffic for two hours. Living in large cities like NYC and Chicago, I've discovered that no matter where I feel like going to get away from it all, it seems like a few thousand other people all have the same idea.

Back in Chicago, one of my favorite stress-relief exercises was to drive down to Joliet via Archer Avenue along the old Illinois and Michigan Canal corridor. It was one of the precious few routes out of the city that wasn't riddled with sprawl, and about the only place within a hundred miles where the topography isn't pancake-flat. (With the I-355 extension through the area now complete, I fear its sprawl-free days are numbered.) In some ways it reminded me a little bit of Kentucky 8 along the Ohio River... Driving eastbound from Cincinnati, the scenery goes from urban to rural in about five minutes.

Once in Joliet, I'd sometimes sit on a bench at the train station and watch the freight trains rumble through town. If I got bored driving to Joliet, I'd find some other territory in which to drive around aimlessly. I know it's not terribly "green" for me to say so, but I really miss having a car, and I don't think I realized how important those quick toad trips were to my sanity until I sold my Jeep and became dependent on the subway.

I was hoping to spend a couple weeks in the UK this summer, but now that's not looking like a viable option because of finances, class schedules, and project deadlines. Instead, I may spend a week or so in Cincinnati as soon as I can afford it and can arrange to take time off, and then maybe a week in the Pacific Northwest sometime in the late fall. (I'll be an uncle by then, with my sister in Olympia, WA giving birth to a son pretty soon.)

I just need to keep it together until then....

Apr 9, 09 10:34 am  · 
Living in Gin

In happier news, I hope everybody caught Cameron Sinclair's article in the Huffington Post. Preach it, Cameron.

Apr 9, 09 10:43 am  · 
vado retro

I was looking for a clip of Nancy Wilson(of Heart not Fleetwood Mac, I was kidding) as the hot woman in the sports car who pulls up next to pirate outfit dressed Judge Reinhold in Fast Times At Ridgemont High, but Youtube is really getting cluttered with "content" especially in regard to films. Look for a relavent (at least to me) clip of a film and there will 100 homemade versions that are done by wannabe actors, for school projects, as tributes, etc. i don't know if it s good or bad.

Apr 9, 09 10:57 am  · 

Are you doing ti for your health? On a diet, etc?

Just curious.. Although sounds if you are enjoying it..

Apr 9, 09 11:00 am  · 

nam, it's a life decision. i do enjoy it, the simplicity of it, the almost reversion to an infant-like existence; where formula is enough to sustain.

i want to play a bit of devils advocate about Cameron's piece, i just think there's a bit of false dichotomy being played out in architecture, and Zaha is simply in a no-win position.

Apr 9, 09 11:10 am  · 

LIG - Is there a second page to that article or does it end somewhat abruptly?

Apr 9, 09 11:16 am  · 
Living in Gin

I thought the ending seemed a little abrupt as well... I didn't see a link to a second page.

Apr 9, 09 11:18 am  · 
vado retro

diane rehm just read my email! but she didn't say my name :(

Apr 9, 09 12:00 pm  · 

nam and melt

as things get closer and come together i'll def let y'all know what's going on with the exhibition...and hopefully others here in nyc.

glad you like the work...i know it's a crazy downturn in the economy and everything..but if you're interesting in owning i sell my work for anywhere between $100-$400 which i think is pretty reasonable..but i know that money is tight for all.

anyway..thanks for the interest.

Apr 9, 09 1:47 pm  · 

Lars I have need of your services.... because those are reasonable prices for such beautiful works. Sometimes I wished I owned an art gallery...

In other news, like Beta I've been on a health kick. I haven't had booze, flesh or coffee for a couple days. (Odd feels like I said this before....anyway I digress). Well no coffee was turning me into a grouch so I had to relinquish yesterday...

Apr 9, 09 3:00 pm  · 
vado retro

i lost eleven pounds! mostly no sugar (except brown sugar in my oatmeal) and no booze.

Apr 9, 09 3:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

vado, didn't you lose like 50 lb a little while ago?

Apr 9, 09 3:37 pm  · 
vado retro

i lost about twenty five and then gained ten or so back. i should weigh aobut 175 tops. i have a delicate bone structure.

Apr 9, 09 3:48 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Oh. I knew it was a good bit. But in the elusive Vado Retro pics, you looked pretty slim so I was wondering how you had 11 more to lose.

I lost 50...and gained back 20. It's miserable. I think I might switch to the Beta eating regimen.

Apr 9, 09 3:57 pm  · 

this afternoon's excitement in the office - the person trying to defrost the fridge just punctured the cooling coil and now we're getting our dose of chlorofluorocarbons (and destroying the ozone layer). At least I have a window to open for fresh air.

Apr 9, 09 4:06 pm  · 
vado retro

when i lived in boston my roomate did that to the freezer. we noticed that the neighbors in the house next door moved out. so, two of my roomates took the f'd frige and put in on this two wheeler we had (cuz there was a rock band with amps you see) and wheeled it over to the empty house and brought back the working frig.

Apr 9, 09 4:44 pm  · 

As a female - and I think that this is another way that females are different from males, but ladies, correct me if I'm wrong - I love to eat. So I have a hard time understanding how beta can stay on such a regimen, and how the notion of enjoying food is so easily tossed aside. I've talked to several guys lately who proclaimed "eating is such a chore, sometimes I forget to do it." WHA?!? I just don't experience that at all. Maybe I'll never be stick thin, but I'd rather enjoy my food and have a "renaissance figure" than forgo food entirely.

Apr 9, 09 4:51 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I concur wholeheartedly, WK! But my other health issues make my love of food into more of a love hate relationship.

Apr 9, 09 4:58 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

In all honesty, I'd probably only last four hours on the Beta regimen.

Apr 9, 09 4:59 pm  · 

Um, I'm not female and I wouldn't be able to sustain that kind of diet for a single day. I like to enjoy my food. I'm one cheap bastard, but I'll spend money on a nice meal.

While I'm writing on TC, I wanted to share my pathetic story of how I'm working on a handicap accessible bathroom today. I've been working at a structural E/A firm and haven't done any architectural work for a while now. But with this little tiny irrelevant bathroom, it reminded me of how much I want to go back to the architectural side. Even with all the complex structural models, high profile projects and possibility of upward mobility, it didn't resonate with the side of me that wanted to deal with how everyday people interact with and are affected by what architects design. Sigh... I wonder when I can go back to architecture.

Apr 9, 09 5:24 pm  · 

wonderk - I wonder if it's just an american thing. I'm male, and I love to eat, but I've found that most other men I've met who are as into food as I am are typically from another country.

IMHO - food is one of life's great pleasures - why deny yourself pleasure in something so basic? we all need to eat - why not enjoy it? life is too short to be miserable for most of it.

Apr 9, 09 5:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i definitely find eating to be a chore. that's why i don't'd just be twice as much work for me. thankfully most of my bars serve some food or else i wouldn't just be a drunk...i'd be a dead drunk by now

Apr 9, 09 5:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

although, oddly enough, i'm rather hungry at this particular moment.

Apr 9, 09 5:33 pm  · 

Wonder K - I love food. I love to cook it. I love to eat it. I love to sit and watch my friends eat the food I've prepared. On this subject one of my co-lecturers a british artist that's called Jamaica his home for the last 30+ year recently said in conversation, painting is like cooking, you but the ingredients and thought in and poop you get a meal. But architecture.... whoooa it's like a banquet

Apr 9, 09 6:09 pm  · 
vado retro

just walked to the grocery store with my little green cloth bag. bought a few things walked back total time 45 minutes including stopping to pet three dogs.

Apr 9, 09 6:18 pm  · 

Awww, you got to pet three dogs. I'm envious.

I love food too, although I do remember when I was younger it used to be a chore to eat b/c of how much I would have to consume just to keep me going. Unfortunately that's no longer the case, but I am not really one to snack. I only eat when I'm hungry, and usually I'll try to drink something first to make sure it's not thirst masking as hunger (which I've heard is the case). I've also recently read that women are less able to conrtol their hunger. Very interesting.

As for cooking. I love it, but only when I can cook for someone else.

Apr 9, 09 7:45 pm  · 

Yay for food lovers!

Apr 9, 09 8:32 pm  · 

On a side note, I'm having a helluva lot of fun with Lebowski Day on Facebook, LOL.

Apr 9, 09 8:35 pm  · 
vado retro

and proud we are achiever!

Apr 9, 09 8:41 pm  · 

I need a good reason to not go adjunct next year...

any suggestions?

Apr 9, 09 9:03 pm  · 

Dumb question TK - but why don't you want to go adjunct next year?

Apr 9, 09 9:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Food is a huge sensual pleasure of mine. I had a friend in grad school tell me he wished he didn't have to waste time eating. I felt so sorry for him.

It's kind of funny watching my body change as I get older and seeing how I can't handle food the way I used to be able to. I can't eat as much, and I can't eat as much without putting on weight. Bodies are amazing.

Met with a potential new client today. I don't think they have a lot of budget, but their house is a super-cool MidCenMod and they are a super-cool design-savvy young couple. And we made contact through my favorite contractor. Could be a match made in heaven! So tonight I'm writing an outline proposal/scope of services document for them.

Apr 9, 09 9:28 pm  · 

LB, good luck - even if this remodel isn't big buck, super groovey clients are worth keeping!

*m, I can't think of anything that would be better.

Apr 9, 09 9:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I would THINK that if you are NOT adjunct, you would have more time at home, with your star-shooter! But, I could be wrong. I may not understand it right.

I love to cook aslo, but you guys probably knew that. We're doing a poker night on Saturday, and well, since we're poor, I'm making pizza from scratch, with summer sausage on it - because its what we have. And you know what, inviting people over is a great way to get free beer!

Apr 9, 09 9:45 pm  · 

I would rather have pizza from scratch. It is better cooking, period. My two sense.

Also the owl who lives in my neighborhood just started hooting.

And my mother recently said "I don't trust anyone who doesn't like cooking/eating"..

Nite all.

Apr 9, 09 10:19 pm  · 

Pizza from scratch is the shiz-nit SH!!! I'm actually quite jealous of your friends

OK - Am I the last person to find out about this? I feel as though I've been living under a rock or something.

Apr 9, 09 10:28 pm  · 

Oh and Nam.... How is you mom? Didn't you say she was "visiting" your hospital to have some tests done? Very concerning. Hope everything is okay.

Peace out... time for some shut eye.

Apr 9, 09 10:32 pm  · 
vado retro

don't let your cat or small dog out. mr. owl will eat it. that'll be the last time Levi ever wears a tie.

Apr 9, 09 10:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, melt. You've brought up my favorite obsession, the Palin family drama. You know, Dan Savage predicted back in October hat they would never get married if Obama won the election!

Apr 9, 09 10:38 pm  · 

Food and I used to be friends, then we became enemies and then food kicked my ass to the curb. Now, after nearly 4 years, I have beaten the mutha fuck out of food. I tamed it and now we have a truce.

Apr 9, 09 10:39 pm  · 

i LOVE TO cook But my WIFE IS A KILLER i do french toast....she loves it cause it is the start of her day!

Apr 9, 09 10:57 pm  · 

Another gift from the conservatives: teabagging. The hilarity never ends..."Well who wouldn't want to teabag John McCain?" HA!

Apr 10, 09 3:31 am  · 

re: eating/not eating. i'm on both sides of this one. i LOVE to eat good food. i'll eat a lot of it. actually, if i'm in the mood for it, i also love to eat crappy, greasy food.

but if i'm not inspired by anything i hear about or see, i can also forgo food entirely - it just doesn't interest me sometimes.

i've also been known to forget to eat for a whole day. if i'm into something, i just can't be bothered or don't think about it at all.

but i'll still have my popsicle before bed, as long as i'm home.

Apr 10, 09 8:23 am  · 

by the way, i recently found an amazing new restaurant - completely randomly. driving from williamsburg va to smithfield va, i called my mother and asked her if she knew of anything in the newport news area that might be good, not a chain. she told me she had heard of a little place called 'cre/ate bistro' but hadn't been there...

we pulled into this place, it looked like a former plywood-sided diner that had gotten fresh paint. most amazing food ever. it almost didn't matter what you ordered because what you got was going to be NOTHING like what you might have expected it to be. it was like they reinvented everything while simultaneously maintaining the discrete flavors of the original ingredients. this place should be famous. if you're driving through newport news va, you should go.

Apr 10, 09 8:27 am  · 

SW - I'm prone to forgetting to eat too, if I'm really into something. Even more dangerous, sometimes I forget to hydrate. Whoops!!!

Apr 10, 09 8:28 am  · 

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